
Thaumatology 101 (SLSS Splatbook Alpha)

Dec 14th, 2013
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  1. Categorising things by their nature is a basic human, and truly any sapient, impulse. It makes things easier to understand, communicate and control. The fickle nature and wonder of magical powers did not deter the scientists of the ages from attempting to classify the effects of magic, and many different interpretations and theories have been brought forth over the centuries. Welcome to the world of Thaumatology, where the scientific and the arcane meet head on and become indistinguishable from one another. Proceed with caution, magic is an unpredictable and dangerous mistress, and there is some knowledge maybe man was not meant to know.
  4. The Hierarchy of the Three Fundamentals
  6. The first attempt to seriously classify magic, The Hierarchy of the Three Fundamentals postulate a revolutionary concept: All spells known to ponykind were derived from three fundamental spells. These three spells were Illumination, Remote Movement and Energy Discharge, the three spells even little fillies could learn. The theory explains that all other spells are expansions and combinations of these three effects. Fire spells were an expansion of Energy Discharge, creating fire energy instead of raw magic energy. Healing is an extension of Illumination, light being the giver of life. Teleportation is an extension of Remote Movement, moving the caster quickly. Mind Reading is a combination of Illumination and Remote Movement, Illumination allowing the Remote Movement to feel the life force of the target and therefor it's mind. Scrying was another combination of Remote Movement and Illumination, Remote Movement allowing one to metaphorically shed light on an unknown thing to gain new knowledge. A spell to summon an elemental servant would be a Remote Movement, Illumination and Energy Discharge combination; first one must create a suitable body with Energy Discharge, then one must find a suitable spirit to control the body and bring it to you with Remote Movement and finally you must breathe life to the body and combine it with the spirit using Illumination. Shortly after it's first postulation, an expansion emerged for this theory, later known as the "Moral Symmetry Hypothesis". It described "Anti-Magic", the mirror images of the three fundamental spells turned to dark purpose. This is the kind of magic Sombra uses, for example. There now were the three fundamental anti spells Darkness, Binding and Destruction. A killing spell is an extension of Darkness, snuffing out the light of life in it's target. Turning your foe to stone or putting him into suspended animation would be an extension of the binding spell, restricting their ability to move and interact with the world. A disintegration spell is an extension of the Destruction spell, instead of adding new things to the world like Energy Discharge, it removes them (Energy Discharge is an addition of energy and entropy to the world, while Destruction is a removal of entropy and energy, moving the universe closer to emptiness). A raise undead spell would be a combination of Binding and Darkness, the tortured remaining life essence of the recently fallen is bound to the body and the power of Darkness used to give it unholy strength. A mind control spell would be a combination of Darkness and Binding as well, binding the life force of the target to your will and manipulating to evil intent through Darkness. These theories were later challenged and ultimately refuted centuries later, though the three fundamentals are still taught to every prospective unicorn. It was found that the three fundamental spells did not fully explain all spells, such as transformation spells, and that many effects of the Anti-Spells could be reproduced sometimes even more effectively with the normal three spells, mind control for example has been succesfully demonstrated without the use of dark magic. This of course opened the debate on better forms of classification and left open the question of just WHAT dark magic is if it isn't the mirror form of regular magic.
  9. The Classical Schools of Magic
  11. The first theory after the Hierarchy fell that stuck were what is today known as the Classical Schools of Magic. This theory divided magic into 8 categories: Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Meta, Vitamancy and Transmutation. Conjuration magic is the creation and movement of matter, such as Summoning, Teleportation and Creation spells. This classification was later called into question after the discovery of the Conservation of Energy and it has been theorised that creation spells do not exist, they are just a different form of summoning. From where these objects are summoned is one of the largest unexplained questions in modern Thaumatology, all experiments into this terrain have met with complete and sometimes horrific disaster. Experimenting with teleportation magic on live subjects has since been forbidden at most magical universities. Divination spells are spells that gain information, such as Mind Reading, Augury or Extrasensory Perception. Some Thaumatologists have suggested reclassifying Divination into "Sense Magic", since Divination implies knowledge of the future. While there are future predicting spells in Divination, they have all been proven to be fallable, but in masters of the art, statistically significant. Enchantment magic are spells that manipulate the minds of sapients and non sapients a like, from the classic mind control to subtle emotional manipulations. This school of magic is very looked down upon in Equestrian society and rarely if ever taught as such, many practitionares are simultaneously users of dark magic. The school of Evocation focuses on the creation and manipulation of energies, heat, light, force etc. All three fundamental spells, Remote Movement, Illumination and Energy Discharge, are classified as Evocation spells, since they are all discharged of energy in one for or another. This classification is considered controversial though, as some classify Illumination as Illusion and Energy Discharge as Meta. Here, the Theory of Relativity hadn't been discovered yet, so the fact that matter was the same as energy wasn't known. Illusion spells are spells that create false images and fool the senses, examples should be obvious. Later scientists remarked that funnilly enough Illusion crosses over with both Evocation and Divination magic, and as such was another controversial school Meta magic is the magic of well...magic. These are spells such as Dispell Magic, Anti Magic Field, Enhance Mana Field etc, anything dealing with the raw stuff of magic. Energy Discharge is classified by some scientists as a Meta spell since the discharge itself is not electricity, plasma or anything else that can be properly described as anything other than "raw magic". Vitamancy is the art of manipulating the force of life inherent to all living things. This includes healing and temporary enhancements of abilities such as strength. The final school is transmutation, which is the magic of transforming mass from one shape or type into another. It is considered one of the hardest schools to master.
  14. Revision of the original classifications and Manafield Theory
  16. Due to many incoherences in the prior classifications, many spells being grouped into multiple schools and new scientific discoveries such as the Conservation of Energy (which was exceedingly hard to prove and convince people of, since magic seems to break this concept quite readily and is still controversial) calling some into question, later generations of scientists reformed the classifications into two "tiers" of magic. The first tier is composed of Meta Magic, Conjuration, Evocation and Transmutation. The definitions of the four though, have been changed. Meta Magic remains unchanged in it's definition, but it's scope expanded over time to include more spells. Conjuration is redefined as "Movement Magic", teleportation and summoning of matter. The leading theory that all objects are summoned, not created, from where remains a controversial mystery. Evocation was reclassified as "Energy Magic" (Relativity still not discovered yet), the summoning and manipulation of all energies such as heat, pressure and electricity. Transmutation was defined as the manipulation of matter and matter only, as before. The rest of the schools were moved to the second tier of derived magic, since it was proven that they are all derived or can be expressed through some combination of the first tier of magic. A breakthrough in Thaumatology was the postulation of the Manafield theory, which solved the problem of lack of Energy Conservation by assuming that there is a "charged" field of magic energy everywhere that is only "tapped" to cast spells and exert energy. where this field gets it's energy from remains a further mystery of Thaumatology, and some even suggest apocalyptic scenarios of the energy of magic "running out". It was later also shown that this field was not homogenous at all, since there are areas of high and even "dead" magic, and meta spells have been developed that can manipulate the strength of this background field. Still, an explanation for the pecularities of dark magic was missing until a while later when it was found that the techniques behind healing and killing spells were nearly identical, both being summoning of a certain force from somewhere else. But while healing spells summoned "life" energy, a slight alteration in the incantation allowed to summon "anti-life" energy, which could snuff out life energy like a candle, or if very much of it is put into a body, revive it into the state known as "undead". It has been theorised that huge amounts of life energy could revive a body into a state of "un-undeath", what this state would be like is highly theoretical and experiments were never attempted for ethical reasons. The truth being that creatures such as Fey are such "un-undead", having traits similar to undead but powered by normal life force. Instead of eating or similar though, they drain the energy they need directly from wherever life force comes from, same way undead drain anti-lifeforce from wherever it comes from. This theory remains the de facto standard to today, with only minor alterations over time. The schools are mostly kept the way they are for tradition reasons, and because despite their underlying differences, the school spells all have similarities in execution, so being good with one Evocation spell usually means you will be better at other Evocation spells. As such, it is an excellent teaching tool and remains in widespread use. A later addition is the use of "Colleges", collections of spells not by underlying force or execution, but by use. These are often used as "curricula" in specialised magic schools. So in a "Pyromancy" school or class, you may learn a Conjuration spell "Summon Fire", an Evocation spell "Fireball" and a Divination spell "Sense Fire" or similar.
  19. The Grand Unifying Theory of Quantum Thaumatology and other nonsense
  21. In some hypothetical future where Equestrians develop solar-system sized particle accelerators, they might some day develop the "truth" of Quantum Physical magic. In this theory, it is shown that the Manafield is truly a non-zero vacuum field that has the bizarre quality that it exists in higher dimensions and if it is stimulated in certain ways, emits certain fundamental particles, but if stimulated in others, creates vastly different ones. Correctly explaining this would need some unique version of String Theory, so let's not get in quite that deep. Basically it is like the chord on a guitar. If you strum it only lightly, it vibrates all along it's length and creates a tone, and that tone can be manipulated by where you place your hand. As such, all magic is actually a variation of the spell "Vibrate" in a sense. Since the mana field is in a constant state of excitement, it will one day cease to be so when it exhausts it's energy, but it is of such cosmological proportions that all stars in the universe will have burned out before that happens. Alternatively one could tap into other universes and "steal" their mana to replenish one's own. This theory is quite a bit more exhaustive, with the two particles Manaton and Thaumaton mediating the magic force and lots of weird shit about thaumatological decay and sub atomic interactions, but I don't think anyone but me cares, so this whole section can be blissfully ignored. Magic's more fun without an explanation anyways.
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