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Jul 29th, 2016
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  1. ======================================
  2. Setting up Nginx, uWSGI and Python3
  3. ======================================
  5. First off, I'm traditionally a PHP developer, but am looking at moving across to Python. I really struggled to find decent documentation on how to get a server up and running for deploying Python web applications from the point of view of someone coming from PHP. The main problems I came across with documentation were:
  7. 1) Only showed you how to run the server for a single web application.
  8. 2) Only showed you how to configure the app, not the server it was running on.
  10. My preferred workflow for development is by setting up a new VM in VMware Fusion and then forwarding through all requests to that VM via /etc/hosts. This might not be the optimal way to get things up and running, but it works for me.
  12. SITE_URL refers to the primary domain for the site.
  13. SITE_DIR refers to the location on disk that the site is located.
  15. Typical folder structure of an app looks something like:
  17. root
  18. app # site code goes in here
  19. config
  20. data
  21. cache
  22. log
  23. libs
  24. vendors # frameworks and 3rd party libraries go in here
  25. public
  26. css
  27. img
  28. js
  30. ---------------------------------------
  31. Installing required tools
  32. ---------------------------------------
  33. We'll start by installing the required tools via apt-get.
  35. apt-get install uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3 nginx-full python-setuptools python-pip
  37. ---------------------------------------
  38. Creating the uWSGI upstart
  39. ---------------------------------------
  40. Next we need to create the upstart that will be used start the uWSGI service.
  42. vi /etc/init/uwsgi.conf
  44. # uWSGI - Manage uWSGI Application Server
  45. description "uWSGI Emperor Mode"
  46. start on (filesystem and net-device-up IFACE=lo)
  47. stop on runlevel [!2345]
  48. respawn
  49. exec /usr/bin/uwsgi --emperor /etc/uwsgi/vassals/sites-enabled/ --logto /var/log/uwsgi.log
  51. initctl reload-configuration
  52. update-alternatives --set uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi_python32
  54. ---------------------------------------
  55. Creating the site configuration file for nginx
  56. ---------------------------------------
  57. Create the configuration file for the site in the sites-available folder:
  58. vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/SITE_URL
  60. And then use the following to configure the site:
  61. upstream wsgicluster {
  62. server unix://tmp/SITE_URL.sock
  63. }
  64. server {
  65. listen 80;
  66. server_name SITE_URL;
  67. error_log SITE_DIR/data/log/error.log;
  68. access_log SITE_DIR/data/log/access.log;
  69. location / {
  70. include uwsgi_params;
  71. uwsgi_pass wsgicluster;
  72. }
  73. location -^/(img|js|css)/ {
  74. root SITE_DIR/public;
  75. expires 30d;
  76. }
  77. location = /favicon.ico {
  78. log_not_found off;
  79. }
  80. }
  82. Then finally we link the sites-available configuration file to the sites-enabled:
  83. ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/SITE_URL /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/SITE_URL
  85. ---------------------------------------
  86. Creating the vassal for uWSGI emperor
  87. ---------------------------------------
  88. Create the folders for sites-available and sites-enabled:
  89. mkdir /etc/uwsgi/sites-available
  90. mkdir /etc/uwsgi/sites-enabled
  92. Create the configuration vassal file:
  93. vi /etc/uwsgi/sites-available/SITE_URL.yml
  95. And then use the following contents (you can tweak these settings):
  96. uwsgi:
  97. master: true
  98. processes: 1
  99. vaccum: true
  100. chmod-socket: 666
  101. uid: www-data
  102. gid: www-data
  103. plugins: python32
  104. socket: /tmp/SITE_URL.sock
  105. chdir: SITE_DIR
  106. pythonpath: SITE_DIR
  107. module: application
  108. touch-reload: SITE_DIR/
  110. Finally restart the services:
  111. service uwsgi start
  112. service nginx start
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