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Feb 23rd, 2013
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  1. 2013-02-23 23:17:12 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.4.7
  2. 2013-02-23 23:17:12 [INFO] MinecraftForge v
  3. 2013-02-23 23:17:12 [INFO]
  4. 2013-02-23 23:17:12 [INFO] Initialized
  6. 2013-02-23 23:17:12 [INFO] Replaced 84 ore recipies
  7. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  8. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid White Dye
  9. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  10. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid WhiteDye
  11. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  12. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Orange Dye
  13. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  14. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid OrangeDye
  15. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  16. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Magenta Dye
  17. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  18. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid MagentaDye
  19. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  20. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Light Blue Dye
  21. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  22. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Light BlueDye
  23. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  24. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Yellow Dye
  25. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  26. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid YellowDye
  27. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  28. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Lime Green Dye
  29. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  30. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Lime GreenDye
  31. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  32. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Pink Dye
  33. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  34. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid PinkDye
  35. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  36. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Gray Dye
  37. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  38. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid GrayDye
  39. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  40. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Light Gray Dye
  41. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  42. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Light GrayDye
  43. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  44. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Cyan Dye
  45. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  46. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid CyanDye
  47. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  48. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Purple Dye
  49. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  50. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid PurpleDye
  51. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  52. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Blue Dye
  53. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  54. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid BlueDye
  55. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  56. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Brown Dye
  57. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  58. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid BrownDye
  59. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  60. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Green Dye
  61. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  62. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid GreenDye
  63. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  64. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Red Dye
  65. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  66. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid RedDye
  67. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  68. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Black Dye
  69. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  70. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid BlackDye
  71. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  72. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Primer
  73. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  74. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Nitrogen Gas
  75. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  76. 2013-02-23 23:17:25 [INFO] Liquid Nitrogen
  77. 2013-02-23 23:17:26 [INFO] /config/forestry/extrabees/main.conf
  78. 2013-02-23 23:17:26 [INFO] /config/forestry/extrabees/machines.conf
  79. 2013-02-23 23:17:26 [INFO] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for refinedUranium
  80. 2013-02-23 23:17:26 [INFO] [ModularForceFieldSystem] Loading module for IC2
  81. 2013-02-23 23:17:26 [INFO] [ModularForceFieldSystem] Loading module for Universal Electricity
  82. 2013-02-23 23:17:26 [INFO] [ModularForceFieldSystem] Module not loaded: Universal Electricity not found
  83. 2013-02-23 23:17:26 [INFO] [ModularForceFieldSystem] Loading module for Buildcraft
  84. 2013-02-23 23:17:26 [INFO] [ModularForceFieldSystem] Loading module for EE3
  85. 2013-02-23 23:17:26 [INFO] [ModularForceFieldSystem] Module not loaded: EE3 not found
  86. 2013-02-23 23:17:26 [INFO] [ModularForceFieldSystem] Loading module for ThermalExpansion
  87. 2013-02-23 23:17:27 [INFO] Loading properties
  88. 2013-02-23 23:17:27 [INFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL
  89. 2013-02-23 23:17:27 [INFO] Generating keypair
  90. 2013-02-23 23:17:28 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
  91. 2013-02-23 23:17:28 [INFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-MCPC-Plus-jenkins-MCPC-Plus-199 (MC: 1.4.7) (Implementing API version 1.4.7-R1.1-SNAPSHOT)
  92. 2013-02-23 23:17:28 [INFO] Loaded inheritance map of 706 classes
  93. 2013-02-23 23:17:28 [INFO] Mapping loaded 4 packages, 1997 classes, 2184 fields, 3535 methods, flags 76
  94. 2013-02-23 23:17:29 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins/HexRestrict.jar' in folder 'plugins'
  95. org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Failed to remap class me.HexCraft.HexRestrict
  96. at
  97. at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(
  98. at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(
  99. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
  100. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftServer.<init>(
  101. at gm.<init>(
  102. at hn.<init>(
  103. at ho.c(
  104. at
  105. at
  106. Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Failed to remap class me.HexCraft.HexRestrict
  107. at
  108. at
  109. at
  110. at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
  111. at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
  112. at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
  113. at java.lang.Class.forName(
  114. at
  115. ... 9 more
  116. Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: me/HexCraft/HexRestrict : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
  117. at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
  118. at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(
  119. at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
  120. at
  121. at
  122. ... 16 more
  123. 2013-02-23 23:17:29 [INFO] [WorldBorder] Loading WorldBorder v1.6.1
  124. 2013-02-23 23:17:29 [INFO] [SimpleBackup] Loading SimpleBackup v1.4
  125. 2013-02-23 23:17:29 [INFO] [TekkitCustomizer] Loading TekkitCustomizer v1.6
  126. 2013-02-23 23:17:29 [INFO] [GroupManager] Loading GroupManager v2.0 (2.10.1) (Phoenix)
  127. 2013-02-23 23:17:29 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v5.5.1
  128. 2013-02-23 23:17:29 [INFO] [Permissions] Loading Permissions v3.1.6
  129. 2013-02-23 23:17:29 [INFO] [Buycraft] Loading Buycraft v5.2
  130. 2013-02-23 23:17:29 [INFO] [ServerLogSaver] Loading ServerLogSaver v2.1.1
  131. 2013-02-23 23:17:29 [INFO] [Vault] Loading Vault v1.2.23-b301
  132. 2013-02-23 23:17:29 [INFO] [LogBlock] Loading LogBlock v1.70
  133. 2013-02-23 23:17:29 [INFO] [LogBlock] Connecting to ltgamers_master@jdbc:mysql://
  134. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Loading GriefPrevention v7.6.2
  135. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [DragonEggs] Loading DragonEggs v2.1.2
  136. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [Votifier] Loading Votifier v1.9
  137. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v5.7.1
  138. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [GAListener] Loading GAListener v0.9
  139. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [RemoteToolkitPlugin] Loading RemoteToolkitPlugin vR10_A14.5
  140. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.10.1
  141. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.10.1
  142. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [VanishNoPacket] Loading VanishNoPacket v3.15
  143. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [EssentialsChat] Loading EssentialsChat v2.10.1
  144. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [GPRealEstate] Loading GPRealEstate v0.52b
  145. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [EssentialsAntiBuild] Loading EssentialsAntiBuild v2.10.1
  146. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.2.23-b301
  147. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting
  148. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [Vault][Permission] GroupManager found: Waiting
  149. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [Vault][Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
  150. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [Vault][Chat] GroupManager found: Waiting
  151. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [Vault] Enabled Version 1.2.23-b301
  152. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.
  153. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] [Vault][Permission] GroupManager hooked.
  154. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] Loading ComputerCraft v1.5 (rev 887)
  155. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] ComputerCraft: Searching for RedPowerLib...
  156. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] ComputerCraft: RedPowerLib and methods located.
  157. 2013-02-23 23:17:31 [INFO] Loading CCTurtle v1.5 (rev 887)
  158. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  159. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Orange Dye
  160. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  161. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Black Dye
  162. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  163. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Light Blue Dye
  164. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  165. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Steam
  166. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  167. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Nitrogen Gas
  168. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  169. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid MagentaDye
  170. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  171. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Nitrogen
  172. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  173. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid GreenDye
  174. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  175. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Oil
  176. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  177. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Primer
  178. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  179. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid BlackDye
  180. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  181. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid BrownDye
  182. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  183. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Light Gray Dye
  184. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  185. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid PurpleDye
  186. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  187. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid GrayDye
  188. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  189. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Blue Dye
  190. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  191. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Lime Green Dye
  192. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  193. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid PinkDye
  194. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  195. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Light BlueDye
  196. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  197. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fuel
  198. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  199. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid White Dye
  200. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  201. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Lime GreenDye
  202. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  203. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Light GrayDye
  204. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  205. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid BlueDye
  206. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  207. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Red Dye
  208. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  209. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] coolant
  210. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  211. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Yellow Dye
  212. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  213. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid WhiteDye
  214. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  215. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Green Dye
  216. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  217. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Purple Dye
  218. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  219. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid OrangeDye
  220. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  221. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Creosote Oil
  222. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  223. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid CyanDye
  224. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  225. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid RedDye
  226. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  227. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Cyan Dye
  228. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  229. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Pink Dye
  230. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  231. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Magenta Dye
  232. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  233. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid YellowDye
  234. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  235. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Gray Dye
  236. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  237. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [INFO] Liquid Brown Dye
  238. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [SEVERE] OreDict Unification Entries are not registered now, please call it in the postload phase.
  239. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [SEVERE] OreDict Unification Entries are not registered now, please call it in the postload phase.
  240. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [SEVERE] OreDict Unification Entries are not registered now, please call it in the postload phase.
  241. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [SEVERE] OreDict Unification Entries are not registered now, please call it in the postload phase.
  242. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [SEVERE] OreDict Unification Entries are not registered now, please call it in the postload phase.
  243. 2013-02-23 23:17:34 [SEVERE] OreDict Unification Entries are not registered now, please call it in the postload phase.
  244. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  245. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] gasHydrogen
  246. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  247. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] gasDeuterium
  248. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  249. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] gasTritium
  250. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  251. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] gasHelium
  252. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  253. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] gasHelium-3
  254. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  255. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] gasMethane
  256. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  257. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] gasNitrogen
  258. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  259. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] gasNitrogenDioxide
  260. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  261. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidWolframium
  262. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  263. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidLithium
  264. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  265. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidSilicon
  266. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  267. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidBerylium
  268. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  269. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidCalcium
  270. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  271. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidSodium
  272. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  273. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidChlorite
  274. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  275. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidPotassium
  276. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  277. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidMercury
  278. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  279. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidNitroFuel
  280. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  281. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidSodiumPersulfate
  282. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  283. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidCalciumCarbonate
  284. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  285. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidGlyceryl
  286. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  287. 2013-02-23 23:17:35 [INFO] fluidNitroCoalFuel
  288. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  289. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] moltenIron
  290. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  291. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] moltenCopper
  292. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  293. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] moltenTin
  294. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  295. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] moltenBronze
  296. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  297. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] moltenSilver
  298. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  299. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] moltenGold
  300. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  301. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] moltenDiamond
  302. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  303. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] moltenEmerald
  304. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  305. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] moltenObsidian
  306. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  307. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] acid
  308. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  309. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] poison
  310. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  311. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] liquidNitrogen
  312. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  313. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] liquidDNA
  314. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  315. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] milk
  316. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  317. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] biomass
  318. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  319. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] biofuel
  320. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  321. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] seedoil
  322. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  323. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] honey
  324. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  325. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] juice
  326. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  327. 2013-02-23 23:17:37 [INFO] ice
  328. 2013-02-23 23:17:38 [INFO] Fluid registration:
  329. 2013-02-23 23:17:38 [INFO] mead
  330. 2013-02-23 23:17:38 [INFO] Overloading Items. This is not a friggin Error, I just fix a terrible and multiple times mentioned Bug of the Uranium Cells, which the Devs are refusing to fix it themselfes, so I have to do that myself.
  331. 2013-02-23 23:17:44 [INFO] Thingy Name: beeComb !!!Unknown 'Thingy' detected!!! This Object seems to probably not follow a valid OreDictionary Convention, or I missed a Convention. Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, it's just an Information.
  332. 2013-02-23 23:17:49 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
  333. 2013-02-23 23:17:49 [INFO] Registered command debug with permission node vanilla.command.debug
  334. 2013-02-23 23:17:49 [INFO] Cache loaded. Size = 778
  335. 2013-02-23 23:17:49 [INFO] Readded hashes, hash size = 778
  336. 2013-02-23 23:17:49 [INFO] MinecraftServer mystProvider = 9
  337. 2013-02-23 23:17:49 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Dimension: 0, Seed: -9029873563640082688)
  338. 2013-02-23 23:17:50 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Dimension: 7, Seed: -9029873563640082688)
  339. 2013-02-23 23:17:50 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 0%
  340. 2013-02-23 23:17:51 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Dimension: 1, Seed: -9029873563640082688)
  341. 2013-02-23 23:17:51 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 0%
  342. 2013-02-23 23:17:52 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 3 (Dimension: -1, Seed: -9029873563640082688)
  343. 2013-02-23 23:17:52 [INFO] [WorldBorder] Enabling WorldBorder v1.6.1
  344. 2013-02-23 23:17:52 [INFO] [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Using round border, knockback of 3.0 blocks, and timer delay of 5.
  345. 2013-02-23 23:17:52 [INFO] [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Border-checking timed task started.
  346. 2013-02-23 23:17:52 [INFO] For reference, the main world's spawn location is at X: -1334.0 Y: 216.0 Z: -920.0
  347. 2013-02-23 23:17:52 [INFO] [SimpleBackup] Enabling SimpleBackup v1.4
  348. 2013-02-23 23:17:52 [INFO] [SimpleBackup] Worlds [CraftWorld{name=world}, CraftWorld{name=world_twilightforest}, CraftWorld{name=world_the_end}, CraftWorld{name=world_nether}] scheduled for backup.
  349. 2013-02-23 23:17:52 [INFO] [SimpleBackup] Backup scheduled starting in 1.0 hours, repeat interval: 1.0 hours
  350. 2013-02-23 23:17:52 [INFO] [SimpleBackup] Enabled.
  351. 2013-02-23 23:17:52 [INFO] [TekkitCustomizer] Enabling TekkitCustomizer v1.6
  352. 2013-02-23 23:17:52 [INFO] TekkitCustomizer: TekkitCustomizer enabled.
  353. 2013-02-23 23:17:52 [INFO] [GroupManager] Enabling GroupManager v2.0 (2.10.1) (Phoenix)
  354. 2013-02-23 23:17:52 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - World Found: world
  355. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Superperms support enabled.
  356. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Scheduled Data Saving is set for every 10 minutes!
  357. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Backups will be retained for 24 hours!
  358. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] GroupManager version 2.0 (2.10.1) (Phoenix) is enabled!
  359. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] [Vault][Chat] GroupManager - Chat hooked.
  360. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v5.5.1
  361. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] WEPIF: GroupManager detected! Using GroupManager for permissions.
  362. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] [Permissions] Enabling Permissions v3.1.6
  363. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] Fake Permissions version 3.1.6 is enabled!
  364. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] WEPIF: GroupManager detected! Using GroupManager for permissions.
  365. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] [Buycraft] Enabling Buycraft v5.2
  366. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] [ServerLogSaver] Enabling ServerLogSaver v2.1.1
  367. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] [ServerLogSaver] Version 2.1.1 Is Enabled!
  368. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] [LogBlock] Enabling LogBlock v1.70
  369. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] Accepted EditSessionFactory of type de.diddiz.worldedit.LogBlockEditSessionFactory from de.diddiz.worldedit
  370. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] [LogBlock] Scheduled consumer with bukkit scheduler.
  371. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Enabling GriefPrevention v7.6.2
  372. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] GriefPrevention: Grief Prevention enabled.
  373. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] GriefPrevention: 1 total claims loaded.
  374. 2013-02-23 23:17:53 [INFO] GriefPrevention: 0 players have staked claims.
  375. 2013-02-23 23:17:54 [INFO] GriefPrevention: GriefPrevention requires Vault for economy integration.
  376. 2013-02-23 23:17:54 [INFO] GriefPrevention: Attempting to load Vault...
  377. 2013-02-23 23:17:54 [INFO] GriefPrevention: Vault loaded successfully!
  378. 2013-02-23 23:17:54 [INFO] GriefPrevention: Looking for a Vault-compatible economy plugin...
  379. 2013-02-23 23:17:54 [INFO] GriefPrevention: Hooked into economy: Essentials Economy.
  380. 2013-02-23 23:17:54 [INFO] GriefPrevention: Ready to buy/sell claim blocks!
  381. 2013-02-23 23:17:54 [INFO] [DragonEggs] Enabling DragonEggs v2.1.2
  382. 2013-02-23 23:17:54 [INFO] [DragonEggs] Auto plugin updating feature enabled!
  383. 2013-02-23 23:17:57 [INFO] [DragonEggs] Plugin up to date!
  384. 2013-02-23 23:17:57 [INFO] [DragonEggs] Config file loaded!
  385. 2013-02-23 23:17:57 [INFO] [DragonEggs] Events registered!
  386. 2013-02-23 23:17:57 [INFO] [DragonEggs] Commands registered!
  387. 2013-02-23 23:17:57 [INFO] [DragonEggs] Crafting recipe added!
  388. 2013-02-23 23:17:57 [INFO] [DragonEggs] Metrics initiated!
  389. 2013-02-23 23:17:57 [INFO] [DragonEggs] You have chosen to disable economy support.
  390. 2013-02-23 23:17:57 [INFO] [Votifier] Enabling Votifier v1.9
  391. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [Votifier] Votifier enabled.
  392. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v5.7.1
  393. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  394. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  395. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world) Lava fire is blocked.
  396. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  397. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world'
  398. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world_twilightforest) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  399. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world_twilightforest) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  400. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world_twilightforest) Lava fire is blocked.
  401. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world_twilightforest) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  402. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_twilightforest'
  403. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  404. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  405. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lava fire is blocked.
  406. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  407. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_the_end'
  408. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  409. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  410. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lava fire is blocked.
  411. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  412. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_nether'
  413. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 1 regions loaded for 'world'
  414. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'world_twilightforest'
  415. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'world_the_end'
  416. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'world_nether'
  417. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [GAListener] Enabling GAListener v0.9
  418. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [GAListener] GAListener v0.9 Enabled
  419. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [RemoteToolkitPlugin] Enabling RemoteToolkitPlugin vR10_A14.5
  420. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] Memory max: 986120192 bytes
  421. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] Memory total: 986120192 bytes
  422. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] Remote Toolkit Plugin R10_A14.5 enabled!
  423. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.10.1
  424. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
  425. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] git-MCPC-Plus-jenkins-MCPC-Plus-199 (MC: 1.4.7)
  426. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] 1.4.7-R1.1-SNAPSHOT
  427. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] Essentials: Using GroupManager based permissions.
  428. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.10.1
  429. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [VanishNoPacket] Enabling VanishNoPacket v3.15
  430. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [VanishNoPacket] Loading support for v1_4_R1
  431. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [VanishNoPacket] Colored nametags enabled, but I couldn't find TagAPI
  432. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [VanishNoPacket] For awesome colored nametags on vanish, visit
  433. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [VanishNoPacket]
  434. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [VanishNoPacket] and download TagAPI.jar
  435. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [VanishNoPacket] Now hooking into Essentials
  436. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [VanishNoPacket] v3.15 loaded.
  437. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [EssentialsChat] Enabling EssentialsChat v2.10.1
  438. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [GPRealEstate] Enabling GPRealEstate v0.52b
  439. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [GPRealEstate] Vault detected and enabled.
  440. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [GPRealEstate] Vault has detected and connected to Essentials Economy
  441. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [GPRealEstate] Vault has detected and connected to GroupManager
  442. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [GPRealEstate] V0.52b Enabled!
  443. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] [EssentialsAntiBuild] Enabling EssentialsAntiBuild v2.10.1
  444. 2013-02-23 23:17:58 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
  445. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Done (9.995s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  446. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command cofh with permission node cofh.command.CommandCoFH
  447. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command buildcraft with permission node buildcraft.core.CommandBuildCraft
  448. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command namesculpture with permission node factorization.common.NameClayCommand
  449. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command beekeeping with permission node forestry.apiculture.CommandBeekeepingMode
  450. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command givedrone with permission node forestry.apiculture.CommandGiveBee
  451. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command giveprincess with permission node forestry.apiculture.CommandGiveBee
  452. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command givequeen with permission node forestry.apiculture.CommandGiveBee
  453. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command spawntree with permission node forestry.arboriculture.CommandSpawnTree
  454. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command spawnforest with permission node forestry.arboriculture.CommandSpawnForest
  455. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command forestry with permission node forestry.core.CommandForestry
  456. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command mail with permission node forestry.mail.CommandMail
  457. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command pg with permission node portalgun.common.core.CommandPortalGun
  458. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command chunkloaders with permission node codechicken.chunkloader.CommandChunkLoaders
  459. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command ccdebug with permission node codechicken.chunkloader.CommandDebugInfo
  460. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Registered command freq with permission node codechicken.wirelessredstone.core.CommandFreq
  461. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Loading NEI
  462. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Bukkit Permissions Updated!
  463. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 32 Alpine at BiomeBase[32]
  464. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 33 Autumn Woods at BiomeBase[33]
  465. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 34 Birch Forest at BiomeBase[34]
  466. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 35 Extreme Jungle at BiomeBase[35]
  467. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 36 Forested Hills at BiomeBase[36]
  468. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 37 Forested Island at BiomeBase[37]
  469. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 38 Glacier at BiomeBase[38]
  470. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 39 Green Hills at BiomeBase[39]
  471. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 40 Green Swamplands at BiomeBase[40]
  472. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 41 Ice Wasteland at BiomeBase[41]
  473. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 42 Marsh at BiomeBase[42]
  474. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 43 Meadow at BiomeBase[43]
  475. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 44 Mini Jungle at BiomeBase[44]
  476. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 45 Mountainous Desert at BiomeBase[45]
  477. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 46 Mountain Ridge at BiomeBase[46]
  478. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 47 Mountain Taiga at BiomeBase[47]
  479. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 48 Pine Forest at BiomeBase[48]
  480. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 49 Rainforest at BiomeBase[49]
  481. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 50 Redwood Forest at BiomeBase[50]
  482. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 51 Lush Redwoods at BiomeBase[51]
  483. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 52 Savanna at BiomeBase[52]
  484. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 53 Shrubland at BiomeBase[53]
  485. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 54 Snow Forest at BiomeBase[54]
  486. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 55 Snowy Rainforest at BiomeBase[55]
  487. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 56 Temperate Rainforest at BiomeBase[56]
  488. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 57 Tundra at BiomeBase[57]
  489. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 58 Wasteland at BiomeBase[58]
  490. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 59 Woodlands at BiomeBase[59]
  491. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 70 Twilight Lake at BiomeBase[70]
  492. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 71 Twilight Forest at BiomeBase[71]
  493. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 72 Dense Twilight Forest at BiomeBase[72]
  494. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 73 Highlands at BiomeBase[73]
  495. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 74 Mushrooms at BiomeBase[74]
  496. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 75 Twilight Swamp at BiomeBase[75]
  497. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 76 Twilight Stream at BiomeBase[76]
  498. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 77 Snowy Forest at BiomeBase[77]
  499. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 78 Glacier at BiomeBase[78]
  500. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 79 Twilight Clearing at BiomeBase[79]
  501. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 80 Clearing Border at BiomeBase[80]
  502. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 81 Lake Border at BiomeBase[81]
  503. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 82 Lots of Mushrooms at BiomeBase[82]
  504. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 83 Major Feature at BiomeBase[83]
  505. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 84 Minor Feature at BiomeBase[84]
  506. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 85 Dark Forest at BiomeBase[85]
  507. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 86 Enchanted Forest at BiomeBase[86]
  508. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 87 Fire Swamp at BiomeBase[87]
  509. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] [Buycraft] Authenticated with the specified Secret key.
  510. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] [Buycraft] Plugin is now ready to be used.
  511. 2013-02-23 23:17:59 [INFO] [Buycraft] Loaded 0 package(s) into the cache.
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