
Fluffy Day

Jun 13th, 2012
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  1. >You are a librarian and you have taken notice of the local fluffy ponies.
  2. >You think that they are mistreated for no reason and you plan to change that.
  3. >You have slowly integrated them into your local village.
  4. >You have beat racism in your community.
  5. >You know you can chance how fluffy ponies are perceived.
  6. >You have taught what good fertilizer their poop is.
  7. >You have shown how fun it is to play with the little balls of fluff.
  8. >The local populace has warmed up to the fluffy ponies really well.
  9. >They waddle through the streets with no harassment.
  10. >You have invited your mentor and personal tutor to come look at your work.
  11. >She means everything to you and you want to impress her.
  12. >You have set up a special Fluffy Day to celebrate these loving creatures.
  13. >You eagerly wait for her arrival.
  14. >One of the fluffy ponies walk up to you, “Wan pway?”
  15. >”No, not right now little one. I am busy at the moment.”
  16. >You walk past the little ball of love.
  17. >Another walks up to you, “Fwuffy wan sketties pwease!”
  18. >These beautiful things have been trying to get your attention all day.
  19. >”Sorry, I’ll have to get that for you later. Waiting on someone important.”
  20. >Everything is perfect.
  21. >You know your mentor will be proud of what you’ve done.
  22. >Your eyes light up, she has finally arrived.
  23. >She is walking down the street looking at the fluffy ponies milling about.
  24. >She is beautiful, her hair flowing in the breeze.
  25. >Her smile warms the hearts of everyone who sees her.
  26. >She has practically raised you and you feel so lucky.
  27. >Your chest is puffed out seeing how your mentor.
  28. >She seems pleased at how you have integrated these fragile life forms into your society.
  29. >The others on the street cheer as they see her hoping to get a glance from her.
  30. >You smile, everything is perfect.
  31. >You start to run up to your teacher to greet her.
  32. >”Yoo keep fwen fwom pwaying wif fwuffy!”
  33. >You look up and see several fluffy ponies have got up to a second story balcony.
  34. >They have their back ends pointed out.
  35. >As if on cue they all start shitting in unison.
  36. >Almost every drop lands on top of your mentor.
  37. >She is standing there in shock, shit slowly rolling down through her hair dripping on the ground.
  38. >All the towns folk stand in silence.
  39. >”Yoo go way!” other fluffies run up to her and start ramming and bucking her legs.
  40. >”We no wan yoo hewe. Yoo no smeww pwetty! Yoo dum!”
  41. >Your teacher is the most respected mentor around and this is what the fluffies have done to her.
  42. >She tries to maintain her dignity as the little balls of fluff continue their assault.
  43. >The town’s people look at you.
  44. >You engineered this, you caused your mentor to be humiliated.
  45. >That makes your rage even more intense.
  46. >You run up to one of the fluffies butting your teacher and stomp its head.
  47. >You hear a satisfying crunch as it starts going into convulsions.
  48. >You grab another on and rip its chest open watching its heart beat for the last time.
  49. >”Can we stop acting like we like these things now?” asks one of the villagers.
  50. >”Yes, let’s rid ourselves of these pests!”
  51. >You are surprised at the sternness of your voice.
  52. >The villagers go into a blood frenzy on the begging balls of grievance.
  53. >You see two trying to hide in the grass by covering their faces with their hooves.
  54. >You whisper in one of their ears, “I see you!”
  55. >It looks up in terror, “Nuuu! Dun hewt fwuffy!”
  56. >You grab it by one of its legs and bash it on the ground over and over.
  57. >Its leg finally rips off letting its lifeless body fly away.
  58. >You realize you have a nice pointy object handy and you slow skewer the other.
  59. >”Ahhhhh! Hewt! Fwuffy haf owie! AHHHHGgghhh”
  60. >Its voice falls off into a gurgle as blood pours from its mouth.
  61. >You notice it got stuck after you skewered it so you have to shake a few times to get the fluff ball to fall off.
  62. >”Finally the bleeding heart has shut the fuck up about you guys!”
  63. >You turn to see dismember bodies of fluffies laying around.
  64. >The town folk are running about killing the screaming fluffy rodents.
  65. >One of the villagers has taken a torch and is setting them on fire alive.
  66. >You see a mare trying to flee with her two foals.
  67. >You chase them down and stomp on the head of the mare.
  68. >”Nuuu! Wet fwuffy go! Nu hewt fwuffy! Nu hewt fwuffy babeh!”
  69. >Her pleading just angers you more.
  70. >After what they did to your mentor they have the gall to beg from you!
  71. >You grab up the mother and start to beat her children.
  72. >The ferocity you slam her down kills both her foal instantly.
  73. >You keep bang her body on the ground hear the soft snaps of her bones.
  74. >You throw her to the side, small moans coming from her.
  75. >She will die soon.
  76. >The streets and houses are splattered with fluffy blood.
  77. >Maybe that will wash away the shame you feel.
  78. >You have humiliated you mentor and it is the bags of filth’s fault.
  79. >You start looking for more to kill.
  80. >”Twilight Sparkle!”
  81. >You snap back to reality, blood dripping from your horn.
  82. >You turn to look at your princess, her beautiful mane dirties by these creatures.
  83. >”I’m sorry Princess Celestia…. I will take any punishment you think I deserve…” You hang your head down.
  84. >”I think you have learned a valuable lesson. I am ready for your oral letter.” She stands regally.
  85. >”Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned there are some things that are better off dead.”
  86. >”You can try to be nice but in the end its better if you kill them outright.”
  87. >The princess smiles at you, “Also unused power is useless power.”
  88. >A beam leaves her horn hitting a running fluffy pony.
  89. >Its body starts to contort, crunching as its body changes shape.
  90. >Its head spins around snapping its neck a second before it explodes.
  91. >”You should have used your magic to kill these pests.” Her loving smile lifting your spirits.
  92. >”Now grab some of the local peasants and have them clean me off.”
  93. >Everyone gathers and starts laughing.
  94. >Pinkie throws a party and everyone plays hit the fluffy with a stick.
  95. >A good time is had by all.
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