
9 Roc'shaz [M. Diamond Dog Deathmaster] MLPFEMTORPG

Dec 30th, 2013
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  1. Name: Roc'shaz the Diabolical
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Diamond Dog
  4. Class: Deathmaster (Necromancer/Rouge)
  5. Talent: Darkest Fears (+1 to Night and doesn't break Stealth on success)
  6. Hit/Wounds: 5/5
  7. Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  9. Skills:
  10. (Free Racial) Burrowing: Diamond dogs can dig tunnels and holes with ease, setting traps, moving unseen and fleeing in unexpected directions.
  11. (Racial) Sound Hound: Passive; Intelligent canines have to put up with so much. However there are some perks to being a diamond dog. While heightened hearing can be annoying at times (you know way more than a dog your age should) with a bit of concentration and focus, its a very nifty thing. You can listen on whispers and distant conversations with ease; your ungulate friends can’t keep a secret from you. Allies that know that you can do this can communicate with you in confidence escaping the notice of others (except other diamond dogs of course). Also when an enemy engages combat, for the first turn any attack targeting you hits on a DC+2 (DC+1 for stealth attacks and ambushes). You are also unaffected by light-level.
  12. (Free Multiclass) Awakening Blade: Passive; Any enemy killed by the Deathmaster returns to life as a weak minion. These minions do not count against your maximum amount of minions, but only have 3 hits and 1 wound.
  13. (Class) Stealth: become hidden. Enemies cannot attack you until you reveal yourself. An attack used in stealth Autocrits. Can be used at DC8 in combat.
  14. (Class) Backstab: weapon. recharge 1; strikes the enemy from behind. No counterattack damage except on critfail if used from Stealth. Crits on a 9+. Kills helpless targets.
  15. (Class) Night: Spell; Can bring forth localized darkness that envelops everything nearby. Roll determines duration and intensity. Things are harder to see in the dark, making it easier to hide, slip past enemies and do other things.
  17. Inventory:
  18. Black Bandana (worn over face)
  19. Quartz Shiv: single tag, weapon tag
  20. Copy of the Equine-nomicon: Spell-casting Catalyst
  21. Belt holding: Gem sack (for consumption, not barter), Wineskin, Flint and Steel
  23. Traits: Roc'shaz is a diamond dog. His fur is dark grey and speckled with brown splotches, and has dark green bloodshot eyes. Roc'shaz is a deathmaster. From birth, he was always the runt of the pack. In his den, he was the smallest and weakest, and thus often treated poorly. He never fit in, and was persecuted by his elders for knowing how to read (which he had learned from books he had stolen from the surface world). Continuously tortured by other diamond dogs, Roc'shaz one day took to an abandoned mine, and began reading the Equine-nomicon. With his mine clouded with thoughts of revenge, he took a piece of quartz and sharpened it into a blade. That day, he came back and murdered almost the entirety of his pack, family and all. The survivors that are still alive all know him as Roc'shaz the Diabolical, which is a term he enjoys. He lives now, killing all who stand in his way on his quest to hunt down the Alpha and the rest of the pack that treated him like they did and that escaped his fury. He travels and gives his service only to those he thinks he cannot best, but in times of need, he will still abandon them since he only cares for himself.
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