
Zodia/Zack story synopsis

Jan 17th, 2015
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  1. We get an introduction to Skylia, roughly, having the focus on the Starlight family at first. They mention their Queen and Princess Zodia at the Rainbow Castle and briefly mention the other families too: Sunlight and Skylight. We see the rainbow bridge and get a short explanation that they rarely go there, since it is a mysterious place. A possibility is to show the Filly Butterflies going from their kingdom, getting lost in the clouds and being found by the Twilights as sort of a transition from Butterfly stories to Filly Stars, so that the Butterflies are the bridge between the two series. It is recommended only to focus on the Butterflies very briefly.
  3. Sunlight family is introduced. More information about the mysterious place on the other side of the rainbow bridge. A character from the Sunlight family suggests that Moonlights may just be a myth: nobody has ever seen them.
  5. Skylight family is introduced with the Zodiac Clubhouse. We also meet the zodiac pets who arrive from shooting stars in the sky and instantly runs towards their new owners: the zodiac Fillys.
  7. Princess Zodia is selected to be the next gathering crystals from the Moonlight region, since she is almost an adult now. She is appointed this task by her mother, Queen Cassiopeia. She is very nervous about this and has never been so far away from home before. The messengers, the Twilights, are introduced as the rainbow bridge disappears completely that day due to rain – they take the Star Boat and promise to bring Zodia to the Moonlight region and back.
  9. Princess Zodia is selected to be the next gathering crystals from the Moonlight region, since she is almost an adult now. She is appointed this task by her mother, Queen Cassiopeia. She is very nervous about this and has never been so far away from home before. The messengers, the Twilights, are introduced as the rainbow bridge disappears completely that day due to rain – they take the Star Boat and promise to bring Zodia to the Moonlight region and back.
  11. Zodia at the Moonlight region. Due to a heavy thunderstorm, the messengers, the Twilights, have to leave Zodia at the Moonlight region. She is very anxious but decides to look for the crystals. She stumbles upon Zack, the Moonlight prince. He is not at all like she expected a Moonlight to be! They slowly approach each other and start talking briefly. But when Zack hears a sound from the bushes, he runs away, leaving Zodia alone in the mysterious forest. She finds the crystals, though, and eventually it stops raining, so she can walk over the rainbow bridge and get back home. The Twilights meet her at the castle and apologize for having to leave her behind. Her mother is very proud of her, but she cannot stop thinking about Prince Zack. So the Moonlights are not just some myth? She has to see him again!
  13. Princess Zodia plans to meet with Zack again. She goes to the mystical forest together with Lyra and Vela who are collecting crystals, but there is nobody there. Meanwhile, we hear more about the families and friendships in the Starlight realm.
  15. Zodia has another trip to the Moonlight region, bringing a few of the zodiac pets for company, but one of them runs off. As Zodia hurries after the pet, she almost runs into the walls of the Moonlight Observatory. She has finally found the Moonlights!! They are not a myth after all. At first, the Moonlights do not welcome her, but as Prince Zack makes his way through the crowd and gives Zodia a big hug, they realize that she is not a threat to them. She is invited to the Summer Ball at the Observatory and in the evening, the rainbow bridge appears for a much longer time than usually. Queen Cassiopeia wonders what has happened and thinks that some strong magical powers are in play.
  17. Zodia tells the others her discovery and together with Zack, who she brings along to the Starlight realm, she pleads for the other Starlights to come and see the wonderful Moonlight Observatory. Her mother, Cassiopeia, is out travelling, but in her absence, Zodia is making her request to viceroy TBA and his family. Zack is overwhelmed with the different manners and climate of the Starlight region. Finally, the Starlights agree and the two friends are thrilled.
  19. The two realms finally meet. It is no problem crossing, since the rainbow bridge is almost always solid now. There is a big ball at the Moonlight Observatory. At the party, everyone gets along and it lasts until the sun comes up in the morning.
  21. The days are much shorter now and the winter is approaching. But nobody seems to care in Skylia. Everything is different! Since the party, the long shadows of the Moonlight region have transformed into long rays of moonlight and in the Starlight region everything seems different too. New different flowers are blooming, and everyone is in a good mood. Queen Cassiopeia returns from her travel and is happy to find what she expected: her daughter has managed to bring the two realms together again and the rainbow bridge is solid – even when it rains! The Fillys are visiting each other and, finally, at a party one November evening, Queen Cassiopeia suggests that Skylia again should be one big happy nation – and family! Everyone agrees happily!
  23. Last issue of the year: Christmas has come to Skylia! Zodia accidentally stands under a mistletoe and Zack kisses her for the first time. An everlasting romance is born!
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