
My Story so far

Oct 28th, 2013
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  1. Events happened in last one and half month.
  2. According to the plan, We were supposed to submit our Ycombinator application by
  3. the end of the last week. But couldn't, because human beings can still not be
  4. trusted. People who I thought would be co-founders with me backed out with silly
  5. reasons of going for their real jobs. Machines don't deceive you but humans
  6. whether they are closest of your friends, they can. We could have been rejected
  7. by the Ycombinator, but that's not the point. We'd have options.
  9. Current situation:
  10. Now every minute of time passed is the time that is never coming back and I am
  11. losing it for nothing. I am not depressed. I am just not happy.
  12. Currently I have a regular job to pay for my expenses. But I don't hate it is
  13. the most apt way of describing it.
  15. My Story so far:
  16. I read. I read books. I read code. I went through bunch of books. From Eric S
  17. Raymond's The art of unix programming to the most recent one, Architecture of
  18. open source apps.
  19. I grok unix. I have spent my time learning about computers. In-fact, for newer
  20. /popular languages like IO-lang, erlang, scala, python, I even went through
  21. their un*x implementations.
  22. I read sources of vim, tor, nmap, libpcap, tcpdump, wireshark, nethogs, DWM,
  23. portions of Linux, gnome, firefox as well as chromium. Followed projects like
  24. Wordpress, mediawiki, Django. Read Bootstrap and some portion of JQuery. Kinda'
  25. avoided contributing code to open source, because wanted to spend my time
  26. learning more new things in that time. I feel that's where I made mistake. I
  27. could've networked with people that way. Anyways... I can't change it now. I
  28. tried my best to be a productive programmer. Enhanced my vim and un*x skills,
  29. created a linux distro compiling sources off the Internet.
  30. I am not a script-kiddie, neither involved in hacktivism, but yeah, I like to
  31. follow things happening around.
  32. Even after going through texts, I don't, yet, get why Lisp is really important,
  33. but I enjoy reading elisp code for already existing code in emacs. Tetris.el is
  34. my favorite.
  35. Successful design and appealing UI are still the most difficult problems that I
  36. face while creating things. But, I feel, not many people get them right in this
  37. universe anyways.
  39. So the big plan is:
  40. I don't want to regret in later part of life and I currently don't have
  41. prospective co-founders, among my friends, for next however-big thing I could
  42. have created.
  43. If I had like-minded people among my friends, I would have continued working in
  44. my current regular job and working on the startup as a side project with them.
  45. But right now, it does not seem to be fruitful in any way. I am considering
  46. working for a startup in silicon-valley (or any other place for that matter)
  47. remotely or by moving there (I hear, getting H1B is a painful process to come to
  48. valley.) This seems to be the best solution that I can see for my situation,
  49. right now.
  51. I would appreciate comments/suggestions or any sort of input from people around
  52. the world..
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