
The Trickster and the Harlequin- The Date (second Gen.)

Jun 29th, 2012
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  1. Oh Celestia, do you despise your dad right now. Not in a “I wish you were dead” way, more of a “Why did you do this to me?” kinda way. You are Harley Quin, 9 year old filly and “adopted” daughter of Equestria’s mighty (and somewhat only) human, Lokie. Being he is the only one here, he is also the king. Your mommy is the best flier ever, Rainbow Dash, and right now she is doing your mane for this thing Dad set up. You were being forced to go out with a unicorn from the play house you go to, Iron Hooves, nephew to Derpy Hooves and cousin to your best friend Dinky. You may or may not have punched him in the face, and this was supposed to be an apology.
  2. ‘Do I have to go?’ you whine.
  3. ‘Yes.’ Mom says ‘You hit him in the face, so you have to go.’
  4. ‘Doesn’t seem fair…’
  5. ‘Oh don’t pout. Your dad and I would be proud you act like an adult for once. Who knows, you might like him?’
  6. You continue to scowl into the mirror as mom finishes styling your mane. She turns you around and smiles.
  7. ‘That’s my girl…’ she says ‘Please, just at like a young mare tonight. Your father and I love you very much, but we are too busy to pick you up from jail.’
  8. You giggle ‘How do you know he won’t get in trouble?’
  9. ‘Are you kidding me? He looks like an egg head.’
  10. ‘Oi, I know somep0nies in here who love to read books.’ Comes a voice. You both turn to see Dad standing in the doorway ‘Harley, your guest has arrived.’
  12. You walk out into the lounge room to see Iron standing there, a nervous smile on his face, a yellow rose sitting next to him. He looks at you, and his face erupts in a blush, and you half expected him to have a nose bleed.
  13. ‘Alright you two.’ Dad says, crouching down ‘No fighting, no kicking, no biting. I want a nice clean date.’
  14. ‘Daaaaaad.’ You whine, a slight blush arising from your cheeks.
  15. ‘Sorry. Be back before 10.’
  16. ‘Yes sir.’ Iron says, his eyes finally breaking away from you.
  17. Mum pushes you forwards towards him, and he looks at you again.
  18. ‘Hi Iron.’ You say in a voice that could match Aunt Fluttershy.
  19. ‘Hi Harley… I bought this for you.’
  20. He magics the rose into your mane, behind your ear, and you blush again. You wish your body would quit it.
  21. >Why?
  22. Cos it’s embarrassing.
  23. >Nope.
  24. ‘Shall we…go?’ Iron squeaks and you giggle, before putting a hoof over your mouth.
  25. ‘Umm...yes.’
  26. The two of you walk out the door to the road, trying not to look at each other.
  27. ‘AND IF YOU HURT MY DAUGHTER,’ Dad calls from the doorway ‘I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!’
  28. You quickly spin, shutting the door on your dad’s face.
  29. ‘S-sorry about him.’ You mutter ‘He is kinda a goof.’
  30. ‘I-it’s okay. I have seen worse…’
  31. ‘Where are we going to?’
  32. ‘Oh… I didn’t have a lot of bits, and I wanted to get you that flower, so I made us a picnic down by the lake.’
  33. ‘You…wanted to buy me this flower?’
  34. ‘O-of course. A beautiful flower for a beautiful young mare…’ Iron freezes the instant the words left his mouth and you blush again.
  36. You and Iron arrive at the lake in no time flat. It was a nice night out, perfect for a picnic under Luna’s stars. When you get to the clearing, you see there is already a blanket and basket waiting for you.
  37. ‘Here we are.’ Iron says, a bit more confident.
  38. You sit on the blanket, and he sits far away from you.
  39. ‘You can sit closer if you want. I don’t bite.’ You smile warmly ‘Well, except Princess Luna.’
  40. He looks at you, wide eyed. ‘You…you know Princess Luna?’
  41. You slowly shift closer to Iron. ‘Yeah, I met her after my Dad’s birthday. Bit her horn in a sneak attack.’
  42. Iron starts to shift closer to you ‘H-how are you not on the moon?’
  43. ‘It was all fun and games. I was only a filly at the time. That and I told her she was best princess.’ Iron chuckles. ‘So…what’s planned for tonight?’
  44. ‘OH! I have a few salad and hay seed sandwiches, some apple juice and for dessert,’ he levitates two brown pastries ‘A couple of Aunty’s muffins.’
  45. ‘They are the best.’ You say with a smile, making Iron blush again.
  47. He places a sandwich on a plate and passes it too you, before doing the same for himself. ‘So, tell me about yourself.’
  48. ‘Well, I’m staying with Aunty Derpy so I can volunteer at the play house. Sometimes, after you and the rest of the group leave, I stay behind and clean up. Miss Mjolna pays me a few bits to help out. It’s only recently that I really got into writing plays, and it’s all I seem to be good at.’ Iron lowers his head and grumbles ‘I can’t even find a stinking cutie mark.’
  49. Your eyes stray to his flank to see he does not yet have a cutie mark. You look back up to see him staring at you.
  50. ‘I know I have an awesome flank, but my eyes are up here.’ He says with a sly smile.
  51. You start to giggle and eat some of your sandwich. ‘Sorry…That was funny though. What about your parents? What are they like?’
  52. Iron looks at you, and then down to his hooves. You start to feel bad about bringing it up.
  53. ‘You know the stories of my dad?’ you say, looking to the stars. ‘I mean the stuff he actually did.’
  54. ‘Uh…He fought dragons, diamond dogs, pegasi, griffins. I mean, he looks okay for somep0ny who did that.’
  55. ‘My dad should hate me. Like, with a burning passion.’ Iron looks at you in shock. ‘No, I’m serious. He may look normal to you, but underneath is a whole other story. He killed a full grown dragon for me. And at that point, I tried to kill him. A filly he didn’t know that wanted to kill him, and he saved my life.’
  57. Iron looks at you in utter disbelief ‘Why?’
  58. ‘I wasn’t his daughter at that point. I was adopted because he proved his love for a creature that did not reciprocate.’
  59. ‘So, that’s how…’
  60. ‘Yep.’ You turn to smile at him ‘But there is more. I was kidnapped by diamond dogs, and he tried to save me. The got him too. Pretty much, he cut off one of his limbs to make sure I was safe.’
  61. ‘Now I know you are lying. He has all his limbs.’
  62. ‘His left front hoof is false, made by Pinkie Pie. That’s why he can do magic like a unicorn. After I got my cutie mark, I almost drowned in the river. He saved my life again. Our first Hearth Warming Eve, I thought he didn’t want me. Turns out he was fulfilling a promise to some old friends. That colt that plays outside the playhouse, you know, blue with a white mane and black stripe?’
  63. ‘Yeah. Always had a lot of energy.’
  64. ‘His name is Hum Bug, and for about 3 hours, he was my baby brother. My dad passed over guardianship to the confectionary p0ny and her weird special somep0ny.’
  66. ‘Does this have a point?’ Iron asks, getting impatient.
  67. ‘Hold on, will ya? Last one. 9 months into being adopted, my dad fell over at this lake because I tackled him.’ You start to get sombre ‘He held me in his arms to protect me, and in turn, he hit his head. He woke up with no memories of any p0ny. He tried to force us to send him home by holding a knife to my throat. He was almost lost to us…until I sang a song he sung to me when I was scared. Somehow, he came back. I almost lost the weird mutant I proudly call my “daddy”, and not a day goes by that I don’t remember that.’ You shake away any tears that formed ‘But my point is, at first I blamed him for my parents leaving me, but I realised that they were the bad ones. They left me alone because they didn’t want me, whereas somep0ny who didn’t know me long took me in and cared for me time and time again. Biological parents may be related to us, but our family is made up of those who love us.’
  68. Iron looks at you, and you smile at him. He shakes his head in disbelief again. ‘How hasn’t he left your flank for good?’
  69. ‘He says I’m too cute and too persistent to leave.’
  70. ‘I’ll say.’ Iron blushes again, realising he just voiced his thoughts. ‘Okay, so here it goes. My dad is a Pegasus, and my mom was a Unicorn. After I was born, she died, so I was raised by him.’
  72. You start to feel bad for pushing Iron to tell you his family story now. You open your mouth to tell him he can stop, but he holds up a hoof.
  73. ‘My dad was a sports nut. He loves Hoofball, always wanted a son who could play. He wasn’t too bright. He thought by marrying mom, and having a colt, he could get an alicorn. When I came out, he was disappointed, but tried harder. After mom passed, he tried to force the game onto me, but I was never good at it. I loved books over sports, which made him upset. Long story short, I moved to P0nyville, hopefully for good.’
  74. Iron smiled at you, and you smiled back before looking at your hooves.
  75. ‘What’s it like living with Dinky?’ you asked.
  76. ‘Oh, Dinky is funny. She is so full of energy. She is more like a sister than a cousin. To tell you the truth, she was excited that I was coming out with you tonight. She talks about you a lot.’
  77. ‘Yeah, she was my best friend in school. We did a school play together. “The Duke of Derpy” it was called. The next day, I got my cutie mark. What’s that over there?’ you point behind him.
  78. Iron looks over, only to see nothing. A flash of red light goes off behind him and he turns to see-
  79. ‘Dinky? W-what are you doing here? Where’s Harley?’
  80. Another flash of light, and you return to normal. ‘Sorry, love doing that to p0nies. It’s something I do a lot. Helps me with costume changes.’ You look into his eyes ‘Can…you do anything special like that?’
  81. ‘Not…not really. I mean, I can do basics, but I am more of a writer.’
  82. ‘Well, you are a very good writer.’ Iron smiles ‘Kinda cute too.’
  84. After the picnic, the two of you pack up everything and start walking back to your house. It was less awkward silence, more content silence. You decide to break it though.
  85. ‘I’m sorry I punched you in the face.’ You say, as you arrive to your house.
  86. ‘No, I’m sorry I called his book dumb. As good as a writer I am, I guess I got my words muddled up just talking to you.’ You blush and giggle ‘And I’m sorry you had to come out with me.’
  87. ‘NO! I mean, no. I actually had fun tonight. I will admit, I did dread it, but it was because I was nervous. I am glad we could do this.’
  88. Iron smiled again ‘M-me too.’ He looked down at his hooves, kicking up some dirt ‘I uh… I guess I’ll see you at the play house then.’
  89. Iron starts to walk away, but you chase after him, blocking his path. In a quick flash, you give him a small kiss on the lips. ‘I would like to do this again sometime.’
  90. ‘Y-y-yeah…m-m-me too…’ he mutters
  91. ‘And don’t forget to actually talk to me in public.’ You walk away from him ‘Might even earn yourself another kiss.’
  92. You run back inside, giggling like a filly, and straight to your room so you wouldn’t have to deal with your parents.
  94. You are now Lokie, and you are sitting on your balcony, sipping your scotch and contemplating how to kill that colt who just got a kiss from your little filly.
  95. ‘That would be a bad choice, Lokie.’ Came a voice.
  96. You turn to see Luna, and you smile. You exchange hugs, and offer her her usual seat.
  97. ‘You really need to stop reading my mind like that.’ You say, sipping your scotch.
  98. ‘I didn’t need to. I could tell by how you asked me to watch over them tonight.’
  99. ‘And…?’
  100. ‘The colt is a fine gentlecolt. He will grow to be a wondrous stallion. He seems to really like the company of your daughter.’
  101. ‘Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of.’
  102. Luna chuckled. ‘I will always be there to watch over your family, Lokie. And every generation after that.’
  103. ‘And I will remind them of the Princess of the Night, who enjoys bubblewrap and getting sneak attacked by little fillies.’
  104. ‘Oh Lokie…’ she shakes her head.
  105. ‘While you are here, I want to ask you a couple of favours.’ Luna nods ‘First, I wanted to ask you to be my best man, or whatever you call it here. ‘
  106. ‘What does that entail?’
  107. ‘Making sure I don’t run.’
  108. ‘Oh…monkey wrangler.’ She chuckles again, and you laugh too ‘I would be delighted.’
  109. ‘And the second,’ you lean in close and whisper in her ear. When you pull back, she looks at you in concern. ‘Can you?’
  110. ‘I will try, but I do not see why not. 2 weeks enough time?’
  111. ‘Yes. Thank you Luna. Good Night.’
  112. ‘Good Night Lokie.’
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