
2 Chapter 23 unfinished

Jul 14th, 2016
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  1. Chapter 23 - 1823 to 1836: The Industrial Revolution
  3. The world fast approaches a new era in the early 19th century, as new inventions and discoveries are released into the world. Machines make production and manufacturing more efficient and affordable, and soon the living standard in Europe and the Americas is fast improving. By now it is a globally connected world, not a single continent disconnected from the world market. Some countries do remain fairly isolated, such as Japan and Korea, but the average country contributes in some way to the free market.
  5. By this point the USA is the third in the world in production, behind Carinthia and Russia. Trade-wise, the USA is second to the Empire of Britain.
  7. Decolonization of the New World happened very quickly and very suddenly, not counting the Caribbean nations. In just a couple of decades the Americas went from European Colonies to independent republics (and a few monarchies). However, even with their independence some of the nations are European dominated. The South American nations especially suffer from a European market bitter from the independence, keen on exploiting the young nations.
  9. The next election of 1823, Verigan Sheldon wins himself a second term. For his second term he promises to improve relations with neighboring countries, specifically Canada, Mexico, and, doubtfully, Britain.
  11. Bad news reaches Delaware in 1827. After 4 years of little to note, Mexico invades and annexes most of Mexique. USA's enemy to the south has grown to monstrous size.
  13. In the next election, Verigan Sheldon runs against Henry Merrick. Sheldon's inability to bring about actual change in relationship with other countries means his downfall, and Merrick becomes 11th president.
  15. Very quickly, Merrick makes an alliance with Canada. Now, the USA has three allies in North America.
  17. In the Mediterranean, the great Kingdom of Tunis has fallen far in status. Conquests by Castile in Egypt, Mali in Morocco, and Hungary in Tripolitania has left the nation with a realm a fraction of the size of its kingdom at its greatest extent.
  19. On February 1st, 1828, President Merrick officially recognizes the contributions that women gave to the Revolution. Some day, February 1st would become known as Women's Day.
  21. Far to the east, the ancient Central Asian Christian Kingdom of Taulias has reemerged. Unfortunately, Yedi, the nomadic Muslim single province minor, invades. The USA secretly sends subsidies to Taulias to assist with the war.
  23. In the 1831 election, Henry Merrick is voted back into office.
  25. In the next few years, Russia faces revolts from cultural groups within its Empire and invasion from without. Mongolians revolt in Ruthenia and Mongolia, which was a single province nation for so long, expands significantly. Monkhtsetseg, an old Mongol nation, also gains independence. Further, Persia and Georgia each push in and take a few Russian provinces.
  27. Hungary, which has been in a union with Carinthia for over a hundred years, is finally annexed in July of 1833, making the Carinth-Hungarian Empire.
  29. The next election is in 1835, and this time Merrick steps down and does not run again. Scotty Rutledge is elected as 12th president of the USA.
  31. The last of the Mayan nations are annexed by Mexico by the end of 1835.
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