
Incest- Detention (Tia&Luna) by Frostybox

Oct 8th, 2016
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  1. >”And now if you take the exponent and-“
  2. >Blah blah.
  3. >Math is so boring, at least once you get the concept.
  4. >Hmm…
  5. >Maybe it’s better to say math CLASS is boring.
  6. >She repeats the same ‘new’ concept over and over with the hopes that some of the slackers will catch on.
  7. >They won’t.
  8. >And during all this wasted time you, and a couple of others in class just stare at the clock and wait for the bell to ring.
  9. >Only half way through.
  10. >*Bzz biz*
  11. >You quirk a brow.
  12. >A text.
  13. >You wait for miss Theorem to turn around and draw yet another example on the board before slipping your phone out of your pocket.
  14. >Being the principal’s son usually meant you got treated ‘just like everyone else’.
  15. >Which actually meant, front row seating, best portions of food from the cafeteria-
  16. >You could go on, but instead you tuck the phone into the small gap the front cover of your textbook makes when it’s open on your desk.
  17. >You press a button to wake it up.
  18. >Your eyes immediately go to the notification banner at the top of the phone.
  19. >One new message from Mom.
  20. >Mom?
  21. >That’s… strange.
  22. >She would get on you for using your phone in the halls if she saw you.
  23. >She definitely wouldn’t text you in class.
  24. >Unless…
  25. >You quickly, but unnoticeably, unlock your phone and go to your messenger app.
  26. >Mom’s name is at the top of the list with an unread mark on it.
  27. >On the same banner you can see the phrase 'multimedia message'.
  28. >You feel even more confused and slightly concerned as you tap it.
  29. >A rectangular outline pops up with a loading circle in the center of it.
  30. >C’mon.
  31. >C’mon…
  32. >Your signal here is terrible.
  33. >Finally it loads.
  34. >Your jaw drops and everything on your desk nearly does too as your hands recoil back come to your chest.
  35. >”Anonymous?”
  36. >Your eyes dart over to Miss Theorem.
  37. >She’s a little older than your mom.
  38. “Guh- buh…”
  39. >The supple curves on her body and healthy smooth skin being shown to you as she walks closer in just her under wear is-
  40. >”Are you alright?”
  41. >You blinked and Miss Theorem is standing in front of you wearing her regular teacher clothes now.
  42. “Fine! Uh… cramp. That’s all” you respond, rubbing your shoulder and wincing.
  43. >You get some giggles from a few people in the class and Miss Theorem returns to the lesson.
  44. >You slowly return to your phone, keeping your eyes shut tightly and taking a moment before peeking out with only one eye.
  45. >You catch a glimpse of her legs at the bottom of your screen and shut them tightly again.
  46. >It does you no good this time.
  47. >The image of her is burned into your mind.
  48. >Her hips.
  49. >Her... chest.
  50. >Those same lips that kissed you in the parking lot this morning are…
  51. >And that message.
  52. >She wrote it on with a finger trying to make it look like a Chatsnap.
  53. >'C U N Detention’
  54. >You can feel yourself becoming sick.
  55. >She must be… mocking something she saw in another girl’s phone she confiscated right?
  56. >Either that your you are going to murder that new Latin teacher.
  57. >You’ve seen them talking.
  58. >Either way you can’t just ignore this.
  59. >You type up a response.
  60. [Really funny mom, was this like someone’s background image or something?]
  61. >[It could be yours if you want it to be honey]
  62. >What?
  63. [Uh…]
  64. >[Do you not like it?]
  65. >You stare at the screen in utter disbelief.
  66. >
  67. [Mom… MOM. It’s me, Anon. Would’ve thought you’d gotten that from the first message. I think you’re sending all this to the wrong person]
  68. >You really hope.
  69. >If that fucking Latin teacher is calling her-
  70. >You shudder.
  71. >Mom or Momma or some other shit like that you are absolutely going to plant some girl’s panties on him.
  72. >Maybe one of the new girls’.
  73. >Garner them some sympathy and help them fit better into the school.
  74. >Not like it seems they need it, those three sis-
  75. >Your phone buzzes.
  76. >You look down.
  77. >It’s another picture.
  78. >A close up of Mom’s face.
  79. >Her eyes are half-lidded with a finger held between her teeth.
  80. >Her lips are all shiny and plump.
  81. >You can catch just a glimpse of her chest at the bottom of the image.
  82. >Once again she has written a message in.
  83. >’Are you sure I did sweetie?”
  84. >What?
  85. >This is…
  86. >WHAT?
  87. >Your heart is racing but your brain is crawling, trying to make sense of this.
  88. >You quickly back out of the conversation with mom.
  89. >The list of your recent conversations stares back at you.
  90. >In the middle of the list with the last text you got from her, ‘Pizza or Chinese?’ referring to dinner two nights ago when it was supposed to be her turn to cook, Aunt Luna could help here.
  91. >You go back to the conversation with mom and screenshot it then tap the conversation with Aunt Luna and send it to her.
  92. >You follow that up with another message.
  93. [Auntie, I think there’s something wrong with Mom. Has she been sending you weird stuff like this too?]
  94. >You fidget nervously in your seat while you wait for your Aunt’s response.
  95. >Your phone buzzes.
  96. >[What do you think you’re doing?]
  97. >What?
  98. >[You should be in the middle of your math class right now and you’re texting?!]
  99. >Oh come ON!
  100. >You furiously tap back a response.
  101. [Auntie REALLY? That’s what you’re concerned with? Just look at what mom is sending!]
  102. >[Concerned with my handsome nephew’s education and his lack of respect for the hard work of his teacher? I can think of nothing more important to concern myself with]
  103. >She cannot be serious.
  104. [Auntie, seriously. Zoom in on the picture, look at what she sent me!]
  105. >You sit there and wait for her response.
  106. >Not too long after, you do, though it’s not the one you wanted.
  107. >”Excuse me for interrupting. Anonymous, please come with me. Bring your things.”
  108. >Aunt Luna is standing at the door with a firm look on her face.
  109. >The rest of the class is now whispering amongst themselves while Miss Theorem is trying to settle them down.
  110. >You shoot Auntie a pleading look but she does not change expression.
  111. >You quickly gather your stuff and walk over to her.
  112. >She steps back and lets you walk through the the door.
  113. >It shuts behind you and she places a firm hand on your shoulder.
  114. “Auntie-“
  115. >”Do not speak Anonymous.” she responds firmly, “After Blueblood I swore never to have you turn out to be a delinquent like him. We were too soft on him, I will not afford you the same leniency Anonymous, I love you too much to allow it. You must be punished.”
  116. >She leads you down a hall and towards the back corner of the school nobody uses.
  117. “For texting?! Auntie-“
  118. >She silences you by firmly pinching your lips shut using the hand that was on your shoulder.
  119. >In so doing however she has pulled you in closer.
  120. >Your shoulder is digging into her chest.
  121. >She takes in a sharp breath before coming to a stop in front of an empty classroom.
  122. >Auntie opens the door and leads you inside, still holding you firmly.
  123. >Beside the door and out of view from the door's window stands mom, still dressed only in her underwear.
  124. >Your eyes widen and you struggle to get free.
  125. >Aunt Luna releases you before locking the door behind her and drawing the blind over the window.
  126. >You step back, confused.
  127. “Auntie, wh-what is this…”
  128. >Aunt Luna ignores your question, instead reaching down and taking a yardstick from the rack under the whiteboard.
  129. >She flicks her wrist and points the end directly into the center of your chest.
  130. >”I told you Anonymous-“ she jabs you with the stick.
  131. >You. Need. To. Be…” She jabs you with each word, traveling lower and lower each time.
  132. >She hovers the end over your crotch.
  133. >”Punished~” she growls, dropping the yardstick low and brining it up to gently tap under the crotch of your pants.
  134. >You jump back a little at the sensation, colliding into something in the process.
  135. >A pair of hands slip under your arms and slowly travel around your sides and up your torso until they gently grasp at your chest.
  136. >You tense up immediately.
  137. >Fingernails dig into your shirt.
  138. >You feel hair brushing along your ear followed by a hot breath.
  139. >”Now Lulu…” Mom’s gentle voice tickles at your ear, “There’s no need to be so strict with my darling boy~” she growls the last two words, “Why I find that he responds MUCH better to positive reinforcement now~”
  140. >She releases your chest and slowly trails her hands down your body.
  141. >The tips of her fingers brush over the crotch of your pants.
  142. >Over the bulge you didn’t realize was forming.
  143. >Your body shudders from the contact, even as faint as it was.
  144. >Mom giggles sweetly, “See sis? Anonymous is not a child anymore… are you sweetie?” she coos.
  145. >She uses the palm of her hand now, gently grinding it against your crotch.
  146. >”No, you’re becoming mommy's big… strong… young man, aren’t you?”
  147. >You close your eyes from the awkward pleasure radiating through your body.
  148. >”I see.” Auntie responds.
  149. >You open your eyes and see her starting to undress.
  150. >Her shirt is almost unbuttoned.
  151. >Her chest isn’t nearly as big is mom’s but her body is more toned.
  152. >She tosses her shirt aside and starts working on her skirt.
  153. >”No, Lulu” mom commands, making auntie stop partway.
  154. >She turns to you both over her shoulder, “Celly?”
  155. >”Leave it on…” she growls.
  156. >Auntie looks from mom over to you.
  157. >You can see her face in your periphery, but your eyes are entirely focused on the curve hidden beneath the thin cloth of her skirt.
  158. >Auntie’s hands travel down from the waist of the skirt to the hem and then lower.
  159. >They slip in-between her thighs and slowly travel back up, pulling the skirt up and revealing midnight blue lacy panties.
  160. >Mom releases you and walks over to Auntie.
  161. >They both turn and face you together.
  162. >”Well Anonymous?”
  163. >”Are you read for detention?”
  164. >They speak almost in synch with each other.
  165. >And for just a brief moment, you think the lights flickered.
  166. >Their eyes seemed to shine green.
  167. >You swallow as you look at mom and Auntie.
  169. >You sit up on the corner of the desk exhausted and reeking of sweat and sex.
  170. >Mom is resting with her upper body on the other end of the desk and her legs dangling down still like you left her.
  171. >Theres a faint drip coming from that end of the desk from the fluid pooling between her legs.
  172. >Auntie is splayed out in the teacher’s chair, legs still spread wide and with streaks of white traveling from her bush up to her left breast.
  173. >You don’t know how many times the bell rang during, there’s no clock in this unused classroom and your phone is in your pants somewhere across the room.
  174. >You’re pretty sure school is out by now though.
  175. >Just as you’re about to go looking for your pants, you hear the doorknob rattle.
  176. >Maybe you were wrong about school being out.
  177. >Panic sets in and you scramble for what to do.
  178. >Even if you get dressed, there’s still the matter of mom and auntie.
  179. >You are paralyzed with indecision, but thankfully the door only rattles.
  180. >You remember Auntie locked it before everything started.
  181. >Just gotta stay quiet then, and hope it’s not a janitor with a key.
  182. >”on-“
  183. >You hear voices on the other side, feminine ones.
  184. >You strain to listen better.
  185. >”-pen... with -agic. Need… -uff from in there.”
  186. >The handle rattles and seems to catch the light funny.
  187. >It’s almost like it’s glowing red-
  188. >*click*
  189. >The glow travelled to the lock and turned on it’s own...
  190. >Shit!
  191. >You act on instinct and throw your hands over your crotch just as three girls walk in.
  192. >Their eyes widen, jaws all drop and you hear them gasp.
  193. >They look from you, over to mom and auntie, then back again.
  194. >They all cover their mouths and giggle.
  195. >What?
  196. >”My goodness, well it seems that little performance we gave those two had some… unintended effects” coos the one in the middle.
  197. >The one with blue hair, Sonata you think, giggles, “Yeah, and it looks like we made a real ‘fighter’ with the cafeteria spell too huh?"
  198. >The one opposite her, Airy or something, huffs but slowly her scowl becomes a coy smile, “Hmm, you know Sonata you might be onto something…”
  199. >She starts walking closer to you, “Why don’t we see what kind of weapon you’re swing-“
  200. >You bat her hand away and take a couple of steps back.
  201. “Wh-what the hell do you think you’re doing?!” you hiss.
  202. >The girls all stand there, shocked.
  203. >”Sonata, get the door!”
  204. >Sonata makes a brief salute before bounding over to the door and slamming it shut and locking it.
  205. >She spins around and walks back to join her sisters
  206. >All three of them stand together in unison before you.
  207. >You stand there tensed and ready to act on the very next thing they do.
  208. >Then you hear humming.
  209. >Soft at first, but slowly it gets louder.
  210. >They open their mouths in unison and begin to hold a tune together.
  211. >You wince at how terrible it sounds.
  212. >They keep alternating sounds that just clash horribly together.
  213. “Aah! Stop! You all sound terrible!” You shout trying to huddle away from them.
  214. >They do stop.
  215. >”Adagio?” you head Sonata whisper.
  216. >”I… I don’t understand” she responds back.
  217. >A gentle pressure rests against your chest then quickly forces you back.
  218. >Through shut eyes you stumble back until your back collides with the wall.
  219. >Blinking them open you find yourself face to face with the Airy girl.
  220. >A fierce scowl on her face, “What kind of magic are you using?!” she spits at you.
  221. “M-magic? I- I don’t know-“
  222. >She digs her forearm into your chest again, “Don’t play dumb with me, spill!”
  223. >”Aria” Adagio rests a hand on her shoulder and pulls her back slightly, “Relax. You heard him didn’t you? He said we sounded terrible.”
  224. >The girl, Aria apparently, turns to face her sister, “So?” she huffs.
  225. >Adagio smiles, “So, there’s no magic involved here…”
  226. >She turns to face you, “You’re tone deaf aren’t you?”
  227. “Yeah, s-so what?”
  228. >Aria releases you and steps back to join he sisters.
  229. >Adagio steps forward and places a hand to your chin.
  230. >She raises you head to look her in the eyes, “So nothing. Don’t you worry a single hair on that handsome head of yours.”
  231. >She steps back and pulls out her phone.
  232. >You start walking over to her.
  233. “H-hey, what are you doing?”
  234. >You hear clicks and see a couple of flashes.
  235. >Aria stops you from getting much closer.
  236. >”Oh nothing, just a little security that I hope I won’t need to use.”
  237. >Sonata has hoisted up three satchels that were tucked into the back of the room and is back over to you all with them, “Alrighty Adagi, I got ‘em.”
  238. >”Good.” Adagio responds.
  239. >She turns to face you, “Now, as for you, I think we could make good use of someone like you…”
  240. >Her eyes scan over your body.
  241. >You immediately return your hands over your crotch.
  242. “Make use? What exactly do you mean by that?”
  243. >”For now? Nothing.”
  244. “For now?”
  245. >She chuckles, “Let’s just say that if you can keep your lips shut about us, you can keep those-“ she nods to mom and auntie, “-lips open for you. Sounds good doesn’t it?”
  246. >You are still with conflicted feelings.
  247. >”Good. We’ll be in touch when we… need you.”
  248. >With that Adagio and Aria turn around and start walking to the door.
  249. >Sonata bounces over to you she beams a smile at you and holds out a finger.
  250. >Slowly she brings it close and prods your chest, “Touch.” she chips.
  251. >”Sonata!” Adagio calls over her shoulder.
  252. >She quickly leans in and whispers into your ear, “I hope we get to needing you soon~” before spinning on her heel, “Coming!” she calls back before rushing to join her sisters.
  253. >You take in a deep breath and wonder just what exactly has happened.
  255. That's all.
  256. Or is it?
  258. At Home
  260. >So now what?
  261. >Your mom and Auntie are under some kind of… mind control?
  262. >For the most part they act totally normal.
  263. >But it seems that when they get even the slightest urge, they immediately seek you out.
  264. >Then once all’s said and done, they eventually go back to normal and don’t even mention it until the next time comes.
  265. >The three sisters, the Dazzlings if you’re going to go by their stage name, haven’t spoken a word to you.
  266. >All their focus is usually spent all over school or with that demon girl Sunset and her friends.
  267. >And while that’s nice that they seem to have forgotten about you, the question remains.
  268. >Your mom and auntie want sex from you pretty regularly.
  269. >You haven’t exactly told them no, Luna’s rough approach when this all started was enough to convince you not to stop them.
  270. >And it’s not like you hate this.
  271. >They’re both so very attractive.
  272. >And when they seek you out, it’s almost like they’re completely different people.
  273. >So… now what?
  274. “Hnng…”
  275. >You grab the back of Mom’s head in both hands and force her all the way down onto your cock.
  276. >A wet squelch noise escapes her.
  277. >Your cock rams the back of her throat, you can feel her instinctively try to pull away from you as you force it all the way down her throat.
  278. >She makes noises that come off as little more than hums with you buried so deep inside her.
  279. >The vibrations all around your cock bring you that last little bit over the edge.
  280. >Your cock throbs with every spurt of cum you pump down her throat.
  281. >You can feel her throat contract as it eagerly swallows down your thick semen.
  282. >Her eyes are watering and her face is becoming redder with more than just arousal.
  283. >Mom is straddling your leg, her lower half is hovering just above it now as you cum.
  284. >Instinct must be taking over as you see her weakly thrust her hips in the air a couple of times before you feel a trickle of fluid contact your leg.
  285. >Mom’s eyes roll up to the back of her head and her hums become more vigorous.
  286. >You grip her hair and pull her off of you.
  287. >She comes away with another squelch followed by a slurp and lastly a lewd pop as her puckered lips leave your head with a kiss.
  288. >Mom breathes heavily, her mouth is still connected to your softening cock with several thick strands of saliva and cum.
  289. >She pouts her lips at you, “Sweetie, why would you do something like that to momma?” she whines.
  290. >Mom wraps a hand around the base of your cock and slowly strokes up your length, collecting all the fluid up into her hand.
  291. >She also manages to squeeze a dollop of cum out of you.
  292. >Mom laps up the small pearl and licks her hand clean.
  293. >She sits up and sighs, “You know I’d much rather savor my big boy’s taste on my tongue before swallowing it all down” she coos.
  294. >Mom wipes her face clean while still keeping that pout up with her plump lips.
  295. >You rub her shoulder with a hand.
  296. “I’m sorry mom, it just seemed like a really hot idea in the moment.”
  297. >She smiles, “While I certainly don’t disagree…” she casts an eye behind her, to the damp spot around your leg, “I’d rather you do that in the middle and not at the end okay Anon?”
  298. >You smile back.
  299. “Sure mom, I’m sorry.”
  300. >She plants a hand into your chest and slowly pushes you down onto your bed, “Oh sunshine, you have nothing be sorry for-“
  301. >Slowly she drapes herself over you, nuzzling your neck and planting soft kisses along your sensitive skin.
  302. >You can smell the arousal and sweat on her body.
  303. >She fidgets around and turns you onto your side while slipping around behind you.
  304. >By the end the back of your head is nestled into her sizable chest, still slick with saliva, pre, and sweat.
  305. >One arm is tucked under your pillow while the other is trailing down your front.
  306. >Her fingers tickle your thin bush.
  307. >”After all… my big boy will making plenty of delicious thick cum for mommy with these beautiful big balls, won’t he?” she whispers into your scalp while gently groping and kneading your jewels.
  308. “Y-yeah… of course mom.”
  309. >She hums pleasantly, “I love you my sweet sunshine on the horizon.”
  310. “I love you too Mom.”
  311. >Feeling thoroughly spent and completely enveloped in mom’s warmth you find yourself drifting off to sleep in her arms quickly.
  313. >”Mmn.”
  314. >Your eyes twitch.
  315. >”So thick…”
  316. >You become aware of your body.
  317. >”-throbbing for Auntie…”
  318. >How heavy it is.
  319. >”that’s it, come for Auntie…”
  320. >Your eyes creak open.
  321. >Through the dim moonlight you see Auntie’s naked from laying before you.
  322. >Her legs are spread apart, her pussy glistens as her hands finger, spread, and rub.
  323. >Her entire body is shimmering with sweat.
  324. >All of her curves and muscle are accentuated with the moonlit glow.
  325. >She brings her hand up and gropes at her breasts, coating them with her arousal and making them shiny.
  326. >She bites her bottom lip and closes her eyes, “Anon…” she whispers.
  327. >It’s at this moment that you realize just how hard your cock is right now.
  328. >You sneak a peek down and see where her other hand is.
  329. >Steady pumping your cock.
  330. >She rubs your pre-leaking head in her palm, coating it with your slickness before gong back down and stroking you more.
  331. >She occasionally reaches further and kneads your balls but mostly her hand is stroking your length while she fondles herself.
  332. >You can feel mom’s breaths on your head.
  333. >Her chest smooshing against your back with every inhale.
  334. >Her hand has come away from your sack and is now draped loosely over your side.
  335. >”Mmmn” Auntie stifles her moan with a bitten lip, she rubs at her quivering lips harder and grips tighten around you.
  336. >The sudden change in pressure sends a jolt of pleasure up your spine.
  337. >You gasp which turns into a moan midway.
  338. >Luna’s looks up at you, her eyes flash a shade a green during the motion, “Anonymous?” she whispers.
  339. >You open your eyes the rest of the way.
  340. “Auntie?” you croak through a still partially asleep throat.
  341. >You aren’t given any time to react what with a half asleep brain, Auntie’s soft lips meet yours before you realize she’s even moved.
  342. >Her tongue forces its way in and swirls around yours.
  343. >She pokes and prods the insides of your mouth, moaning as she quickens the pace of her stroking.
  344. >You moan in return which sends a shiver down her body.
  345. >She breaks the kiss, gasping and breathing heavily into your face.
  346. >Her lips graze over yours, she flashes her teeth for a brief moment before you feel a dull pain on you bottom lip.
  347. >She pulls it back between her teeth before releasing it to pop against teeth.
  348. >She gives you a coy smile.
  349. >”You were asleep, as is necessary for a young man like you, and I didn’t want to disturb you but…”
  350. >Her tongue lols out of her mouth, her lips part and come together just barely with each breath, “I couldn’t help myself Anonymous… I need you” she whimpers.
  351. >You shift a little.
  352. >”Wait” she hisses, “Celly is still fast asleep behind you, she’s a heavy sleeper but surely she’ll waken if you move.”
  353. >Luna turns around and stick her ass back at you.
  354. >She turns her head to look back at you over her shoulder, “Just lay there Anonymous, rest, allow Auntie to finish what she started.”
  355. >She shifts a little and you watch her hands slip around behind her.
  356. >She pulls her cheeks apart, giving you a slightly obscured view of her tight pucker and dripping pink lips from your angle.
  357. >Auntie slides back a little more, you can feel the heat radiating from her nethers.
  358. >Her swollen lips kiss the tip of your cock.
  359. >Your hips thrust and you can feel her entrance begin to grip your head.
  360. >Auntie bites a finger to stifle a moan as her body trembles.
  361. >By releasing her cheeks you feel her supple flesh surround your cock even more.
  362. >She takes her hand away and lets out a small gasp.
  363. >Slowly she brings you inside her.
  364. >You watch in awe as your cock disappears into her quivering depths.
  365. >She’s tight.
  366. >You bite your lip as she brings you in further, all the way until you can feel her ass smooshing your pubes down.
  367. >Auntie throws her head back and lets out a breathy moan.
  368. >She remains close to you like this for a time.
  369. >Eventually she starts moving, just a little at first.
  370. >Rocking her hips from side to side in this spooning position which served to function like micro thrusts.
  371. >You cock slips out of her more than goes back in though and soon your slickened manhood is exposed to the cold air relative to her hot pussy.
  372. >The air itself is hot and thick with musk.
  373. >Yours, mom’s, and now Auntie’s.
  374. >She bucks against your waist with her hips, forcing you back into her tight womanhood.
  375. >She repeats the entire action of rocking side to side out of her only to follow it with a buck to force you back in.
  376. >Mom makes a soft mumble into your scalp.
  377. >Her hand draped over your side twitches.
  378. >Mom’s fingernails scratch gently against your skin before she relaxes and goes still again.
  379. >Auntie is getting bolder now.
  380. >Holding her waist up in a sort of side plank position so she can move more freely.
  381. >And she immediately puts that freedom to good use.
  382. >Her ass claps against your crotch as she slams down on your manhood before pulling up to your head and coming back down.
  383. >You can feel yourself approaching climax after having been at this for a while now.
  384. >Auntie must be feeling your cock swell as she not only quickens the pace but allows her breaths to become louder.
  385. >She thrusts against you desperately, eager to milk your cock for everything it’s worth.
  386. >Her body claps loudly against you now, you do your best to resist her but she’s thrusting against you so hard that you are being forced back into mom.
  387. >Her bosom shakes each time your head bobs back.
  388. >Mom’s hand slides up your torso now.
  389. >You can hear her breathing becoming heavier.
  390. >Her hand reaches your chest and slowly begins to knead it with spread fingers or gently rub it with a shut palm.
  391. >Mom moans softly into your scalp.
  392. >Auntie has buried her face into your sheets to stifle her grunts of pleasure.
  393. >You are so close.
  394. >Auntie pussy feels so tight around your cock.
  395. >Your while body tenses up.
  396. >”Ah! Yes! Cum inside me nephew, f-fill your auntie with all your hot seed” she pleads with a restrained shout.
  397. >Your balls clench and an immense wave of pleasure washes over you.
  398. >Followed immediately by another, then another.
  399. >These continue while you are buried deep into Auntie’s hot depths, firing off one rope after another of hot cum.
  400. >By the end of it you are sweating again and completely exhausted.
  401. >Auntie’s body drops onto the bed in a panting sweaty mess.
  402. >She hurriedly shuffles back until her stick back meets your sticky chest.
  403. >Her head touches your chin which she immediately uses as a reference point to nuzzle it under your chin.
  404. >You start to shift your hips but are halted by Auntie’s call.
  405. >”No Anonymous, I want to… savor the feeing of a virile young man inside me. Just for a little longer” she whispers, “You’ll indulge your beloved Auntie Luna won’t you?”
  406. >You can hear the pouting in her lips just by the way she begged just then.
  407. >You wrap your arm around her which she quickly wraps in her own arms, brining your hand over her chest.
  408. “Of course Auntie, anything for you.”
  409. >She hums contentedly, “I love you Anonymous” she whispers, sleep very clearly weighing on her now.
  410. “I love you too Auntie” you whisper back, feeling sleepy yourself.
  411. >Sandwiched between mom and auntie.
  412. >The warmth is incredible, but surprisingly not unbearable.
  413. >You nuzzle your head back into mom's soft fleshy pillows and hug Auntie just a little bit closer to you before feeling yourself drift off back to sleep.
  415. Okay, that's it.
  416. Seriously.
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