
The Kite

Apr 10th, 2012
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  1. >You pull into your driveway
  2. >Oh fuck fluffy pony's on the roof again
  3. >She made a kite
  4. >It's a square of paper with a string attached to it
  5. >She starts running from one side of the roof to the next
  6. >The paper drags along the ground
  7. >You call for her attention
  8. >She looks down over the edge of the roof
  9. >She holds of the string
  10. >"WHY NO FLY?" The lack of flight is clearly distressing her
  11. >"RUN FAST!" she screams
  12. >You look on in horror as she back up
  13. >You tell her to stop and come down
  14. >She doesnt hear you
  15. >She takes the string in her teeth and starts running as fast as her short, stubby, fluffy legs will carry her
  16. >She's not looking where she's going. She's looking back at the piece of paper, waiting for it to fly
  17. >She runs straight off the roof
  18. >She screams as she falls, flailing in the air
  19. >She lands on your windshield, cracking the safety glass, blood leaking down
  20. >You need a new fluffy pony
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