
Crash Override Network - Totalbiscuit

Aug 25th, 2016
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  1. [23/12/2014, 5:24:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Probably. Up to no good of course
  2. [23/12/2014, 5:24:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Patreon is already giving them the boot no matter what, from my understanding
  3. [23/12/2014, 5:26:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'll see if I can find any info as to what happened to that board. Perhaps the mods deleted it and migrated/merged to another board
  4. [23/12/2014, 5:27:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): nothing on twitter or reddit. I don't like going to 8chan, so I guess we'll just see how this plays out
  5. [23/12/2014, 5:29:49 AM] Ian Cheong:
  6. [23/12/2014, 5:29:51 AM] Ian Cheong: this is good
  7. [23/12/2014, 5:30:02 AM] Ian Cheong: totalbiscuit is angry in the comments.
  8. [23/12/2014, 5:30:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ahaha
  9. [23/12/2014, 5:30:47 AM] Tesseract: "Christ you're a jackass John."
  10. [23/12/2014, 5:30:52 AM] Remy: Oh good, someone else who avoids going to that website
  11. [23/12/2014, 5:31:04 AM] Remy: Sometimes Alex links to something funny and the temptation is too much but otherwise :/
  12. [23/12/2014, 5:31:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I could never get into 4chan, etc
  13. [23/12/2014, 5:31:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So much filth
  14. [23/12/2014, 5:32:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Lord of the Flies in modern times
  15. [23/12/2014, 5:33:58 AM] Ian Cheong: man fuck totalbiscuit
  16. [23/12/2014, 5:34:00 AM] Ian Cheong: "I don't know what Jenn Frank would have done, I'm not inside her head. There is however no proof that "Gamergaters" threatened her. What is a Gamergater exactly? I mean ,can anyone adopt the hashtag and then have their actions reflect the entire group? That doesn't seem reasonable at all."
  17. [23/12/2014, 5:34:48 AM] David Gallant: What a fucking choad.
  18. [23/12/2014, 5:35:06 AM] Remy: Apt description, Izzy
  19. [23/12/2014, 5:35:47 AM] Remy: But yeah, sounds like TB is reciting the GamerGater's Creed: "I am not responsible for my actions or the climate that they contribute to"
  20. [23/12/2014, 5:36:06 AM] Rob: "Dismiss the hashtag as a disorganized mess if you must, because you'd be right, it is, but there's no denying that results occurred and no amount of pseudo-intellectual mockery will change that. "Actually, it's about ethics in games journalism" they sneer. Yeah well, some of us have taken that seriously for years and our business is flourishing, so maybe it's not such a bad idea after all."
  21. [23/12/2014, 5:36:16 AM] Rob: TB is an expert on pseudo-intellectualism.
  22. [23/12/2014, 5:36:27 AM] Ian Cheong: i dislike his voice.
  23. [23/12/2014, 5:36:32 AM] Ian Cheong: he's so fucking full of himself.
  24. [23/12/2014, 5:36:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Rob, that is the most accurate description of TB
  25. [23/12/2014, 5:36:40 AM] Remy: emphasis on the ism
  26. [23/12/2014, 5:37:41 AM] Tesseract: he's famous solely for being british, surely this is a man whose opinions are valuable
  27. [23/12/2014, 5:37:52 AM] Rob:
  28. [23/12/2014, 5:37:56 AM] Rob: (sun)
  29. [23/12/2014, 5:38:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
  30. [23/12/2014, 5:39:51 AM] nicholas.boterf: Did you catch the comment where TB claims Jenn Frank was never threatened by Gamergate?
  31. [23/12/2014, 5:40:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Obviously, she's still breathing, so no threats
  32. [23/12/2014, 5:40:08 AM] nicholas.boterf: What a tool.
  33. [23/12/2014, 5:40:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I won't forget him saying that about Anita
  34. [23/12/2014, 5:40:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): How does someone even think like that?
  35. [23/12/2014, 5:41:08 AM] David Gallant: Someone out of touch with reality.
  36. [23/12/2014, 5:41:31 AM] Ian Cheong:
  37. [23/12/2014, 5:41:33 AM] Remy: Let's remember how much those two dudes from The Sarkeesian Effect cried when they found out her police reports were real.
  38. [23/12/2014, 5:41:33 AM] Ian Cheong: retweet for great justice
  39. [23/12/2014, 5:42:04 AM] Remy: Protip: If you're ever shaken from finding out that you're wrong and a woman really was threatened, you might be in a very bad place in life
  40. [23/12/2014, 5:42:17 AM] Rob: RTed, Ian.
  41. [23/12/2014, 5:43:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Also, how can you not understand how your words will impact and be received by the GamerGaters? He's enabling so much harassment by bascially defending them
  42. [23/12/2014, 5:43:21 AM] Ian Cheong: good stuff
  43. [23/12/2014, 5:45:08 AM] Dan Olson: I'm still waiting for him to respond to my offer to engage after his whole "WHY WON'T ANYONE ENGAGE WITH ME, HMMMMM????" rant on Twitter.
  44. [23/12/2014, 5:46:25 AM] Ian Cheong:
  45. [23/12/2014, 5:46:35 AM] Ian Cheong:
  46. [23/12/2014, 5:48:13 AM] Rob: I wish Based Milliner would fucking crawl back to whatever fucking Dickensian hellhole he used to operate before he came to the US.
  47. [23/12/2014, 5:51:10 AM] nicholas.boterf: Slow harassment day:
  48. [23/12/2014, 5:51:27 AM] Rob: heh
  49. [23/12/2014, 5:51:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, I love when they screenshot before they send something.
  50. [23/12/2014, 5:51:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It's funny
  51. [23/12/2014, 5:51:46 AM] Ian Cheong: hahahahahahaha
  52. [23/12/2014, 5:51:47 AM] Dan Olson: Interesting
  53. [23/12/2014, 5:51:47 AM] nicholas.boterf: (Hey Ian BTW I’’m Untimely- don’t think we met on here)
  54. [23/12/2014, 5:51:52 AM] Ian Cheong: Hey there
  55. [23/12/2014, 5:52:17 AM] Dan Olson: 8chan has a "not found" when I navigate to various boards in Chrome, but Lynx can still see them
  56. [23/12/2014, 5:52:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Mr Fart blocked me when I called him an "ultra SJW" for manufacturing rage over Randi dying her dog. I'm proud of that
  57. [23/12/2014, 5:52:46 AM] Tesseract: he blocked me when I told people to report him lol
  58. [23/12/2014, 5:52:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dan, I wonder if they are filtering out popular web browser user-agents
  59. [23/12/2014, 5:53:10 AM] Ian Cheong:
  60. [23/12/2014, 5:53:31 AM] Rob: GOD I'M SO ANGRY
  61. [23/12/2014, 5:53:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): What's up?
  62. [23/12/2014, 5:53:57 AM] Rob: I just want to get drunk and yell at these assholes but no, I am at this stupid fucking tea party libertarian fucking hellhole listening to THE BLAZE'S TV CHANNEL FOR THE 8TH CONSECUTIVE HOUR FOR THE 4TH CONSECUTIVE DAY
  63. [23/12/2014, 5:54:00 AM] Rob: Rob sobs
  64. [23/12/2014, 5:54:14 AM] Dan Olson: also the posts in /cuteboys/ are particularly weird right now, which is saying a lot for a board that's always pretty fkn weird
  66. [23/12/2014, 5:54:37 AM] Rob: Ahem. Sorry.
  67. [23/12/2014, 5:55:57 AM] Dan Olson: like, there's a thread asking how to synthesize hormones
  68. [23/12/2014, 6:01:22 AM] Dan Olson: and, yes, they gotta be filtering, because pretty much all of this list is "down" but I can still see everything in Lynx
  69. [23/12/2014, 6:01:51 AM] Dan Olson: probably a bluff to look like they're cleaning house without actually wiping the boards?
  70. [23/12/2014, 6:02:35 AM] Ian Cheong: aw shit
  71. [23/12/2014, 6:02:37 AM] Ian Cheong: mike sacco lost his job
  72. [23/12/2014, 6:02:49 AM] David Gallant: Again?
  73. [23/12/2014, 6:02:51 AM] Rob: What!
  74. [23/12/2014, 6:02:52 AM] Remy: wtf
  75. [23/12/2014, 6:02:52 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah
  76. [23/12/2014, 6:02:55 AM] David Gallant: Hope it's not GG-related.
  77. [23/12/2014, 6:02:57 AM] Ian Cheong: 3 days before christmas!
  81. [23/12/2014, 8:15:25 AM] Remy: He's conveniently ignoring, I dunno, all the women that have left gaming.
  82. [23/12/2014, 8:15:49 AM] Remy: Like people don't keep pointing to the GIANT gap in hires
  83. [23/12/2014, 8:16:14 AM] Remy: And then TB's side just yells "well then you need to get more women in the field" oh go fuck your circular logic, TB, it's a circle jerk of excuses
  84. [23/12/2014, 8:49:25 AM] Athena Hollow: TB is a fuckin dumb white guy. Like, the epitome of privileged dumb white dude.
  85. [23/12/2014, 8:50:15 AM] Remy: We all have 'em
  86. [23/12/2014, 8:50:24 AM] Remy: TB is one of UK's I guess
  87. [23/12/2014, 8:51:47 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
  88. [23/12/2014, 8:52:11 AM] Athena Hollow: Oh I know we all have them, just that if you ever want to explain "priviledged dumb smart guy" TB is a poster chlid XD
  89. [23/12/2014, 7:02:20 PM] Alex Lifschitz: TB went on to say that anyone who would become a GG figurehead is a fool
  90. I'm refreshing /gamergate/ waiting for that banner image of him to pop up so I can screen cap it
  92. [30/12/2014, 7:07:18 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ugh tb
  93. [30/12/2014, 7:07:55 PM] Athena Hollow: HE STARTS OFF STRONG
  94. [30/12/2014, 7:08:02 PM] Athena Hollow: and then derails into whiny mantears.
  95. [30/12/2014, 7:08:17 PM] Athena Hollow: in true TB fashion.
  96. [30/12/2014, 7:09:40 PM] Remy: I can't read anything he ever writes
  97. [30/12/2014, 7:09:49 PM] Remy: I assume I wouldn't be able to tolerate hearing his voice, either
  98. [30/12/2014, 7:10:45 PM] Athena Hollow: "Women are affected by rape threats more than men. NOW LET ME MANSPLAIN WHY YOU NEED TO STOP BRINGING UP PRIVILEGE WHEN TALKING ABOUT THIS"
  99. [30/12/2014, 7:11:28 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: "transgendered" is kind of like nails on a chalkboard. i get it's out of ignorance but... blech
  100. [30/12/2014, 7:11:40 PM] Athena Hollow: yep.
  101. [30/12/2014, 7:12:07 PM] Athena Hollow: That whole fucking last paragraph is "You can totally be yourself, except when you're bringing up that you're different and try to explain why you're treated differently"
  102. [30/12/2014, 7:12:15 PM] Athena Hollow: the epitome of chan bullshit, right there.
  104. [01/01/2015, 5:14:23 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: OK, I just had a nice pleasant visit with one of my favorite relatives and her giant dog, back to misery. Anything notable today?
  105. [01/01/2015, 5:14:29 AM] Athena Hollow: tb
  106. [01/01/2015, 5:14:34 AM] Athena Hollow: being unbearably shit
  107. [01/01/2015, 5:14:34 AM] Tesseract: tb ruined a charity
  108. [01/01/2015, 5:14:43 AM] Athena Hollow: and then acted like a fucking baby
  109. [01/01/2015, 5:14:46 AM] Tesseract: a stream which my friends were in no less
  110. [01/01/2015, 5:14:48 AM] Athena Hollow: AND THEN THREATENED THEM
  111. [01/01/2015, 5:15:13 AM] Athena Hollow:
  113. Archive of that one, btw, for someone to toss on trello (I haven't had time to figure it out yet lol)
  114. [01/01/2015, 5:15:29 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
  115. [01/01/2015, 5:15:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, that comic is 200% spot on
  117. [01/01/2015, 5:16:00 AM] Rob: SENPAI NOTICED ME~
  118. [01/01/2015, 5:16:05 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
  119. [01/01/2015, 5:16:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): She's not fond of TB either
  120. [01/01/2015, 5:16:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): she's awesome
  121. [01/01/2015, 5:16:25 AM] Rob: She followed me during my big anti-GG rant I still don't remember b/c I was blackout drunk.
  122. [01/01/2015, 5:16:28 AM] Athena Hollow: I think Nicholas hit the nail on the head: that tb is finally noticing that gamergate is his brand.
  123. [01/01/2015, 5:16:39 AM] Rob: I woke up and was like... wait, InfoSec taylor swift, Arthur chu, movie bob... they all followed me? WHAT DID I DO
  124. [01/01/2015, 5:16:45 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
  125. [01/01/2015, 5:16:47 AM] Athena Hollow: Before gg, someone might have freaked out or been "ew" about him retweeting their stuff
  126. [01/01/2015, 5:16:53 AM] Athena Hollow: but afterwards? nope. toxic hell pit.
  128. [01/01/2015, 5:32:28 AM] drinternetphd: wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  129. [01/01/2015, 5:32:29 AM] drinternetphd:
  130. [01/01/2015, 5:32:38 AM] drinternetphd: that's not vaguely threatening at all
  131. [01/01/2015, 5:32:48 AM] SF: Yup, already put that on Trello.
  132. [01/01/2015, 5:32:48 AM] SF: Yup, already put that on Trello.
  133. [01/01/2015, 5:33:24 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh hey, is Gencon sneaking up again?
  134. [01/01/2015, 5:33:27 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Also morning Zoe
  135. [01/01/2015, 5:33:37 AM] Athena Hollow: nah not till august :)
  136. [01/01/2015, 5:33:44 AM] Peter Coffin: morning zoe
  137. [01/01/2015, 5:33:46 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i posted that on ghazi but people seem unhappy with how i framed it. not sure if i should take it down
  138. [01/01/2015, 5:33:51 AM] Peter Coffin: fuck tb so much
  139. [01/01/2015, 5:34:14 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Holy cow what a fucking bully
  140. [01/01/2015, 5:34:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): fuck this:
  141. [01/01/2015, 5:35:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, I've noticed that on reddit, even in Ghazi, people are quick to defend TB
  142. [01/01/2015, 5:36:31 AM] Rob: Yeah zoe, Arthur chu and i called him out on that
  143. [01/01/2015, 5:36:50 AM] Rob: like i said on twitter, he sounds like a fucking mobster looking for protection money
  144. [01/01/2015, 5:36:59 AM] Rob: "mighty fine shop you have here, it'd be a shame if anything happened to it"
  145. [01/01/2015, 5:37:19 AM] Randi Harper: fuck the haters, you do you.
  146. [01/01/2015, 5:37:20 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i dont know if i should remove the ghazi post or not
  147. [01/01/2015, 5:37:23 AM] drinternetphd: I mean that's kind of what he said to me early on too
  148. [01/01/2015, 5:37:24 AM] Peter Coffin:
  149. [01/01/2015, 5:37:33 AM] drinternetphd: I tried talking to him privately and it was fucking pointless
  150. [01/01/2015, 5:37:46 AM] drinternetphd: he even brought up the patently moronic "personal paypal" argumen
  152. [01/01/2015, 10:34:51 AM] Remy: TB should be called Mayonnaise Bro from now on
  153. [01/01/2015, 10:35:06 AM] Charloppe: mayo wonderbread
  154. [01/01/2015, 10:35:14 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
  155. [01/01/2015, 10:36:14 AM] Remy: Or some british slang for an aggressively white person
  156. [01/01/2015, 10:36:26 AM] nicholas.boterf: MayoBiscuit
  157. [01/01/2015, 10:37:17 AM] Charloppe: Maybe totalbiscut is slang for agrresive white person?
  158. [01/01/2015, 10:38:11 AM] Athena Hollow: lolol
  160. [01/01/2015, 10:41:58 AM] Quinnae: I approve of Mayonnaise Bro.
  161. [01/01/2015, 10:42:05 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
  162. [01/01/2015, 10:42:12 AM] Tesseract: mayobro
  163. [01/01/2015, 10:42:21 AM] Quinnae: "U mayo bro?"
  164. [01/01/2015, 10:43:20 AM] Quinnae: So, while I feel this move by Ben Kuchera is ill advised, I hope it goes well. Any updates on that particular gauntlet-throw?
  165. [01/01/2015, 10:43:47 AM] Athena Hollow: not so far. He has called out dicks a couple times though LOL
  166. [01/01/2015, 10:43:52 AM] SF: weaponized irony
  167. [01/01/2015, 10:43:55 AM] Rob: wait who is mayo bro
  168. [01/01/2015, 10:43:57 AM] Athena Hollow: tb
  169. [01/01/2015, 10:44:02 AM] Rob: that’s offensive
  170. [01/01/2015, 10:44:09 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
  171. [01/01/2015, 10:44:10 AM] Rob: mayonnaise is nowhere near as rancid as total biscuit
  172. [01/01/2015, 10:44:20 AM] Athena Hollow: apparently so is "almost cracker" according to ralphie boy
  173. [01/01/2015, 10:44:22 AM] Rob: OMG
  174. [01/01/2015, 10:44:24 AM] Rob: CAN I TWEET THAT
  175. [01/01/2015, 10:44:25 AM] Rob: please
  176. [01/01/2015, 10:44:26 AM] Remy: I hate my fucking room mate
  177. [01/01/2015, 10:44:28 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahahahah
  178. [01/01/2015, 10:44:32 AM] Rob: the “mayonnaise is nowhere near...” stuff?
  180. [01/01/2015, 7:37:43 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am reading his timeline!
  181. [01/01/2015, 7:37:44 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, my God.
  182. [01/01/2015, 7:37:57 PM] Veerender Jubbal: TB went full gater.
  183. [01/01/2015, 7:38:07 PM] Rob: did he say something after he blocked me?
  184. [01/01/2015, 7:38:12 PM] Rob: OH VEERENDER DID YOU SEE MY AWESOME TWEET AT HIM
  185. [01/01/2015, 7:38:22 PM] Veerender Jubbal: No! Show me!
  186. [01/01/2015, 7:38:27 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Show me, Rob!
  187. [01/01/2015, 7:38:52 PM] Rob:
  188. [01/01/2015, 7:39:39 PM] Randi Harper: people from gamergate have legit issues.
  189. [01/01/2015, 7:40:37 PM] Rob: who is the ‘him’?
  190. [01/01/2015, 7:40:38 PM] Rob: tb?
  191. [01/01/2015, 7:41:01 PM] Randi Harper: yes
  192. [01/01/2015, 7:41:40 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, my God, Rob.
  193. [01/01/2015, 7:41:40 PM] Rob: I really like how TB does all this awful shit and then he or his fan boys are like
  194. [01/01/2015, 7:41:45 PM] Rob: “cancer so be nice!”
  195. [01/01/2015, 7:41:59 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: But Randi, he makes a solid point- "HEY! HEY! PAY ATTENTION TO ME! I NEED TO FEEL MORE SPECIAL!"
  197. [02/01/2015, 12:08:52 PM] Ian Cheong: "If someone like that tells you you are part of a hate group, tell them to look in a mirror."
  198. [02/01/2015, 12:09:06 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Who said that? TB?
  199. [02/01/2015, 12:09:07 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
  200. [02/01/2015, 12:09:09 PM] Ian Cheong: yeah
  201. [02/01/2015, 12:09:11 PM] Peter Coffin: He blocked me yesterday
  202. [02/01/2015, 12:09:13 PM] Ian Cheong:
  203. [02/01/2015, 12:09:21 PM] Peter Coffin: Probably Mr Rogers
  204. [02/01/2015, 12:09:27 PM] SF: I would never tell TB to look in the mirror. I hate the guy but I'm not a monster.
  205. [02/01/2015, 12:09:33 PM] Peter Coffin: Lol
  206. [02/01/2015, 12:10:01 PM] Peter Coffin: He's a Fungus
  207. [02/01/2015, 12:11:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): had to tweet that out. holy shit
  208. [02/01/2015, 12:11:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
  209. [02/01/2015, 12:11:55 PM] Rob: Ian, have a link to where he goes after you for the Nazi stuff as a teen?
  210. [02/01/2015, 12:12:04 PM] Rob: ‘cuz i’m meaner than all of you
  211. [02/01/2015, 12:12:29 PM] Rob: and will be like “Plz don’t point out the fact I said something stupid 8 years ago but PLZ DO MAKE FUN OF A DUDE WHO SAID AWFUL SHIT AS A TEEN”
  212. [02/01/2015, 12:12:31 PM] Rob: But meaner.
  213. [02/01/2015, 12:13:45 PM] Rob: because i’;d fucking throw that in his face
  214. [02/01/2015, 12:13:58 PM] SF: I thought TB was just a pandering useful idiot when this started but I think he's showing his conservatism.
  215. [02/01/2015, 12:14:38 PM] SF: Specifically that he sees anyone farther left than him as a political opponent and that might makes right is a reasonable use of his following.
  216. [02/01/2015, 12:15:47 PM] Peter Coffin: Honestly I get the feeling it's not even that. Like it's good old fashioned elitism. The conservatism is a symptom. He seems like he sees himself as royalty sometimes, that everyone hangs on his every word to know what to do with their lives
  217. [02/01/2015, 12:16:21 PM] Peter Coffin: The universe revolves around him
  218. [02/01/2015, 12:16:51 PM] Peter Coffin: He may be a god
  220. [02/01/2015, 3:37:27 AM] Remy: I'm like Zoolander with computers
  221. [02/01/2015, 3:37:33 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
  222. [02/01/2015, 3:37:39 AM] Ian Cheong: that scene was great
  223. [02/01/2015, 3:37:40 AM] drinternetphd: You can't press the left arrow?
  224. [02/01/2015, 3:37:47 AM] Remy: XD
  225. [02/01/2015, 3:37:54 AM] Remy: I'm not an ambi-turner, Zoe
  226. [02/01/2015, 3:37:57 AM] Remy: It's complicated
  227. [02/01/2015, 3:38:03 AM] drinternetphd: Lol
  228. [02/01/2015, 3:38:13 AM] Remy: And it makes every game of Nidhogg very one-sided. Literally
  229. [02/01/2015, 3:38:13 AM] Dina : I freak out and bang on my computer like a chimp too
  230. [02/01/2015, 3:38:13 AM] Athena Hollow: hahaha
  231. [02/01/2015, 3:38:19 AM] Dina : mostly when reading GG stuff though
  232. [02/01/2015, 3:40:30 AM] Ian Cheong:
  233. [02/01/2015, 3:40:45 AM] Dina : that was so upsetting
  234. [02/01/2015, 3:41:22 AM] Dina : especially TB's bs lie about "oh this guy is telling me to LITERALLY DIE because i RTd his charity"
  235. [02/01/2015, 3:41:43 AM] drinternetphd: *sigh*
  236. [02/01/2015, 3:41:56 AM] Dina : then the one guy responding "oh I mustve missed that" and TB disingenuously saying "I GUESs YOU DID" when there in fact was never such a tweet by durp
  237. [02/01/2015, 3:42:04 AM] Dina : in closing, fuck TB
  238. [02/01/2015, 3:42:07 AM] Athena Hollow: yep
  239. [02/01/2015, 3:42:27 AM] Dina : especially his dumb "I couldn't un-RT fast enough because I RTd literally right before chemo"
  240. [02/01/2015, 3:42:47 AM] Athena Hollow: but he had time to quadruple down & be a dick!
  241. [02/01/2015, 3:42:50 AM] Dina : I might be lacking in empathy but that sounds like someone using a shield
  242. [02/01/2015, 3:42:57 AM] Rob: It does.
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