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Nov 28th, 2014
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  1. 11-29 03:43:06.036: D/NfcService(19349): NFC is on. Doing normal stuff
  2. 11-29 03:43:06.036: I/NfcService(19349): Enabling NFC
  3. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/BrcmNfcJni(19349): nfcManager_doInitialize: enter; ver=NFCDROID-AOSP_L_00.01 nfa=NFA_PI_1.03.66+ NCI_VERSION=0x10
  4. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/BrcmNfcJni(19349): PowerSwitch::initialize: level=PS-FULL (1)
  5. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): const CNfcParam* CNfcConfig::find(const char*) const found SCREEN_OFF_POWER_STATE=(0x1)
  6. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/BrcmNfcJni(19349): PowerSwitch::initialize: desired screen-off state=1
  7. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): NfcAdaptation::Initialize: enter
  8. 11-29 03:43:06.038: E/NfcAdaptation(19349): NfcAdaptation::Initialize: ver=NFCDROID-AOSP_L_00.01 nfa=NFA_PI_1.03.66+
  9. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): const CNfcParam* CNfcConfig::find(const char*) const found NFA_STORAGE=/data/nfc
  10. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): const CNfcParam* CNfcConfig::find(const char*) const found PROTOCOL_TRACE_LEVEL=(0xFFFFFFFF)
  11. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): const CNfcParam* CNfcConfig::find(const char*) const found NFA_MAX_EE_SUPPORTED=(0x3)
  12. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): NfcAdaptation::Initialize: Overriding NFA_EE_MAX_EE_SUPPORTED to use 3
  13. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): const CNfcParam* CNfcConfig::find(const char*) const found APPL_TRACE_LEVEL=(0xFF)
  14. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/BrcmNfcJni(19349): initializeGlobalAppLogLevel: level=5
  15. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/(19349): verify_stack_non_volatile_store
  16. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcNciHal(19349): crcChecksumVerifyIntegrity: filename=/data/nfc/nfaStorage.bin1
  17. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcNciHal(19349): crcChecksumVerifyIntegrity: filename=/data/nfc/nfaStorage.bin2
  18. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcNciHal(19349): crcChecksumVerifyIntegrity: filename=/data/nfc/nfaStorage.bin3
  19. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcNciHal(19349): crcChecksumVerifyIntegrity: filename=/data/nfc/nfaStorage.bin4
  20. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcNciHal(19349): crcChecksumVerifyIntegrity: filename=/data/nfc/nfaStorage.bin5
  21. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): const CNfcParam* CNfcConfig::find(const char*) const found PRESERVE_STORAGE=(0x1)
  22. 11-29 03:43:06.038: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): Initialize: preserve stack NV store
  23. 11-29 03:43:06.039: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): NfcAdaptation::Thread: enter
  24. 11-29 03:43:06.039: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): NfcAdaptation::NFCA_TASK: enter
  25. 11-29 03:43:06.039: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): GKI_run(): Start/Stop GKI_timer_update_registered!
  26. 11-29 03:43:06.039: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): NFC_TASK started.
  27. 11-29 03:43:06.039: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): NfcAdaptation::InitializeHalDeviceContext: enter
  28. 11-29 03:43:06.039: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): const CNfcParam* CNfcConfig::find(const char*) const found NCI_HAL_MODULE=nfc_nci.pn54x
  29. 11-29 03:43:06.041: D/NxpNfcNciHal(19349): nfc_open: enter; name=nci
  30. 11-29 03:43:06.041: D/NxpNfcNciHal(19349): nfc_open: exit 0
  31. 11-29 03:43:06.041: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): NfcAdaptation::InitializeHalDeviceContext: exit
  32. 11-29 03:43:06.041: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): NfcAdaptation::Initialize: exit
  33. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfa_dm_init ()
  34. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfa_sys_register () id=1, enable_cplt_mask=0x0
  35. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfa_sys_register () id=3, enable_cplt_mask=0x8
  36. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfa_rw_init ()
  37. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfa_sys_register () id=6, enable_cplt_mask=0x48
  38. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfa_ce_init ()
  39. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfa_sys_register () id=7, enable_cplt_mask=0xc8
  40. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfa_ee_init ()
  41. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfa_sys_register () id=2, enable_cplt_mask=0xcc
  42. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfa_hci_init ()
  43. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfa_sys_register () id=8, enable_cplt_mask=0x1cc
  44. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): LLCP - llcp_init ()
  45. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): num_rx_buff = 9, rx_congest_start = 6, rx_congest_end = 4, max_num_ll_rx_buff = 2
  46. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): max_num_tx_buff = 21, max_num_ll_tx_buff = 6
  47. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): LLCP_RegisterServer (): SAP:0x1, link_type:0x2, ServiceName:<urn:nfc:sn:sdp>
  48. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): LLCP_RegisterServer (): Registered SAP = 0x01
  49. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): NFA_Enable ()
  50. 11-29 03:43:06.041: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): const CNfcParam* CNfcConfig::find(const char*) const found APPL_TRACE_LEVEL=(0xFF)
  51. 11-29 03:43:06.041: D/BrcmNfcJni(19349): initializeGlobalAppLogLevel: level=5
  52. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): NFC_SetTraceLevel () new_level = 5
  53. 11-29 03:43:06.041: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): NfcAdaptation::Thread: exit
  54. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): NFA got event 0x0100
  55. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfa_dm_evt_hdlr event: NFA_DM_API_ENABLE_EVT (0x00)
  56. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfa_dm_enable ()
  57. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): NFC_Enable ()
  58. 11-29 03:43:06.041: I/BrcmNfcNfa(19349): nfc_set_state 0 (NONE)->1 (W4_HAL_OPEN)
  59. 11-29 03:43:06.041: D/NfcAdaptation(19349): NfcAdaptation::HalOpen
  60. 11-29 03:43:06.048: D/NxpExtns(19349): const CNfcParam* CNfcConfig::find(const char*) const found NXPLOG_TML_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)
  61. 11-29 03:43:06.048: D/NxpExtns(19349): const CNfcParam* CNfcConfig::find(const char*) const found NXPLOG_FWDNLD_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)
  62. 11-29 03:43:06.048: D/NxpExtns(19349): const CNfcParam* CNfcConfig::find(const char*) const found NXPLOG_NCIX_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)
  63. 11-29 03:43:06.048: D/NxpExtns(19349): const CNfcParam* CNfcConfig::find(const char*) const found NXPLOG_NCIR_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)
  64. 11-29 03:43:06.048: D/(19349): phNxpLog_InitializeLogLevel: global =1, Fwdnld =3, extns =3, hal =3, tml =3, ncir =3, ncix =3
  65. 11-29 03:43:06.049: D/NxpHal(19349): Entering phNxpNciHal_init_monitor
  66. 11-29 03:43:06.049: D/NxpHal(19349): Returning with SUCCESS
  67. 11-29 03:43:06.049: D/NxpTml(19349): Opening port=/dev/pn544
  68. 11-29 03:43:06.049: D/NxpTml(19349): phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(), VEN level 1
  69. 11-29 03:43:06.165: D/NxpTml(19349): phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(), VEN level 0
  70. 11-29 03:43:06.375: D/NxpTml(19349): phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(), VEN level 1
  71. 11-29 03:43:06.395: D/NxpTml(19349): PN547 - Tml Reader Thread Started................
  72. 11-29 03:43:06.395: D/NxpTml(19349): PN547 - Tml Writer Thread Started................
  73. 11-29 03:43:06.396: D/NxpTml(19349): PN547 - Tml Writer Thread Running................
  74. 11-29 03:43:06.396: D/NxpTml(19349): PN547 - Write requested.....
  75. 11-29 03:43:06.396: D/NxpTml(19349): PN547 - Invoking I2C Write.....
  76. 11-29 03:43:06.396: D/NxpTml(19349): PN547 - Read requested.....
  77. 11-29 03:43:06.396: D/NxpTml(19349): PN547 - Invoking I2C Read.....
  78. 11-29 03:43:06.396: D/NxpHal(19349): thread started
  79. 11-29 03:43:06.397: D/NxpNciX(19349): len = 4 > 20000101
  80. 11-29 03:43:06.397: D/NxpTml(19349): PN547 - I2C Write successful.....
  81. 11-29 03:43:06.397: D/NxpTml(19349): PN547 - Posting Fresh Write message.....
  82. 11-29 03:43:06.397: D/NxpTml(19349): PN547 - Tml Writer Thread Running................
  83. 11-29 03:43:06.397: D/NxpHal(19349): write successful status = 0x0
  84. 11-29 03:43:06.397: D/NxpHal(19349): Response timer started
  85. 11-29 03:43:06.397: D/NxpHal(19349): Waiting after ext cmd sent
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