
Clusterfuck Maids

Jun 19th, 2009
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  1. [20:37] <[GM]Jacqueline> [Welcome to Jack's Oasis.]
  2. [20:38] <[GM]Jacqueline> [A nice little place, situated in beautiful downtown middle of friggin' nowhere.]
  3. [20:41] <[GM]Jacqueline> [...uh, and stuff.]
  4. [20:42] <[GM]Jacqueline> [I somehow lost track of where I was going with that, so introduce yourselves, I guess.]
  5. [20:44] <[huh]Slider> Nice t'meetcha. Folks in these parts call me... Slider.
  6. [20:44] * [huh]Slider adjusts her shades.
  7. [20:44] <[Mys]ChaRisa> [As she fight off the horrible space invasion from under the safety of her wide brimmed parasol- PEW PEW Captain CHA RISA has gone undercover as a full time employee of a local tavern! Here she will learn the elegance of what it takes to be a bride~ Or at least that what's she thinks~]
  8. [20:45] <[Mys]ChaRisa> Hiya Slider!
  9. [20:45] * [Mys]ChaRisa waves despite being mere feet away.
  10. [20:45] <[Mys]ChaRisa> I'm Risa
  11. [20:45] <[Mys]ChaRisa> ChaRisa
  12. [20:45] * [Mys]ChaRisa yawns loudly revealing some fine fangs.
  13. [20:46] * [Tes]Esben looks back from wiping the windows, looking at the two curiously.
  14. [20:47] <[Tes]Esben> Esben Katz. How you doin'?
  15. [20:49] <[Cru]Elizabeth> "Elizabeth... Sheffield." She pats down her dress, wondering if it would be okay to run back upstairs.
  16. [20:51] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Hiya Esben, I'm doing alright. Do the ghosts bother you too? Oh, Hi Elizabeth!"
  17. [20:53] * [GM]Jacqueline is a small girl in a boyish outfit, denim pants and a long sleeved shirt, both dyed a dark red. Hair almost as pale as her skin hangs down her back.
  18. [20:54] <[GM]Jacqueline> I'm Jack. Thanks for coming.
  19. [20:54] <[GM]Jacqueline> Or, um... you know what I mean.
  20. [20:55] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Telepathy!"
  21. [20:55] * [Mys]ChaRisa looks hopeful.
  22. [20:55] <[GM]Jacqueline> Yeah, sure.
  23. [20:55] * [Mys]ChaRisa smiles and giggles.
  24. [20:56] <[GM]Jacqueline> Anyway, I hope you're all ready for a hard day's work. Maybe we'll even get a customer.
  25. [20:56] <[huh]Slider> Alright!
  26. [20:56] * [GM]Jacqueline chuckles, sort of.
  27. [20:57] * [Cru]Elizabeth gives Jacqueline a quiet "Good morning," but brightens up considerably.
  28. [20:57] <[GM]Jacqueline> Hmm.
  29. [20:57] <[Tes]Esben> Well, it's not too unlikely. What needs doing?
  30. [20:57] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Can I tend the your bar, Jack? Can I? Can I?"
  31. [20:58] * [GM]Jacqueline glances over at the hyperactive one.
  32. [20:58] * [Mys]ChaRisa twirls her parasol in anticipation.
  33. [20:58] <[GM]Jacqueline> You... make up the rooms, actually. Slider, keep an ey-- I mean, help her out.
  34. [20:59] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "YES SIR JACK RIGHT AWAY SIR!"
  35. [20:59] * [Mys]ChaRisa snaps feet together and salutes.
  36. [20:59] * [Mys]ChaRisa duck marches to the rooms.
  37. [20:59] * [huh]Slider nods understandingly.
  38. [20:59] <[huh]Slider> "Well then, miss."
  39. [21:00] * [huh]Slider bows, and follows, careful not to let the girl out of her sight.
  40. [21:00] <[GM]Jacqueline> Esben, you watch the bar.
  41. [21:01] <[Tes]Esben> Alright then.
  42. [21:01] * [Tes]Esben nods her head and walks inside, proceeding to place herself behind the bar.
  43. [21:01] <[GM]Jacqueline> Liz, kitchen with me.
  44. [21:02] <[Cru]Elizabeth> "Y-yes." She follows.
  45. [21:03] * [Tes]Esben proceeds to wipe down the bar, though it's more to kill time than to actually do something.
  46. [21:04] * [Mys]ChaRisa cleans out all the doo-baps off of the furniture in the rooms. Nasty creatures those doo-baps...
  47. [21:05] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Those doo-baps never stood a chance~ Right, Esby?"
  48. [21:06] * [huh]Slider makes and arranges the beds.
  49. [21:06] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Um Slider..."
  50. [21:06] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Anyone"
  51. [21:06] * [Mys]ChaRisa is lost in space.
  52. [21:07] * [huh]Slider ...unsuccessfully.
  53. [21:07] * [Mys]ChaRisa Gotta calm down... Can't breath in space if you don't stay calm...
  54. [21:07] * [Mys]ChaRisa Inhale...
  55. [21:07] * [Mys]ChaRisa Exhale...
  56. [21:07] <[huh]Slider> Er, what are you, ah, doing?
  57. [21:08] <[GM]Jacqueline> [The "doo-baps", aka "dust bunnies", are well and truly exorcised. Those beds, though... you couldn't bounce a rabbit off of those things. See, 'cause they bounce, anyway. It's a joke... never mind.]
  58. [21:08] * [Mys]ChaRisa stands up from off of the floor.
  59. [21:08] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Exme Foon riddle Dwarf!
  60. [21:08] * [Cru]Elizabeth looks through all the cupboards in the kitchen for lack of anything better to do at the moment.
  61. [21:08] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "I've returned from my travels in SPACE!"
  62. [21:09] <[huh]Slider> ...
  63. [21:09] <[huh]Slider> That's wonderful.
  64. [21:09] * [Mys]ChaRisa hugs Slider suddenly
  65. [21:09] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Thank you for fixing the beds while I was away."
  66. [21:09] * [huh]Slider is taken aback at first, but then pats the girl on the head.
  67. [21:09] <[GM]Jacqueline> [...oooookay. Meanwhile...]
  68. [21:12] * [GM]Jacqueline gets a fire burning in the stove.
  69. [21:13] <[GM]Jacqueline> Liz, take the big copper pot there and get some water in it. Right up to the dent, thereabouts. And check the traps while you're out there.
  70. [21:14] <[GM]Jacqueline> You know where they're all at, right?
  71. [21:15] <[Cru]Elizabeth> "Yes, of course." She stretches up for the pot and hustles out the door.
  72. [21:16] * [GM]Jacqueline waits until she's out of sight, then slips down into the larder.
  73. [21:18] * [Cru]Elizabeth sets the pot by the well and goes to look at the traps.
  74. [21:19] <[GM]Jacqueline> [Checking the traps, Elizabeth finds... one snared rabbit. Bait's missing from several of the others, so it looks like you caught the dullard of the group.]
  75. [21:23] * [Cru]Elizabeth rearms and baits the traps, taking a little time to move and hide them more carefully. She finishes up and returns with the pot of water.
  76. [21:28] * [GM]Jacqueline pokes his head in over the swinging doors, looking around inside.
  77. [21:29] * [GM]JoeNPC pokes his head in over the swinging doors, looking around inside.
  78. [21:29] * [Cru]Elizabeth puts the pot on the fire, then looks around for Jacqueline, fails to find her, and goes through the doors to the bar.
  79. [21:30] <[GM]JoeNPC> Ha! Perfect.
  80. [21:30] * [Tes]Esben looks up from her task at the new arrival, but keeps from saying anything until he enters.
  81. [21:30] * [Mys]ChaRisa falls down the stairs.
  82. [21:31] * [huh]Slider wals down after.
  83. [21:31] * [Cru]Elizabeth hides behind the bar.
  84. [21:31] * [GM]JoeNPC enters and beats the dust off of his clothes as he approaches the bar. He takes a stool and sets his large, overstuffed pack on the floor next to it.
  85. [21:32] <[Tes]Esben> Welcome. Would you like something?
  86. [21:32] * [Tes]Esben keeps taking glances to the side, unsure as to whether she should distract herself to check on ChaRisa.
  87. [21:32] * [GM]JoeNPC doesn't even notice the commotion.
  88. [21:33] <[GM]JoeNPC> Anything you've got back there that's wet is fine by me, missy.
  89. [21:33] * [Mys]ChaRisa crawls behind a table then stands up looking non-chanlant and begins wiping the table clean.
  90. [21:34] * [Tes]Esben shrugs and looks around before preparing a mug of beer and placing it in front of the customer.
  91. [21:34] <[GM]JoeNPC> You got rooms to let?
  92. [21:35] <[Tes]Esben> I think so. You looking to use one?
  93. [21:36] * [Cru]Elizabeth looks up at Esben. "We do."
  94. [21:37] <[GM]JoeNPC> Plannin' on it. What's the run?
  95. [21:38] <[Tes]Esben> Well, I'm not such a shot at numbers. Gotta check the books, if you have a second.
  96. [21:38] * [GM]JoeNPC takes a pull of his beer and doesn't look in any sort of hurry.
  97. [21:39] * [Cru]Elizabeth looks around, then sneaks back to the kitchen to look for Jacqueline.
  98. [21:40] * [GM]Jacqueline stirs the beans in the pot.
  99. [21:40] * [Tes]Esben walks of to the side and takes a look at the register, leafing through to see where it's written in.
  100. [21:41] * [huh]Slider seems content to observe for the time being.
  101. [21:41] <[GM]Jacqueline> Oh, there you are.
  102. [21:41] <[Cru]Elizabeth> "We've got a customer."
  103. [21:41] <[GM]Jacqueline> Already, huh? Lucky day.
  104. [21:42] <[Tes]Esben> Ah, here it is.
  105. [21:42] * [Tes]Esben carries the book over to the front, facing the customer again.
  106. [21:43] <[GM]Jacqueline> Might as well get the rabbit cleaned up for him fresh, then.
  107. [21:44] <[Tes]Esben> What are you carrying? Gold? Silver? Copper? Gold's just one, silver's four and copper's twenty. There's also provision for nickel, if you'd prefer that...
  108. [21:46] * [Cru]Elizabeth nods and gets out the cleaning knives.
  109. [21:46] * [GM]JoeNPC takes a small bag out of his pack and sets it on the bar.
  110. [21:47] <[GM]JoeNPC> Gold, there, dust. Reckon there oughta be enough of it to cover the room, the drink, and a meal.
  111. [21:50] <[GM]Jacqueline> [Never mind that, it's ten dollars. Hooray for anachronism!]
  112. [21:51] * [Mys]ChaRisa sways her hips as she walks toward the new customer. Gotta start training to be a bride now. Only way to prevent the zombie invasion.
  113. [21:52] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Well hello there, Sir."
  114. [21:52] * [Tes]Esben takes the bag and carefully weighs it in one hand before setting it down. She offers no complaints.
  115. [21:52] * [Mys]ChaRisa leans forward.
  116. [21:52] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "I can show you those rooms anytime you want, Darling~"
  117. [21:53] * [Cru]Elizabeth cleans and cuts the rabbit proficiently.
  118. [21:54] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Would you like some company?"
  119. [21:54] * [Mys]ChaRisa waves a hand at the empty seat next to him.
  120. [21:55] * [Tes]Esben eyes Risa strangely, but writes it off as eccentricity. She's made it pretty clear she's unusual already...
  121. [21:55] <[GM]JoeDirector> CUT!
  122. [21:56] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Ah Gosh Darn it!
  123. [21:56] * [huh]Slider whips off her glasses, and puts on a very similar pair.
  124. [21:56] * [GM]Jacqueline pinches her temple.
  125. [21:56] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "MAKE UP!"
  126. [21:56] <[huh]Slider> Seriously, I need more screen time.
  127. [21:57] <[GM]Jacqueline> Here we go again...
  128. [21:57] * [huh]Slider mutters under her breath.
  129. [21:57] <[huh]Slider> Well, was that a keeper?
  130. [21:57] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "I'll be in my trailer unless the director needs me."
  131. [21:57] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Director~"
  132. [21:58] * [Mys]ChaRisa jogs over to Jack in the directors chair and sits in his lap.
  133. [21:58] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Do you need me?"
  134. [21:58] * [Mys]ChaRisa laughs
  135. [21:58] * [GM]JoeDirector pushes Risa away before she can settle down.
  136. [21:59] <[GM]JoeDirector> Look, honey, you're cute and all, but seriously: have you ever heard the phrase "dial it down"?
  137. [21:59] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Aww"
  138. [21:59] * [Tes]Esben gets a glass of water, and downs it before looking around while wondering what to do.
  139. [21:59] <[GM]JoeDirector> We're paying a lot for this scenery, the last thing we need is tooth marks all over it.
  140. [22:00] * [huh]Slider has wandered off he set and is now halfheartedly playing with sensitive equipment.
  141. [22:00] * [Cru]Elizabeth goes to clean herself off.
  142. [22:00] <[GM]JoeDirector> I suppose I shouldn't complain too much, at least SOMEBODY was showing some life out there!
  143. [22:01] * [Tes]Esben leaves the set and sits in the director's lap, but says nothing.
  144. [22:01] <[huh]Siderea> Don't look at me, Igot a full three lines this scene.
  145. [22:01] * [Cru]Elizabeth returns.
  146. [22:02] <[Cru]Elizabeth> "My character is s'posed to be quiet, it's what I'm even here for..."
  147. [22:03] <[GM]JoeDirector> There's "quiet", and then there's "moribund".
  148. [22:03] <[GM]JoeDirector> That goes for you too, sweetheart.
  149. [22:03] * [GM]JoeDirector points a finger at Jacqueline.
  150. [22:04] <[GM]Jacqueline> Yeah, yeah. Hack job.
  151. [22:05] <[huh]Siderea> If my opinin counts for anything, i think you did fine.
  152. [22:05] <[GM]JoeDirector> Alright, clearly, we haven't got ourselves together just yet. Wrap it up for today, come back here same time tomorrow morning, only this time, try to be ready.
  153. [22:06] * [Cru]Elizabeth goes to Jacqueline, "There wasn't more you could do with that script, anyhow. Let me help you get cleaned up."
  154. [22:06] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "You are the cutest actor out here in the space colony, Jacky-poo."
  155. [22:10] <[Tes]Esben> Well, what now?
  156. [22:12] <[Mys]ChaRisa> Well
  157. [22:17] <[Mys]ChaRisa> I going to go rehearse
  158. [22:17] <[Mys]ChaRisa> Me not so bad at read script now
  159. [22:18] * [Mys]ChaRisa shakes head.
  160. [22:18] <[Mys]ChaRisa> You guys should probably practice too.
  161. [22:19] <[Mys]ChaRisa> We don't want to upset the Director!
  162. [22:19] <[Tes]Esben> Hm. I guess I was a little slow.
  163. [22:20] * [Mys]ChaRisa tries to grab Siderea.
  164. [22:20] * [Tet]Jacqueline just shakes her head.
  165. [22:20] <[Tet]Jacqueline> Thanks but no thanks. I'm going to go get quite drunk for a while.
  166. [22:21] * [Tet]Jacqueline stalks away, muttering sourly.
  167. [22:22] * [huh]Siderea is grabbed!
  168. [22:22] * [Mys]ChaRisa picks up and cradles Siderea
  169. [22:22] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "Now I'm kidnapping the princess!"
  170. [22:23] * [Mys]ChaRisa cackles evily
  171. [22:23] <[Mys]ChaRisa> "We'll be practicing our lines in her room.
  172. [22:23] <[Mys]ChaRisa> Ignore the screams please."
  173. [22:24] <[Tes]Esben> Heh.
  174. [22:24] * [Cru]Elizabeth goes to cry somewhere quiet. ;_;
  175. [22:25] * [Mys]ChaRisa leaves with her captive in hand... slowly.
  176. [22:26] * [Tes]Esben falls into the director's chair and leans back apathetically.
  177. [22:28] <[huh]Siderea> Er...
  178. [22:33] * [Mys]ChaRisa returns somewhat stunned with sheet of paper in hand.
  179. [22:33] <[Mys]ChaRisa> Okay, um, everybody here?
  180. [22:34] <[Mys]ChaRisa> Lalia? Esben? I've got some good news and some bad news.
  181. [22:35] * [Cru]Lalia looks up from the camera equipment she was fiddling with. "What?"
  182. [22:36] <[Mys]ChaRisa> The good news is that, with that l am now acting director for this film. The bad news is Joe Director just used an escape shuttle and the space police are hot on his trail for embezzlement and fraud.
  183. [22:37] * [Tes]Esben looks over, a little confused.
  184. [22:37] <[Mys]ChaRisa> And Joe Director isn't even his real name.
  185. [22:37] <[Cru]Lalia> "Of course it wasn't."
  186. [22:37] <[Tes]Esben> Well, somehow I'm not surprised at any of that.
  187. [22:37] * [Mys]ChaRisa sighs.
  188. [22:38] * [Mys]ChaRisa pulls out french beret and large cone megaphone.
  189. [22:38] * [Mys]ChaRisa speaking through the mega phone.
  191. [22:40] <[Cru]Lalia> "Are we even still getting paid? I'm not doing this because I like it, you know."
  192. [22:40] <[Tes]Esben> Yeah... I'm with Lalia on that one.
  193. [22:41] * [Mys]DirectorChaRisa walks up to Lalia and Esben. A bare yard away from either she pulls up the megaphone.
  195. [22:42] <[Tes]Esben> Wagh!
  196. [22:42] * [Tes]Esben recoils from the sound, and falls backwards along with the chair.
  197. [22:42] * [Mys]DirectorChaRisa puts down the megaphone.
  198. [22:42] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> Ah, sorry.
  199. [22:43] * [Cru]Lalia glares back at her.
  200. [22:43] * [Mys]DirectorChaRisa smiles shyly
  201. [22:44] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Anyway, the movie is almost done anyway. Only a couple scenes left as is."
  202. [22:45] <[Tes]Esben> Well, then there's not so many things that can go wrong.
  203. [22:45] <[Tes]Esben> I hope...
  204. [22:46] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> [The second Esben says this a trail of smoke passes by her and the others heads. Oh no! The set has caught fire!]
  205. [22:47] <[Tes]Esben> Well, looks like we've got work again.
  206. [22:47] * [Tes]Esben scampers off to get some water.
  207. [22:48] <[Cru]Lalia> "What's wrong with the sprinklers?"
  208. [22:48] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Mr. Director was cheap. This ship is a fixerupper that was never fixed!"
  209. [22:50] <[Cru]Lalia> "What? Say something important like this earlier!"
  210. [22:52] * [Cru]Lalia runs to the well on the set, the nearest water tap.
  211. [22:52] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> [Araeki, a slave on the movie space ship Enterprising, and fellow actor is awake now. Better head to the set!]
  212. [22:53] * [Tes]Esben runs back with a hose she found somewhere, and begins spraying the set to douse the flames.
  213. [22:55] * [Cru]Lalia joins in with Esben, applying the water line to the set.
  214. [22:55] * [Ora]Araeki groans grudgingly and looks at the clock, its WAY past the normal waking hours.
  215. [22:56] <[Ora]Araeki> "Crap.."
  216. [22:57] * [Mys]DirectorChaRisa puts hand to her head and falls to her knees.
  217. [22:58] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Well this just put a wrench in things..."
  218. [22:58] * [Cru]Lalia shuts off the water.
  219. [22:59] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> [the fire, properly doused, no longer threatens the expensive set. However a budget is a budget and that was a set back.]
  220. [22:59] * [Ora]Araeki gets her clothes on and proceeds on the way out but notices the faint smell of smoke down torwards the set.
  221. [23:00] <[Tes]Esben> Hm. Well, damn.
  222. [23:01] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Gah, well, this should save some money..."
  223. [23:01] <[Ora]Araeki> "What in the hell is going on.. they know this isn't good for my health."
  224. [23:01] * [Mys]DirectorChaRisa speaks into the megaphone.
  225. [23:01] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Danny! Shut off the gravity and turn down the electrical output."
  226. [23:02] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> [With a couple seconds of delay, everything not nailed to the ground begin to float slightly.]
  227. [23:03] * [Cru]Lalia pats her dress down.
  228. [23:03] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> [The light also dim notice-ably.]
  229. [23:04] * [Tes]Esben , caught walking, trails off the ground since the hose is too long to anchor her.
  230. [23:04] <[Tes]Esben> Whoa!
  231. [23:04] * [Tes]Esben shifts her weight so her feet land on the ceiling, and then crouches while grabbing a light fixture.
  232. [23:06] * [Ora]Araeki sighs as she floats in midair.
  233. [23:06] * [Cru]Lalia pulls herself back down to the water line. "So what now?"
  234. [23:06] <[Ora]Araeki> "I'm going to strangle whoever's doing this."
  235. [23:07] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Sorry about this guys! Tight budget!"
  236. [23:07] <[Cru]Lalia> "How... how the hell do you expect us to film an old western without gravity?"
  237. [23:08] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Anyway, it's dinner time, we'll turn on the gravity tomorrow when we're filming.
  238. [23:09] <[Cru]Lalia> "Fine, whatever. Who's on kitchen duty? Araeki?"
  239. [23:09] * [Ora]Araeki makes her way to the movie set to see what the hell is going on.
  240. [23:10] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Well the food replicators won't be running with the electricity output being limited. Sooo...
  241. [23:10] <[Tes]Esben> ...I'm not going to comment.
  242. [23:11] * [Tes]Esben looks around for a way to get back on the ground.
  243. [23:11] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Lalia, see if this old ship has some emergency food stores.
  244. [23:12] <[Ora]Araeki> "Alright, who's responsible for all of this mess and smoke going around here?"
  245. [23:12] * [Ora]Araeki looks around.
  246. [23:12] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> Esben, find Araeki and tell her to try and make some food like they did in the terran ages."
  247. [23:12] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Ah, Araeki!"
  248. [23:13] <[Ora]Araeki> "Y-yes?"
  249. [23:13] * [Mys]DirectorChaRisa swivels her head as the beret floats up in a dizzy fashion."
  250. [23:13] <[Cru]Lalia> "Fffine."
  251. [23:13] * [Cru]Lalia propels herself to the door to the main corridor.
  252. [23:13] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "You're on food duty but the replicators won't be working.
  253. [23:14] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> Try and make something edible please!"
  254. [23:14] <[Ora]Araeki> "I-I don't mind but first, what is going on here? I know I did not intend to wake up to this."
  255. [23:15] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Well some things happened. Long story short, I'm the director, the budget is in distress, and Esben is wet and swinging from the chandelier.
  256. [23:16] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> Crazy night, eh?"
  257. [23:16] * [Ora]Araeki shakes it off with a sigh.
  258. [23:17] * [Mys]DirectorChaRisa raises megaphone.
  259. [23:17] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "THAT DINNER WON'T MAKE ITSELF!!"
  260. [23:17] <[Ora]Araeki> "Ok... food right.?"
  261. [23:18] * [Cru]Lalia finds great supplies of food! She picks up some promising looking containers.
  262. [23:19] * [Ora]Araeki floats away to where ever the food supplies are located.
  263. [23:19] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "ESBEN~!"
  264. [23:20] * [Cru]Lalia goes out into the corridor, spying Araeki. "There you are!"
  265. [23:20] <[Tes]Esben> Yeah...? What?
  266. [23:20] <[Ora]Araeki> "Lalia, you here to prepare food as well?"
  267. [23:21] * [Tes]Esben looks up at Risa. (Maybe she could cushion if I kicked off the ceiling...)
  268. [23:21] <[Cru]Lalia> "Of course not, that's your job. I was finding where the reserves were stored." She hands off some of the containers to Araeki, freeing one hand.
  269. [23:22] <[Ora]Araeki> "Geez.. thanks."
  270. [23:22] <[Cru]Lalia> "Also, let me bite you, it's been a terrible morning."
  271. [23:22] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Come one down, and help me salvage some of the set~"
  272. [23:22] <[Ora]Araeki> "W-w-what!?"
  273. [23:23] <[Cru]Lalia> "I said, obediantly let me bite you. You have no right to refuse." She closes in.
  274. [23:23] * [Ora]Araeki gulps and prepares herself.
  275. [23:23] <[Ora]Araeki> "You can't be serious!"
  276. [23:24] <[Tes]Esben> See any landing spots, Risa?
  277. [23:25] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Oh come now Esben! Don't tell me you've never been in zero G's"
  278. [23:25] * [Mys]DirectorChaRisa kicks off towards her.
  279. [23:25] * [Mys]DirectorChaRisa spins and flips a few times on the way.
  280. [23:26] <[Tes]Esben> Not often enough to navigate them freely, at least.
  281. [23:26] * [Mys]DirectorChaRisa lands next to Esben on her tush, ruining the effect a bit.
  282. [23:26] * [Ora]Araeki backs off and floats quickly.
  283. [23:26] * [Tes]Esben cautiously steps off the roof, aiming to flip and then land on the ground.
  284. [23:26] * [Mys]DirectorChaRisa grabs Esben's hand.
  285. [23:27] * [Tes]Esben is suddenly confused, and aims to shift her weight.
  286. [23:27] <[Ora]Araeki> "E-excuse me."
  287. [23:27] * [Cru]Lalia finds that staring her down didn't quite work. "Of course I am. I'm not finished with you."
  288. [23:28] * [Ora]Araeki passes Lalia and heads toward the kitchen.
  289. [23:29] * [Cru]Lalia follows after. She is still carrying half the food, after all.
  290. [23:32] * [Ora]Araeki talks softly, If you had just asked nicely...
  291. [23:32] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> "Esben, maybe we should just get you to the dining quarters. Don't want you floating around doing nothing now, would we?"
  292. [23:33] <[Tes]Esben> Hm. Alright.
  293. [23:33] * [Tes]Esben is a little put off, but doesn't object.
  294. [23:34] * [Cru]Lalia isn't having the best of time moving with luggage in zero g, but still tries to grab for Araeki's hand.
  295. [23:38] * [Ora]Araeki looks back to see Lalia going for her hand but its too late to move in this weightless state.
  296. [23:39] <[Ora]Araeki> "H-hey!"
  297. [23:40] * [Cru]Lalia pulls her closer, hooking her feet on the wall's grab-bar for stability as they bump into each other, briefly entangling. It doesn't take a moment for her to find Araeki's neck.
  298. [23:41] * [Cru]Lalia carefully keeps ahold on the food, and containers as well, until she's finished.
  299. [23:41] <[Ora]Araeki> "D-didn't I say something earlier about th- ahn.."
  300. [23:42] * [Ora]Araeki doesn't resist as the life is being drained out of her... or rather its too late to resist.
  301. [23:44] * [Cru]Lalia releases her to pull out a hankerchief and wipe her mouth.
  302. [23:44] <[Cru]Lalia> "Mmm. Oh, that's so much better. And as I said, you have no right to refuse. Think about your position a little more carefully." She continues on to the kitchen.
  303. [23:45] * [Ora]Araeki limps slowly toward the kitchen after Lalia.. "Damn it I'll get you for this."
  304. [23:46] * [Cru]Lalia deposits the food before returning to the set.
  305. [23:50] * [Ora]Araeki places the food next to Lalia's stack and begins preping and cooking.
  306. [23:54] * [Ora]Araeki looks for Lalia for some assistant but she's already gone.
  307. [23:55] <[Ora]Araeki> "D-damn it.. its not like I wanted to cook with you anyway."
  308. [23:57] * [Ora]Araeki somehow managed to cook a nice looking meal even without gravity to assist her.
  309. [23:59] <[Mys]DirectorChaRisa> [And with dinner prepared our space adventures come to a short intermission. What will happen next time on the space ship Enterprising? Tune in next time!]
  310. [00:00] * Gaatz changes the channel
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