
for tim

Feb 14th, 2014
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  1. [18:26] <@Pilz> The UN has always had its potency questioned. Massacre after massacre, warcrime after warcrime, and what are the concequences? Sanctionsthat don't affect the people in charge, who dine on caviar and quail while the people starve. Clearly a new solution was needed...and in 2040, an opportunity tocreate a solution presented itself.
  2. [18:26] <@Pilz> An independant study into china's economic future-mostly related to minerals and natural resources- finally discovered whatsome had suspected for years before. China was fudging the numbers. Not by a lot, mind, but at the time nobody knew that, and their economic backers disappeared overnight.
  3. [18:26] <@Pilz> In the resulting chaos, China's enemies saw an opportunity. With many of the temporary members of the securty council western powers and USallies during the Cold War, all that stood in their way to pass new resolutions was China and Russia...and now China was weak. Thanks to some clever actions by the political leaders of the day, Russia was quickly isolated from all Allies. And so this strike team was born.
  4. [18:26] <@Pilz> With a mandate to use "Assured metholds of harm prevention" in "The event of certain danger to numerous civillian lives", UN Special ForcesUNSF-1 was formed. Armed with the best the UN could offer, the men and women who serve in the unit have already proved instrumental in enforcing the Genevaand Hague convention's propositions. It isn't perfect, by any means...but it's a start.
  5. [18:26] <@Pilz> ===================================================
  6. [18:27] <@Pilz> A ringing sounds throughout the Barracks. Everyone inside is blasted awake by the alarm, but doesn't begin to evacuate or look for a fire. No, this is the deployment alarm, and those within grab their gear and head to the briefing room.
  7. [18:28] * Shrike pulls her pilot uniform on with an eager grin--perhaps too eager--and all but dashes down the hallway, only barely managing to constrain herselfto a fast walk instead.
  8. [18:31] * Ilias gets his pilot uniform, immaculately pressed, and slips it on before heading to the deployment hangar.
  9. [18:32] * John dons his wrinkled uniform and stalks towards the briefing room, trying not to walk too quickly.
  10. [18:32] * Shrike passes him in the hallway, throwing a cheery "Look sharp, Ilya!" over her shoulder. It's like she takes a particular delight in mangling Ilias' name.
  11. [18:34] <Ilias> "I should say the same for you, Shrike."
  12. [18:36] <@Pilz> The briefing room's small. A few chairs have been set out, facing a large touch-reactive display. A figure you recognize as Sergent Arnold Ross stands beside the display, chomping on what you hope is a cigar. A short man, he more than makes up for it with his enthusiasm and judgement.
  13. [18:36] * Shrike scoots in to the room, taking a chair close to the front, perching on the end of it like a restless child.
  14. [18:37] * Ilias salutes the Sergeant as he takes a seat near the display.
  15. [18:37] <@Pilz> He glares at you (in a friendly way) as you walk in. "WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR. TAKE A SEAT, CHILDREN, IT'S CLASSTIME, IT'SCLASSTIME."
  16. [18:38] * John gives a salute before stiffly lowering himself into a chair.
  17. [18:38] <Shrike> "What're we gonna explode today, teach?"
  18. [18:39] <@Pilz> "Excellent question. Here's the briefing papers."
  19. [18:41] <@Pilz> The man slams a binder filled with an inch-thick stack of diagrams, orders, and information on the desk. He then gives a sweep with his arm,knocking it (and several knick-nacks) into the wastepaper basket conveniently positioned beside him.
  20. [18:42] <@Pilz> "I'm this close to ordering you lovely people to blow up info and surveillance. Going to break my back carrying these things around."
  21. [18:43] <@Pilz> The Sergent taps the large screen behind him and it pops out of sleep mode, showing a map of the Balkan Peninsula
  22. [18:44] <Shrike> "I'd do it!"
  23. [18:45] * Prim sneaks into the briefing room, hoping her tardiness goes unnoticed.
  24. [18:45] * Tim ( has joined #PilzStrikeIC
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