
Celestia's Big Day (Not Completed)

Apr 24th, 2012
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  6. “Hurry up, sister!” Luna yelled. “You’re going to be late!”
  8. Celestia snapped to attention, and thought to herself “Late? For what?” Princess Celestia looked at her calendar. “Oh dear, I completely forgot! I have to meet Twilight today for tea!” Celestia gracefully, though with a quickened pace, walked to the entrance hall of the castle.
  10. “Luna?” She hurriedly asked. “Could you please fetch me the special cake I had the bakers make for the occasion?”
  12. “It’s right here.” Luna levitated the delicious cake over to Celestia “You really know your cakes, sister. This one looks especially delicious!”
  14. “Are you sure you aren’t coming? Twilight and her friends would just love for you to attend, I’m sure.” Celestia tried to persuade Luna.
  16. “I am afraid I must decline. I will be making a royal visit to Manehattan while you take this time to relax. You deserve the rest. You’ve been working so hard lately.” Luna gave a sincere smile.
  17. “I can’t thank you enough, Luna.” Celestia smiled back. “I suppose I’ll see you when I get back.”
  18. Celestia walked to her chariot, too rushed to notice that Luna’s smile had turned into a nasty sneer.
  19. “Have fun, sis.” Luna said under her breath as she went back inside to make her own preparations.
  20. The breeze brushed Celestia’s flowing mane as she sat in her chariot. She took a look at the cake, licking her lips in anticipation.
  22. “The royal bakers really outdid themselves!” she tried to hold back her drool. “It smells so delectable.”
  23. “I…I suppose one little nibble couldn’t hurt.” She finally gave in. She used her magic to separate a small slice of the cake and delicately ate it. “M-maybe a little bit more.” She separated a larger piece of the cake and ate it quickly. She then unceremoniously wiped her face with her hooves, attempting to hide the evidence.
  25. The chariot finally approached the library, and descended in front of the door. Celestia stepped down from the chariot, still levitating the cake, and lightly knocked on the door. She gasped when she noticed her intrusions in the cake were very noticeable. Celestia turned the cake in an attempt to hide her misdeed, and Twilight’s beaming face appeared as the door opened.
  27. “Hello, Princess! I’m so glad you decided to come have tea with us!” Twilight said with glee.
  28. “Thank you for the invitation, my dear student.” Celestia grinned. “I cannot imagine anything else I would want to do than having tea with you and your friends.”
  30. Twilight beckoned Celestia inside, and led her upstairs to her room. The door swung open to reveal a large, round table with a fancy decorative purple and gold cloth (No doubt made by Rarity) on top. A fancy tea set and plates of scones and small teacakes lay on the table. The other five were eagerly sitting, awaiting the final two guests, and they all bowed as Celestia approached.
  32. “Welcome, princess. It’s lovely to see you again.” Rarity said.
  34. “Wowie! That looks like a super-duper yummy cake, princess!” Pinkie exclaimed, drooling as she looked at the cake.
  36. I think she knows that, Pinkie.” Twilight said, using her magic to reveal the few missing slices of the cake. Celestia felt her face turn red.
  38. “Lucky it was the princess bringing it, and not someone without self-control.” Twilight awkwardly said.
  39. They placed the cake on the middle of the table. Rainbow Dash sniffed the cake. Trying to lighten the mood, she said “Well I know that, if I were in charge of bringing the cake, I would’ve eaten all of it.”
  41. “Ditto.” Pinkie chimed in. “And if Princess Celestia’s tummy says the cake is alright, then that’s good enough for me!” They all laughed.
  43. Suddenly, Celestia felt a sharp pain. She moaned and fell over, clutching her stomach. The ponies rushed to their princess with worried expressions. The pain in her stomach was immense, and she felt a sensation as if her stomach was going to explode. She could feel every single organ inside her pulsing.
  45. “Twilight, don’t eat that cake.” Celestia warned through gritted teeth. “I think something might be wrong with it.” There was no response. “Twilight?” Celestia repeated, opening her eyes. She gasped.
  47. The ponies were all sitting there with stunned faces, and they were shrinking. No, Celestia was growing!
  48. Celestia’s head brushed against the ceiling of the room. “Run! Get out of the library!” she yelled. The six frightened mares tried to sprint for the door, but it was blocked by Celestia’s massive flank. Twilight tossed a book at the window and shattered it. They managed to jump out just in time before the library finally tore apart. Celestia’s gigantic figure slowly emerged from the rubble of the library. Twilight sadly pawed at the rubble, lamenting the loss of hundreds of books.
  50. “Oh my! Are you all okay?” Celestia gave them all a worried look.
  52. “Y-yeah. All here.” Twilight looked around. “Wait, where is Pinkie?!” They all looked around frantically for the pink pony.
  54. “Weeeeeee!!!” Pinkie hollered as she slid down Celestia’s flagpole-like horn. Celestia winced. “Dear, could you please not do that?” She asked.
  56. Pinkie paused for a moment, and said “Okey-dokey-lokey.” She then hopped and slid down Celestia’s hoof and slid to the ground.
  58. Twilight used a voice magnification spell. “Princess!” she yelled “What happened.”
  60. “I DON’T KNOW!!!” Celestia boomed. She saw the ponies stumbling from the tremors that her gigantic voice created. “Ooops. Sorry.” She whispered. “I don’t know what happened. Perhaps someone sabotaged the royal cake.”
  62. “Are you sure it was the cake, princess?” Twilight asked.
  64. “Yes, everything was fine until I ate it.” Celestia tried to keep her voice as low as possible. She carefully dislodged herself from what remained of the tree. She grunted when she felt the tiny splinters irritating her magical coat. She stumbled around, attempting to regain her composure.
  66. “Do you know who would do such a thing?” Rarity yelled.
  68. “I honestly do not. I doubt the changelings or dragons had anything to do with this.” Celestia put on a serious visage. “That cake was filled with some sort of pony magic.”
  70. “Could it be a member of the royal family trying to make you look bad?” Twilight asked.
  72. “A member of the royal family…” Celestia thought to herself.
  74. “A member of the royal family? Well, if you ask me, I would bet all my priceless gems in my boutique that It would be that prissy Prince Blueblood.“ Rarity said, shamelessly.
  76. “Aww, c’mon sugarcube. That’s just stinkin’ thinkin’. That boy’s a few apples short of an orchard. No way he could pull this off.” Applejack laughed. “Right, Princess?”
  78. “Rarity might be on to something, Applejack.” Celestia interjected. “I have noticed that Blueblood has been walking around the castle with a smug sense of satisfaction. Well, more than usual lately.” Celestia hoisted herself up. “I apologize, but I must cut this visit short, it seems. Twilight, please find Zecora and see if you two can find any cure. I will return once I get to the bottom of this.”
  80. She instinctively went over to her chariot and sat, sending her guards spiraling in the air. “Whoops.” She hid her blushing face with her wing. She turned to her startled guards. “I think I’ll be fine on my own.” The guards nodded, and flew to the castle. Celestia then flew off towards Blueblood’s private manor.
  82. “Servants! I require assistance!”
  84. A snobbish voice rang throughout the well-kept manor. A small number of maids and butlers entered Prince Blueblood’s quarters. “Finally, it’s about time you blithering dunces came to my aid!” They all exchanged irritated, fed-up looks at each other. Blueblood put on a serious face and proceeded to walk around the room. “Now then, the duke of Fillydelphia will be attending my fancy social tomorrow. I need to be fully prepared for my special guests. I need your suggestions on a suitable outfit and party events. I hear the duke is quite fond of sports.”
  86. “Sir, might I suggest that we-” A butler paused, with a very shocked expression on his face. Blueblood gave him his full attention. “Yes, what do you suggest?”
  88. The butler just stood there, gaping. Blueblood attempted yelling at him for an answer, but soon noticed that the entire staff seemed to be in shock as well.
  90. Blueblood turned around, and let out a girlish scream when we saw Celestia’s gigantic eye peering through the window. Celestia lightly tapped on the window, and Blueblood inched over to the window. He opened it and stuck his head out. “H-Hello Princess. What an…unexpected surprise.”
  92. “Hello, Prince Blueblood.” Celestia casually said.
  94. “I have noticed that you are keeping a low profile during your stays at the castle.”
  96. “A low profile? Whatever could you mean?” He attempted an innocent look.
  98. “My guards have seen more than you know. You have been walking around the castle in secret, lately. Now, I have become a giant due to a sabotaged royal cake. Surely, these two things aren’t unrelated.” Celestia surmised.
  100. “Hmmm? I didn’t think that it would make her big. Surely it must just be a coincidence.” Blueblood thought to himself.
  102. “Please. I’m asking you to tell me the truth, Blueblood.” She placed her hoof on the window.
  104. Suddenly, the entire wall caved in. A pile of bricks and wood fell on top of Blueblood. The staff ran out of the room to avoid the dust being spread everywhere as the wall collapsed. In the end, there was a giant hole where the window used to be. “I’m sorry, are you okay?” Celestia was quick to apologize as Blueblood dislodged himself from the rubble.
  106. “Was that supposed to intimidate me?” Blueblood chortled as he wiped dust and debris off of his sleek, white coat. “I highly doubt that what I’ve been doing has no real connection to your…predicament.”
  107. “So I was right! Now then, what have you been doing?” She pressed the issue, wanting to know more about Blueblood’s secret.
  109. “Heh, I’m not sure I want to tell you that.” Blueblood smugly answered.
  111. “Don’t play coy with me. I need this magic undone!” Celestia was getting irritated with Blueblood’s lack of clarity and honesty.
  113. Finally fed up, Celestia used her magic to freeze Blueblood in place, petrifying his entire body to keep him from moving. “Evacuate the premises, please.” She boomed at the staff. Many scared ponies frantically escaped the manor and ran for safety, not wanting to draw the ire of their peeved Princess. Once every single pony was accounted for, Celestia unfroze Blueblood.
  115. “Well then, I might as well take a seat until you tell me the truth.” Celestia turned around, pressing her buttocks against the manor.
  117. “Wait, what are you doing?!” He demanded, looking out the window as the manor began to creak and groan under the weight of Celestia’s butt.
  119. Celestia smiled widely. “Taking a seat.” She replied.
  121. A loud ripping and tearing sound rang out as Celestia sat down. The manor began to topple under Celestia’s flank. Each floor splintered and fell with a deafening crash upon the floor under it. Finally, Celestia hit the bottom floor. “Whoopsie! I guess I really should lay off those cakes. It seems I’ve misjudged the strength of your manor.” She picked herself up, and revealed the gaping hole in the manor. Blueblood was beside himself with anger.
  123. “You keep your gigantic bottom away from my beautiful manor! Just look at the damage you caused!” he whined.
  125. “Tell me what you’ve been doing, and I’ll fix your manor.” Celestia bargained.
  127. Blueblood looked at the area where Celestia sat. He saw the flattened furniture underneath the pile of debris and dust. There were cracks forming all around the manor, and it was very possible that the entire structure could break at any moment. Blueblood knew when he was bested, and chose to save what was left of his precious manor. He rubbed his forehead, gave a long sigh, and finally said “Fine, I’ll tell you.”
  129. “Well then? I’m waiting.” She stood over him with an imposing glare glued to her face.
  131. “I’ve been sneaking laxatives into the royal bakery!” Blueblood confessed. “It was all an attempt to make your get-togethers look bad and popularize mine.”
  133. “Why would you do such a thing?” Celestia asked, sadly.
  135. “Well…” Blueblood paused, with a downcast expression, “My get-togethers were never as popular as yours.”
  137. “Th-that’s all? You mean…you weren’t involved with the size change?” Celestia gave a slightly disappointed look.
  139. “Oh course not!” Blueblood stamped his hoof down. He jumped to the side had the floor crumbled where his hoof struck.
  141. “N-now, fix my manor!” he screamed.
  143. “Very well.” Celestia agreed.
  145. Celestia’s horn began to glow, and a brilliant light radiated around the manor. Blueblood stood in awe as he saw his furniture puff up and repair itself. The bricks from the hole flew back into place and the shattered window completely fixed itself. Finally, the remaining cracks caused by Celestia’s force sealed themselves up. Celestia magically opened the window to further communicate with Blueblood.
  147. “There we go, all fixed. You seem to be telling the truth, so I will take my leave.”
  149. She turned away from the window, made as if to leave, and then paused. “Before I go.” She added. “I do need to make you pay for periodically sickening half of my bakery staff. Also…I think I might have eaten one of those cakes that you sabotaged. ”
  151. “Wh-what?! What are you thinking?” Blueblood stuttered.
  153. Celestia brought her rear end to the window, and let out a tiny poot. Tiny as it was, at her size it might have been a gigantic stinkbomb. She heard a tiny gag as Blueblood ran out of the room, trying to escape the smell. Convinced that she had made her point, Celestia strutted away from the manor. She approached the small crowd of Blueblood’s staff. Most of them cowered in fear and immediately bowed before their powerful, gigantic princess.
  155. “It’s alright.” Celestia gave them all a warm smile, which seemed to ease some of the staff.
  157. The head butler cautiously approached her. “P-princess?” he feebly said as he tried to get her attention
  158. “Blueblood has been doing some underhanded deeds, and now he will likely not engage in his little…activity again.” Celestia said, importantly. “Oh,” she beckoned the staff to listen “You all might want to get some…air fresheners and cleaning supplies before you go back in.” They nodded quickly.
  159. “Well I’m, off. Have a wonderful day, my little ponies.” She took off into the air. As she flew by the outskirts of Canterlot, her stomach rumbled. “I hope Twilight has found a way to fix this. Twilight…”
  160. Celestia’s head was instantly filled with memories of her adventures with the young filly: the late night studying, the frolicking, and the weekly visit to Donut Joe’s. As she remembered the donut shop, Celestia’s stomach started to rumble. “Well...” she told herself. “All I had to eat today was that cake…” Celestia veered towards Canterlot, letting her hunger get the best of her.
  162. As she neared, she caught a glimpse of the donut shop, full of happy patrons. Donut Joe was keeping himself busy with keeping his own customers happy to notice the great, large figure of Celestia quickly approaching. His attention was broken when he heard a few gasps coming from the surrounding tables. He looked around at the stunned faces that stared at the door, and finally turned his head towards the apparently amazing spectacle. He immediately dropped the plate of donuts that he was carrying and stood there, mouth completely agape. Celestia finally landed as softly as she could in front of the donut shop, but she still managed to knock many ponies of their feet as she touched the ground. She lightly tapped the door, hoping to draw Donut Joe outside and not cause damage to her favorite eatery.
  164. Upon receiving no answer, Celestia rapped the door a little harder, causing it to shake a little. Not wanting any damages cause to his shop, Donut Joe decided to walk to the door and went outside to greet his over-sized princess. He inched forward and looked up, taking his cap off to show respect.
  165. “H-hello Princess, how may I assist you?” he stammered.
  167. She smiled down at Joe. “Hello again, Donut Joe. I don’t suppose you would be up for making me about…” she giggled. “…a thousand donuts, would you?”
  171. -insert Canterlot visit and donut shop sillyness here
  172. Celestia got into a thinking position, and contemplated what to do. “I honestly don’t know what to do about this whole mess. Maybe Luna does.”
  174. Manehattan and Luna
  175. ***********************************************************************************
  176. Meanwhile, in Manehattan:
  177. “I thank you, kind citizens of Manehattan!” Luna cheerfully bellowed, using the royal Canterlot voice. “It is truly a marvelous sight to witness how far my subjects have advanced in the thousand years that I have been absent!” She continued. “I always marvel at this wonderful city every time I visit, and I must double my gratitude to all of you for making me feel so welcome!”
  179. “Luna!!!!” a deep yell echoed throughout the city. A gigantic shadow cast itself over the city and the startled citizens looked upwards. Down came the biggest princess that they had ever seen! Unsure of how to react, some of the citizens screamed and ran for the safety of their own houses and buildings while others just stood there with open mouths.
  181. Celestia descended as slowly as she could. She squeezed herself in between two buildings and softly landed on the road. However, her great weight caused the roads to crack under her hooves as she walked towards Luna.
  184. Fillydelphia and the dragon
  185. *************************************************************************************
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