

Dec 30th, 2014
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  1. [url=""]Taz[/url] vs [url=""]Chris Jericho[/url]
  2. King Of The Ring Finals
  4. This match started off as a technical showcase, with Taz and Jericho exchanging holds. Hammerlocks, headlocks, suplexes, armwringers, they did it all, with Jericho constantly getting the upper hand through shenanigans. He poked the eyes, he bit when the ref wasn't looking, he used the ropes. Eventually, Taz got sick of this and started laying in with elbows, throwing Jericho for a loop. Jericho returned with a few elbows of his own, but eventually got pushed back into the corner by Taz's relentless strikes.
  6. 1...2...3...4, Taz let up before the ref was forced to disqualify him, lifting his hands and walking back a few steps. Jericho lifted a hand of his own, flipping the bird, and Taz responded in kind before having to drop to a knee, as the fast pace of the match had taken its toll, given that he came in fatigued from his match with HHH. Jericho, not suffering nearly as much fatigue, climbed to the top rope, checked his heartbeat, and hit the recovering Taz with a huricanrana, hooking the legs for the pin!
  8. 1...2...2.9, Taz kicked out, and got to his feet just as Jericho hit the ropes. Jericho rebounded, baseball slid under Taz, and springboarded off the ropes to hit a double stomp to the back of Taz's head as Taz had bent down! Taz is down! Jericho gloated a bit and started dragging Taz to his feet, only to be hit with a snap suplex! Taz was getting a second wind! He hit the Brooklyn Boot! He hit the Angry Man's Clothesline! He went for a German, but Jericho flipped out of it! Jericho rebounded off the ropes and hit a dropkick! Jericho started setting up for the rarely-seen Canadian Destroyer, but Taz reversed it into a double leg sweep and got Jericho up for a powerbomb! No! Not a powerbomb! He threw Jericho into the air, and caught him on his way back down for a hellacious belly to belly overhead suplex! Jericho flew under the ropes and right out of the ring, and caught a little breath on the outside as Taz beckoned him back in.
  10. 3...4...5... The ref kept counting as Jericho took a drink of water at ringside. Taz pushed his way past the ref and went to the outside to bring Jericho back in himself. Taz chased Jericho around the ring a while before Jericho rolled right back into the ring and out the other end, resetting the count. As Jericho gloated on the other end, Taz got a running start around the ring and hit a brutal Brooklyn Boot into the guardrail! Jericho collapsed to the floor and Taz took the opportunity to drag him back into the ring and leave him in the middle of the mat. As Jericho struggled back to his feet, Taz taunted him from the ropes. Jericho got back to his feet, and Taz just ran through him! Brooklyn Boot after Brooklyn Boot, never letting up or even giving him a chance to fall over! When he's sure Jericho is done for, Taz hooks the arm for the Tazz-Plex and hits it picture perfect, but as he tries to transition into the Tazzmission, Jericho reverses into a rollup! As the ref isn't looking, the Intercontinental Champ pulls Taz's singlet for added leverage!
  12. 1...2...3! Chris Jericho is your 1997 King Of The Ring! This could have main evented an In Your House, that's how good it was. They work very well together.
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