
Toonami Drinking Game v2014 Special

Dec 6th, 2014
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  1. Toonami Non-Alcoholic Drinking Game
  2. (because no human could survive WITH alcohol)
  4. Take a shot every time:
  5. -A Bullhorn rhyme comes on TV or is posted in the thread
  6. -Toonami original content (promos, music videos, game reviews) finish
  7. -One of the following commercials airs:
  8. -The "Give it to him hard" bully commercial
  9. -Gamefly
  10. -Blake Griffin (two if it's Gamefly)
  11. -Trojan condoms
  12. -Upcoming/current video game
  13. -Any commercial you feel out of place airs
  14. -Sexual Innuendo Hot Pockets
  15. -Random upcoming genre movie
  16. -AT&T Don't Text and Drive
  17. -Sonic shakes
  19. Attack on Titan:
  20. -There's a line the dub changed or someone complains about the change
  21. -Someone posts spoilers (optional)
  22. -A side character you barely know dies
  23. -Sasha does something with food
  24. -Anyone acts like a psycho (two shots if it's Mikasa, Eren, or Annie)
  25. -A Titan looks/acts dumb
  26. -Eren bites his thumb
  27. -There's some faux-philosophical narration
  29. Hellsing Ultimate:
  30. -There's blood
  31. -Someone gets mauled
  32. -Someone mistakes Integra for a man
  33. -Someone brings attention to Seras's boobs
  34. -Alucards plays around with opponents while fighting
  35. -Seras acts cute
  36. -You feel weird feelings about Schrodinger
  37. -Someone gets violently killed
  38. -Someone quotes the Abridged version
  39. -Tits get shown
  40. -*BLEEP*
  42. Summer Wars
  43. -Granny does something awesome
  44. -There's a Digimon-inspired moment
  45. -Awkward family moment
  46. -There's an obvious Descartes moment
  47. -An action scene takes place
  49. FMA: The Conqueror of Shamballa
  50. -An old character has a new name
  51. -Science trumps Alchemy
  52. -There's a Nazi symbol
  54. DBZ: Broly
  55. -Vegeta is a bitch
  56. -Broly says Kakarot
  57. -Someone goes Super Saiyan
  58. -Krillin gets owned.
  59. -Master Roshi appears on screen
  60. -Vic McNignog screams
  61. -Drowning Pool music plays
  63. Akira
  64. -The Balding Kid (Tetsuo) lusts after Red Jacket (Kaneda)'s Motorcycle
  65. -Akira (the character) is mentioned
  67. -Someone talks about psyker powers
  68. -Something starts to bulge or expand
  69. -There's excessive violence/gore
  70. -The rape scene shows up (2 if it's cut)
  72. Cowboy Bebop
  73. -The three old guys show up
  74. -Faye gets herself in trouble
  75. -Someone pulls a gun
  76. -Tank! finishes playing
  77. -Spike mentions hating either kids or pets.
  78. -Any character says bounty.
  79. -Spike does something borderline awesome/badass
  80. -You d'aaw at Ed
  81. -Faye gets herself into trouble
  82. -"See You Space Cowboy" shows up
  84. FMA: Brotherhood
  85. -Hughes is mentioned
  86. -Humor awkwardly interrupts a serious scene
  87. -Ling and Greed fight over Ling's body
  88. -Ed is referred to just as "Fullmetal"
  89. -Someone calls Ed short
  90. -The Elric brothers say something about getting their bodies back
  91. -Armstrong, Riza or Mustang are badass.
  92. -Armstrong takes off his shirt
  93. -Von Hohenheim is depressed
  94. -Anyone says something about a philosophers stone.
  95. -King Bradly is being a badass
  97. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
  98. -You see all that CGI in the First Gig Intro
  99. -They drop a title
  100. -You don't understand what was just said
  101. -Togusa uses his revolver
  102. -There's a gory gunshot wound
  103. -Anytime the Major's outfit makes her look less attractive.
  104. -Tachikomas say something cute
  105. -Togusa makes a comment about being pretty un-cyborg, or someone comments on his lack of cyborg
  106. -A philosophical discussion happens (two shots if Kuze is involved)
  107. -The Laughing Man logo appears.
  108. -Down your drink when the /ss/ episode happens
  110. Big O S2
  111. -Roger calls Dorothy by her full name
  112. -Dorothy acts somewhat human
  113. -Someone says Megadeus
  114. -The military shows up
  115. -The military is useless
  116. -Angel acts seductive
  117. -Memories are mentioned
  118. -There is an obvious Batman homage
  119. -Norman curses
  120. -Empty the bottle when Schwarzwald makes his speech
  122. Samurai Jack
  123. -Jack yells AKUUUU
  124. -Jack gets naked
  125. -Aku laughs
  126. -Jack lets his hair down
  127. -Black blood or motor oil
  128. -The Scotsman says something ridiculous
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