
dharmic goes on record (Trump treason)

Jan 5th, 2018
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  1. 11:12:40 AM+_Forbin
  2. 11:12:50 AM+_Forbins**t just got real
  3. 11:13:07 AM→ dharmic has joined
  4. 11:13:38 AMⓘ Ekko set mode +v dharmic
  5. 11:13:39 AM+dharmicwibble
  6. 11:13:40 AM+typhonI don't think Mueller can indict Trump, just recommend it.
  7. 11:14:10 AM+typhonIf there's evidence of criminal wrongdoing, we're in uncharted territories in terms of how to apply the justice system to a sitting president.
  8. 11:14:29 AM+dharmiche's a special council, not a special prosecutor & the president can't be charged with a crime as I understand it, he would need to be impeached first and that wont happen
  9. 11:14:44 AM+typhonBut it may very well turn out to be that Trump's campaign and transition attracted self-serving cynics who played their angles with Russia without Trump's direct knowledge or approval.
  10. 11:15:04 AM+dharmicbs
  11. 11:15:36 AM+dharmicha! Trump has and will keep his base, he'll also pick up a lot more of the country that were unsure
  12. 11:16:18 AM+typhonThat's a bold prediction, given this new feud he started with Steve Bannon.
  13. 11:16:32 AM+dharmicfued is just noise
  14. 11:16:56 AM+SimdThe GOP is going full treason at @ investigation of Christopher Steele.
  15. 11:16:58 AM+dharmicboth the dem and rep estabilshment wants to crush trump
  16. 11:17:20 AM+SimdThe GOP is entirely incompatible with American democracy.
  17. 11:17:38 AM+dharmictreason and a brittish agent aren't compatible terms
  18. 11:17:55 AM+Simddharmic: That British agent found evidence that the current president is a traitor to the republic.
  19. 11:18:17 AM+SimdAnd the response of these GOP senators is to protect that treasonous president, and investigate the person who helped discover that plot.
  20. 11:18:17 AM+dharmicthat british agent invented evidence, it's been proven over and over..
  21. 11:18:24 AM+SimdMaking them co-conspirators.
  22. 11:18:28 AM Ignoring dharmic!*@*
  23. 11:18:35 AM+Simddharmic: I have saved this conversation.
  24. 11:18:53 AM+SimdI will repost it back into the room when Donald Trump receives several dozen indictments.
  25. 11:19:03 AM+SimdPrediction: You'll say it's fake news.
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