
Everything Happened

Oct 17th, 2013
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  1. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I am done. With everything. Forever.)
  2. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( What happened? )
  3. <staApp|online> [Make yourself some tea and get some cookies, then settle in to listen.]
  4. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Well, first off I asked Ross what the hell is up with Echo that she's such a hardass and he /rolled/ me.)
  5. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Embarrassing.)
  6. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (And I know I should take him seriously but --)
  7. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Look. I kind of spent the last several years of my life /not/ staying shut up when asked to, and now I have to sit on my hands until someone else /decides/ I can know?)
  8. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (But)
  9. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (she has good reasons not to tell me, either)
  10. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (but on the other hand I want to /rip/ the knowledge out of her and I can't do that, either)
  11. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Brain-ripping is rude at the best of times, yes, assuming we leave aside the ethical horrors involved. )
  12. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Which we shouldn't, but let's not tangent. )
  13. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( We can circle back to it later. )
  14. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( How do you mean, Ross rolled you? Do I need to hit him with heavy things? )
  15. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I was /trying/ to argue something along the lines of Seergate is part of my identity now and he says something like "not all trying to manage impressions is bad")
  16. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" ("/you/ do it too, after all")
  17. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (And then I couldn't see straight to argue after that.)
  18. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Don't throw things at him, he's entirely within his rights.)
  19. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( If he's beating up on my brother, I get to throw things at him. Unless you ask me not to. )
  20. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( But okay - so he pointed out that impression-managing is a thing and that it's not always necessarily a bad thing, I guess. What then? )
  21. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (And then he pointed out that telling or not-telling people things was a kind of impression-management.)
  22. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (So either I'm doing something evil writing newsposts for CF or 'Cho's not wrong.)
  23. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( And since you're not evil, she's probably not wrong. Not completely, at least. )
  24. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Doesn't mean she's going about this in a good way. )
  25. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( What happened after that? )
  26. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Then he made his point again when I pushed back and I ragequit.)
  27. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Which was dumb. But probably better than becoming increasingly incoherent towards him.)
  28. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( It is, yeah. )
  29. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( What else? )
  30. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I walked 'Cho to the emergency room, yesterday, /without/ /killing/ /her/.)
  31. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (This was before the conversation in question.)
  32. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I am so confused.)
  33. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( She's a coplayer who was injured. You went into emergency mode. Same as you did when we were all hiding in the 'Cant, remember? )
  34. <staApp|online> [You don't remember, exactly, /why/ you were hiding, though. Something about the Space player?]
  35. <staApp|online> [It's not important.]
  36. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( (also, you're an asshole, not a socipath) )
  37. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Also-also, there's no reason /not/ to get your rival patched up if they do something stupid. )
  38. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Puts them in your debt a little, and means that they won't become less of a rival. )
  39. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Wh - are you insinuating we're /black/!?)
  40. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (No, no, no, no no and no.)
  41. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Also no, no, and no.)
  42. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Also no.)
  43. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Awww. )
  44. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( 'm still gonna ship it. )
  45. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Also, why not? )
  46. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (She's taken and I'm not /that/ kind of hate for her.)
  47. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I assure you if I thought this could proceed to hatesex I'd not be doing it in a hospital where it could be misconstrued wait what?)
  48. <staApp|online> [Giggle quietly.]
  49. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( So - if she /were/ available...? )
  50. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( And are you sure she's not? )
  51. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I don't know. I don't /want/ to know.)
  52. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Also, fuck everything, especially groupies that have the nerve to track me down across multiple sites.)
  53. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( wat )
  54. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (someone just wants to be /friends/)
  55. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Do I need to punch someone in the bulge? )
  56. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I have no fucks.)
  57. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Find a perfunctoryWittiness, please.)
  58. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Someone)
  59. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (wants to be /friends/)
  60. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (At least she could be honest like the last one and admit she's just after dick.)
  61. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Oh frog, /fangirls/. )
  62. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Can I set her on fire? )
  63. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Do it slowly so you can make a .gif of it.)
  64. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( ...normally, you'd say 'no'. )
  65. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Because we don't set people on fire. )
  66. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I don't care anymore.)
  67. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( How many spoons do you have? )
  68. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I'm sick.)
  69. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Because evidently I haven't been shat on enough.)
  70. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( So 'none'. )
  71. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Yeah.)
  72. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  73. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (hugs)
  74. <epiele|online> [Tears.]
  75. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Use the unlim'd card and order in, like, a jug of orange juice and all the comfort food you can stand, and maybe go to a walk-in clinic or something if there are any local. )
  76. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I'd visit at the hospital but they strongly recommended I not go inside because superbugs.)
  77. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (The staff, I mean.)
  78. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Also I am /not/ getting my coplayers sick, they have enough to deal with as it is.)
  79. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Ah. I'm guessing 'superbugs' aren't some kind of game thing, then. )
  80. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Some sort of thing where the bacteria are now antibiotic-resistant to like five hundred different kinds of antibiotics, from what I can gather.)
  81. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I'd get over it after a while, but if someone confined to a hospital bed catches one thing, everything else comes rushing in.)
  82. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Facemask and gloves and scrubbing your hands regularly? )
  83. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Only if I have to.)
  84. <epiele|online> [Maybe once you're done feeling sorry for yourself.]
  85. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  86. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (but there's nobody here to hug)
  87. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Mama got a plush to hug. 'S not the same, I know )
  88. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( but comfort object helps some, yeah? )
  89. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (yes)
  90. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (earlier today the cleaning staff came because this is a hotel and found me slumped over the desk with the laptop still open)
  91. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (luckily I only /slapped/ the person who tried to shake me awake)
  92. <staApp|online> [Delete the question of 'are they okay'.]
  93. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Haven't been asked to leave, have you? )
  94. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I apologized profusely. The lady's all right.)
  95. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Oh. )
  96. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (so they've been sending decongestants up with the room service today)
  97. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  98. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I appreciate the thought, at least.)
  99. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( It's a nice gesture, yeah. )
  100. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( They help any? )
  101. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (A little.)
  102. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Keep taking them, then. And when you're feeling better, go hug Mama. )
  103. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( And find something huggable that reminds you of me. )
  104. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (okay)
  105. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( and until you're feeling better, order orange juice and any comfort food the room service offers )
  106. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (...thank you for being here?)
  107. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs tightly )
  108. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( I love you too. )
  109. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (everything happened)
  110. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( 's got a way of doing that )
  111. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (yeah)
  112. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( 's what self-care's for, I guess. To help, when everything happens )
  113. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( 'specially when it tries to happen all at once )
  114. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (think I'm going to try sleeping again)
  115. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (this time /probably/ on the bed)
  116. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (unless I can't sleep in which case the shelves turn out to be removable from the cabinet under the tv)
  117. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( I hear it's supposed to be more comfortable than the floor, yeah. )
  118. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Handy. I'd put that as a compliment, if they have those little comment cards. )
  119. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (not that I tried fitting under there)
  120. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (nope)
  121. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (nuh-uh)
  122. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( you would never )
  123. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (and obviously that means I didn't hit my head coming out when lunch got delivered)
  124. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( I would absolutely not suggest an ice pack for it, then )
  125. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (heh)
  126. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (anyway maybe things will look less horrible after more sleep)
  127. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( They usually do look a little better. )
  128. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( And sleep's always a good idea, anyways. 'Specially when you're sick. )
  129. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (all right)
  130. * epiele|online has disconnected from the server!
  131. <staApp|online> [Hesitate a moment.]
  132. <staApp|online> [He'll see it when he logs in later.]
  133. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Sleep well, Biggest Brother. )
  134. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( I love you. )
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