
The Fall

Nov 2nd, 2016
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  1. *SLAP*
  2. "There is no revenge you can ever conceive of that will come close to what I will exact upon you one day, Starlight Glimmer!"
  3. >You back step to the ledge of the newly destroyed hive, your mane and thin translucent wings fluttering in the wind.
  4. >They all stare at you with malice in their eyes.
  5. >All of them... even your-
  6. >You can take it anymore.
  7. >You hurl yourself off the the edge.
  8. >The wind blows against your face as you plummet downwards from the spire.
  9. >It took centuries to build this hive for you and your subjects.
  10. >It was blown apart in mere seconds.
  11. >Your magic throne protected your kind for generations.
  12. >It lies blasted to ruins, never to be whole again.
  13. >You continue to plummet.
  14. >There is nothing left for you now.
  15. >Revenge against Starlight Glimmer?
  16. >Whats the point...
  17. >Everything you loved and held dear in life is now gone.
  18. >Tears begin to pour from your eyes as the ground comes closer and closer.
  19. >The wind quickly blows each tear droplet off from your face.
  20. >You had done it!
  21. >You had acquired a way to provide love for your hive for hundreds of years!
  22. >You had won!
  23. >And this is how your triumph was rewarded.
  24. >The ultimate betrayal... by your own-
  25. >You close your eyes.
  26. >You feel two sets of hooves grab hold of you.
  27. >You open your eyes.
  28. >A yellow changeling with bright orange eyes flies to the left of you, while a green changeling with dark blue eyes flies to your right.
  29. >Their wings flap wildly as they attempt to slow your plummet.
  30. "What are you..."
  31. >Focusing on flying, they struggle to look at you as you speak to them.
  32. "What... WHAT do you ungrateful swine think you are doing!"
  33. >You spread your wings.
  34. >The wind catches beneath them, quickly halting your descent.
  35. >You forcefully shrug off the two changelings holding onto you.
  36. >You begin to quickly fly forward, leaving the colorful changelings behind you.
  37. >You are just a short distance above the ground, flying as fast your wings can carry you.
  38. >Darting forward, you set your eyes upon the horizon.
  39. "To Tartarus with them! I don't need them! I don't need any of them!"
  40. >Several minutes pass, you continue to fly.
  41. >You dare not look back, you can not take the withstand one more look at that cursed place or your cursed subjects.
  42. >On and on you fly.
  43. >It begins to grow dark.
  44. >Your wings begin to tire.
  45. >You look for cover in the barren lands of what used to be your kingdom.
  46. >Off in the distance you see an cliffface with a large overhanging rock.
  47. >You swoop down.
  48. >Tired from your exhaustive fly, your wings begin to falter as you near the ground.
  49. >Bracing for the impact, you extend your front hooves forward as you land.
  50. >You begin to tumble, your body rolling against the ground.
  51. >Your feel multiple sharp pains as your chitin scratches against the sharp rocks protruding from the ground.
  52. >After tumbling a short distance, you body finally stops.
  53. >Taking a moment to catch your breath, you just lie there.
  54. >You body aches. Your wings sting. Your legs-
  55. >You look down
  56. >Your legs are littered with several small cuts and scrapes.
  57. >A small amount of green blood begins to pour out.
  58. >Your chitin
  59. >Just minutes ago it was finally polished. Shiny and proud.
  60. >Now it is rugged, worn, ruined...
  61. >Staring at your tattered limbs, tears begin to fall down your face.
  62. "Cursed rocks! Cursed wings! Cursed..."
  63. >You tone changes from anger to sorrow as you look off into the horizon.
  64. >The changeling hive stands visible in the distance.
  65. >You squint your eyes from the incoming rays of the setting sun.
  66. "How could this happen."
  67. >Tears begin to drip down the black chitin of your face onto the cold, stone ground.
  68. "Everything went according to plan. We captured all the Equestrian Royalty. We won!"
  69. >The sun slowly begins to set.
  70. "This day was..."
  71. >The changeling hive begins to get harder to see through the blurred vision of your tears.
  72. "/This day was going to be perfect, the kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small./"
  73. "/But instead having joy, from ponies being captured in my ploy, I was cast from my hive like I was nothing to them at all/"
  74. "/This day was going to be-/"
  75. >You halt your singing as you hear the faint noise of buzzing off in the distance.
  76. "Thorax..."
  77. >They are coming for you. They are here to end this once and for all.
  78. >You mind spins.
  79. >Should you try to hide? Turn into a rock?
  80. >...NO
  81. >You quickly get up upon your sore, wounded legs.
  82. >The buzzing begins to grow louder and louder.
  83. >If Thorax wants to rule, he can have it, but not with out a fight!
  84. >Your horn begins to glow bright green as you begin to charge a spell.
  85. >The buzzing grows louder and louder.
  86. >Two changelings erupt from over a ridge.
  88. >You let loose a bolt of green magic at the two drones.
  89. >They quickly scurry out of its path and fly back behind the ridge from which they came.
  91. >Time passes by, darkness begin to set upon the land.
  92. >You hear no additional buzzing, only silence.
  94. >Still nothing.
  95. >It begin to grow darker and darker as the sun continues to set.
  96. "Coward... Traitorous Coward-"
  97. >"M-My Queen."
  98. >Two changeling cautiously emerge from behind a boulder.
  99. >One is green, one is blue-
  100. >These are the the two that grabbed hold of you while you were falling.
  101. "You..."
  102. >Your horn begins to glow green as you grab hold of the necks of the two changelings.
  103. "My Que- Que!"
  104. >The changelings begin to gag for breath as you tighten your grip upon them.
  105. "So... it's you two. The ones who would not let me choose my own demise."
  106. >"Plea- Ple"
  107. >Tears begin to pour out of the eyes of the green changeling. The blue one continues to stare at you, completely scared.
  108. "Was that out of mercy? If you had mercy, you would have let me fall!"
  109. >Second after second passes by as you continue to strangle them.
  110. "Were you attempting to share your love with me? Turn me into a pony sympathizer? Turn me into another slave of the all powerful pony goddesses who control the realm?"
  111. >The blue changeling begins to grow limp.
  112. "The crystal empire was not enough for them. Now they require the Changeling Kingdom too!"
  113. >As the blue changeling begins to lose consciousness, the green changeling shakily brings his front hoof back to his carapace.
  114. "Thorax will make you all slaves! Slave beneath the mighty hooves of the twin sisters."
  115. >The green changeling lifts up his wings
  116. >From beneath his carapace, he pulls out something black.
  117. >Protruding from the object are four green orbs-
  118. >Your crown!
  119. >You pause looking at the crown.
  120. >It had been blasted off your head during the explosion, you thought you'd never see it again!
  121. >The crown drops to the ground from the hoof of the green changeling.
  122. >The green changeling begins to waver.
  123. "You brought me my..."
  124. >You release your magical grip upon the two drones.
  125. >Both gasp for air as they collapse upon the ground
  126. >You look down at the tear-filled face of the green changeling.
  127. "W-why... why did you?"
  128. >"You are... our queen..." The drone says between breaths. "Nothing... will ever.. change that"
  129. "But... I though you turned your backs on me?"
  130. >The blue changelings looks up at your from the ground.
  131. >"After... *cough* all we've been through? How *cough* could we?"
  132. "But everyone looked at me like I was some sort of monster."
  133. >"No!" The green changeling interrupts. "Not all of us..."
  134. >"Y-you are not a monster..."
  135. >"Y-you raised us... y-you raise all off us!"
  136. >"Mom... we love you!"
  137. >You turn away from your children as the tears begin to pour from your eyes.
  138. "I... I... told you to never call me that."
  139. >"I'm sorry... my Queen."
  140. >The two drones slowly get back onto four legs.
  141. "No..." You turn back to the two drones. "Its alright... no need to apologize... my child."
  142. >You walk over to the two of them.
  143. >Extending your long bloodied legs, you begin to take the two of them into your embrace-
  144. >You stop.
  145. >The two drones look up at you with there large colorful, tear-filled eyes.
  146. "I can't..."
  147. >The drones continue to stare at you as you being to back away.
  148. "I can't share my love with you... I'm all that's left of our kind. If I do that, then our race is no more."
  149. >The two changelings look at each other for a moment and then back to their Queen.
  150. >"It's alright my Queen, we understand."
  151. "Thank you... thank you..."
  152. >The three of you stand there in silence as the sun continue to set on the horizon.
  153. >"My Queen?"
  154. "Yes?"
  155. >"What now?"
  156. >You look off into the distance.
  157. >Vanishing into the darkness of the night stands the tall remnants of the changeling hive.
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