
fwuffycwossed 2

Aug 9th, 2013
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  1. > You were the owner of a small blue Pegasus colt with yellow hair you named ‘Theo’.
  2. > You adored the little rascal.
  3. > You bought him shortly after you and your girlfriend broke up.
  4. > He helped ease things along. Even if it was mutual break up, it still left you feeling rather down and all around just crappy.
  5. > You really lucked out when you picked him up from the shelter.
  6. > He did cry a little when you first got him, but apparently that was par for the course- wailing for his mother and such.
  7. > That put you in a bigger slump.
  8. > But when you yourself broke down and started crying, he hugged your ankle and said “pwease nu cwy mista.”, you knew you made the right choice.
  9. > He was easy to teach as well- he rarely ever misses the litterbox and actually tells you when he accidently makes ‘bad poopies’.
  10. > Like every other fluffy, he loved his ball and he loved spaghetti.
  11. > Unlike every other fluffy, he also loved ice cream and certain TV shows.
  12. > He was a big fan of Ultimate Muscle, some weird pro-wrestling anime.
  13. > And he always seemed to know when you were feeling down or angry. In such cases, he offers hugs, as fluffies are inclined to do.
  14. > He was your Little Man.
  15. > He loved the fluffy park, and you used to take him there twice a week, weather permitting.
  16. > “Theo wuv pawk! Wuv pwetty fwowews and othew fwuffies!” he would say.
  17. > Thankfully, he always got along with other fluffies. He was never mean, never hurt any of the other fluffies.
  18. > There were one or two incidents involving ferals who found their way into the fluffy park. You remember one smarty tried to goad him into joining his herd.
  19. > And another smarty who tried to hurt him for some reason.
  20. > You yelled at the first one and kicked the other in the ribs. Other than that, no incidents, no stolen toys, lots of hugs and playing.
  21. > Took your mind off your girlfriend.
  22. > You barely think about her now.
  23. > But not a day goes by where you don’t think about Theo.
  25. > It was a late spring day, and you were taking Theo for one of his late afternoon trots around the fluffy park.
  26. > The place was in good shape, the fences usually helped keep unwanted ferals or other animals out, most of the time at least. With the nearby forest, it was simply a must.
  27. > This wasn’t going to be one of those days.
  28. > As you were taking him to the park, you remember that the streets nearby had quite abit of traffic on them. Specifically vans of black and white, though at the time you didn’t think anything of it. You were too busy focusing on Theo.
  29. > “daddeh, can Theo hav choo-choo toy? Pwomise Theo be weawwy guud!”
  30. > “We’ll see, little man.”
  31. > You can still remember his smile: filled with that innocent joy that so many children these days seem to lose so rapidly.
  32. > When you got to the fluffy park, there were already a quite few people there with their fluffies.
  33. > Which was interesting, because usually the place wouldn’t have been this crowded this early.
  34. > Must’ve been the good weather.
  35. > You let Theo off his leash and let him go scampering off to play with the other fluffies.
  36. > They did their fluffy things: ran around, screamed and giggled. Babbled to one another and hugged. All the stuff that fluffies are supposed to do.
  37. > The people and their fluffies were all very much familiar to you. Friendly faces.
  38. > You remember those old PSAs about keeping a close eye on your children. You barely ever see them now on the tele nowadays, but back in the mid to late 90s, they seemed to be everywhere.
  39. > Maybe if they still played them regularly, what happened that day would have never come to pass.
  40. > And your last memory of Theo wouldn’t be one steeped in horror.
  41. > You were making smalltalk with one of the guys there, his name was ‘Will’. You think he was a teacher or something. You weren’t sure. You never did find out.
  42. > Fluffies were screaming, but you thought nothing of it. And apparently no one else did either. So you just kept jaw-wagging about history with Will.
  43. > It wasn’t until many of the fluffies started yelling “Hewp! Huwties!” that you, Will and the others took notice.
  44. > By then, it had already begun.
  45. > You knew that two fluffies were trying to hurt one another, and that off to the side one was mounting the other.
  46. > As you got closer, you realized a lot of the fluffies were covered in dried blood and apparently fresh shit.
  47. > And they were…grinning.
  48. > Not smiling the sweet smile of an innocent child.
  49. > Smiles devoid of soul, but full of humour, dark good cheer and, most of all, teeth.
  50. > It seems strange that the smiles were what you noticed first, and not their rash.
  51. > On each and every fluffy was a cross-like rash. One line from forehead to chin, the other line from cheek to cheek.
  52. > That gave you your first pause.
  53. > You strode through the chaos, all those fluffies with cross-rashes on their faces, viciously attacking all the others, and sometimes even each other, laughing all the while.
  54. > “Hewwo faygot hoomin. Gunna giv speciaw huggies to Mumma’s bewweh howe?”
  55. > That was your second pause. A mare, with a giant, festering wound in the center of her stomach, laying on her back and spreading the horrible gash with her front legs.
  56. > She giggled, almost exactly like how your girlfriend giggled the first time you two made love.
  57. > You were so shocked that you didn’t notice the stampede of owners rushing into the chaos before you, looking for their fluffies. All you could think was ‘fluffies don’t act like this’.
  58. > The mare giggled again.
  59. > “hey, faygot hoomin!”
  60. > You turned to the left and saw a stallion, its back left leg seemingly severed or ripped away.
  61. > It was curling around aforementioned limb, sucking on the hoof like a baby drinking formula from a bottle, while its erect penis was thrusting into the stump.
  62. > “Yoo weave yoo mouth open. Yoo wan some happy thing in dewe, yuh? Faygots wuv mouth-hugs. Eeeheheh.”
  63. > *Chee-hehehe-eep!*
  64. > The strange sound caught your attention.
  65. > It was the sound of a newborn foal’s chirping. Except it seemed to be laughing aswell.
  66. > You took a few steps forward, and beheld a stallion, holding a tiny colt in its front legs.
  67. > The colt’s face had the same cross- like rash on it’s face, and it was smiling, and laughing, as the stallion slowly ate it’s intestines out of it’s stomach.
  68. > “guud babbeh.” The stallion murmured, its mouth full of large intestines and various bits of flesh and fluff.
  69. > You shook your head, and began to call Theo’s name as you waded through the horrible chaos, kicking crossed fluffies as you went.
  70. > The scenes you witnessed that day still haunt your dreams.
  71. > A normal fluffy mare, laying on her back and screaming for help, had her legs held by four crossed fluffies. A crossed fluffy foal then forced itself into her vagina, giggling in that horrible cheeping sound.
  72. > A stallion forced to drink urine. At first it gargled and protested, but then giggled as the same cross-like rash began to rapidly form across its features.
  73. > And two crossed fluffies mounting the severed head of another fluffies, each of them fucking an ear, each giggling and making the telltale “enf, enf, enf” sound often heard when fluffies mate.
  74. > The rest was an incoherent jumble of sights and sounds.
  75. > Until you found Theo.
  76. > “Daddeh, why dun yoo show Theo how much yoo wuv Theo?”
  77. > He gazed up at you, grinning, a cross-like rash on his face. Blood was smeared around his mouth, and gore flecked his teeth. Likeswise, his hoofs, those little hoofs, stained a deep, dark red with the stuff.
  78. > “Theo…my god…”
  79. > “Daddeh, make Theo a Big Man. Wit yoo Happy Thing. Hehe.”
  80. > Your vision began to blur as you began to openly weep, and Theo just chuckled. A deep, cruel sound.
  81. > You fell to your knees infront of your Little Man, your poor Little Man. What happened to him? What was going on?
  82. > You were only vaguely aware of the crying and screaming around you. Not of the fluffies, but of their owners. Pure grief, melancholy and rage given voice.
  83. > “Theo…come to daddy, we’ll…we’ll fix this…”
  84. > “Nu need fixin’, stoopid. Dis da bestest feewing evew. Stop cwyin’ wike a babbeh.”
  85. > You reached out for him…
  86. > …only to have him snatched away from your grasp by a pair of gloved hands.
  87. > There was an impact against your head, and you hit the ground. The last thing you remember is seeing a pair of combat boots infront of your face and loud, curt shouts.
  88. > You woke up in the hospital.
  89. > You were there for only a day. You kept asking every doctor and nurse that came to check up on you why you were there and what happened.
  90. > They stonewalled you. Some were polite, most weren’t.
  91. > It was only when you gave Will a call a week later that he said you two should meet up and talk about what happened.
  92. > You met him at a coffee shop.
  93. > He said that a bunch of guys, some soldiers, most in hazmat suits, came onto the scene and started killing or taking all of the crossed fluffies, and most of the normal fluffies as well.
  94. > The soldiers used knives to cut the throats of the unwanted fluffies, the rest were stuffed into bags by the people in hazmat suits.
  95. > Any owner that tried to get close or retrieve their fluffies were beaten back. Some were hospitalized.
  96. > When they were finished, each and every one of them hopped into vans of black and white and drove off.
  97. > The vans had no license plates.
  98. > You asked about Theo. Will said he didn’t see what happened to him.
  99. > You tried calling a man by the name of Dr. Church, a renowned fluffologist, and asking him about it. You got his answering machine. He never called you back.
  100. > The incident was covered up. The news reported it as being ‘a crime perpetrated by a gang of fluffy abusers’.
  101. > Only a handful know the truth.
  102. > And now you spend your days and nights thinking about Theo.
  103. > You try to hold on to the good memories: Saturday morning cartoons, his first ball, the time you both shared a bowl of icecream.
  104. > But all you can remember is his cruel laughter and hideous grin.
  105. > And the horrible rash.
  106. > You’re now completely alone.
  107. > And there’s no one to blame but yourself.
  108. > No one to blame but yourself.
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