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a guest
May 4th, 2016
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  1. #sort Tier 1
  2. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 6432 'Blue Backpack' | moveitems 3397 'Blue Backpack' | moveitems 3398 'Blue Backpack' | moveitems 3550 'Blue Backpack' | moveitems 6299 'Blue Backpack' | moveitems 3442 'Blue Backpack'
  3. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 5907 'Blue Backpack' | moveitems 3281 'Blue Backpack' | moveitems 3068 'Blue Backpack' | moveitems 3294 'Blue Backpack' | moveitems 3303 'Blue Backpack' | moveitems 3311 'Blue Backpack'
  4. #sort Tier 2
  5. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 3351 'Green Backpack' | moveitems 3557 'Green Backpack' | moveitems 3357 'Green Backpack' | moveitems 3554 'Green Backpack' | moveitems 3097 'Green Backpack' | moveitems 3432 'Green Backpack'
  6. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 3302 'Green Backpack' | moveitems 8082 'Green Backpack' | moveitems 3291 'Green Backpack' | moveitems 3275 'Green Backpack' | moveitems 7432 'Green Backpack' | moveitems 7449 'Green Backpack'
  7. #sort Tier 3
  8. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 3390 'Red Backpack' | moveitems 3399 'Red Backpack' | moveitems 3363 'Red Backpack' | moveitems 3556 'Red Backpack' | moveitems 3004 'Red Backpack' | moveitems 3556 'Red Backpack' | moveitems 3417 'Red Backpack'
  9. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 8028 'Red Backpack' | moveitems 3065 'Red Backpack' | moveitems 7385 'Red Backpack' | moveitems 3344 'Red Backpack' | moveitems 8099 'Red Backpack' | moveitems 3307 'Red Backpack'
  10. #sort tier 4
  11. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 3229 'Grey Backpack' | moveitems 8049 'Grey Backpack' | moveitems 10386 'Grey Backpack' | moveitems 4033 'Grey Backpack' | moveitems 3053 'Grey Backpack' | moveitems 3424 'Grey Backpack' | moveitems 10387 'Grey Backpack'
  12. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 8027 'Grey Backpack' | moveitems 3312 'Grey Backpack' | moveitems 5908 'Grey Backpack' | moveitems 7380 'Grey Backpack' | moveitems 3324 'Grey Backpack' | moveitems 3278 'Grey Backpack'
  13. #sort tier 5
  14. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 3230 'Jewel Case' | moveitems 3388 'Jewel Case' | moveitems 3389 'Jewel Case' | moveitems 5461 'Jewel Case' | moveitems 3438 'Jewel Case' | moveitems 6093 'Jewel Case'
  15. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 7382 'Jewel Case' | moveitems 6553 'Jewel Case' | moveitems 7381 'Jewel Case' | moveitems 8021 'Jewel Case' | moveitems 7379 'Jewel Case' | moveitems 7404 'Jewel Case'
  16. #sort tier 6
  17. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 3405 'Backpack' | moveitems 3366 'Backpack' | moveitems 3558 'Backpack' | moveitems 10323 'Backpack' | moveitems 3414 'Backpack' | moveitems 7420 'Backpack' | moveitems 7454 'Backpack'
  18. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 3322 'Backpack' | moveitems 7451 'Backpack' | moveitems 8025 'Backpack' | moveitems 3092 'Backpack' | moveitems 3284 'Backpack'
  19. #sort tier 7
  20. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 3375 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 3379 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 3362 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 3551 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 6390 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 3245 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 8093 'Backpack of Holding'
  21. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 10390 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 7431 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 7416 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 7419 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 8022 'Backpack of Holding'
  22. #sort tier 8
  23. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 3407 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 8095 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 8041 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 3401 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 813 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 8081 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 3052 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 3343 'Backpack of Holding'
  24. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 3299 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 7422 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 7405 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 7411 'Backpack of Holding' | moveitems 8029 'Backpack of Holding'
  25. #sort Gems
  26. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 8192 'Purple Backpack' | moveitems 9655 'Purple Backpack' | moveitems 282 'Purple Backpack' | moveitems 281 'Purple Backpack' | moveitems 7889 'Purple Backpack' | moveitems 9654 'Purple Backpack' | moveitems 3029 'Purple Backpack' | moveitems 9660 'Purple Backpack' | moveitems 3030 'Purple Backpack' | moveitems 3032 'Purple Backpack' | moveitems 3033 'Purple Backpack' | moveitems 9057 'Purple Backpack' | moveitems 10306 'Purple Backpack'
  27. #sort Candys Canes Ores
  28. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 3599 'Orange Backpack' | dropitems 6569 | moveitems 5880 'Orange Backpack' | moveitems 5888 'Orange Backpack' | moveitems 5944 'Orange Backpack' | moveitems 1781 'Orange Backpack' | moveitems 5889 'Orange Backpack' | moveitems 3028 'Orange Backpack'
  29. #sort Ammo
  30. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 3165 'Golden Backpack' | moveitems 3155 'Golden Backpack' | moveitems 7365 'Golden Backpack' | moveitems 3191 'Golden Backpack' | moveitems 3449 'Golden Backpack'
  31. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 3450 'Golden Backpack' | moveitems 9643 'Golden Backpack' | moveitems 9632 'Golden Backpack' | moveitems 10305 'Golden Backpack'
  33. auto 200 dontlist | setcolor 000 128 128 | collectitems 'empty' 5888 6432 3397 3398 3550 3442 6299 3068 3294 3311 3281 3303 5907 3351 3357 3557 3554 3432 3097 8082 3291 7432 7449 3275 3302 3399 3390 3363 3556 3417 3004 3065 7385 8099 3307 3344 8028 3229 8049 10387 10386 9654 9655 8192 3424 3053 3324 5908 3312 3278 7380 8027 3230 3388 3389 5461 3438 6093 7379 7404 7381 7382 6553 8021 3599 5944 5880 3029 3030 3033 9057 3032 3449 9632 3450 3155 9643 3165 10305 3191 7365 10306
  34. auto 200 dontlist | setcolor 000 128 128 | collectitems 'empty' 5706 3031 3414 3040 3405 3366 3558 10323 3413 3092 7451 3284 3322 7420 7454 8025 3375 3379 3362 3551 6390 3245 8093 10390 7431 7416 7419 8022 3407 8041 3401 813 8081 3052 3343 3299 7422 7405 7411 8029 3385 3381 3382 3079 3419 3010 7430 3290 7415 7402 7434 10406 3573 3567 645 10200 3441 3049 3341 680 7450 8104 8098 8030 3365 3360 3364 3555 3423 3063 7410 3295 3325 3296 7436 7438 3395 8039 821 9020 3427 3091 3348 7408 3309 8103 8097 8026 8102 8023 10306
  36. #sort maps
  37. auto 500 dontlist | moveitems 5706 'Yellow Backpack'
  39. auto 300 dontlist | collectitems 'empty' 3398 3397 3442 3281 3068 3294 3303 6432 5907 3554 7449 3097 3291 7432 3351 3432 8082 3357 3302 3307 3065 3004 3556 7385 3390 3417 3363 3344 3399 8028 3324 3053 3229 3424 10387 3388 7379 8049 7380 2992
  40. auto 300 dontlist | collectitems 'empty' 10386 3230 8021 7381 6553 3438 6093 3389 10323 3092 3284 7420 8025 5908 4033 5461 6299 3550 3311 8099 3557 3551 7404 3362 3245 3379 6390 3375 10390 10390 7419 7416 8093 8022 73413278 3312 8027 7382
  41. auto 300 dontlist | collectitems 'empty' 3275 9655 9654 3040 3253 2967 3035 3043 3033 7365 3450 5880 3599 3029 9057 8192 3032 3030 5944 3449 3191 3155 9643 9632 10305 3165
  42. auto 300 dontlist | collectitems 'empty' 2992 8095
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