
A Hint of Roses

Jan 19th, 2014
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  1. ** You know, its been fairly quite around here. A place that has a larger population then most cities, all of which armed to a point that puts entire kingdoms to shame, has none of the ruckus that my grandpa told me about. Explosions almost constantly, painful roars of grim always being experimented or trained on, a endless sound of ringing steel and battle, none of that has even remotely come true. At best we got to use a baby pig type grim to do some combat practice on. Hell, even our forest of death run was dull. The group of idiots before us managed to clear out the two main threats without leaving us anything but those annoying wolf types. To make matters worse we were timed to compensate for the lack of enemies. I barely made it in time thanks to Watts sexy mortar axe thing launching us ball an chain style up the cliff.
  2. ** No, actually I guess all that is a blessing more then anything else. Getting hurt would be a pain considering im not one of those ani.. err.. Faunus, or a crazy aura user that lets me regenerate at will. Don’t want to jeopardize that great hunter gig before I even finish school, now do I.
  3. ** What is really bothering me the most is something much simpler. A smell to be exact. Randomly during the day no matter where I go, what time it is, inside or out, a hint of roses comes across my nose. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, that subtle yet ever so sweet smell is great, but there is not a single Oum damn rose bush on the entire school grounds. Its making it hard to concentrate at times. I even almost lost grip of my sword yesterday during combat practice I was so distracted.
  5. ~Sniff~
  7. Anon:
  8. Oh here we go again. This time I am going to find the source of that cursed smell if it kills me.
  10. Anon takes off like a speeding bullet following his nose. The elusive scent seems to be weaving through the halls faster then you can keep track of its direction. However you stop noticing that its not a trail anymore and instead its surrounded you completely. But anon is deep within the halls of beacon far from any window or dorm, where is this smell coming from.
  11. Suddenly out of the corner of your eye a red blur bolts straight for you. You try to react in time to block it from hitting you but sadly you remember your sword is still in the locker armory many floors down. Not like you had time to draw your weapon even if you had it before the blur collides with you knocking you unconscious.
  13. ~Sniff~
  15. Anon:
  16. Ughh.. If I were a crazy man, I would say that scent was following me around here. Wait a second, where is here anyways and why does my head feel like a ursa sat on it.
  18. As you start to look around you notice that not only are you laying down on some random persons bed, you feel like you are tied to it too. Too make matters worse, said bed appears to be swaying as you move. To further complicate things, looks like you are almost butt naked save your boxers, which have the cutest picture of a cartoonified grim mouse shooting bolts of lightning from its tail slapped on them.
  20. Soft voice:
  21. Don’t worry anon, I think I did everything just like Yang told me. Now then lets get started so I can ask you that favor abo…
  23. Anon:
  24. Who in our great Oums name the hell are you?! Why am I tied up!?! Where are my cloths and why is it even in this deathtrap I still smell roses!!
  26. You look down to your side to see a pair of silvery eyes just hardly over the edge of the bed staring at you.
  28. ** Well shes kinda cute, hold on a second, isn’t this the same girl that blew up the first day? And why do I have a boner right now, whats going, on stop it.
  29. ** No.
  30. ** Don’t you talk back to me damnit... why am I arguing with my penis.
  32. Small and now frightened voice:
  33. Ww-wait, wait, calm down anon. I am sure I didn’t forget any of the items Yang told me to get for this ritual.
  35. Anon:
  36. Enough of this crater face, untie me, give me my cloths and back and ill forget this happened.
  38. Pissed off voice:
  39. My name is Ruby, not crater face! I am gonna boop Jaune so hard for letting that name slip.
  41. Anon:
  42. Who the hell is Jaune, no one could miss the giant hole you left that day. Now seriously this is the last time, let me go.
  44. Ruby:
  45. B-but.. my favor… Yang said that all the people of the Northern Kingdom drip burning wax on the one they want something from and beat them with leather weapons too.. went and bought some candles and a soft leather lash and everything…
  47. Anon:
  48. I.. ugh what? First of all I am from the Eastern Kingdom’s town of Dun’morogh. Second, I am absolutely sure that no such ritual is practiced anywhere in the world, well almost sure..
  50. On the verge of tears, those silvery eyes disappear in a blur, An instant later the bed sways slightly and you see Ruby standing above your waist with all the goods from her “ritual” in hand. Sure enough candles to stock a craft store and a fluffy leather whip are pressed up against her bare chest.
  52. ** Oh great Oum what? Is she?.. She is! Completely and totally birthday suit material, literally within arms reach. This could be fun if I play my cards right..
  54. Anon:
  55. Ruby, question, why are you naked?
  57. Ruby:
  58. I told you already, I did everything Yang told me to do. I didn’t want to insult you or your culture and lose out on my chance at that favor. All of which is a lie that I now have to hunt her down and repay her for this most joyous event. I just wanted to see that cool fire sword I saw you with on the first day. I have been following you around since then trying to get a hold of it to figure out its specs and how it works. I mean it’s a sword that is made of fire, how unbelievably awesome is that!
  60. ** Why is she bouncing around so much when shes talking, and why in the world isn’t she trying to cover her lower self? And stop it boner this is not the time!
  61. ** Noo… join me… come to the darkside… we have cookies…
  63. You close your eyes to try and block the impure thoughts.
  65. Anon:
  66. …You did all this… just to look at my weapon? Bit of an arms nut aren’t you..
  68. Ruby:
  69. Weapon Enthusiast, thank you very much. And ya, why else would I do something as stupid as this?
  71. She then drops everything she was holding onto your lap landing squarely on that pesky boner. The items cause just enough pain to make you yelp and an increase in your breathing rate to accompany the uncomfortable sensation. She begins work on your bonds leaning over you causing the bed to shift once again. Just as she finishes she starts to shout.
  73. Ruby:
  74. Aaa-anon!! Stop that it! It tickles!
  76. Your eyes fly open just to be face to breast of two budding mounds of delicious flesh. Your breath quickens again this time getting strings of giggling out of the defenseless Ruby.
  78. ** Penis to Brain, come in Brain! Gates three through one have been breached! Logic has been successfully removed! Release code BEAST already!
  79. ** Brain to Penis, CODE: BEAST; request has been accepted. Releasing all safeties. BEAST is GO!
  81. Anon:
  82. You know ruby, for generations my family line has passed down another weapon even more special then the fire saber you caught a glimpse of before. Would you like to see that for the time being to make up for this whole mess?
  84. Ruby:
  85. You have two weapons? Where? All this time I have only seen you use one! What is it like? How many gun barrels does it have? Is it another swor~
  87. Before Ruby can finish her babbling you shift all of your weight you can muster to the right. The suspended bed violently jolts to the side causing Ruby to lose her balance and stumble backwards. Just as both her and the bed were starting to stabilize, she takes one last step backwards. Her foot lands on one of the candles she so carelessly dropped on your junk not more then a few seconds ago. Ruby loses her footing on the round object and is sent crashing down landing crotch first on your lap.
  89. Ruby:
  90. Oww.. what did you do that for ano…
  92. Ruby starts to fidget in this newfound position. Bracing herself by putting her small delicate hands on your stomach. Even through the fabric of your boxers you can feel every inch of her lower lips press against the base of your shaft. A lot softer and more inviting then you would have ever thought. The heat from her legs pressing against the outside of yours as well as both her and your lower regions separated only by a paper thin piece of cloth has left both of you noticeable flustered. Yet in this situation Ruby still hasn’t put her fist through your head or ran away screaming.
  93. In fact Ruby continues to randomly move around on top of you, never completely leaving the firm yet pliable hot mound on your boxers. Which is getting bigger and burning even hotter then just a few seconds ago. Rising ever so slightly, then lowering herself back down in a slightly different position. Her face is looking just as red as you imagine yours is right now, but the look on it isn’t that of fear or disgust. More of curiosity and yearning then anything else. Her face scrunches together in a cute fashion as she finds yet another new spot to rest.
  94. You notice her breathing is starting to get heavier. That’s not all you notice either, its starting to get very damp in the area she is squirming on. You cant tell if its her or you that’s causing it, most likely both is the case.
  96. ** Oh Oum, what the hell, has she done this kind of stuff before? Have to put a stop to this an get in the lead.. its not like I know anymore then what iv seen in those magazines… this being my first time and all.. Still I cant let her have control.
  98. Anon:
  99. Rr-ruby… Ruby! Hold still for a second damnit!
  101. Ruby:
  102. Umm.. eh? Huh?
  104. Anon:
  105. What are you doing..
  107. Ruby:
  108. Well.. I am tiring to figure out why this feels so… strange. When I landed on you it hurt for a second and when I was trying to move to get up for an instant it felt like someone sprinkled lightning dust on my stomach. I cant say it felt.. bad.. just weird… a good weird too. Every time I move that sensation gets stronger or lasts longer… I like it..
  110. Anon:
  111. You remember what I was just saying, don’t you? My other weapon is what is causing you to feel like this. You are more then welcome to draw that weapon out and inspect it to your hearts content.
  113. You look down between your two almost connected regions hinting at its direction with a slight grin. Said regions are now almost totally soaked. Your boxers are now a much darker shade of blue and Rubys inner thighs and lower lips have a slight sheen to them thanks to their new slippery coat. You can feel your penis start to twitch at the sight.
  115. Ruby:
  116. Ahh! Unn.. so that’s where your hiding it.
  118. Ruby sits up and gets on all fours as she crawls backwards a little ways. She then sits back down in-between your legs with her hands poised above your rock hard appendage. In one swift motion she pulls down your soaked underwear and in the very same motion you penis comes flying out like a jack in the box.
  120. Ruby:
  121. EEK! Anon you have a baby viper grim stuck between your legs! Hold still ill get it!
  123. Anon:
  124. Nononono hold on Ruby!
  126. Its too late. What feels like a pair of vices grabs a hold of your member. However due to Ruby’s previous attempts at exploration, your penis is just as soaked as those boxers she just pulled off. Making her attempts to strangle or remove the “viper” all but useless. Her attempts to kill the slippery animal are making you even more excited then before.
  127. As she wrestles with it you start to twitch far more then before. She keeps alternating between squeezing and pulling in a way that’s more painful then enjoyable. Not by much though. She keeps alternating hands when pulling on your meat viper like she is rolling up a garden hose. When she fails to get results with that she uses both hands to grip your head and shaft, and tightens around them. With the strength of men easily three or four times bigger then her she continues the pressure. Until her hands slip again that is. Then she attempts the pulling method again.
  128. Its not long before you lose all control and release your load in her hands. The kneading strength of the small girl puts enough pressure to make your shot not just fill her hands, but go out and land right below her chest as well.
  129. Ruby leans back in shock and releases her grip on your worn out rod.
  131. Ruby:
  132. It spits venom too!! This isn’t good anon stay here, im gonna go get Crescent Rose!
  134. Anon:
  135. Will you just stay still for a moment and listen! That’s no viper grim, that’s my weapon!
  137. Ruby:
  138. Baby viper grim, and how is that a weapon? Also why is it coming out of where you are supposed to pee from?
  140. ** Does she really not know what a penis is?
  141. ** Its time anon, give her the..
  142. ** Quite penis, im busy here.
  144. Anon:
  145. Its one of the greatest weapons that any man can have. Uhh.. the Perfectly Effective Nano Ion Sword, or PENIS for short. It’s a multi functional tool used for almost anything. The reason you were feeling good before is because of this. However im gonna need your help if you want to feel like that again, even better than before in fact.
  147. Stars fill Ruby’s eyes in excitement. If this were one of those crazy animes she would have transformed into some superhero by now. She sits almost at full attention nodding her head waiting for you to continue.
  149. Anon:
  150. All you have to do is use your mouth to play with this weapon. Once its regained the strength needed we can use it to make you feel great
  152. Ruby:
  153. You want me.. to put your weapon in my.. mouth? Wont it hurt me if I do that? And what about this sticky stuff it shot at me? This stuff isn’t poisonous?
  155. Anon:
  156. Nah, you will be fine and no that stuff isn’t poisonous. Drinking it up also makes my weapon recover faster so do your best not to waste any.
  158. Ruby:
  159. Ok if it means I can feel like that again ill try my best. Umm. what am I supposed to do with my mouth?
  161. Anon:
  162. Anything should work, choose what you want to do.
  164. Ruby lowers her head slowly down to the tip of your penis. You can feel her soft warm breath on it making you shiver a little. You see her mouth open ever so slightly and her tongue comes out to lick her gentle lips once. She opens her mouth even wider and starts to move her head lower when an idea hits you out of the blue.
  166. Anon:
  167. Actually Ruby, a thought just came to me. Come here and sit on my chest.
  169. Ruby:
  170. I don’t know how changing position will help, but alright why not.
  172. Anon:
  173. Oh don’t you worry, this will help you for later.
  175. Ruby crawls up over you and circles around when she reaches the designated area. She sits down gently and goes back to staring at your semi erect penis. This gives you a birds eye view of Ruby’s lower half in all its glory. Such a sight it is with those two perfectly smooth lips with an entrance that looks barely big enough to fit one finger in. At the bottom of those glistening folds is a small light pink nub that seems to be twitching from time to time.
  176. Just then you are taken back completely. Seems Ruby finally stopped just looking at your penis and put as much of it in her mouth as she could fit. You wince a bit in pain as every now and then she brushes against your member with her teeth, but that feeling quickly goes away as she sucks it with her tongue much like you would a lollipop. She moves her hands to the top of your thighs and starts to sway her head slowly from side to side.
  177. You just about lose yourself with all that’s going on but you quickly remember you have your own duty to do. You place your hand completely over Rubys slit infront of you. It’s quite small, not even taking up your entire palm to cover it. Leaving your hand there and taking in the sensation of the warmth and how slick the whole area is with her juices. You can feel her breathing quicken with that as now she exhales over your stiffening member. You bring up your other hand and with your thumbs you slowly press into her folds and start to gently trace them up and down. Occasionally brushing her nub and spreading her lips apart you start to pick up pace.
  178. You begin hearing soft almost whimper like moans coming from Rubys muffled mouth. She changes pace in kind with you and starts bobbing her head up and down instead of to the sides. She has almost got a full lip seal on your rod now and is sucking with her full mouth instead of just her tongue. Which she is putting to good use licking your tip and flicking it every now and then.
  179. Not wanting to be outdone by these new sensations you switch it up too. Using your left hand to grab and gently squeeze her tight butt cheek. At the same time you use your right thumb to focus on and circle around Rubys clit while at the same time you start to probe the entrance past her folds with your index finger. Not even going past your first knuckle you pump it in and out of her now drenched hole. It feels like your finger is going to melt off its so hot inside of her.
  180. No longer quite moans are escaping from Ruby now. If it weren’t for her sucking you off right now then they could most likely hear you down the hallway. You take this opportunity to add your middle finger to inside her opening. Pushing them both in slightly further then before you can feel her insides twitch and coil around them. You piston the two intruding appendages quicker into her and at the same time push harder against her clit instead of the gentle circles from before.
  181. Ruby loses it. Squeals of pleasure come from her and your penis escapes its moist and warm keeper with a pop. Her insides tightening around your two fingers with a pressure that feels like they were going to be chopped off. A split second after that she starts to spasm and juices start to flood out of her entrance like a river. Ruby loses all ability to hold herself up and collapses on your lap.
  182. A big grin is plastered over your face at the handy work you have done. However you are still rock hard and almost over the edge yourself. Looks like you will have plenty of time to calm down while Ruby comes to her senses.
  184. ~Sniff~
  186. ** Hang on a second. Im a good six feet in the air and in a dorm room I never even knew existed. Alone in a room with no one else except for Ruby… oh wow, its coming from her! Its so much more sweet. Its stronger now too.
  188. You inhale deeply trying to fill every inch of your lungs by that intoxicating aroma. Without a doubt that smell is coming from Ruby. You bring your hand up to your mouth and give it a lick. Sure enough there it is. Its just a little bitter but still has the same rose taste and smell. You move your head down to get a taste of the source when Ruby starts to stir awake.
  190. Ruby:
  191. …Uwahh.. Anon what did you do to me, that felt great.
  193. Anon:
  194. Uh.. secret technique passed down for generations?
  196. ** Liar!
  197. ** You didn’t do shit penis!
  198. ** Penis, Brain, both of you shut the hell up! I’m trying to play this off like I’m not a total virgin here!
  200. Anon:
  201. More importantly, Ruby, take a look in front of you.
  203. Ruby:
  204. Eh! Where did this thing come from?! It wasn’t even half this size… when I first put it in my mouth….
  206. Anon:
  207. It can transform at will and thanks to your help with recovery its back to full strength.
  209. Ruby:
  210. Woah, it can change its size on command? Such a cool weapon! So now what are we supposed to do with it? Whatever you just did felt great, but it wasn’t quite the same..
  212. Anon:
  213. Well get up and turn around and ill show ya.
  215. Rubys eyes start to shine with anticipation yet again. She slowly starts to rise off of your chest. Her arms and legs shaking a little as she gains a crawling position, still not recovered from her ordeal by the looks of it. You dig your hands into the bed and pull yourself backwards to give Ruby more room to maneuver around. She puts her legs in front of her and tries to straighten out her body and stand.
  216. Leaning back on your elbows you have a spectacular view of Rubys tight buttocks shaking slightly in front of you. As she wearily works herself into a full standing position Ruby’s soaked neither region glisten. They entice you to indulge in them right then and there. However instead you reach up with the intent to stabilize the wobbling figure before you. You sit up and take your weight off your elbows, but before you can fully extend your arms, Ruby’s legs quake once again and she manages to catch herself for a moment, but the quick movement and shift in weight sends the bed into another swaying fit. Unable to hold herself up from the rocking this time her legs give way completely.
  217. You reach up and manage to grab her waist, but its too late. Ruby’s weight, as light as she may be, is already on its way crashing down and you are in no position to withstand it. Much to both your luck, she looks to be falling down on top of you instead of being ejected from the deathtrap of a bed. She lands on your feet forward on your lap and immediately you know something is wrong. It feels like someone just backhanded your dick with a frying pan. You cringe in pain and open your mouth to complain, but another much louder noise fills the room.
  219. Ruby:
  220. AH!… ah oww… what the heck was that Anon…
  222. Anon:
  223. Well… not exactly how I planed to sheath my weapon, but it’ll do. Are you alright? I was going to warn you but I think the worst should be over now.
  225. Ruby:
  226. No im not alright, it feels like Yang gave me one of her “love taps”. And why does it feel like I just finished round one at the sweet buffet? Wait, sheath? You mean that thing from earlier… is inside me?! Ew ew eww ewwwwww! Get it out! That’s where I pee from!
  228. Leaning forward Ruby struggles to get up. She doesn’t even manage an inch before her movements seize completely. The small girl then lands back down on your lap with a shudder. The combination of all of Rubys movements, inside and out, makes your member twitch in delight. What pain you felt before has quickly been replaced with the sticky sensation of your rod in her velvet folds. Another twitch from you sends a visible shiver up Rubys spine.
  230. Ruby:
  231. …Do that again.
  233. Anon:
  234. But you just said to..
  236. Ruby:
  237. I know what I said, do it again!
  239. Anon:
  240. Alright, glad to see your spirits picked back up.
  242. You lean back somewhat and prop yourself up with your hands. Gently you raise your hips towards the ceiling. Ruby lets out a ragged breath with the vertical change and her insides squeeze down on you. Not really sure what to do next you stay in that position. Ruby fidgets for a moment and you feel her insides get tighten again. The sensation causes you to buck your hips then drop them back down to the bed quickly. Somehow the tip of your penis manages to stay inside her through this action. Ruby gasps sharply at the loss of the majority of the fleshy support leaving her underside. Shortly after she lands with a wet plopping noise. A deep moan escapes the small girl and her frame shudders once again. Ruby pulls her feet back alongside your legs. No longer is she in a sitting position but fully straddling you. You repeat your thrusts again and again. Bouncing Ruby a little higher each time. With every rise and fall her moans get shorter and deeper. She’s having a hard time taking complete breathes and is panting in an erratic fashion.
  243. Ruby isn’t the only one that’s having a hard time. You can feel yourself get closer and closer to release. Her insides keep clamping down on you in all the right ways. Every drop down her pussy clings to you like it has a mind of its own and is refusing to let go. The warmth, the wetness, every contraction of her inner folds, all of it is driving you over the edge. However you know you can get more. This position is too awkward and the pace to irregular to go all out.
  244. In one quick motion you pull yourself backwards and remove yourself from Rubys inner walls. She whines in protest at the loss of her new plaything. Before she can get a word in edge wise you run your arms between her legs. Once you feel you have enough leverage on her small frame you flip her over onto her back. A surprised yelp escapes the girl as she lands. You slowly open to once again reveal your goal and position yourself at her entrance.
  245. With a wanting look in her eyes and a soft smile on her face, she simple nods her head. Bit by bit you inch yourself back into her core enjoying every bump and crevice along the way. You’ve made it as far as possible all the way to the base of your shaft. You sit still just for a moment, enjoying the sensation of having your full length wrapped in Rubys warm folds. A wanting whine brings you back to your senses. You look up to a pair of cute pouting cheeks and those quivering silver eyes looking at you, waiting, wanting you to continue.
  246. Needing no further prompts you withdraw your rod all the way to just before the tip and thrust all the way to the base with ease. Keeping an even pace you repeat these motions causing Rubys small whines to once again become deep moans. Her insides are sopping wet letting you piston her folds with almost no resistance.
  247. You look down and Rubys perky mounds catch your eye. Covered in sweat and Rubys own drool, her pink nubs are calling to you. You take one in each hand and give them a gentle squeeze. You hear what sounds like a giggle combined with a moan coming from Ruby at the sensation of what you just did. You want to hear that wonderful sound again. This time while you squeeze and kneed the two lumps of flesh you bring your face down to her right peak. After a quick lick you surround her nipple completely and begin to suck with enough force to elicit those enjoyable sounds again.
  248. While you entertain yourself with Rubys breasts it seems you have neglected your thrusting. Letting the pace become uneven and not getting a full penetration most of the time either. Ruby feels the lacking attention down below and takes steps herself to get you back on track. She wraps her legs around your back and does the same with her arms around your neck, using her new hold on you as leverage to thrust up, pushing your member all the way back inside. As she continues, each thrust is filled with more desire then the last.
  249. Both of your breathing has increased to be gasps for air at the attention each is giving the other. Ruby halts her movements for a split second and then with all the strength she has left grinds into your penis. That vice like pressure has returned with a vengeance and right after that a flood of juices come pouring out of Ruby in greater amounts then the first time.
  250. With that, your preverbal dam bursts wide open. Rubys insides coil around you and spasm out of control causing you to do the same. With one final buck of your hips you fill her center all the way to the brim with your rod and release your load. You lose strength in your arms and collapse on top of the girls small frame Likewise Ruby shows her physical drain and her legs release there grip on your waste, falling to your side and one final satisfied moan comes out of her lips.
  251. Your not sure how much time passes with both your bodies heaving against one another as you each try to regain control of your senses. You are still deep, all though not completely, inside Ruby and randomly you can feel her twitch and contort around your shrinking penis. Your breathing has returned to what would be considered somewhat normal but Ruby is still breathing heavily, not the manic gasps for air as before but not far off either. You start to rise up off her using your arms to push off the bed. However, before your chest can even fully leave Rubys still very erect peaks, you find yourself thrown backwards with an unworldly strength landing on your back. Ruby manages to follow you all the way up and back down on the bed all the while making it so your penis doesn’t leave her folds. With a reddened face and a grin from ear to ear she opens her soft lips fighting back staggering gasps for air.
  253. Ruby:
  254. That.. felt…. amazing! I was feeling… those… shocks almost the entire time. I felt so stuffed with your weapon…. thought I was going to hate it but every…. time you pushed it inside me I felt more intense.. and longer draws of that lightning. I loved it!
  256. Anon:
  257. Glad you enjoyed yourself Ruby, but if I may ask… what is with the sudden change in position. We should let you rest a bit to catch your breath.
  259. Ruby:
  260. Oh… im just fine.. and there will be no resting.. we are not done by a long shot. I want to feel like that again!
  262. Anon:
  263. Ww-wait! Hold on a second, I need some time to..
  265. Ruby ignores you and brings her tiny frame up just enough so your penis doesn’t leave her and drops quickly back down. She holds herself there on your lap enjoying the feeling of your not quite erect member squirm up into her. She takes it further and grinds her hips into yours. Squeals of pleasure from Ruby and grunts of enjoyment and pain from you fill the room. Ruby rises once again, masterfully keeping your dick inside her. She circles her hips in the air, grinding your tip against her entrance, just to push back down into your hips. The tiny girl leans forwards and catches her self with her arms on the bed all the while still grinding you inside her. Her pace quickens and she is now riding up and down your rod with renewed vigor. She wasn’t kidding, Ruby wants more and is no where near done.
  266. You are exhausted from the previous ordeals. While what Ruby is doing feels unbelievable, you can feel yourself slowly lose consciousness. As your vision starts to tunnel and your head rests against the bed sheets, the last sight you see is a grinning ruby bouncing on top of you in blurred speed. Your eyes close and the last thing that hits your senses before you pass out is the now much more favorable smell of roses.
  268. Ruby:
  269. ..on! ..nonn! Anon wake up! Oh no, what do I do now. Come on anon wake up!!
  271. Your eyes snap open to see the tear filled eyes of the girl leaning on top of you. You inhale slowly taking in that familiar scent and smile back at Ruby. Bringing your right hand up to cup the cring girls cheek, you wipe away the steam of tears running down the side of her face.
  273. Anon:
  274. Unn.. We are gonna have to teach you some self-control if you want to keep doing this kind of stuff. Not all of us are natural beasts in bed you know. Now come on, lets go down to the mess hall an get something to eat.
  276. Ruby:
  277. Alright, but before that can you.. take me to see your first weapon. Im still interested in that one too..
  279. Anon:
  280. Persistant aren’t we. Alright, I don’t see why not.
  282. Ruby
  283. Well it’s the reason this whole night got started after all. Even though… it might not be as fun as this weapon, I still wanna take a look at it.
  285. Both you and Ruby take turns getting down from the deathtrap that is her bed. You spend the next few minutes cleaning yourselves up and gathering your cloths to put back on. Eventually you both stumble a little bit towards the door and make your way down to the armory. On your way the two of you run into a golden haired goddess. A complete contrast of Ruby. Tall, long hair, a bust to put the majority of the girls here at beacon to shame, and a confidence to the way she walks down the hall to top it off.
  287. Ruby:
  288. Yaaanng!!
  290. Yang:
  291. Ruby! There you are! You missed dinner a while ago, you never miss dinner, what the hell happened?!
  293. Ruby:
  294. Im fine yang! Oh, also, everything you told me about that ritual was made up, meanie. But It all worked out in the end, so thanks!
  296. Yang is standing there in the middle of the hall with her mouth wide open. Ruby comes closer to the taller girl and with a blush covering her face she starts whispering to Yang. The next string of sights was quite amusing. First Yangs eyes widen to the size of saucers. Then she brings her hands up to her ears, shuts her eyes, and starts shaking her head. You can here what sounds like “lalala” in a comical fashion coming from the golden girl. Here eyes shot open again and her mouth almost drops to the floor. Ruby is even redder now and for some reason pointing over to you.
  297. Then it hits you, it might be a wise idea… to run for your life. Before that thought even finishes Yang starts glowing intensely. With a pound of her fists against one another, flames burst out from her blond mane and she kicks off the floor starting her chase of you. The night continues with your screams of terror as you run through the halls of beacon constantly diving under flaming fists and dust shots. A red-faced Ruby weaves past the fiery golden devil and catches up with you.
  299. Ruby:
  300. Im really sorry about this! Listen, if you make it another ten or so miles she should simmer down. Just don’t let her hit you before that! Good luck!
  302. Yang:
  303. Get back here and fight like the dead pulp im going to beat you into already!
  305. Anon:
  306. That’s not much incentive to stop now is it!!!
  308. For fear of your own everything, you focus on the red blur off in the distance and run with everything you got. Just barely ducking under a flaming artillery shot from behind something catches your nose and you smile gentle. The scent of roses fills your lungs and renews your strength. You might make it out of this alive to see Ruby again. Maybe.
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