
RevoX Chapter #184

Jan 21st, 2013
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  1. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:all who talk negtive is a spy from west
  2. [Affiliation]manyoe:kuzan
  3. [Affiliation]Imythedral:Zoro got Nami too so he does make high damage as well
  4. [Affiliation]flash:nomamly he has twice the points
  5. [Notice]【Son】 upgraded 【Wind God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  6. [Affiliation]Branding:they are just charbroil and zoro also
  7. [Affiliation]Aiz:time to use gold
  8. [World]Levi:Aokiji is Black.
  9. [Affiliation]Levi:Aokiji is Black.
  10. [Affiliation]Imythedral:use gold everyone xD
  11. [Affiliation]FastFlame:not 100%?
  12. [Affiliation]Reaper94:the gap is closing
  13. [Notice]F has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  14. [Affiliation]RicZ:sopam golddd
  15. [Affiliation]mugiwarasa:SU ** WIN
  16. [Notice]【Bhad06】 upgraded 【Wind God Sword: Blue Sky】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  17. [Affiliation]Imythedral:muahaha th differencece is getting small
  18. [Affiliation]Stark:go go we can do it
  19. [Notice]Congrats to MiSterMhon for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  20. [Notice]【Eunice.<3】 upgraded 【Wind God Sword: Blue Sky】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  21. [Affiliation]Ciaossu:pls win
  22. [Affiliation]Imythedral:use gold xD
  23. [Affiliation]LanunD:now i can see him ....wth..
  24. [Affiliation]FastFlame:come on 100%
  25. [Affiliation]Reaper94:pf comeon
  26. [Affiliation]Ciaossu:awwwwwww
  27. [Affiliation]RicZ:b**n uR gold
  28. [Affiliation]Reaper94:zoro 1st place? lol
  29. [Notice]Darca defended Kuzan, winning 3000000 silver as reward!
  30. [Affiliation]RicZ:ah damn
  31. [Affiliation]FastFlame:oh men
  32. [Affiliation]Reaper94:nooo
  33. [World]Chanceux:Gratz.. Gz
  34. [World]CP9Mihawk:nooooooooo
  35. [Affiliation]Ciaossu:awwww
  36. [Affiliation]Aiz:damn
  37. [Affiliation]mugiwarasa:NOOOOOOO
  38. [Affiliation]Gorbash:soclose
  39. [Affiliation]manyoe:sh1t
  40. [World]CP9Mihawk:we almost save ace
  41. [Affiliation]Imythedral:sems like Kuzan don't have enough HP >_<
  42. [World]TiaPei.s19:gg nice damage race
  43. [Affiliation]naessala:gg
  44. [World]CP9Mihawk:wtf
  45. [Affiliation]ELSHA:not quite,,mybe next time
  46. [World]Chanceux:damn almost 3 % too close
  47. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Good match everyone
  48. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:lol he spam as hell last mins
  49. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:wahahahahahahahahah
  50. [Notice]Butaw just received a [SS] Gold Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  51. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:good fight
  52. [Affiliation]Ciaossu:haha yeah right we will win tom
  53. [Affiliation]faithealer:2.4 %
  54. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:thx akfula, thx east for participating
  55. [World][Instructor]Yue:lol lucky on that one darca (: grats
  56. [World]FastFlame:nice
  57. [Affiliation]NeriHyuga:so close to both 100% >,< i wanted to know what happens then
  58. [Affiliation]Darca:im only happy on east :)
  59. [Affiliation]Akfula:comp crashed :D i could hit kuzan only once :-(
  60. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:this is thrilled :)
  61. [Affiliation]Gorbash:thnx east
  62. [World]FastFlame:2 instructors:D
  63. [World]Deathheal:zoro spam gold
  64. [World]CP9Mihawk:luffy u know what happends if we save ace?
  65. [Affiliation]GillKane:thnks akfula, thnks east ^^
  66. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Yup, we barely made it xD
  67. [Affiliation]manyoe:sorry i only sit in 70th place
  68. [Affiliation]MrPrince12:to close...but great work guys
  69. [World]DonKobato:gz akfula
  70. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:gratz darca ^^
  71. [Affiliation]Reaper94:damn too bad..
  72. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:no we r all happy
  73. [Affiliation]Imythedral:Aw, it's okay Akfula we still love you <3
  74. [World]FastFlame:we can claim update reward when?
  75. [Affiliation]LanunD:too close guyz....
  76. [Affiliation]Gorbash:atleast we giveit a shot
  77. [Notice]CryMe has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  78. [World][Instructor]Yue:tomorrow fastflame
  79. [Affiliation]Gorbash:and we shaken those westerns
  80. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:There's no update reward
  81. [World]FastFlame:if we save ace he would b**n u.r face
  82. [Affiliation]WTFAIL:gj all
  83. [Affiliation]Gorbash::)
  84. [Notice]【Klajniak】 upgraded 【Wind God Sword: Blue Sky】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  85. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:That's a reward for voting lol.
  86. [World]FastFlame:no reward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  87. [Affiliation]LanunD:BTW Good job all. ....Thankss,...
  88. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:1 thing, we east still can do it, means we r getting stronge
  89. [World][Instructor]Yue:oh right
  90. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:There is a reward ffs
  91. [World][Instructor]Yue:sorry sleepy lol
  92. [Affiliation]Drayke:my bad guys, only if i was one level higher
  93. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:You probably didn't even vote, don't complain. LOL
  94. [Affiliation]WTFAIL:)
  95. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:so pls get more stronger next time
  96. [Affiliation]LanunD:i agree with u raja...
  97. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:so we can ready incase akfula isnt here
  98. [World]ODEL:【Hancock】
  99. [World]Akif:【[B] Blue Sea Stick】
  100. [World][Instructor]Yue:o.o youmad kun?
  101. [World]fixzi:【fixzi】
  102. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Nope
  103. [Affiliation]Akfula:yeah i didnt use gold and hit only one time on kuxan and mis
  104. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:That's why I said probably
  105. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:drayke, dont, u r doing great, n ofc lvl after this
  106. [Affiliation]Akfula:missed begining
  107. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Since I'm not s**e o.o
  108. [Affiliation]Darkolswor:use k**oobi and morgan they work great
  109. [World]AZNmike:luffy i cant perfect sea god set =(
  110. [Notice]【N0SFERATU】 upgraded 【Thunder God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  111. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:but still u r ouR hero ak <3
  112. [World]FastFlame:but i voted 1:D
  113. [World][Instructor]Yue:kay you lost me
  114. [Affiliation]DarkCrusad:whats the use of this grand line?
  115. [World]AZNmike:wind*
  116. [World]ODEL:【Blackbeard】
  117. [Affiliation]Akfula:<3 ne way back to work
  118. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:You'll get the rewards tomorrow. xD
  119. [World][Instructor]Yue:wait a lil longer mike =) its possible when yo**e higher
  120. [Affiliation]manyoe:^^ see u all in next mf :)
  121. [Notice]【magma】 upgraded 【Thunder God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  122. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:And damn Mike, try again with a different set up?
  123. [Affiliation]Akfula:unyaa will be there to do it tonight hopefully
  124. [Affiliation]Ciaossu:its ok akfula ^^
  125. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:You should be able to do WG by now
  126. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:And you need to increase HP baaaadlyyyy
  127. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Start upgrading yo** sets.. xD
  128. [Affiliation]LanunD:i'm targetting that zoro.....hahah
  129. [Affiliation]Matthew95:yhe power 59012^^ :D
  130. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:tc ak ^^
  131. [Affiliation]Luh:bye sir ak <3
  132. [World]ODEL:【Ace】
  133. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:And taking out Bellamy for Lucci ASAP D:
  134. [World][Instructor]Yue:o.o lvl 84 cant perfect 60 dungeon, somethings wrong then
  135. [World]AZNmike:i only upgrade my sets xD
  136. [Affiliation]ace-luffy:bye ak!!
  137. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I can't get past Alvida in Impel Down Dx
  138. [World]CP9Mihawk:luffy kun is transformed into Boa <3
  139. [World]AZNmike:i put lucci in but he cant equip anything til 60 xD
  140. [World]C'MON:me too^^
  141. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Always man :)
  142. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:so guys.. im so proud of u all.. we r stronger now
  143. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:next time we will win!!!
  144. [World]AZNmike:10 lvls @.@
  145. [Affiliation]Vavaleven:this morning we will win
  146. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:so pls dont give up n strive for excel
  147. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:yea we will ^^
  148. [Affiliation]Imythedral:Nxt tim I hop zoro and charbroil is asleep :P
  149. [World]AZNmike:should i lvl up my 40 ring?
  150. [World]kilion:hey luffy
  151. [Affiliation]Zephyra:use u.r badik raja n we'll win
  152. [World]AZNmike:since i need hp
  153. [World]kilion:i got another char in bar today (normal one)
  154. [Affiliation]LanunD:yap..... we will try o** level best thou...
  155. [Affiliation]Zephyra:lol
  156. [World]kilion:【Hatchan】
  157. [Notice]coodrow just received a [SS] Pirate's Hat Shard! Congratulations!
  158. [World]AZNmike:lol
  159. [Affiliation]Luh:yeah listen raja said !! xDd
  160. [World]Falkenauge:【Knut】
  161. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:lmao my badik already old
  162. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:not advice to use on people
  163. [World]kilion:got 45 characters in my logbook now..
  164. [World][Instructor]Yue:kun, yo** smokey is quite powerfull o; but he needs speed
  165. [Affiliation]manyoe:is badik can use to kill ?
  166. [Notice]Marineford Battle is over now. All the rewards have been sent to your inventory, please check. Both sides fight very bravely today, yet Ace hasn’t been rescued, don’t let him down next time.
  167. [World][Instructor]Yue:you'd be so much stronger if you didnt lack so much speed xD
  168. [Notice]LichKing successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  169. [Affiliation]LanunD:hahah... badik...badikkk
  170. [Notice]ichigo15 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  171. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:badik = knife
  172. [World]kilion:wtf, i contrubed 580k point to my legion today?
  173. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:lolz
  174. [Current]kayakistas:noooo
  175. [Affiliation]Gorbash:hehehehe
  176. [Notice]JASU successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  177. [Notice]LichKing successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  178. [Notice]FreckToT successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  179. [Affiliation]Levi:RajaGoodik
  180. [Affiliation]manyoe:no badik = sword
  181. [Affiliation]Gorbash:5 more level im gonna apply for hope
  182. [World]kilion:674k now wtf o.o
  183. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:^^
  184. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:goodluck
  185. [World][Instructor]Yue:lol thats alot indeed
  186. [Affiliation]LanunD:my badik can't use tonight:(.. hehehe
  187. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:i need to afk cya guys
  188. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:n thx
  189. [Affiliation]ace-luffy:later raja
  190. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:lanun pery!!
  191. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:hahaha
  192. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:ok guys ^^
  193. [Affiliation]manyoe:cya
  194. [Affiliation]Vavaleven:see you :)
  195. [World]Branding:LOL?
  196. [Notice]Zoro successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  197. [World]Branding:why am i fighting Zoro in AH? im just 82 oO
  198. [Notice]【m0m0】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  199. [World]FastFlame:time to kill
  200. [Notice]Zoro successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  201. [Affiliation]Gorbash:lucky for zorro akfula is a bit late
  202. [Affiliation]Gorbash::)
  203. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:ah bTw, guys.. MT is after next MF, so make s**e u guys
  204. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:done fishing n slaving
  205. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:also be aware of trading n GL
  206. [Notice]FreckToT successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  207. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:ok thats all afk :P
  208. [Notice]【kokorotomi】 upgraded 【Wind God Boots】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  209. [Affiliation]Gorbash:hehehehe im gonna hide in the corners too guys busy with gra
  210. [Notice]Zoro successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  211. [Affiliation]Gorbash:grandline
  212. [Notice]shader.s19 just received a [SS] Pirate's Cloak Shard! Congratulations!
  213. [Notice]【WarlocK】 upgraded 【Sea God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  214. [World]achel:【achel】
  215. [World]achel:finaly S dodge
  216. [World]Levi:Ew, fire him.
  217. [World]Levi:Congrats lol
  218. [Notice]FreckToT successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  219. [Notice]'K successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  220. [Notice]【D.Luffy16】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  221. [Notice]Greyeon.s19 has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  222. [World]Sh1tHappen:how much power you got achel?
  223. [Notice]【GreenFlame】 upgraded 【Thunder God Blade: Lightning】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  224. [World]achel:66k only :(
  225. [Notice]Emily successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  226. [World]achel:im too lazy for shadow >.<
  227. [World]Th3G4m3:WOW 66k o.O
  228. [World]Sh1tHappen:close to 71k power of shichi
  229. [World]Sh1tHappen::D
  230. [World]achel:come on the averange is 70k
  231. [World]achel:im 89 already
  232. [World]Luh:gratz sianipar aka achel xDD
  233. [World]Sh1tHappen:yo**e aiming to be a shichibukai?
  234. [World]achel:thanks luh
  235. [World]achel:yea ill hold till merry
  236. [World]achel:only one more start but those shici wont let me
  237. [Notice]Emily successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  238. [World]CP9Mihawk:1 crit upgrade ship
  239. [Notice]night successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  240. [World]CP9Mihawk:out of 5 cards :D
  241. [Notice]Congrats to Akfula for successfully defending 30 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 30%!
  242. [Notice]【*Franky.Jr】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  243. [Notice]Zoro successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  244. [Affiliation]Imythedral:getting higher rank each day it seems :)
  245. [Notice]sasukeoupa successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  246. [Notice]Squallx successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  247. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:imy u do Hi or not?
  248. [Affiliation]mugiwarasa:Oui exct :D
  249. [Notice]night.s19 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  250. [Notice]Zoro successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  251. [Affiliation]mugiwarasa:O** legion it going well, Good membrs fast evolving
  252. [Notice]HenzoYuki successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  253. [Affiliation]Imythedral:trying to level up 99% i'll be there in just a few
  254. [Notice]yow successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  255. [Affiliation]mugiwarasa:revolt rank39
  256. [Notice]LoveMihawk successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  257. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:suRe.. lets do it bro
  258. [Affiliation]Imythedral:my mihawk reached lv80 so glad xD
  259. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:gratz ^^
  260. [Affiliation]Imythedral:he can use water gun now lol
  261. [Affiliation]mugiwarasa:hey what du yu yhink about logo of legion here
  262. [Notice]Zoro successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  263. [Affiliation]mugiwarasa:
  264. [World]XXXmedoXXX:【XXXmedoXXX】
  265. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Afk an ho** doing chains xD
  266. [World]Aria:lol calling me aria-kun XD
  267. [World]Aria:ups damn wrong chat again
  268. [World]Aria:and hey luffy :3
  269. [Notice]【YuTIsA】 upgraded 【Wind God Boots】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  270. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Hi Aria
  271. [Affiliation]Imythedral:Mugiwarawa so proud of his work :)
  272. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:-kun :P
  273. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:My sidekick! Anyways, be back in an ho** XD
  274. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:^^
  275. [Affiliation]Imythedral:opps lv95! xD
  276. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:gratz!!
  277. [Affiliation]mugiwarasa:Thaaanks :D
  278. [Affiliation]Imythedral:thanks Raja ;d
  279. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:ah fck after zoro char lolz
  280. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:yw ^^
  281. [Affiliation]Imythedral:damn 96% enchance... won't risk it
  282. [Notice]Squallx successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  283. [Notice]Charbroil successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  284. [Notice]【Lockhart】 upgraded 【Thunder God Blade: Lightning】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  285. [Notice]Emily successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  286. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:dont risk lol
  287. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:at high lvl 99 or 100
  288. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:even i dont do at 98
  289. [Notice]Mr.Gate.s18 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  290. [Notice]GrayMinchy successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  291. [Notice]【Hawka】 upgraded 【Thunder God Blade: Lightning】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  292. [Affiliation]Levi:Why are people always concerned about their enhance
  293. [Affiliation]Levi:percentage? And how can you "risk?"
  294. [Notice]Charbroil successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  295. [Notice]【LanunD】 upgraded 【Sea God Gun: Blaze Blue】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  296. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:coz i never heard anyone fail at 100% thats all :P
  297. [Affiliation]mugiwarasa:some to gard hunt
  298. [Affiliation]Gorbash:raja has a point
  299. [World]rrrrrrrrrr:【rrrrrrrrrr】
  300. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:lol
  301. [World]CP9Mihawk:test
  302. [World]CP9Mihawk:finally the lag is gone
  303. [Notice]Squallx successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  304. [World]CP9Mihawk:>.<
  305. [Notice]【Gabor】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  306. [Notice]Charbroil successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  307. [Notice]Squallx successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  308. [Notice]【Aradea】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  309. [Notice]Charbroil successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 40 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 80%!
  310. [Notice]【papiking18】 upgraded 【Thunder God Blade: Lightning】to 20 stars,Congrats!
  311. [World]Augustus:【Gedatsu】
  312. [Notice]【papiking18】 upgraded 【Wind God Helm】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  313. [Notice]【Zumzibar.s18】 upgraded 【Thunder God Blade: Lightning】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  314. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:20 kills lets HI guys ^^
  315. [Notice]papiking18 just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  316. [Notice]papiking18 just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  317. [Notice]papiking18 just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  318. [Notice]papiking18 just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  319. [Notice]Leen successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  320. [Notice]【Squallx】 upgraded 【Thunder God Helm】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  321. [Notice]【IkillYOU】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  322. [Affiliation]Imythedral:damn
  323. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:y
  324. [Notice]【KyEtC】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  325. [Notice]【IkillYOU】 upgraded 【Thunder God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  326. [Notice]Emily successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  327. [Affiliation]ace-luffy:'"guys what is the sea god system??
  328. [Notice]rrrrrrrrrr successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  329. [Affiliation]Imythedral:my laptop restarted and all my plug in data removed now -_-;
  330. [Notice]Squallx successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  331. [World]ace-luffy:guys what is the sea god system??
  332. [World]JASU:【Rene】
  333. [Notice]【Rose_Death】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  334. [Notice]night successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  335. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:pp data not remove i think
  336. [Affiliation]Imythedral:hmm my kuma and night's chopper got wrong timings
  337. [World]Th3G4m3:guys I wan ask something if this char good?
  338. [World]Th3G4m3:【Williams】
  339. [Affiliation]mugiwarasa:
  340. [Notice]【GreenFlame】 upgraded 【Thunder God Helm】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  341. [World]CP9Mihawk:sea god system is a mini game
  342. [World]Branding:he is one of best in this game
  343. [World]UMadBroo:【UMadBroo】
  344. [World]CP9Mihawk:where u collect stones
  345. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:fck zoro again
  346. [World]CP9Mihawk:there is a lag
  347. [Notice]Emily successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  348. [Affiliation]Imythedral:ah just 3 streak then zoro
  349. [Notice]Zoro successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  350. [Affiliation]LanunD:wth zoro.... i 'will beat some how.....
  351. [Affiliation]Imythedral:he got t1 nami as well -_-
  352. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:thats the spirit
  353. [Notice]Squallx successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  354. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:just spam guys
  355. [Notice]Squallx successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  356. [Affiliation]holymango.s18:looking to join a legion
  357. [World]abaday4:hancck is suck
  358. [Notice]Zoro successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  359. [World]D.HawkEye:what do you get if you win all of foxxy fights ?
  360. [World]abaday4:hancock is suck
  361. [World]CP9Mihawk:nothing just xp Hawkeye
  362. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:i think char is better than zoro
  363. [World]D.HawkEye:thats sux i am at the final one now lol
  364. [Notice]【lekies】 upgraded 【Thunder God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  365. [Affiliation]Imythedral:nah zoro is better now
  366. [World]Ireul:【Ireul】
  367. [Notice]【HangTuah】 upgraded 【Sea God Armor】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  368. [Notice]Zoro successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  369. [World]BoaHammock:I GOT BUGGY :'D
  370. [Notice]Squallx successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  371. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:nope.. his brook insane.. once he give sleep u see how his d
  372. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:dmg
  373. [Notice]Mr.Gate.s18 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  374. [Notice]【HangTuah】 upgraded 【Thunder God Helm】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  375. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:killed zoro
  376. [Affiliation]Imythedral:yay
  377. [Affiliation]Imythedral:time for a killing spree
  378. [Affiliation]LanunD:good bro...
  379. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:yea ^^
  380. [Notice]【Ramoc】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  381. [Affiliation]Imythedral:aw Lichking got thousand sunny.. can't beat that
  382. [Notice]LichKing successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  383. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:his gonbe has medusa eyes lol
  384. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:fck
  385. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:i change formation :P
  386. [Affiliation]Imythedral:damn I changed formation too lol
  387. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:sigh char...
  388. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:hahaha ^^
  389. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:i need 10 more kills!! damn char
  390. [Affiliation]LanunD:hhahahahah char... hampeh...
  391. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:attack him lanun lol
  392. [Affiliation]Imythedral:333k damage from his brook @_@
  393. [Affiliation]Imythedral:33k
  394. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:told ya
  395. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:when he gave sleep, then his prota will kick ass
  396. [Affiliation]LanunD:if not him...zoro.... headache... i really going to beat him
  397. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:sleep give 50% additional dmg
  398. [Affiliation]Rysiokox:what happenning ? hello xD
  399. [Affiliation]LanunD:hard that fiking zoro...
  400. [Affiliation]Imythedral:Akfula's nami can 60k me though >_<
  401. [Notice]Charbroil successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  402. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:lol ikr lanun :P
  403. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:akfula is special case :P
  404. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:coz he is hero lol
  405. [World]rrrrrrrrrr:【rrrrrrrrrr】
  406. [Notice]nuwow just received a Sage's Cloth! Congratulations!
  407. [Affiliation]LanunD:i'll be next hero...hahahaha
  408. [Notice]nuwow just received a Sky Wings! Congratulations!
  409. [Affiliation]Imythedral:charbroil is trying to race him for 120 dungeon items
  410. [Notice]nuwow just received a Sky Boots! Congratulations!
  411. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:fck reco**ces almost finish zzzz
  412. [Notice]nuwow just received a Brook's Hat! Congratulations!
  413. [World]Marianna:Hey, guys! Tashigi or Mr.2? Who's a better swordsman?
  414. [Notice]nuwow just received a Ring of Courage! Congratulations!
  415. [Affiliation]LanunD:i don't want to be hero cause hero has to share meat....
  416. [Affiliation]LanunD:hhahahah
  417. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:hahahah
  418. [Notice]Congrats to 1d325 for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  419. [World]ImOP:think tashigi i
  420. [Affiliation]mugiwarasa:
  421. [Affiliation]Imythedral:Janinu got high level Law -_-;
  422. [World]Ramoc:【[B] Iron Helm】
  423. [World]abaday4:kkkk
  424. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:fck 3 more n leen appeared
  425. [Affiliation]Imythedral:no more reso**ces though
  426. [World]CP9Mihawk:amer u said hancock sucks?
  427. [World]CP9Mihawk:why is that?
  428. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:dammmm
  429. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:2 more lol
  430. [Notice]Congrats to shinjie> for successfully defending 20 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 20%!
  431. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:just defeated leen hahaha
  432. [Affiliation]LanunD:i'm off taht fiking adv hunt.... need more power.....
  433. [Affiliation]LanunD:to beat taht ZORO....
  434. [World]CP9Mihawk:as i see ** hacock is Int developed?
  435. [World]CP9Mihawk:many ppl develop her agi
  436. [World]CP9Mihawk:so u can stun the enemy first
  437. [Notice]【pypo2】 upgraded 【Sea God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  438. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:hahah dont.. just do it
  439. [World]Phantom:You're right CP9
  440. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:never give up bro
  441. [Notice]Congrats to Yuri(SNSD) for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  442. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:yup thats ouR target ^^
  443. [Notice]【pypo2】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  444. [Affiliation]LanunD:1 min left.. i give it to you bro...
  445. [Notice]【Egoist】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  446. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:naa its done
  447. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:resouRces finished lolz
  448. [Affiliation]LanunD:i'm do my meditation on searching POWER.....hahaha
  449. [World]Imythedral:I'll toink youR head and you'll end up-
  450. [World]Imythedral:【Kuma】
  451. [World]Imythedral:-tose
  452. [Affiliation]mugiwarasa:
  453. [Affiliation]LanunD:2 year not 3 Days any more...
  454. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:hahhaa
  455. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:patigeni? :PPPP
  456. [Affiliation]LanunD:hahaha...
  457. [World]rrrrrrrrrr:imithedral
  458. [World]CP9Mihawk:imy how much fame u have now?
  459. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:japp kencinggggggg!!!!!!
  460. [World]Imythedral:zup?
  461. [Notice]【MooNY】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  462. [World]ImOP:so can anyone explain crew inherit to me? :D
  463. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:x tahan huhuhuhu
  464. [World]Soulweaver:um read directions?
  465. [World]Soulweaver:pretty clear
  466. [World]ImOP:where? o.o
  467. [World]Imythedral:2210 fame, CP9Mihawk
  468. [World]CP9Mihawk:crew inherit gives another crew 70% of xp and 50% of stats
  469. [World]ImOP:im level 75 o..o
  470. [Affiliation]LanunD:batu karang lolz....
  471. [World]ImOP:oh
  472. [World]Imythedral:perfect inherit ftw
  473. [World]ImOP:so if i get tashigi and i train her.. and i get mihawk at 80
  474. [World]CP9Mihawk:but the sender must be lvl 80
  475. [World]ImOP:can i inherit them so mihawk like instantly around lvl 65?
  476. [World]CP9Mihawk:before u do that
  477. [World]holymango.s18:you have to have tashigi lvl 80 before you could inherit tho
  478. [Notice]Momogi.s18 just received a [SS] Fiery Dragon Ring! Congratulations!
  479. [World]ImOP:ii know
  480. [World]CP9Mihawk:perfect inherit is 2000 gold
  481. [World]ImOP:oh..
  482. [World]Imythedral:58
  483. [World]Imythedral:or 59
  484. [World]ImOP:cuz i kinda want a swordsman
  485. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:lol aku penah kena dlu
  486. [World]ImOP:and
  487. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:sakit sial
  488. [World]CP9Mihawk:and nice fame Imy
  489. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:3 ari dlm spital
  490. [World]CP9Mihawk::P
  491. [World]ImOP:i want to wait till 80 or get tashigi and inherit?
  492. [World]holymango.s18:perf inherit does wat gets him all the way to lvl 80?
  493. [World]Imythedral:If I get lucky I'll get my 2nd AB1 crew tom'row xD
  494. [Affiliation]LanunD:kena operate ke?
  495. [World]Soulweaver:and 100% stat transfer yes
  496. [Notice]【Letricon】 upgraded 【Wind God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  497. [World]ImOP:ya
  498. [World]RicZ:buRgres?xD
  499. [Notice]【Letricon】 upgraded 【Wind God Staff: Clairvoyance】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  500. [World]ImOP:law <3
  501. [World]Imythedral:you get 1200 stat,normal inherit, perfect inherit gives-
  502. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:x pn kuar sndri
  503. [World]Imythedral:1400+ stat
  504. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:aku minum air kaw2
  505. [Notice]【DrakeCocoa】 upgraded 【Thunder God Blade: Lightning】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  506. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:ala besar hujung jari jek, tp sakit dia mcm lahanat
  507. [World]Imythedral:and you target char same level as yo** sender char
  508. [World]RicZ:BB to nami <3
  509. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:masa dia kuar tu kan bro.. lol mcm nk pecah pistol
  510. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:hahahaha
  511. [Affiliation]LanunD:mmg sakit gler siot... aku pun pernah kena tapi
  512. [Notice]【NicoMango.s19】 upgraded 【Wind God Sword: Blue Sky】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  513. [World]Imythedral:hmm what will happen if I get a 1600+ stat sender to perfect
  514. [World]Imythedral:inherit... xD
  515. [Affiliation]LanunD:katanya jangkitan kuman je...tapi mmg sakit giler...huhuhu
  516. [World]luccisan:destruc8
  517. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:yup
  518. [World]CP9Mihawk:oh yea
  519. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:serba salah
  520. [World]CP9Mihawk:i have a question was wondering of from a long time
  521. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:baring salah duk salah
  522. [World]luccisan:tes ou
  523. [Affiliation]LanunD:dia boleh dtg balik tu yup...
  524. [World]CP9Mihawk:usually i can inherit 400-408 Int for my navis
  525. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:org kata cangkung br ok
  526. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:yup leh dtg balik
  527. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:harap2 x la
  528. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:x tahan lol
  529. [World]CP9Mihawk:so i inherit to ace he will 203 int from croc
  530. [World]CP9Mihawk:then can i develop another 400 for him like i did to croc or
  531. [Affiliation]LanunD:kena banyak minum air barli....
  532. [Notice]Leen just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  533. [World]CP9Mihawk:i mean develop 400-408*
  534. [World]CP9Mihawk:plz answer
  535. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:ha ah
  536. [World]TiaPei.s19:i think its more like highest inhert counts
  537. [World]Aria:really dunno just relogged
  538. [World]Imythedral:depends if you got the patience for it
  539. [World]Soulweaver:I dont see why not, if it can be developed then I'd say yes.
  540. [World]CP9Mihawk:yea i got the patience
  541. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:wew
  542. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:bisa tidak pake bahasa inggris
  543. [World]CP9Mihawk:ok thnx guyz :D
  544. [Notice]【jhupz07】 upgraded 【Thunder God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  545. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:nape yap?
  546. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:aku ga gitu ngerti omong apa
  547. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:hahahah
  548. [World]kencam:wich is better bla or k**o??
  549. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:wakakakakakak
  550. [World]kencam:bala*
  551. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:omong sakit batu karang
  552. [World]CP9Mihawk:K**o imp
  553. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:kaco kena band tau rasa
  554. [World]CP9Mihawk:imo*
  555. [Notice]Leen just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  556. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:sama gk dgn bahasa indo?
  557. [World]Aria:hm usefull later ingame for WB
  558. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:mapus kaloan kalo kena tritans ama AD
  559. [Affiliation]LanunD:hahah...batu karang ...writing rock...haha
  560. [World]Aria:and bala misses quite a lot
  561. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:sikit sikit sama lar
  562. [World]Aria:so I say go for
  563. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:tris di west :P
  564. [World]Imythedral:wb
  565. [World]kencam:ok thanks!! ^^
  566. [World]TiaPei.s19:【TiaPei】
  567. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:yue m luffy west
  568. [World]Soulweaver:def. kuRo
  569. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:AD di east
  570. [World]TiaPei.s19:finally ss crit
  571. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:batu karang = coral lol
  572. [Affiliation]LanunD:ngak tahu terjemahannya pak..haha
  573. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:jadi di sini bebas ya
  574. [World]CP9Mihawk:congratz lol
  575. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:wkwkwkwkwk
  576. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:yea tgu kalo di warning, yap hahaha
  577. [World]Ordinary:400 g but i can not get hatchan damn
  578. [World]CP9Mihawk:wtf
  579. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:asal kalian dari mana?
  580. [World]Soulweaver:you need shadow pounce :D
  581. [World]CP9Mihawk:dont use adv call for hatchan
  582. [World]Zodd:【Zodd】
  583. [Notice]Leen just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  584. [World]CP9Mihawk:damn Ordinary ** destroying ** self xD
  585. [World]CP9Mihawk:i told u dont waste gold on adv calls before
  586. [World]Ordinary:huhuhu
  587. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:gw johor.. tp menetap di selangor
  588. [World]Ordinary:i will use 30 silver master?
  589. [World]Ordinary:for hatchan
  590. [World]Hilts:i still get noone
  591. [World]CP9Mihawk:A rank crews can be gotten through low calls
  592. [World]CP9Mihawk:yea Ordinary :S
  593. [World]CP9Mihawk:u could have asked xD
  594. [World]Soulweaver:least he has endless
  595. [World]CP9Mihawk:u can call me cp9 :P
  596. [World]Soulweaver:S ranks can get gotten through low call
  597. [Affiliation]LanunD:guwnya pahang...skrg keje di sabah...
  598. [World]Soulweaver:even SS
  599. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:gw jakarta menetap di bandung
  600. [World]Soulweaver:but's not likely lol
  601. [World]Ordinary:ok i will
  602. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:jakarta lagi terendam air ini
  603. [World]CP9Mihawk:yes i know soulweaver
  604. [World]Ordinary:i will go for low call
  605. [World]CP9Mihawk:am talking about A ranks
  606. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:The hell.. Plundered?
  607. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:banjir...
  608. [Affiliation]Vavaleven:dafuq indo -_-
  609. [World]Aria:lol
  610. [World]Aria:how much?
  611. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:ic.. cewek2 bandung genit2 tuh, yap
  612. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Man, I'm too behind on GL..
  613. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:kasi kenalin gw lol
  614. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Nothing taken
  615. [World]Aria:XD
  616. [Affiliation]Vavaleven:hahhahaha
  617. [World]Soulweaver:I was telling ordinary so in case it happend
  618. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:itula kasihan :(
  619. [World]Aria:oh thought it was normal trade
  620. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Still, I never lost back when I still did GL
  621. [World]Aria:and not GL
  622. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:semoga saudara2 kita selamat semuanya
  623. [World]CP9Mihawk:aha
  624. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Maan. :/
  625. [World]CP9Mihawk:my lan is lagging right now
  626. [World]Aria:hehe
  627. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I shouldn't have stopped doing it lol.
  628. [World]Aria:I can probably beat ya now with no real problems
  629. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Now I have random nubs plundering me T_T
  630. [World]CP9Mihawk:so what i type takes like 4-6 sec to appear on screen
  631. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:lanun ko boleh ckp sabah la ni?
  632. [World]Soulweaver::D np
  633. [World]Aria:ya fault
  634. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:jalan depan rumah ama apartemenku kerendam 1 mtr
  635. [World]Fay:yeah already cleared dungeon 80 :D but not perfect :D
  636. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Yeah, sprobably
  637. [World]Aria:Omg lol being plundered by random nubs XD
  638. [World]Soulweaver:how strong is yo** ship?
  639. [Affiliation]LanunD:sikit2 boleh le ...
  640. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Wow backspace button isn't working on here
  641. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:huhuhu ada yg kecelakaan gak?
  642. [World]Aria:Trololol how FAIL
  643. [Notice]【shader.s19】 upgraded 【Thunder God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  644. [Affiliation]Vavaleven:go s**fing then,, XD
  645. [World]zCici:luffy can i join legion :D
  646. [Notice]Leen just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  647. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19: 65+ man
  648. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:@lanun, bah apa lg kasi ckp bha.. sia mau dgr ni
  649. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Reign[West] recruiting 65+ active/donating players.
  650. [World]CP9Mihawk:hi
  651. [Notice]【shader.s19】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  652. [World]Hilts:lol i thought there were exceptions
  653. [World]CP9Mihawk:xD
  654. [World]zCici:ok will take note almost 60 :D just played recently though
  655. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:@vava ari2 gw liat berita.. tp rasanya blm dgr ada yg mening
  656. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:wew
  657. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:meninggal*
  658. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19: OThere are Hilts
  659. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:ada 15 orang
  660. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Active people in chat/friends who are fairly close
  661. [World]Soulweaver:oh like what?
  662. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:1 kestrum
  663. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:1 kegug**an
  664. [Affiliation]Vavaleven:at UOB basement right..
  665. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:awww
  666. [World]Soulweaver:guess you better kick me
  667. [World]Hilts:such as myself :3
  668. [Affiliation]Vavaleven:air bah D:
  669. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Which is Muchi because he has been in since the beginning
  670. [World]Soulweaver::(
  671. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:And Hilts o.o
  672. [World]zCici:lolz
  673. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:LOL Soul, no.
  674. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:2 kejebak di dalam mobil di uob
  675. [Affiliation]LanunD:hahaha....ndak ada apa2nya mau di cakap.... nunggu warningny
  676. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:kasihan :(
  677. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Although you're only level 69.
  678. [Notice]HangTuah just received a [SS] Fiery Dragon Ring Shard! Congratulations!
  679. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:hahahha lanun
  680. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:1 kepleset kepal kena batu
  681. [World]Soulweaver:89....
  682. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:WThinkin' about making it 70+ ;)
  683. [Affiliation]LanunD:bha...
  684. [World]Hilts:mwahahah noone can deny the power of hilts
  685. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Shhh, I was kidding.
  686. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:kepala
  687. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:sia, lama suda ngak ckp sabah bha..
  688. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I know, I was saying 69 for dramatic effect. LOL
  689. [World]Soulweaver:LOL
  690. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:dulu sia belajar ums...
  691. [Notice]BoaHammock just received a [SS] Pirate's Hat Shard! Congratulations!
  692. [World]Soulweaver:oh hot damn i'm 69 everyone
  693. [World]Soulweaver:hot dang
  694. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19::p Don't mind~
  695. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:@yap.. aduiii
  696. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:1 lagi kaget pas liat mobilnya kerendam kaget kena serangan
  697. [World]Soulweaver:sorry
  698. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:jantung
  699. [World]Aria:lol
  700. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:sisanya gara2 hanyut kena arus
  701. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:pasti kaget kalo kayak gitu
  702. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Doing chains while not in chain is great
  703. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:GL. <3
  704. [World]Aria:O.o how did ya do that?
  705. [World]Soulweaver:what lvl are other ppls advent**e lvl?
  706. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:masih terhitung dikit
  707. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:huhuhu kecelakaan dtg tanpa diundang :(
  708. [Notice]【Amadeora】 upgraded 【Wind God Cloak】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  709. [Notice]【amppro】 upgraded 【Wind God Sword: Blue Sky】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  710. [World]Soulweaver:takes forever to lvl :(
  711. [World]Aria:and should ya exploit such a bug XD
  712. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:taon 2007 yang tewas 88 orang
  713. [World]Soulweaver:probably attack, refresh repeat
  714. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:tak apa apa
  715. [World]Soulweaver:so his 10 min battles takes 20 sec or less
  716. [Notice]【amppro】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  717. [World]maydana:【maydana】
  718. [Notice]【amppro】 upgraded 【Thunder God Helm】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  719. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:habis ini produk aku laris manis
  720. [World]Aria:heh
  721. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao::)
  722. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:emank selalu ya banjir di jkt?
  723. [World]Soulweaver:I don't like the 800 year battles lol
  724. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:selalu
  725. [World]Soulweaver:esp when you win with 3 stars
  726. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:makin parah makin laris produk aku
  727. [World]Soulweaver:ugh
  728. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:kalo diliat dr sudut geog, emank gak jauh dr lautan kan?
  729. [World]Aria:lol
  730. [World]KingKong:5 tahun sekali besar
  731. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:lol produk apa?
  732. [World]CP9Mihawk:hey guyz am on auto-hunt
  733. [World]CP9Mihawk:so semi afk
  734. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:taun ini paling parah selama 10 taun terakhir
  735. [World]CP9Mihawk:if u need anything just mail me
  736. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:ic
  737. [World]Aria:kk mihawk
  738. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:bedsheet bedcover blanket
  739. [World]Aria:I be doing GL anyways
  740. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:BMe too, GL is killing me.
  741. [World]Imythedral:190% hit -_-
  742. [World]Aria:so ~ :3
  743. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:KingKong, speak English in chat
  744. [Notice]【Kaiveran】 upgraded 【Sea God Pauldrons】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  745. [World]Aria:lol luffy
  746. [World]Imythedral:need to work on it
  747. [Notice]Leen just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  748. [World]Aria:nice imy
  749. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Ybackspacebuttonnowork
  750. [World]Imythedral:【Kuma】
  751. [World]Socrates:【Mihawk】
  752. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:ic
  753. [Affiliation]
  754. [Affiliation]LanunD:innalillah..
  755. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:walah
  756. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:sistem sanitasi ama longkang gk gitu ter**us kali
  757. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:okay deh time to sleep
  758. [World]Aria:oh gratz Socrates, I asume ya just got him
  759. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:bukan itu
  760. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:bendungannya jebol
  761. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:3 bendungan terbesar jebol
  762. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:kalo di KL, ada juga banjir, **bnya sampah tersumbat
  763. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:ic
  764. [Notice]Leen just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  765. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I never got crap in 3 weeks now
  766. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:katulampa pluit ama 1 lagi lupa namanya
  767. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:No Vivi, no anything v.v
  768. [World]Aria:lol haven't gotten anything for 3 weeks now
  769. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Ace was from 50G
  770. [World]Aria:more actually
  771. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:huhuhu
  772. [World]Hilts:u and me boss
  773. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:kalo dibandung juga begitu
  774. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:BuRgess honestly effed my luck up 100%
  775. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:harap2 semua selamt
  776. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Ever since him, I've had a down hill slope
  777. [World]Aria:lol
  778. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:cewek bandung satu, ya yap, jgn dilupa itu
  779. [World]Aria:I had back luck before him :3
  780. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:wkwkwkwkw
  781. [World]Hilts:i didnt even need him..i just dont have the luck any more >_
  782. [World]Aria:but still hehe to have jinxed ya like that
  783. [Notice]Congrats to †Rhei† for successfully defending 20 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 20%!
  784. [World]Aria:I guess I have some hope for that kinda shady industry XD
  785. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:ya terimakasih
  786. [Notice]Leen just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  787. [Notice]【PhönixD.】 upgraded 【Thunder God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  788. [World]zafgt:【[A] Huge Slingshot】
  789. [Affiliation]LanunD:haahha..... aku pun mau satu pak....kwkwkw
  790. [World]Soulweaver:I got quite a few AB rolls today
  791. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:ok la.. met mlm.. gw mao bobo.. esok mao travel
  792. [World]Soulweaver:few good*
  793. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:sama
  794. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:salam semua..
  795. [Affiliation]YapGuoPao:bye all
  796. [World]Aria:nice gz
  797. [World]Soulweaver:but no rush it'll get there when it does
  798. [Notice]【AzureFlash.s18】 upgraded 【Wind God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  799. [Affiliation]RajaBadik:bb
  800. [World]Soulweaver::D ty
  801. [World]Aria:but beware
  802. [Affiliation]LanunD:cy..
  803. [World]Aria:Urban myth:
  804. [World]Aria:the quicker to 2.4k fame more chance for
  805. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:KnaL
  806. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Fuhh. Damn no back space
  807. [World]Aria:Bu.rgess, perona and doc q
  808. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lmao Imy, I just beat you..
  809. [World]Aria::P
  810. [World]Imythedral:shhh Im cooking
  811. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:With a level 78 Ace that has no equios
  812. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:*equips
  813. [Notice]【Julz】 upgraded 【Thunder God Armor】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  814. [Notice]【AzureFlash.s18】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  815. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Thanks for rank 99, now I'm out of arena try
  816. [World]Imythedral:my shells are not equip luffy :P
  817. [World]Soulweaver:I don't care, they'll be log bookies :D
  818. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:XD
  819. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I have a level 78 Ace with nothing at all D:
  820. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:And Smoker tanking XD
  821. [Notice]【Julz】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  822. [Notice]【AzureFlash.s18】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  823. [World]Soulweaver:LOL
  824. [World]Soulweaver:Smoke is the bomb :P
  825. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Okay, now I need to hold my rank until 3 -.-
  826. [World]Soulweaver:Smoker*
  827. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:So I can get 300k silver xD
  828. [World]Imythedral:my babies are growing fast :(
  829. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:no arena tries sadly ;-;
  830. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Can't wait to use Ace in 2 more levels.
  831. [World]Soulweaver:about half of what you need to upgrade one item!
  832. [World]Imythedral:they will lv6-7 shadows ..
  833. [World]Aria:lol imy
  834. [World]Imythedral:and I will get poor again Q_Q
  835. [Notice]【AzureFlash.s18】 upgraded 【Sea God Staff: Dragon Roar】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  836. [Notice]【Luffy-kun.s19】 upgraded 【Sea God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  837. [World]Imythedral:back to cooking -_-
  838. [World]Soulweaver:I have no luck getting SS shadows :D but it's all good
  839. [World]Aria:hm how much food ya got imy_
  840. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I only get SS dodge
  841. [World]Aria:?
  842. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:And I have 1 SS hp xD
  843. [Notice]【AzureFlash.s18】 upgraded 【Sea God Pauldrons】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  844. [World]Imythedral:all i got are S shadows :(
  845. [World]Soulweaver:lol I have a bunch of S
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