

Aug 30th, 2015
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  1. <Gundor|Freon> ((hype exceeds 95 squared))
  2. <Panda|GM> ...
  3. <Derp> ((Hype is entering plaid))
  4. <Panda|GM> Cream and tangerine swirls criss-cross the sky as the sun goes about it's rounds across the globe.
  5. <Panda|GM> Cars passing along the nearby major road add to the noise pollution of the various storefronts and citizens chatting that dotted the area.
  6. <Panda|GM> A bridge not too far away sat over a highway which multiplied the effect, though it was dying down, due to the time where most people had gotten off of work already.
  7. <Panda|GM> Along the major street were a series of stores set close to one another, most of some type of food service, but others- related to technological interests, video games, toys of all shapes and sizes, and more- dotted the massive area as if it were an open-area mall.
  8. <Panda|GM> But all of that paled in comparison to the most important spot nearby on this sweltering Texan evening:
  9. <Panda|GM> Marble Slab Creamery, the ice cream parlor that made other ice cream parlors it's bitch, maid, and mistress.
  10. <Panda|GM> Well...maybe not all of that, but it was hot as fuck, and they were of decent quality, so you paid it a visit.||
  11. <Gundor|Freon> "So, Ginny, how badly were your parents Harry Potter nerds, anyway?"
  12. <Gundor|Freon> ||
  13. <Panda|GM> ((no post order for speech, but action scenes require alphabetical order))
  14. <Gundor|Freon> ((Yay talking is a free action <_< )
  15. <Dolyn|Eerie> I put my face to my hand, hoping to contain my frustration within my palm. "Assholes." ||
  16. <Gundor|Freon> "Yeah, I think they were." ||
  17. <PC|Reach> ((What's his name again Gundor?))
  18. <Gundor|Freon> ((John Michaels))
  19. <Gundor|Freon> ((Alphabetical order by nick, cape name, or realname?))
  20. <PC|Reach> "So John, how badly were your parents inbred?" North said, after smirking at the man. ||
  21. <PC|Reach> ((Nick))
  22. <Gundor|Freon> "You know, North, to keep the racial purity you have to fuck a few cousins, and all that." John winks. ||
  23. <PC|Reach> "Do remind me, when was the last time you attended a meeting, Mr. Klansman?" She said, her thin accent seeping into her words. |
  24. <PC|Reach> |
  25. <Dolyn|Eerie> ...
  26. <Gundor|Freon> "Oh I won't join any club that'll have me. Too boring." ||
  27. <Dolyn|Eerie> "You guys are the worst at ice cream banter." ||
  28. <Gundor|Freon> Reaching the door, finally, John opens it. "Ladies and gentlebeings first," he says, and sweeps his hand invitingly. ||
  29. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere pauses, curious to see if North will respond to "Ladies". ||
  30. <Gundor|Freon> John smirks. ||
  31. <Panda|GM> (are you guys in civvies or costumes?)
  32. <Gundor|Freon> (I think we're in civvies)
  33. <Dolyn|Eerie> (I'm cool with civvies)
  34. <PC|Reach> (civies)
  35. <Gundor|Freon> ((but not skivvies))
  36. <Panda|GM> (good)
  37. <Panda|GM> "Welcome to Marble Slab, how may I help you today?!" A cheerful cashier beams at you three.||
  38. <PC|Reach> (North is definitely a woman)
  39. <Panda|GM> (that post would've been different, otherwise)
  40. <Dolyn|Eerie> (I remain unconvinced!)
  41. <Dolyn|Eerie> "Hi! I'd like a double scoop mint chocolate chip waffle cone, with sprinkles!" ||
  42. <PC|Reach> "Hello, I was wondering in what sizes you stock Adida shoes. You see my elderly Grandmother is atleast size 14 in mens, but they don't seem to cover the rainbow pattern..." She says smirking at the cashier.
  43. <Gundor|Freon> "All the rest of your ice cream or the light fixture gets it!" John pauses, "By which I mean a triple scoop of vanilla, strawberry, and double chocolate with hot caramel, whipped cream, and a cherry on top for me, please," and smiles. ||
  44. <PC|Reach> "Just kidding I want chocolate fudge in a cake cone," ||
  45. <Dolyn|Eerie> "And could I get my waffle cone in a mason jar?"||
  46. <Panda|GM> The cashier laughs, grinning widely at your antics.
  47. <Panda|GM> "I'll get right on that, guys. One second."||
  48. <PC|Reach> ((Damn it Dolyn and Gundor, I was going to be the shitty bitch who made asshole jokes...))
  49. <Gundor|Freon> ((We've gone full asshole. You never go full asshole.))
  50. <Dolyn|Eerie> ((I legitimately want a mason jar. Ice cream places do that.))
  51. <Dolyn|Eerie> "Sure thing. Busy today?"||
  52. <Gundor|Freon> "That's what she... wait..." ||
  53. <Panda|GM> "Eh, so so." He gestures around where there's only a handful of people across the entire store before turning back to get your orders together. "Moreso when the sun was high up."||
  54. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere turns to John, legitimately curious and letting that creep into her voice, "Was there a double entendre in there somewhere?"||
  55. <Gundor|Freon> "A single entendre." John answers, sheepish. ||
  56. <Gundor|Freon> "Quite lonely, really." ||
  57. <Dolyn|Eerie> "Recognizing your kin, eh?" ||
  58. <Gundor|Freon> "Our kin are everywhere, coz," he remarks while watching the ice cream-making process, as though off-handedly. ||
  59. <Dolyn|Eerie> "If you look closely, you'll see that I'm not inbred. If you then think about it, you'll realize I'm not your cousin, John. I won't hold the mistake against you, though."||
  60. <Gundor|Freon> "What you're saying is intriguing to me and I would like to subscribe to your *snrk* newsletter." ||
  61. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere raises an eyebrow at that remark. "You can read?" ||
  62. <Gundor|Freon> "I'll have you know I know all sixty two letters of the Alphabet. I mean, twenty four." ||
  63. <Dolyn|Eerie> Smirking, Guinevere points at a poster advertising the new honey lavender ice cream flavour. "What does that say, then?" ||
  64. <Dolyn|Eerie> Confident in her victory, she turns back to the cashier. "How much longer do you have left in your shift?" ||
  65. <Panda|GM> The ice cream finished, the cashier turns around and blinks. Then he blushes.
  66. <Gundor|Freon> "Money la fender eyes crime: the vest few player sins SL-iced bide." John intones, seriously. His lips twitch. ||
  67. <Panda|GM> "Um, well," He looks over at the clock, still blushing, while handing everyone their ice cream- including one in a mason jar, funnily enough.
  68. <Gundor|Freon> *bride
  69. <Panda|GM> "Two hours. Y'know if you were suggesting we go grab something to eat afterwards, I could pay."
  70. <Panda|GM> Oh yeah, he thought you were flirting with him. And he quite blatantly returned the favor.||
  71. <Gundor|Freon> ((took me a little bit to come up with a something it might actually say))
  72. <Dolyn|Eerie> ((oh my God, Gundor, I'm dying. That was so rich.))
  73. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere completely misses the return of her attempts at flirting as she curls over, clutching her gut and trying not to laugh. ||
  74. <Gundor|Freon> While she's distracted, John pays for all three purchases. ||
  75. <PC|Reach> North walks towards him, and once their courses connect, she utilizes her power, jokingly taking a punch at his frontside. ||
  76. <Dolyn|Eerie> "Haha, hoo, that was rich." Guinevere gasps, smile firmly ensconced on her face. She turns to the cashier, "Sorry about that, I didn't think he couldn't actually read. Did you say you were free soon?"||
  77. <Gundor|Freon> ((PC|Reach: whom did North telekinetically shove?))
  78. <PC|Reach> ((Is Guinivere male? No.... so it's John...))
  79. <Gundor|Freon> ((Could've been the cashier.))
  80. <Panda|GM> John flies through the air before crashing through multiple tables and expending his momentum by sliding across the floor.
  81. <Panda|GM> He's mostly okay, but the various bruises and cuts aren't going to be pretty for a little while.
  82. <Panda|GM> The other denizens of the store stare in shock while the cashier seems to have completely mentally shut down and is staring in your general direction in an eerily blank fashion.
  83. <Gundor|Freon> "I'll take," he groans, "my ice cream to go, please." ||
  84. <Panda|GM> "What. The fuck."||
  85. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere bursts into even more laughter than before. "Oh my God, John, you're killing me!" ||
  86. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere collects herself, though still giggling beneath her breath, and collects her mason jar of waffle cone. She smiles at the cashier and then bites into the delicious cold, creamy, minty goodness that is her ice cream. ||
  87. <Gundor|Freon> John gets up and starts cleaning himself up with some of the stock napkins. "Sorry about the spill." ||
  88. <Gundor|Freon> ...
  89. <PC|Reach> "I would ask you to put it on our tab... but you know..." ||
  90. <Gundor|Freon> John looks around and stares at the path of destruction in front of him. ||
  91. <Panda|GM> ...
  92. <Gundor|Freon> "Uh...." ||
  93. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere takes another bite of her ice cream, keeping her view on John and North. ||
  94. <Panda|GM> The cashier continues staring blankly past you all, the look on his face somewhere between 'well, that just happened' and 'huh, my death is impending'.
  95. <Panda|GM> His mouth opens and it seems as if he's debating words for a second before he settles on a few simple ones.
  96. <Panda|GM> "Is...that a dragon?"||
  97. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere looks down at her tank top, then looks to the cashier. "Nope, just breasts. Kind of an odd impression to get of them, though."||
  98. <Gundor|Freon> John looks around. ||
  99. <Panda|GM> Outside of the window, a massive glowing figure is gently flying across the sky. In strange hues of different shades of blue, the admittedly draconic figure is roughly the size of an elephant with a wingspan several stories to either side.
  100. <Panda|GM> Each flap of the wings somehow doesn't cause the ground and air to quake with the disruption.
  101. <Gundor|Freon> ....
  102. <Panda|GM> You see it land on the far side of a few buildings, near the movie theaters.||
  103. <PC|Reach> "Nah, that's actually my golden retriever, Gordon," North responds, walking towards the group. ||
  104. <PC|Reach> ((STop taking my turn))
  105. <Gundor|Freon> After several speechless seconds, John asks, "Could you make my ice cream again?" without looking away from the window. ||
  106. <Dolyn|Eerie> "And put it in a mason jar!" Guinevere adds, quite helpfully. ||
  107. <Panda|GM> " going to call my manager," the cashier mutters before scurrying off to the back.||
  108. <PC|Reach> "You do that," She says, walking towards the dragon. ||
  109. <Gundor|Freon> "Ginny, have you ever heard of a cape around here that can make giant dragon holograms?" ||
  110. <Gundor|Freon> (John asks, evenly)
  111. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere scowls at the nickname. "Not that I can think of offhand. And who's to say it isn't an actual giant dragon? Weirder things have happened."||
  112. <Gundor|Freon> "I thought we agreed not to talk about last summer." ||
  113. <Dolyn|Eerie> "I thought you agreed to stop calling me Ginny."||
  114. <PC|Reach> "Oh well, we came here to eat icecream and kick draconian ass..." She said, grabbing a nearby object, and gaining a battle stance. She sighed and finished "How about we eat ice cream, and then we can do... emh that..." ||
  115. <Gundor|Freon> "I have made no such promises. If I stop, what do I get in return?" John turned toward North, "Why do we three perfectly ordinary teenagers need to fight that dragon? It doesn't look to be doing much of anything, anyway." ||
  116. <Dolyn|Eerie> "I agree, perfectly normal teenagers, just trying to eat their ice cream. And what does a redneck like you even want, John? Guns, cars that can repeatedly turn left?" ||
  117. <Gundor|Freon> John attempts to make a frog's croak. ||
  118. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere snorts dismissively, then goes back to eating her ice cream and watching the dragon. ||
  119. <Panda|GM> She can't see the dragon. It's hidden behind buildings.||
  120. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere snorts dismissively, then goes back to eating her ice cream and looking out the window. ||
  121. <PC|Reach> "Gordon! C'mere boy!" Reach says pushing open the door with her telekinesis. ||
  122. <Panda|GM> The door flies off the hinges, taking a large chunk of either side of the wall with it.
  123. <Panda|GM> The people in the parlor shriek and rush to be as far away from you as possible while a few people outside- on the other side of the 4 lanes of traffic- look up and stare with obvious bewilderment.
  124. <Panda|GM> Something something something unwritten rules maybe.||
  125. <Dolyn|Eerie> I point at North, gasp, and dramatically declare, "Oh my goodness, is that person some kind of cape?!"||
  126. <Gundor|Freon> "That does seem possible, Ginny, but I don't think so. It would be so very stupid of a cape to act like that, something else is probably going on." ||
  127. <Dolyn|Eerie> "Are you suggesting that some manner of smoke and mirrors is afoot, John?"||
  128. <Gundor|Freon> "Well there was that impossibly large dragon thing, that wasn't causing any wind or sound or anything. And now I slip and fall way farther than I should have, and something invisible smashed the door..." John continues, "There's definitely *something* funny going on with our senses." ||
  129. <Dolyn|Eerie> "Ah yes! I think I've read about this on PHO! Do you think, perhaps, that this ice cream shop is being attacked by a stranger? If so, we should call the PRT immediately."||
  130. <Gundor|Freon> "What do you say, North?" ||
  131. <PC|Reach> "Quite peculiar isn't it, why what enigmatic creature is causing this?" The dark haired teenage said sharply. ||
  132. <Gundor|Freon> "Quite right. Yeah let's call the hot-line." ||
  133. <PC|Reach> "Gin dear, will you be a wonderful law upholding citizen and call them, darling?" North asks, batting her eyelashes. ||
  134. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere pulls out her cell phone. After a few presses of the screen she stops, frowning. "Does anybody actually know their number? Can I just call 9-1-1 for this?"||
  135. <Panda|GM> "Get out!" The cashier comes from the back, trembling and with a broom in his hands, shaking wildly and not of his own accord.
  136. <Panda|GM> "Just....just get out!"||
  137. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere turns to him, a pleading expression on her face. "Come with us!"||
  138. <PC|Reach> "We'll have orgies, all night, and we can sing cumbaya, and eat tacos!" North says, reaching out for him with her hand. ||
  139. <Gundor|Freon> John looks at North funny. ||
  140. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere looks at North funny. ||
  141. <PC|Reach> North looks at the dragon funny. ||
  142. <Panda|GM> The cashier would've looked at North funny, if he wasn't suddenly propelled at high velocity into the back wall of the store, cracking several pictures and possibly a bone or two, along with knocking over a few people in the way at the time.||
  143. <Gundor|Freon> ((We can see the dragon again??))
  144. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere's look turns to frustration. "Really, North? A night with you must be horrific if this kind of thing keeps happening."||
  145. <PC|Reach> (( Panda|GM ))
  146. <Panda|GM> ((No, she's deadpanning like this is The Office))
  147. <Gundor|Freon> "That's what... oh nevermind." ||
  148. <Dolyn|Eerie> "Your wit is so vast, I'm amazed you can keep it inside you, John."||
  149. <PC|Reach> "Ginny, your mother thought that night was wonderful" ||
  150. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere gives a look of sheer terror to North. That remark was utterly unexpected. ||
  151. <Panda||GM> The sound of sirens in the distance reaches your ears.||
  152. <Dolyn|Eerie> "Oh! Someone else has thought to call the PRT. Excellent. Please leave my Mother out of things in the future, North." ||
  153. <Gundor|Freon> "Let's get North out of here. Seem to be attracting trouble." ||
  154. <PC|Reach> "Yea, let's skedaddle," She said, picking up her cakecone and heading to the back exit. ||
  155. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere takes another bite of her ice cream, delightfully well contained in its mason jar, and follows North. ||
  156. <PC|Reach> (( Panda ))
  157. <Panda||GM> The lingering crowd quickly parts around you as you find your way to the back of the store, which faces away from the street and direction the dragon went in and aims for more stores.||
  158. <Dolyn|Eerie> "God, this ice cream is delicious. We need to do this more often. I might even be able to get a date out of it!" ||
  159. <PC|Reach> "Let's get the hell out of here, the ice cream was terrible," She said taking a huge bite out of her ice cream while pushing open the door. ||
  160. <Gundor|Freon> "I didn't get to eat any ice cream," John says while glaring at North, peevishly, from outside. ||
  161. <Gundor|Freon> ...
  162. <Gundor|Freon> After a brief pause, "And Ginny? I hate to be honest but that ship has sailed, sunk, and hit the ocean floor in pieces at this point." ||
  163. <PC|Reach> "You're one to talk, the only time you'll get laid, will have the words 'in a coffin' after it."
  164. <PC|Reach> ||
  165. <Dolyn|Eerie> "Are you kidding me? He called my chest a dragon! If that's not a sure sign of interest, I don't know what is." ||
  166. <PC|Reach> "Yeah he was practically inviting her to do sexual roleplay DnD style..." North agrees. ||
  167. <Gundor|Freon> John looks at Ginny funny. "I'm pretty sure he called a *dragon* a dragon.' ||
  168. <Dolyn|Eerie> "I didn't realize you thought so fondly of my assets, John." Guinevere remarks with a smirk. ||
  169. <Panda||GM> The sirens get closer.||
  170. <Gundor|Freon> John attempts to ribbit again as he leads them to a side alley, seeking to get out of the area. ||
  171. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere follows, attempting to finish her cone before violence erupts. "Why the hell do you keep ribbiting?"||
  172. <PC|Reach> "We need to get out now," She says, starting to run. ||
  173. <Gundor|Freon> As John speeds up, he replies, "Well, you said, I don't read, but it seems, that you, have forgotten, quite the iconic, fairy tale." ||
  174. <Dolyn|Eerie> Guinevere speeds up, ceasing to eat her ice cream to make pace. "What does a bird and a millstone have to do with any of this, John?"
  175. <Dolyn|Eerie> ||
  176. <Gundor|Freon> "Excuuuse me Princess." ||
  177. <Dolyn|Eerie> "Not a damned one of you people ever actually calls me by my name!"||
  178. <PC|Reach> "I'm sure the dragon will be more polite..." ||
  179. <Gundor|Freon> "Calm your 'dragons' Ginny, some of us have trouble with words of more than two silly billies." ||
  180. <Dolyn|Eerie> "Whatever," Guinevere mutters. "When can we stop running?"||
  181. <Panda||GM> Now.
  182. <Panda||GM> Far enough away from the ice cream parlor that the sirens have faded once again, you find yourself several blocks away from the incident, far enough that you can safely step back onto the main road and peer down to see the flashing lights in the distance.||
  183. <Gundor|Freon> ((So how was this group able to work together as a mercenary team before? Or are they going to an ice cream shop to celebrate having formed a team in the first place?))
  184. <Panda||GM> ((You're really really shitty at it.))
  185. <Gundor|Freon> ((Ah))
  186. <Dolyn|Eerie> ((Go team!))
  187. <PC|Reach> ((Anyone wanna go?))
  188. <PC|Reach> "We need to get to cover..." She says, down back her hair, in hopes of changing her appearance. ||
  189. <Dolyn|Eerie> "Why do you say that, North? We've gotten a good distance away," Guinevere replies. She pulls out a hair tie and offers it to North. "Here, use this."||
  190. <Panda||GM> |||
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