
Flutterbutt Christmas

Dec 22nd, 2014
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  1. >One year since you got to the magical land of candy colored horses.
  2. >They were a tad…bigger than you imagined.
  3. >Without standing on your tippy toes, you could only see eye level with their chests.
  4. >And, when they turned around, their butts.
  5. >Yay, its Christmas time for the ponies of Equestria.
  6. >Well, Hearth’s Warming or whatever.
  7. >Normally you wouldn’t really do holidays.
  8. >Not that you’re a wad of jerk, just never really had much time.
  9. >But now that you’re in the not-so-little world of ponies and magic, it might be time to change it up.
  10. >Tonight was basically the ponies’ equivalent to Christmas Eve.
  11. >Twilight had you sorting books all day long.
  12. >Why?
  13. >Who knows, that purple princess was crazy in love with books.
  14. >Crazy, crazy, crazy in love with them.
  15. >She had all the classics, too.
  16. >Like the princess’ guide to the galaxy.
  17. >Or the old fashion Derpy Hooves autobiography.
  18. >Sorting books wasn’t easy.
  19. >They were pretty much cinderblocks, and Twilight giving you a lecture on proper sorting didn’t help either.
  20. >Hey, at least there was a nice view when she bent over.
  21. >After spending your entire day inside a stuffy library, it was great to get some fresh air.
  25. >But baby, was it cold outside
  26. >The snow almost went over your knees, making it incredibly difficult to get home.
  27. >Stupid snow.
  28. >It sucked on Earth and it sucks more in Equestria.
  29. >Ponies are much more fun to look at though.
  30. >To your left, Applejack was having a snowball fight with Rainbow Dash.
  31. >Now those are some huge snowballs.
  32. >Applejack waved to you as you passed by, hiding behind a wall of snow.
  33. >Snowballs flew over the wall, hitting her right on the head.
  34. >How they made snowballs with those huge hooves, you’ll never understand.
  35. >You continued on your walk, wading through the deep frozen snow.
  36. >Scootaloo got her tongue stuck to a candy cane again.
  37. >Pinkie Pie was throwing a mid-day winter party.
  38. >Looking at ponies took your mind off of the gruelling snow.
  39. >The awful cold nearly turned you into a human popsicle.
  40. >Finally you got home.
  41. >Something was off though.
  42. >Really off.
  43. >The lock was burnt, melted into a puddle of mush.
  44. >Must’ve been some intense heat, because you triple locked it this morning.
  45. >At least the door can still be closed.
  46. >You don’t need your house turning into a walk in freezer.
  47. >Sliding the door open with a loud creak, you stepped into your house.
  48. >What the…
  49. >There’s mistletoe EVERYWHERE.
  50. >Wall to wall, hanging and dangling from the ceiling.
  54. >You couldn’t walk a single step without getting mistletoe to the face.
  55. >Living room, bed room, bathroom…
  56. >Everything was covered in mistletoe.
  57. >Whoever did this, they did it extremely well.
  58. >They also probably had mental issues and a huge surplus of string.
  59. >You pulled down a bit of mistletoe.
  60. >It was soft, the string was so delicate you might break the rest of it by just looking at it.
  61. >Your house was basically a jungle of mistletoe.
  62. >Well tonight was the night you were going to get drunk as a skunk.
  63. >This only gives you more of a reason to.
  64. >Time for some nice, tasty wine.
  65. >Hopefully the kitchen isn’t a complete forest too.
  66. >You left the bathroom, and started to walk towards the kitchen.
  67. >However, a sound caught your attention.
  68. >It sounded like the snow was having fun blowing against your door.
  69. >This house sucked, but it was a gift so beggars can’t be choosers.
  70. >Better than living in a snowbank.
  71. >You looked over your shoulder at the door, the weak winds taking your full attention.
  72. >Of course, you knew you should always look where you were going.
  73. >Too bad you didn’t this time.
  74. >Without warning, you slammed face first into something soft, tender and plush.
  75. >It bounced you flat onto your back.
  76. >”Eep!” A hushed voice exclaimed in the sweetest voice you ever heard.
  77. >As you recomposed yourself, laying down right on the floor, you saw it.
  78. >Right in front of you, was the biggest, most plump rear you’ve seen.
  79. >Butterflies marked each of the flanks, and a silky bright pink tail drooped down to the ground.
  80. >You just bumped into Fluttershy’s big, rotund flutterbutt.
  81. >Seeing such a big pony quivering in place was a weird experience.
  82. >”Uh-uhm…hi Anon…” Fluttershy kept her back to you, shaking nervously.
  83. ”Fluttershy what are you doing in my house?” You dusted yourself off, getting back up to your feet.
  84. >”I’m just leaving um, c-could you let me leave?” She put her hooves over her face, refusing to look at you.
  88. ”I’m not stopping you, but could you just tell me why you broke into my house? And why there’s mistletoe all over the dang place?”
  89. >”It-it was Rainbow Dash’s idea, I swear!” It sounded like she was about to burst into tears.
  90. “Calm down, it’s not a big deal, just tell me what you’re doing with all of this mistletoe.”
  91. >”Iwantedtogiveyouanicepresentfortonight” Fluttershy mumbled in a rapid fashion.
  92. “What?”
  93. >”I w-wanted to give you a good…Christmas present.”
  94. “How exactly do you know about Christmas?”
  95. >”Twilight told me right after you told her about it…” Finally Fluttershy stopped shaking anxiously, and calmed down.
  96. “So your whole idea, was to fill my house with mistletoe and then what? Enjoy taking it down by myself?” Quickly you yanked another bit of mistletoe down, dropping it to the ground.
  97. >”No, my idea was to um…get you under the mistletoe.”
  98. “Oh…”
  99. >”This was a bad idea, I’m sorry for ruining your Christmas, Anon.” The yellow Pegasus hung her head in shame. “I’ll leave now.”
  100. “Hold up, don’t you move a single muscle there, Flutters.” You approached her carefully, standing right behind her up close. “You did anything but ruin my Christmas.”
  101. >She gazed back at you, a look of confusion on her timid face.
  102. “Normally I spend this holiday alone, it feels pretty empty to spend a holiday like this all by myself!”
  103. >”R-really?”
  104. “Yeah really, if anything, you just caring enough to pay me a visit makes my Christmas even better!”
  107. >"You have no clue how nice it is to hear you say that."
  108. >A sharp blush came across her face.
  109. "It's the truth, I'm pretty flattered that you burnt my locks and broke into my house."
  110. >"I'm sorry, it was the only way I could really get in without ruining even more of your home."
  111. >For whatever reason, Fluttershy still refused to turn around to meet you face to well, chest.
  112. "More of my home? What?"
  113. >"Well I kind of um, broke that window trying to climb in."
  114. >Her hoof pointed to what used to be an open window, now a bunch of rubble
  115. >It wasn't a window anymore, it was just a gaping Fluttershy-sized hole in the wall.
  116. >"I couldn't fit all of myself through it, I tried my best but even with Spike, Angel and all of my critter friends trying to push my flank in, I couldn't get in."
  117. "If it was anybody other than you, I'd probably already be going into cardiac arrest, but you know what? I'm lettin' all of this slide." You pat her on the flank gently.
  118. >Man did her blush shift into overdrive.
  119. >"Thanks Anon..."
  120. "Now you came here, broke into my house, wrecked my wall like it was nothing, just to give me a Christmas present?"
  121. >Her face looked like a volcano with how red her cheeks were getting.
  122. >"Yes..."
  123. "And this Christmas present is what?"
  124. >"Y-you want me to give it to you now?" She started to shake again.
  125. "Sure, why not? Where is it?"
  126. >"Uhm..."
  127. "Is the box in front of you?"
  128. >"No."
  129. "Did you leave it at home?"
  130. >"Nope."
  131. "Then where is it, Fluttershy?"
  132. >"Right here~" The huge pegasus raised her tail slowly, revealing her monumental backside to you.
  133. >Even one of her flanks was the size of your chest.
  134. >Your eyes widened, but not nearly as wide as those Flutterhips.
  135. >Most of your vision was completely taken by Fluttershy's near minivan sized yellow rump in your face.
  136. >Wait...what is that?
  137. >No she didn't..
  138. >The saucy pony had a bunch of mistletoe braided into the underside of her tail.
  139. >And it was hovering right over your head.
  140. >"M-merry Christmas, Anon."
  142. >Looks like it's gonna be a nice Christmas.
  143. >Her gigantic Flutterthighs were probably the greatest thing your precious little eyes have ever seen.
  144. "Are you sure you want this? Cause I sure do."
  145. >"Mhm, just take as long as you need~" Nodded Fluttershy, again looking over her shoulder at you.
  146. >Slowly you leaned closer into the Flutterbutt, the heat getting more and more intense with every inch.
  147. >Fluttershy was quivering anxiously, causing her ample amazonian-sized ass to titillatingly jiggle and wobble against your face.
  148. >She draped her sleek pink tail over your head, moderately pushing you up against her round cheeks.
  149. >"W-wow Anon, that feels pretty nice!" Said the huge pegasus, forcing you to get a face full of her plush backside.
  150. >Honestly you thought she would have smelled like vanilla or some other obvious scent, but that wasn't the case.
  151. >Your nose took a huge whiff of that pillowy plot, Fluttershy's aroma was subtle, yet the more you inhaled, the more overwhelming it became.
  152. >Fluttershy had a sweet, peachy smell from what you could tell, after having a decent chunk of time with your nose deep within her rear end.
  153. >"Aren't you supposed to kiss whatever's under the mistletoe?" Fluttershy raised her eyebrow with curiosity, while she bit her lip in response to you being so close to her sensitive cheeks.
  154. >Shockingly, it seemed like the timid pony WANTED you to plant a kiss on her big behind.
  155. >There was a bit of difficulty in seeing where you actually were, because all you could see was a ton of black with a hint of yellow.
  158. >However, your intense desire to find the pony's huge ponut and pucker up was incredibly strong.
  159. >You also somehow overcame the fact that Fluttershy's ass was simply enormous in size.
  160. >Girl had to force her thunder thighs through the doorway every time she came over.
  161. >At last you found your christmas present.
  162. >That tender ponut.
  163. >Fluttershy would definitely not mind if you kissed her right there, you thought.
  164. >"Anon, a-are you okay? I don't want you to- eep!" Her concern melted into a chill of pure pleasure at the feeling of your lips pressing against her pucker of perfection.
  165. >"Ooooh r-right there if you...don't mind it I mean, I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable doing thi- ahhh~" Immense pleasure shot through her body, while you continued to plant moist pecks on her pony pucker.
  166. >Your head was pretty much gone, completely buried inside the comforting crevice of the flutterbutt.
  167. >She shook again, but not due to anxiety this time.
  168. >It was quivering of delight.
  169. >Her tongue hung out like an animal in heat, she started to drool a bit, a puddle forming on the floor beneath her chin.
  170. >Your only guess was that Fluttershy had such built up inner desires, she was like a bomb of sexual energy with a very small fuse.
  171. >You were doing just as well, too.
  172. >Every adorable and attractive moan that came from Fluttershy was exactly like music to your ears.
  173. >A sugary sweet taste was what your mouth was being treated to, like a more concentrated and dirty butterscotch flavor with a slightly sour aftertaste which worked to push forward a cycle of longer, passionate kisses and shorter, varied pecks.
  174. >Then, something dripped.
  175. >Something wet started to leak onto your shirt, nearly seeping completely through.
  176. >You could feel it titillatingly trickle on you more with each passing second.
  177. >Fluttershy was leaking her big mare fluids all over you uncontrollably.
  178. >From what you could tell, she was trying to hold the floodgates of her marehood together, but it wasn't working very well.
  179. >You'd be underwater if she didn't hold it back though, but that's not much of a negative.
  180. >"Anon, please, oh gosh please don't make that." Fluttershy was telling you to stop, but her massive marehood was telling you the opposite.
  181. >All that pent up energy, all that tension.
  182. >It felt like she was winking at you, and not with her eyes.
  185. >Licking and kissing Fluttershy's nice big butt.
  186. >What a christmas present.
  187. >She got way more into it than you thought she would.
  188. >Gyrating and grinding that banana hush bum against your face, biting her lip as hard as she could without drawing blood.
  189. >When she tensed up her cheeks into a vigorous vice grip around your head, it was like pure heaven.
  190. >Probably even better than heaven.
  191. >She had so much cushion for the pushin' that the grip she had on you wasn't even painful.
  192. >Every lap you took at her behind, you moved higher up and closer to her tail.
  193. >Fluttershy couldn't hold it back much anymore.
  194. >The floodgates were about to burst open, you could feel it.
  195. >Her marehood was letting out more of her big pone love juices.
  196. >She gave you a little hint as to what you should do
  197. >"C-could you touch my cutie marks?" Fluttershy breathed through her teeth gently.
  198. >Cutie marks?
  199. >Why would she want you to touch them?
  200. >Only one way to find out.
  201. >Time for some touchy touchy.
  202. >You could barely wrap your arms around her fat flutterflanks, but when you finally did, you did what she wanted you to.
  203. >Moving your hands around her butterflies at a snail's pace, you could feel her legs start to tremble.
  204. >So squishy and soft, you couldn't help but to give the junk in her trunk a bit of a squeeze.
  205. >Felt so sleek and smooth to the touch.
  206. >It looked like cutie marks were a very sensual and delicate part of the pony.
  207. >Fluttershy's eyes looked like they were having some kind of a spasm, her eyelids were twitching in a swift fashion in response to your cutie mark massaging.
  208. >Too much was going on for Fluttershy to handle.
  209. >One front you were rubbing and grabbing her huge cutie marks.
  210. >On the other front your tongue was making its way up to the connector of Fluttershy's tail and rump, the dock.
  211. >She was having an apparent orgasm overload at the seems.
  212. >The rush of lusty energy rushed through her body uncontrollably.
  213. >You could handle something like that, but big banana hush couldn't.
  215. >Fluttershy was about to positively burst in an explosion of bountiful bliss.
  216. >What set her over the edge wasn't the booty mark rubbing.
  217. >Or the pleasure you gave her rotund rump in the spirit of the holiday.
  218. >It was the dock.
  219. >That little bit of yellow at the base of her tail was so supremely sheltered, that even the wind blowing against it could have sent pushed her onto the top of the mountain so to speak.
  220. >She kept it concealed at all times, except for now.
  221. >The exact moment your tongue came in contact with that dock was the moment Fluttershy let it all out.
  222. >Figuratively and literally.
  223. >Within seconds, a rush of her precious big horse love escaped from her humongous marehood.
  224. >All of it came forth like a nonstop waterfall, raining down at least a gallon of her juices onto your chest.
  225. >"Anon, oh my- AAAAUHHHH.....Mnnnng~!" That moan was the loudest she's ever been, she kept her sweet voice despite groaning in ecstasy at the top of her lungs.
  226. >Her muscles seized up once more, squeezing your head like a grape for a whole minute with her immense ass and titanic thighs.
  229. >And that sent YOU over the edge.
  230. >All that time spent with the amazon Flutterass finally caught up to you.
  231. >It felt like you’d just climaxed five times at once.
  232. >You didn’t even touch your trouser snake.
  233. >Finally, she relaxed and let her grip of you go loose.
  234. >Fluttershy wiggled your head out of her big butt with some very precise hip movements, letting you breathe something in other than her irresistible scent.
  235. >Daylight, stupid, awful daylight.
  236. >Between the two of you, there was this amazing glow of affection in the air.
  237. >The floor was slick with saliva out in the front of Fluttershy, and with a puddle of her big horse fluids.
  238. >You were panting a little, while Fluttershy was panting like she just came topside after almost drowning.
  239. “Is everything alright?” Satisfied, you stood up and strut over to Fluttershy’s face.
  240. >Had to be careful not to slip in that puddle of drool.
  241. >”I’ve never felt like that before, Anon, I feel pretty…amazing.” She wiped sweat off of her brow, still breathing heavily.
  242. “Yeah?”
  243. >”Y-yes.” Fluttershy nodded, pulling you close to her comfy chest with her huge hoof.
  244. “You never forget your first.”
  245. >”I hope I don’t seem too d-demanding but…is there another holiday from where you came from happening soon?”
  246. “Why?”
  249. >”Because I mean, if there is and I’m not saying you have too, I just think that if this wasn’t a problem…c-could we do this again?”
  250. “Depends, do you want to spend the night here tonight?”
  251. >”Of course I would, if it doesn’t bother you.”
  252. “New Year’s Eve is next week, if you want to help me celebrate it.”
  253. >Fluttershy was speechless, and responded in the only way she could after an ordeal like that.
  254. >The lovable Pegasus pulled you in closer, and hugged you tight to her cuddly chest.
  255. >Gently she lowered herself to the floor, and laid right on top of you, careful to not crush you.
  256. >With a nice, affectionate kiss to your forehead, she yawned something before drifting off to sleep on top of you.
  257. >”I l-love you Anon.”
  258. >You shifted in position, getting comfortable to spend a whole night being cuddled by the big Fluttershy.
  259. >New Year’s is gonna be the start of the year of the big horse.
  261. Fin
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