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Feb 5th, 2015
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  1. History's Enthusiasts
  2. >Looking at clubs at Monster Girl University
  3. >Stumble onto History Enthusiast club with a single club member at the table
  4. >Anubis with large glasses staring down at her paws
  5. >She looks up at you startled
  6. >"W-would you like to join?"
  7. >She fumbles around with her paws to grab a hand made flyer
  8. >She smiles at you sheepishly as she hands it to you, her paw trembling
  9. >The flyer has hieroglyphs, hearts, and what seems to be cartoony versions of MGs generally considered 'Nubian'
  10. >You find yourself compelled to tell her you'll join the club.
  11. >She lets out some form of pleased yelp and seems to be fixated on her own lap now, unable to look at you
  12. >Realizing you're still standing there she brings a paw up and adjusts her glasses while stating, "The info is on the flyer..."
  14. ...
  15. >Arrive at club room after classes
  16. >Door and surroundings show no signs this is a club room
  17. >As you open the door and begin stepping inside you catch the faint smell of old musty books
  18. >Lining all the walls are shelves of tomes, many large and falling apart, along the walls are pictures of Pyramids, Hieroglyphs
  19. >The history of interest seems to be quite specific
  20. >At the table sits the same glasses wearing Anubis now absorbed in a massive book
  21. >You smirk at the massive sweater engulfing her, implying her dismay in the colder weather
  22. >She hasn't noticed you at all, the book has completely taken her attention
  23. >You choose to take advantage of the situation
  24. >As you near her slowly you see that the look on her face is rather wretched...
  25. >You've at times had the displeasure of MGs looking at you with those eyes
  26. >You step around the table and notice she is not wearing a skirt today
  27. >You don't have much experience with Anubis's, perhaps she prefers something more comfortable
  28. >As you blow in her ear she starts to let out a moan and snaps to attention in time to instead bark out 'FFFUCK'
  29. >Looking past her, you see a skirt on the floor, her paw is lodged quite well between her legs
  30. >The tome is filled with very graphic hieroglyphs with descriptions that go to great detail
  31. >Judging by the look on her face you caught her at a really bad time, somewhere between ruined orgasm, shock, and absolute dread
  32. >She has no idea where to look
  33. >While you're gathering your thoughts you see her eyes suddenly snap to you and her expression change
  34. >Some mix of anger, pleasure, and...something
  35. >She stands up from her chair slowly and faces you, her paw is drenched
  36. >"This is your fault you know.." she states. Her voice is deeper, it feels like it's going right through you
  37. >She starts walking toward you
  38. >"You're going to have to help me finish reviewing these now.." Her voice has reached an intoxicating tone that you feel yourself getting caught up in
  39. >The smile on her face is urging you to run
  40. >You just backed into the wall without realizing it, knocking a scroll to the ground
  41. >Does she even see you or is she too far gone?
  42. >As she closes in you feel overwhelmed and reach in to kiss her
  43. >She's slightly taller than you, why are you just realizing this?
  44. >When you kiss her she initially starts but then presses hard against you
  45. >You feel your pants get torn away
  46. >Good bye pants
  47. >Her motions are so swift you can barely keep up
  48. >As were the motions of your lower regions
  49. >She's wrapped her paws around your back, one still damp, one soft and warm
  50. >The contrast of her big ribbed sweater against her chocolate skin is enthralling
  51. >While you were considering this she's thrown her legs around your waist and you're entering her
  52. >She lets out a satisfied moan, her lips still locked with yours as she takes you to the base
  53. >She begins to dig her paws into your back, tearing through your shirt
  54. >Her legs squeeze around your hips, encouraging you to move
  55. >You begin losing yourself in the pleasure, turning around and slamming her against the wall as you begin moving
  56. >She finally disengages the kiss, throwing her head back against the wall causing her glasses to fall off
  57. >You notice the gorgeous crimson color of her eyes as she glares at you, moaning
  58. >As if feeling you nearing climax she squeezes her legs and paws around you getting as close to you as possible
  59. >You climax and slowly collapse to the floor with her on top of you
  60. >She shudders and groans as she pulls her paws out from under you and rests them against your chest
  61. >She reaches over to grab her glasses, puts them on and says 'W-welcome to the club."
  62. >You were very sore when you left the club that evening. Scratches, bruises, and fatigue ensuring you won't forget your first session.
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