

Nov 28th, 2014
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  1. command /fence <world>:
  2. permission: skript.op
  3. trigger:
  4. set {_Loc} to location at (-49.5), 255, (-49.5) of (arg-1)
  5. while block at {_Loc} is air:
  6. set {_Loc} to location 1 below {_Loc}
  7. loop 100 times:
  8. add 1 to {_Total}
  9. loop blocks from block at {_Loc} to block at location 100 east of {_Loc}:
  10. add 1 to {_Time}
  11. if {_Time} is 100:
  12. set {_Time} to 0
  13. broadcast "[Fenced] %{_Total}%/100"
  14. wait 1 tick
  15. add 1 to {_Count}
  16. if {_Count} is 2:
  17. set {_Fence} to location at ((x-coordinate of loop-block), 255, (z-coordinate of loop-block))
  18. while block at {_Fence} is air:
  19. set {_Fence} to location 1 below {_Fence}
  20. if y-coordinate of {_Fence} is less than 3:
  21. stop loop
  22. set block at location 1 above {_Fence} to fence
  23. set {_Count} to 0
  24. set {_Loc} to location 1 south of {_Loc}
  25. broadcast "[Fenced] Generation completed!"
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