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Jul 29th, 2016
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  1. Dislike for Phoenix in the community mounts back to his days in the nWtoh. He wasn't so bad back there even though he could be obnoxious at times, but the first instance I recall of people properly acting like "what the fuck dude" was Phoenix actively trying for multiple consecutive nights to get CommanderVid kicked from the group because he didn't like his favorite VGCW Wrestler at the time. Following that, he seemed alright, and Cran actually bought him a 3DS due to his poor living conditions in Arizona. After the 3DS, Phoenix's laptop was on the verge of dying, so a ton of people pooled together and did something extremely nice for him; they put in six hundred dollars to buy Phoenix a brand new lap top. So Phoenix got the lap top and switched over to using it, and then ran into a bit of real life turbulence that none of us can confirm to this day. However, instead of dealing with the issue by relying on his friends, he chose instead to leave the nWtoh as a whole. This pissed off a great many people, who had just chipped in $600 to keep their friend around, and at that point, resentment for him spiked. Following that, he went into the underground Skype group that you and I were both in (if I remember correctly, I am pretty sure you were there) but resurfaced sometime when we moved to discord. From there, he got worse. He conned Fella into letting him be a mod in Fantasy League on the grounds of "I invited a lot of people!", which aren't grounds to be a mod in any way, shape, or form. Following that, he proceeded to make several bad moves, including adding DesuBlade to the Fantasy League in the middle of the night without telling anyone and simply hoping that the rest of the mods wouldn't notice. As a mod, he constantly shit on and put down the other mods, which made the entire mod team look like garbage in turn. I remember him personally abusing his mod powers, specifically to mute me (another mod) in calls because he was salty he lost a simple Pokemon match and other people were giving him shit because he couldn't live up to the big game he talked. He also did absolutely nothing productive as a member of the mods, and was very toxic when it came to calls. I specifically remember him asking "BUT WHAT DOES MOOGLE THINK ABOUT ALL THIS???" many, many times, and as a mod it creates a really toxic environment in the call where Phoenix was putting one person into the spotlight, and it was a very uncomfortable spotlight for just about everyone involved. Another Fantasy League misstep was Wiisnake buying him a copy of Fire Emblem: Awakening (or Fates, I cannot remember which one actually) and promptly getting bullied for it, a thing Wiisnake is still moderately depressed about to this day, to my knowledge, as he hates the "Wiidsnake" Weed joke moniker and everything about it. Phoenix also started the large wave of Cran-bashing hatred that fueled the fantasy league for a long time, and it earned our group a very distinct level of contempt from other members of the community, especially in the higher ups. Phoenix would also constantly shit on EDBW, and the night that he came back in the call, he was fishing for replies by asking "How's EDBW?" when he said himself in the past that he didn't care about it. Phoenix has done nothing but create problems for the Fantasy League, and we weren't the only group. The nWtoh never invited him back despite his pleas, and he was recently kicked from the Super Server and the BWA chat, somewhat under a guise of inactivity to the unknowing, but mostly because nobody liked him. I've been sitting on the kick in fantasy league for a long time, but we decided to do it once we could within parameters to avoid back lash. By all means, he didn't sign up again and he didn't say he wanted to stay, so he was right in being kicked and the situation was properly handled, but very much so was it a relief from the mod team. This accounts for just about everything I think he's done, though I'm sure there are mismatched stories along the pathway that I may have missed. My own personal beef with him comes from something he did that irked me so deeply that I couldn't stand to even think about him in a positive light anymore. After going out with his girlfriend in Canada for several years (since before the beginning of VGCW), he promptly left her one day and said "This long term relationship isn't working out!" and I believed it. Fast forward and all the puzzle pieces are falling together, and I figure out that he left his previous girlfriend for another girl, and only because she offered to pay for some of his living expenses and the plane ticket to Ohio/Indiana/whatever State he's in now. That absolutely makes my stomach turn because I'm a bit of a day dreamer when it comes to romance, and to think that someone told a girl he loved her for many years, only to cut that short under a falsehood because this other girl essentially paid him off just sickens me deeply. All of these reasons led to Phoenix being kicked from many groups, and if it seemed like I was at the head of it all at times, you wouldn't be wrong, as I was the one who pushed for waifuchat to be deleted in Fantasy League (despite the fact I find the concept somewhat odd, his weird dictatorship rules were not good and caused many issues for the mod team when nobody else enforced them except Phoenix and Fella, but Fella had no idea what he was doing). I also pushed for him to be demodded as a result of the poor job he had done modding previously. But most importantly, I've been here through it all. I saw all of this happen, and I've been on this ride since the moment it began that fateful day when Phoenix was added to the nWtoh along with myself after Desu had put out the request on the forums. I will say this, if you think yesterday seemed kind of out of hand with the sheer amount of joyous rapture that was occurring at someone being kicked, I would agree with you wholeheartedly, and I told Joe the same thing, because he was also concerned about it. A few people took a joke too far and suddenly it turned into a fucking holiday, although I am not entirely complaining because we got a new episode of Dose's indy out of it and that was top notch. Regardless, if you feel it was a bit over the top, I'm inclined to agree with you on that part. And with that, I believe I've said my piece. That just about covers it. If you have any further questions, I'm here.
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