
Big Fat Boulder

Oct 7th, 2015
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  1. You found yourself standing behind your waifu, Maud Pie. The fat grey mare’s huge middle was firmly wedged in the doorway, and she grunted in exertion as she ineffectually tried to force her way through. Maud used to stay away from candy and sweets, but once she actually tried some, she found that she nearly like it as much as rocks. She fattened up very quickly.
  3. “Are you alright?” you asked, patting her big back.
  5. She turned her head as far as she could. “My belly is stuck in the door.”
  7. You eyed her big plot, “Would you like some help?”
  9. “I would like to not be stuck in this door.”
  11. Getting some butter from the kitchen, you set to work, greasing her sides before placing your hands (or hooves) on her massive, fleshy rump. It was easily the width of five ponies, each cheek could hold several fillies. Her rock cutie marks stretched to the point where they were easily quadruple in size, and the dock of her tail vanished in the deep, buttery canyon of her butt. As you gave a mighty shove, your hands (or hooves) sunk into the warm flesh. As you pushed, her cheeks spread, exposing her puffy pony parts. You tried to ignore it.
  13. Maud’s hooves and belly scraped along the floor as you forced her fat body through the door. Finally, her belly got through, but now you had to force her plot through as well. Spreading your arms (or forelegs) wide, you grabbed her haunches, and tried to squish her fat butt inward. The act caused her behind to firmly smoosh against your body. It work, though, and the porky mare was through the doorway.
  15. Maud waddled a few, slow steps, her body jiggling as you circled her. Her favorite frumpy blue dress was vastly undersized. All but one of its buttons had popped off long ago, and the belt had snapped as well. The majority of the dress was riding on her backfat, whose many rolls were visible through the tight fabric, while the middle was forced open, her magnificent belly spilling out, and dragging along the ground. The The remaining button, which seemed to be going the way as the rest, was on her chest, straining against her huge barrel. The seams in the leg holes had burst under the size of her fat forelegs.
  17. And then there was her face. Her chubby cheeks forced her into a squint, and her neck was completely consumed by a few plush chins, rapidly winning a battle against the seams of her dress. Her face was ever set into that same bored expression, and her mane was set into its usual style. However, it was also fanning out against her encroaching backfat in the rear.
  19. “Now, how did this happen?” you asked, placing one of your hands (hooves) her one of her squishy cheeks.
  21. “Boulder was hungry,” she said in her customary monotone, “and so was I.” Both of you blinked when a groan mighty enough to vibrate the floor emanated from Maud’s big tummy. “And now I’m hungry again.”
  23. Not wanting to have to dislodge her from the door again, you quickly acted. “I’ll get you something,” you said, patting her belly, watching it jiggle. “Don’t you worry, Pinkie just sent us something.”
  25. The mention of her sister’s name made her actually smile, “I like Pinkie’s food.”
  27. Later that night…
  29. You went into the bedroom when you heard Maud calling your name. You moved it to the first floor when Maud became too big to use the stairs.
  31. Along with many luxurious, fluffy pillows forming a nest, the massively obese, sweaty pony took up much of the mattress. Laying on her side, her huge backside rose more than a meter into the air, and her big, plush belly rolled out in front of her, like a waterfall of jello. It spilled off the edge of the bed.
  33. A bead of sweat ran down her face as she fervently pawed at her gut with her forehooves, trying to get a firm grip on the blobby mass of dough.
  35. “What’s wrong?” you asked.
  37. She turned to you, as bored as ever. “Boulder is stuck in my belly button.”
  39. “Oh,” you said, as you glanced at the deep, dark hole in Maud’s generous belly. Crouching down, you reached deep into the dark, sweaty tunnel, blinding groping around for Maud’s precious rock.
  41. Maud moaned at the contact, though you did your best to ignore it, lest you get distracted.
  43. Your arm (foreleg) was buried up to the shoulder, your face mashed against the grey fat, the scent of her sweat filling your nose. Maud’s breathing quickened. Finally, you found grabbed ahold of the small rock, and extracted your arm from Maud’s deep navel cavity.
  45. Rock in hand (hoof) you gave it to your waifu, to which she took it. You noticed that her face was reddened.
  47. “Boulder you naughty boy,” she cooed. “You know that I’m sensitive down there.”
  49. You patted her belly. “He is an adventurous one.”
  51. Maud looked down at herself, watching herself jiggle. “I’m fat,” she said, “Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so fat.”
  53. “Think of it this way,” you said, rubbing her belly, “You are big, and heavy, like a rock.”
  55. Maud blinked, her face reddening. “I like rocks.” She paused for a moment, “If I got bigger, then I couldn’t move. Rocks can’t move either…I’d like to be like a rock.” Shen then paused when she felt you poking her with something stiff. “I make you hard, like a rock.”
  57. She began panting as her face reddened further. “Talking about rocks makes me wet.”
  59. You yelped when she abruptly grabbed you and kissed you, your body smooshing against her flabby body. Letting you go, she rolled onto her front and stood, slowing turning away from you, presenting her massive backside. She gave it a shake, and you were speechless at the sight of so much glorious butt jiggling and wobbling. You could see her face reflected in a mirror in front of her, she was staring into your eyes.
  61. “I want to do it,” she said in a semi-seductive montone.
  63. It was a good evening.
  65. ALT:
  67. Letting you go, she rolled onto her back. Her legs were sticking into the air, and her huge, gelatinous belly was spilling over her sides onto the bed. You stared at the deep, dark, and oh-so-inviting navel in the center of that glorious gut. You blinked when Maud brought one of her hooves down, causing ripples to travel throughout that mass.
  69. Maud reached over, and grabbed a platter of pastries sitting next to the mattress, and began stuffing herself.
  71. “I want to do it,” she said through a mouthful of cake.
  73. Belly-button secks ensured.
  75. Much Later
  77. It had been months since Maud had expressed her desire to have the mobility of a rock. Her consumption of pastries and sweets steadily increased, as well as her waistline. At the suggestion of Pinkie Pie suggestion, a series of mirrors was installed in the bedroom, so that Maud could see how big of a boulder she was becoming at all angles.
  79. It also allowed you to see her face when you took her from behind, that was a plus.
  81. Pinkie Pie, who was quite the porker herself, was ever supportive of her big sister’s growth, giving her more big sister to love.
  83. And there was a lot of Maud to love. Her dress had given up the ghost a while ago, the few remaining seams finally giving way under the strain of futilely trying to contain the massive mare within. Pinkie Pie threw a party the morning when you and Maud awoke to find her too fat to stand. Pinkie only invited you and the rest of the Mane Six, though you suspect it was an excuse for the group of fat mares to have an excuse to gorge themselves with pastries.
  85. You remember the day quite well when the bed frame had split weeks ago. A loud groan followed by a snap, and your waifu abruptly dropped several feet, her flabby form jiggling and bouncing. Pinkie threw a party for that too.
  87. The house was silent when you entered, and you wordlessly made your way to you and Maud’s bedroom. You slowly opened the door to find yourself face to rump with Maud Pie’s glorious oversized posterior.
  89. Maud lay atop a mattress in the middle of the room, almost entirely buried beneath her fat. In the mirror sitting directly in front of her, you could clearly see her bloated face and forelegs. She looked up from her feasting, her eyes locked on yours. Her forelegs resembled to fat sacks of lard, stubby hooves dangling off the floor. Her head was nestled into a round, flabby disk of a neck. Her puffy cheeks were easily as big as her head, and her head was forced up by a multitude of chins. Her violet mane was fanned about her head by her backfat. Foodstains were smeared around her face and her front.
  91. Her fat barrel perpetually forced her forelegs apart, her spine was completely buried beneath hundreds of pounds of backfat. Her huge belly, and its countless rolls and folds was her greatest features. The huge mass of grey ponyfat spilled over both sides of the bed, and onto the floor. It lifted her into the air.
  93. The two giant sagging spheres of fat that made up her plot was at least two meters wide. Her tail had vanished into the rolls of the great ass canyon. Her rock cutie mark had been stretched to the point where it resembled an avalanche. Her useless back hooves barely protruded out of the massive haunches.
  95. Maud put on a little show as you entered, giving her plot a shake. You walked up to her, drumming on her huge backside, watching it wobble.
  97. “And how is my big fat rock feeling today?” you asked.
  99. “I feel like shomeone ish touching my backschide,” she slurred through a mouthful of cake.
  101. You climbed onto her back, crawling along, your hands (hooves) sinking into the plush fat. When you reached her head, you laid down, letting your arms (forehooves) dangle around Maud’s fat head. You rubbed her chest, and her mane at the same time.
  103. “Boulder shays he likesh me like thish,” said Maud, swallowing another slice of cake. “He shays I’m like a rock.” She paused for a moment, “I like me like thish too. I’m big and heavy…like a rock. I alsho can’t move…like a rock.”
  105. She swallowed once. “He alsho says he likesh watching us having shex,” she said, “What a naughty boy.”
  107. She stuffed several more pastries in her mouth, chewing and swallowing. She audibly moaned. You could feel her body become hotter, her face reddened. “Let’sh give him a show, I want you to plow thish big fat rock shilly.”
  109. Not one to argue, you quickly dismounted your waifu, and returned to her backside. Like Moses, you parted the sea, and then delivered yo’ dick to the Promised Land.
  111. Having a fat waifu is nice.
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