
Pancakes vs Waffles

Dec 6th, 2011
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  1. Session Start: Thu Aug 18 17:38:44 2011
  2. Session Ident: #AoS.debate
  3. 03[17:38] * Now talking in #AoS.debate
  4. [17:38] <Lythrynyx> Waffles win. Hands down
  5. 01[17:38] <StackOverflow> pancakes are better
  6. 01[17:38] <StackOverflow> get out
  7. [17:39] <Lythrynyx> No you
  8. 03[17:39] * tGM (~tGM@ has joined #AoS.debate
  9. [17:39] <tGM> :D
  10. [17:39] <Lythrynyx> Waffles have imprinted grid squares
  11. 01[17:39] <StackOverflow> exactly, they're imperfect
  12. 03[17:39] * danhezee ( has joined #AoS.debate
  13. 01[17:39] <StackOverflow> pancakes are smooth and flawless
  14. 03[17:40] * Tank- ( has joined #AoS.debate
  15. [17:40] <tGM> AHAHA I cannot believe I am listening to this. gotta go find some popcorn
  16. [17:40] <Lythrynyx> Pancakes don't have quad-like shapes
  17. [17:40] <Lythrynyx> Unlike waffles
  18. [17:40] <Tank-> What's happening?
  19. 01[17:40] <StackOverflow> they are circular, never ending. just like their deliciousness
  20. [17:41] <Lythrynyx> Waffles are related to both circles and squares, giving them more flavor
  21. 06[17:41] * tGM nom..popcorn
  22. 01[17:42] <StackOverflow> Waffles need the grids to store syrup to try and compensate for their awful taste
  23. 01[17:43] <StackOverflow> ever try to put butter on a waffle? some of the grids end up with a large unwanted amount of it, thus crippling the experience
  24. [17:43] <Lythrynyx> Pancakes don't have protection against syrup overflow, which also compensates for their awful taste
  25. 01[17:43] <StackOverflow> pancakes on the other hand handle it quite smoothly
  26. 06[17:44] * tGM will have to get a log of this in the morning
  27. 01[17:44] <StackOverflow> that's because pancake lovers know how to control their syrup intake. waffle lovers are inexperienced and can't control it as well, they simple don't have the practice.
  28. 01[17:46] <StackOverflow> it's ok Lythrynyx, some day you will experience the life-changing moment of eating a delicous pancake
  29. [17:48] <Lythrynyx> Inexperienced pancake users will place too much butter
  30. 01[17:48] <StackOverflow> it can be simple removed
  31. 03[17:48] * RealYourMom ( has joined #AoS.debate
  32. 01[17:48] <StackOverflow> you know why?
  33. 01[17:48] <StackOverflow> no grids
  34. [17:48] <Lythrynyx> It's that easy eh?
  35. 03[17:48] * danhezee ( has left #AoS.debate
  36. 01[17:48] <StackOverflow> as easy as the easy button
  37. 01[17:48] <StackOverflow> except it's a pancake
  38. [17:48] <RealYourMom> PANCAKES FOR PRESIDENT 2012
  39. [17:49] <RealYourMom> AND WAFFLES TOO
  40. [17:49] <Lythrynyx> Waffles have a nice texture
  41. [17:49] <Lythrynyx> Pancakes are flat and dull
  42. [17:49] <Tank-> I prefer pancakes.
  43. [17:49] <Lythrynyx> That's what a tank would say
  44. 01[17:49] <StackOverflow> waffles are imperfect
  45. [17:49] <Tank-> Indeed.
  46. [17:49] <Tank-> Pancakes all the way.
  47. [17:49] <tGM> I...sorta like both :P without the syrup
  48. 01[17:50] <StackOverflow> think of pancakes as a super model and waffles as the kid in high school with pimples all over his face covered in unevenly spread butter
  49. [17:51] <tGM> though the fact they are not smooth adds something to the pleasure of it
  50. [17:51] <Lythrynyx> What if that model was anorexic?
  51. [17:51] <Lythrynyx> Waffles don't need to be flat and smooth on the outside to be tasty on the inside
  52. [17:51] <Lythrynyx> Pancakes, on the other hand, will fool the eye
  53. 01[17:52] <StackOverflow> there's nothing to be fooled by
  54. 01[17:52] <StackOverflow> they are so flat, any imperfections (quite rare, unlike waffles) could be easily spotted
  55. [17:53] <Lythrynyx> Pancakes will blend in a blender
  56. [17:53] <Lythrynyx> Whoops
  57. [17:53] <Lythrynyx> Waffles*
  58. [17:53] <tGM> waffles are designed to be imperfect! it's their so-called imperfection that makes them that little bit crunchy
  59. 01[17:53] <StackOverflow> well yeah, waffles deserve it
  60. [17:53] <Lythrynyx> Waffles can blend in a blender. Case closed
  61. 01[17:53] <StackOverflow> blender closed*
  62. [17:54] <Lythrynyx>
  63. 01[17:54] <StackOverflow> can you pass the syrup? oh sorry, didn't realize you were struggling trying to even out the butter on your low-tier "choice of breakfast"
  64. [17:54] <tGM> lol
  65. [17:55] <tGM> you'd eat pancakes with syrup for breakfast?! :S
  66. [17:55] <tGM> you'd eat pancakes with syrup for breakfast?! :S
  67. 01[17:55] <StackOverflow> tGM, you're missing out
  68. [17:55] <Tank-> Haha
  69. [17:55] <tGM> whatever happened to toast or cereals :P
  70. 01[17:55] <StackOverflow> it's normal heere
  71. [17:55] <Tank-> Americans eat them for breakfast I think
  72. 01[17:55] <StackOverflow> toast...
  73. [17:56] <tGM> freaks ;)
  74. 01[17:56] <StackOverflow> you mean wannabe pancakes?
  75. [17:56] <tGM> toast is the halfway house between waffles and pancakes
  76. 01[17:56] <StackOverflow> it's burnt bread
  77. [17:56] <Lythrynyx> Quite
  78. [17:56] <Lythrynyx> Nobody likes toast
  79. [17:57] <Tank-> Not fully burnt
  80. [17:57] <Tank-> :)
  81. 01[17:57] <StackOverflow> "toasted"
  82. 01[17:57] <StackOverflow> toast splits hairs
  83. [17:57] <Tank-> But like, it's not turned black
  84. [17:57] <tGM> tank, perhaps we should vouch for something british like the scone
  85. [17:57] <Lythrynyx> Go ahead and root for the minority Tank
  86. [17:57] <Tank-> You're the minority Lyth
  87. [17:57] <Lythrynyx> It's all waffles and pancakes
  88. 01[17:57] <StackOverflow> pancakes and pancakes*
  89. [17:58] <Lythrynyx> I'll ally with Stack if it means you'll lose
  90. [17:58] <tGM> I like scones :)
  91. [17:58] <tGM> I like scones :)
  92. [17:58] <Tank-> I agree though, pancakes are better than waffles.
  93. [17:58] <Tank-> Scones are nice too
  94. 01[17:58] <StackOverflow> no idea what a scone is
  95. [17:58] <tGM> :O
  96. 01[17:58] <StackOverflow> but it's foreign, and I'm american, so it must be bad
  97. [17:58] <Tank-> :o
  98. [17:58] <Tank-> Haha
  99. [17:58] <tGM> :0
  100. [17:59] <Tank-> So much disrespect for scones
  101. 01[17:59] <StackOverflow> :0 ooooo0
  102. [17:59] <Lythrynyx> "Wth is a scone"
  103. 01[17:59] <StackOverflow> stack of panckes, for me
  104. [17:59] <Lythrynyx> Waffles all the way
  105. 01[17:59] <StackOverflow> to the trash
  106. [17:59] <tGM> scones are beastly
  107. [17:59] <Tank-> a stack of overflowing pancakes
  108. [18:00] <Lythrynyx> Go ahead and enjoy your panckes Stack
  109. [18:00] <Lythrynyx> I'm sure you'll also find something in common with your typing
  110. [18:00] <tGM> eh tank what do they call the scone with jam and butter and cream?
  111. [18:00] <Tank-> Waffles are tier 0. :P
  112. [18:00] <Lythrynyx> Panicakes
  113. [18:00] <Lythrynyx> Mmm, yummy
  114. [18:00] <Tank-> tGM, I don't know
  115. 01[18:00] <StackOverflow> lol
  116. [18:00] <tGM> it has a specific name
  117. 01[18:01] <StackOverflow> pancakes*
  118. [18:01] <Tank-> wafflecakes
  119. 01[18:01] <StackOverflow> ^ imposter pancakes?
  120. [18:01] <Tank-> Maybe
  121. [18:01] <Lythrynyx> Panwaffles
  122. 01[18:01] <StackOverflow> typical
  123. 01[18:01] <StackOverflow> psh, as if pancakes would downgrade like that
  124. [18:01] <Lythrynyx> They're flat, so most likely they will
  125. [18:02] <Lythrynyx> Heck, they're already downgraded
  126. [18:02] <Lythrynyx> Credit rating: F+
  127. [18:02] <tGM> CREAM TEA
  128. 01[18:02] <StackOverflow> you know there's a meme of sorts revolving around the term "waffle"
  129. 01[18:02] <StackOverflow> take a hint, they're nasty
  130. [18:03] <Tank-> brb
  131. [18:03] <tGM> CREAM TEA was what I was thinking of
  132. 03[18:03] * Tank- is now known as Tank|afk
  133. [18:03] <Lythrynyx> Silly typical fancake boy
  134. [18:03] <Lythrynyx> Resorting to arguments like those
  135. [18:03] <tGM> google cream tea!
  136. [18:04] <tGM> they are SO good :D
  137. 01[18:05] <StackOverflow>
  138. 01[18:05] <StackOverflow> stack of waffles, a couple, not bad
  139. 01[18:05] <StackOverflow>
  140. 01[18:05] <StackOverflow> stack of pancakes
  141. 01[18:05] <StackOverflow> able to support your house
  142. [18:06] <tGM> cream tea trumps you both
  143. 01[18:06] <StackOverflow> what you say
  144. [18:06] <tGM> sorry, but the scone in that is out of this world :D
  145. 01[18:07] <StackOverflow> just googled a scone
  146. 01[18:07] <StackOverflow>'s like...a muffin?
  147. [18:07] <tGM> not really
  148. 01[18:07] <StackOverflow> on a related note. muffins = cupcakes without personality
  149. [18:07] <tGM> hard to describe... in between a doughy pizza base and a muffin perhaps
  150. 01[18:08] <StackOverflow> a pizza muffin
  151. 01[18:08] <StackOverflow> how do we not have those in America
  152. [18:08] <tGM> they're sweet and have raisins in
  153. [18:08] <tGM> :D Ahaha!
  154. 03[18:08] * Tank|afk is now known as Tank-
  155. [18:08] <tGM> read up tant :D
  156. [18:08] <tGM> *tank
  157. [18:08] <Tank-> I'm on it
  158. [18:09] <Lythrynyx> Are you forgetting this?
  159. 01[18:09] <StackOverflow> that looks save to eat
  160. 01[18:09] <StackOverflow> safe*
  161. [18:09] <Tank->
  162. 01[18:10] <StackOverflow>
  163. [18:10] <Lythrynyx> Get scones out of the argument
  164. 01[18:10] <StackOverflow> I think I've got you beat
  165. [18:10] <Tank-> Scones need more love
  166. [18:10] <Lythrynyx> Nope, I'd prefer all the colors on one piece please
  167. [18:11] <tGM> cream tea is a cup of tea, accompanied by a scone, inside having raspberry jam and clotted cream
  168. [18:11] <tGM> just can't beat it
  169. [18:11] <tGM> they are inherently better than both of the others
  170. [18:11] <Lythrynyx> You should change your avatar then
  171. [18:12] <tGM> I like my avatar :P
  172. [18:12] <tGM> though I shall
  173. [18:12] <Lythrynyx> Also, look what I found while searching for rainbow pancakes:
  174. [18:12] <tGM> in the morning when I can
  175. 01[18:12] <StackOverflow>
  176. 01[18:12] <StackOverflow> bunnies like pancakes
  177. 01[18:12] <StackOverflow> i win
  178. [18:13] <Tank-> What's that got to do with rainbow pancakes? o.o
  179. 03[18:13] * Toryjn ( has joined #AoS.debate
  180. 03[18:13] * ReubenMcHawk ( has joined #AoS.debate
  181. [18:13] <tGM> no idea
  182. [18:13] <tGM> can noone challenge the might of my cream tea?
  183. [18:14] <Lythrynyx> Stack, we should ally against this newer, more powerful threat
  184. 01[18:14] <StackOverflow> more powerful? not likely
  185. 01[18:14] <StackOverflow> do you dip the scones in the tea or something?
  186. 06[18:14] * tGM muahaha
  187. [18:14] <tGM> Ahaha
  188. [18:14] <tGM> no.
  189. [18:14] <Lythrynyx> It's tGM. You can't beat tGM alone
  190. 03[18:14] * That_Guy ( has joined #AoS.debate
  191. [18:14] <Lythrynyx> Then the tea is a waste
  192. [18:15] <tGM> the tea is accompanied by the scone
  193. 01[18:15] <StackOverflow> yeah..then it's no better than a waffle
  194. [18:15] <tGM> it accentuates the flavour
  195. 01[18:15] <StackOverflow> ^ that's what a gallon of syrup does with pancakes
  196. [18:15] <That_Guy> Tea and scones ftw
  197. 03[18:15] * Sham ( has joined #AoS.debate
  198. 01[18:15] <StackOverflow> ah, more british people
  199. [18:15] <Lythrynyx> Dump the tea on the scone
  200. [18:15] <tGM> but syrup is too sickly
  201. 01[18:15] <StackOverflow> talking all this lingo
  202. [18:16] <Tank-> Sham has come to spy.
  203. [18:16] <That_Guy> We british people shall drink tea with pride....
  204. 01[18:16] <StackOverflow> sham lies
  205. [18:16] <Lythrynyx> We must ally against them
  206. [18:16] <Lythrynyx> Tank lies
  207. [18:16] <Sham> &
  208. [18:16] <Tank-> StackOverFlow: Indeed, he does lie.
  209. [18:16] <Lythrynyx> Sham doesn't lie, just a monkey
  210. [18:16] <Sham> ninja*
  211. [18:16] <Tank-> Now there's someone on my side. :D
  212. 01[18:16] <StackOverflow> waffle*
  213. [18:16] <That_Guy> New debate
  214. [18:16] <Lythrynyx> So far, I've already declared war on a liar, a monkey, and a pancaker
  215. [18:16] <That_Guy> Pens or pencils
  216. 01[18:16] <StackOverflow> there was a debate?
  217. [18:17] <tGM> yup, and cream tea is the victor
  218. 01[18:17] <StackOverflow> We all know Lythrynyx is just pretending to not like pancakes
  219. [18:17] <Tank-> Lies Lyth, lies.
  220. [18:17] <Tank-> and scones
  221. [18:17] <Lythrynyx> tGM: You spelled waffles wrong
  222. [18:17] <Tank-> I just noticed...
  223. 01[18:17] <StackOverflow> Lythrynyx: you spelled "Stack is right, I want waffles please" wrong
  224. [18:17] <Tank-> Why isn't anyone opped here?
  225. [18:17] <tGM> you spelt spelt wrong
  226. [18:17] <tGM> can't be bothered to log in
  227. [18:18] <Tank-> it's 'spelled', tGM. :P
  228. 03[18:18] * entRo (webchat@ has joined #AoS.debate
  229. [18:18] <That_Guy> So...Pens or pencils!
  230. [18:18] <entRo> penis
  231. [18:18] <entRo> ah fuck
  232. [18:18] <Lythrynyx> You spelled "they're both right" wrong
  233. [18:18] <entRo> pens*******
  234. [18:18] <That_Guy> lol
  235. [18:18] <Tank-> That is nowhere near funny.
  236. [18:18] <Lythrynyx> Lies
  237. 01[18:18] <StackOverflow> only time I use pens or pencils is to write down "pancakes" on my grocery list
  238. 03[18:18] * Q sets mode: +o tGM
  239. [18:18] <Lythrynyx> Stack needs a grocery list because pancakes are in the very back of the store
  240. [18:18] <That_Guy> I use pencils to write down all my passwords
  241. [18:18] <That_Guy> :D
  242. 03[18:19] * tGM sets mode: +m
  243. 03[18:19] * tGM sets mode: +v Lythrynyx
  244. [18:19] <+Lythrynyx> I use KeePass
  245. [18:19] <@tGM> PRESENT YOUR CASE master Lythrynyx
  246. 01[18:19] <StackOverflow> was that meant to be ironic?
  247. [18:19] #AoS.debate Cannot send to channel
  248. [18:19] <+Lythrynyx> And I use a pen because they're permanently magnificent, like waffles
  249. 03[18:20] * tGM sets mode: -v Lythrynyx
  250. 03[18:20] * tGM sets mode: +v StackOverflow
  251. 01[18:20] <+StackOverflow>
  252. 01[18:20] <+StackOverflow> cats like pancakes
  253. 01[18:20] <+StackOverflow> that's my case
  254. 03[18:20] * entRo (webchat@ has left #AoS.debate
  255. [18:20] <@tGM> PRESENT YOUR CASE, master StackOverflow
  256. [18:20] <@tGM> dang phone
  257. 03[18:21] * tGM sets mode: -v StackOverflow
  258. [18:21] <@tGM> and lastly, me.
  259. [18:21] <@tGM> Cream tea is sublime, the breakfast of royalty
  260. 03[18:21] * tGM sets mode: +v RealYourMom
  261. 03[18:21] * tGM sets mode: +v ReubenMcHawk
  262. 03[18:21] * tGM sets mode: +v That_Guy
  263. [18:22] <+That_Guy> Cats, pancakes, tea and scones shall rule teh world
  264. 03[18:22] * tGM sets mode: +v Toryjn
  265. 03[18:22] * tGM sets mode: +v Tank-
  266. [18:22] <@tGM> let the judging panel make their decision
  267. 03[18:22] * tGM sets mode: +v Sham
  268. [18:22] <+Tank-> Nice not voicing the liars
  269. [18:22] <+Tank-> But Stack's okay
  270. [18:22] <+Tank-> lol
  271. [18:22] <@tGM> vote!
  272. [18:23] <+That_Guy> Stack!
  273. 03[18:23] * tGM sets mode: +o StackOverflow
  274. 03[18:23] * tGM sets mode: +o Lythrynyx
  275. [18:23] <+ReubenMcHawk> Pancake master race reporting in.
  276. [18:23] <+Tank-> Haha
  277. 01[18:23] <@StackOverflow> food for thought
  278. 01[18:23] <@StackOverflow> pun intended
  279. [18:23] <@tGM> so two votes to pancakes
  280. 01[18:23] <@StackOverflow> but
  281. [18:23] <+That_Guy> Stack should rule pancake land...
  282. [18:23] <+That_Guy> Cause he wins
  283. 01[18:23] <@StackOverflow> imagine a bed, made of pancakes
  284. 01[18:23] <@StackOverflow> it would be soft
  285. 01[18:24] <@StackOverflow> now image a bed made of waffles. back pain
  286. [18:24] <+Tank-> That would be nice
  287. 01[18:24] <@StackOverflow> moral: pancakes relieve back pain
  288. [18:24] <@Lythrynyx> Pancakes are deceiving
  289. [18:24] <@Lythrynyx> Listen to all the lies
  290. 01[18:24] <@StackOverflow> so is sham, but we still accept him
  291. 03[18:24] * tGM sets mode: -m
  292. [18:25] <@Lythrynyx> Let the truth be told: waffles taste better
  293. [18:25] <+That_Guy> Stack speaks teh truth
  294. [18:25] <@Lythrynyx> That's all I need to win the argument
  295. [18:25] <+That_Guy> Pancakes are good at eveything
  296. 01[18:25] <@StackOverflow> you might want to try using facts next time
  297. [18:25] <+That_Guy> They can soak up water from a flood!
  298. [18:25] <@Lythrynyx> You spelled "I" wrong
  299. [18:25] <@tGM> waffles are more satisfying to munch than pancakes, but the enjoyment of a scone far surpasses that of both
  300. [18:26] <@Lythrynyx> Again, scones aren't involved in this argument
  301. [18:26] <+That_Guy> Tea and scones are very good.
  302. [18:26] <@Lythrynyx> Have you claimed your eligibility by changing your avatar?
  303. [18:26] <+Sham> actually, scones > waffles > pancakes
  304. [18:26] <@tGM> oh but they should :P
  305. 01[18:26] <@StackOverflow> see, lies
  306. 01[18:26] <@StackOverflow> that automatically puts scones at the bottom of the list
  307. [18:26] <@tGM> Lythrynyx: I'm on my phone, I can't
  308. [18:26] <@Lythrynyx> StackOverflow: We must ally against these British
  309. 01[18:26] <@StackOverflow> didn't we do that several hundred years ago
  310. [18:26] <@Lythrynyx> We did
  311. 01[18:27] <@StackOverflow> commies
  312. [18:27] <+Tank-> No, waffles are at the bottom.
  313. [18:27] <@Lythrynyx> Pancakes&
  314. [18:27] <@Lythrynyx> *
  315. 01[18:27] <@StackOverflow> they may be at the bottom, but they stack themselves to the top
  316. [18:27] <@Lythrynyx> Waffles went to the moon first.
  317. 01[18:28] <@StackOverflow> because pancakes are all about teamwork. meanwhile waffles are greedy and try to store syrup in their reserves
  318. [18:28] <@tGM> we should have a showdown
  319. 01[18:28] <@StackOverflow> that was staged and you know it
  320. [18:28] <+That_Guy> We shall have a battle in a sea of syrup
  321. [18:28] <@tGM> 2 vs 2 vs 2
  322. 01[18:28] <@StackOverflow> the moon = a sphere. 2D representation of a sphere is a circle
  323. 01[18:28] <@StackOverflow> pancakes are circles
  324. 01[18:28] <@StackOverflow> the moon is now a pancake
  325. [18:28] <+That_Guy> Lord nelson shall lead our ships!
  326. [18:28] <@Lythrynyx> Pancakes need each other because you can't eat one standalone
  327. [18:28] <@Lythrynyx> Waffles are circular and have squares
  328. [18:28] <@Lythrynyx> The flag is now a waffle
  329. [18:29] <@Lythrynyx> American flag on the moon*
  330. 01[18:29] <@StackOverflow> ever hear of pancake balls? they exist
  331. 01[18:29] <@StackOverflow> the food of gods, but in sphere form
  332. [18:29] <@Lythrynyx> I've heard
  333. [18:29] <@tGM> guys. tomorrow we must have a showdown
  334. [18:29] <@Lythrynyx> Indeed, I've heard of pancake balls
  335. [18:29] <@Lythrynyx> They must be inertr
  336. [18:29] <@Lythrynyx> inert*
  337. [18:29] <+That_Guy> A battle in a sea of syrup
  338. 01[18:29] <@StackOverflow> you can throw them at disposal
  339. 01[18:29] <@StackOverflow> at places such as "waffle house"
  340. [18:29] <@Lythrynyx> The pancake balls are inert. What to do?
  341. [18:30] <+Tank-> Haha
  342. [18:30] <+Tank-> a showdown would be nice
  343. 01[18:30] <@StackOverflow> this is between you and me
  344. 01[18:30] <@StackOverflow> not piccolo
  345. [18:30] <@Lythrynyx> Residence made out of waffles are real:
  346. [18:30] <+Tank-> Fighting is always the solution
  347. [18:30] <+Tank-> !
  348. [18:30] <@tGM> tank, you and me represent the british :D
  349. [18:30] <@Lythrynyx> 2 tanks? Everybody run!
  350. [18:30] <+Tank-> :P
  351. [18:31] <@Lythrynyx> Comma rules
  352. [18:31] <@Lythrynyx> I've got them confused
  353. [18:31] <+That_Guy> What about me :(
  354. [18:31] <@tGM> you voted for pancakes -.-
  355. [18:31] <@Lythrynyx> You're just that guy. Get out
  356. [18:31] <@Lythrynyx> (Unless you vote for waffles)
  357. [18:31] <+That_Guy> Pancakes still rule!
  358. 01[18:31] <@StackOverflow> ^
  359. [18:31] <+That_Guy> But im british too :(
  360. [18:31] <+Tank-> There should be pancakes, waffles and a scones clan. \o/
  361. [18:31] <@tGM> you may fight with stack if he so chooses
  362. [18:31] <@Lythrynyx> 2v4
  363. 01[18:31] <@StackOverflow> clearly one of the only british with common sense
  364. [18:32] <@Lythrynyx> What to do Stack? We need to end our differences
  365. 01[18:32] <@StackOverflow> and taste buds
  366. 01[18:32] <@StackOverflow> how about we go out for breakfast
  367. 01[18:32] <@StackOverflow> my treat
  368. 01[18:32] <@StackOverflow> pancakes
  369. [18:32] <@Lythrynyx> Waffles*
  370. [18:32] <@tGM> :P rather difficult from here
  371. 01[18:32] <@StackOverflow> waffles have been outlawed here
  372. 01[18:33] <@StackOverflow> due to communist ties
  373. [18:33] <+Tank-> Lyth is communist.
  374. 01[18:33] <@StackOverflow> sham is a liar
  375. [18:33] <@Lythrynyx> You live in a house with your own rules
  376. [18:33] <+Tank-> That too
  377. [18:33] <@Lythrynyx> Sham is a monkey
  378. [18:33] <@Lythrynyx> Tank is a liar
  379. [18:33] <+That_Guy> Pancake people will rule the world next year...
  380. 01[18:33] <@StackOverflow> they already do rule the world
  381. [18:33] <+Tank-> I am the Tank.
  382. [18:33] <@tGM> if any of you guys ever come to england, get yourself a cream tea or just a scone with butter and jam
  383. [18:33] <@Lythrynyx> Which is why I eat waffles
  384. [18:33] <+That_Guy> We need more pancake people
  385. 01[18:34] <@StackOverflow> tGM: I'll be sure to bring some pancake mix
  386. [18:34] <+Tank-> lol
  387. [18:34] <@tGM> then sit back and drown in your wrongness :P
  388. [18:34] <@Lythrynyx> tGM: I'll bring waffles on my first stop to Belgium
  389. [18:34] <+Tank-> I remember that video
  390. [18:34] <+Tank-> You ain't got no pancake mix!
  391. [18:34] <+That_Guy> Waffles are lies.
  392. 01[18:34] <@StackOverflow> That_Guy: no no
  393. [18:35] <@Lythrynyx> Pancakes make you panic
  394. 01[18:35] <@StackOverflow> waffles are merely the chocie of the inexperienced
  395. [18:35] <+That_Guy> Waffles wish they could be like pancakes
  396. [18:35] <@Lythrynyx> Pancakes also have sideaffects, such as poor typing skills
  397. [18:35] <+That_Guy> but they never will
  398. [18:35] <@Lythrynyx> No, of course not
  399. 01[18:35] <@StackOverflow> waffles cause global warming
  400. [18:35] <@Lythrynyx> We wish to be more than pancakes
  401. 06[18:35] * @tGM just dawned on me the ridiculousness of this conversation
  402. [18:35] <@Lythrynyx> Pancakes are global warming
  403. 01[18:36] <@StackOverflow> pancakes are global
  404. 01[18:36] <@StackOverflow> they are the world
  405. [18:36] <+That_Guy> Waffles kill tigers and pandas.
  406. 01[18:36] <@StackOverflow> they are the people
  407. [18:36] <+That_Guy> :(
  408. [18:36] <@Lythrynyx> Waffles are universal
  409. 01[18:36] <@StackOverflow> you are a pancake
  410. 01[18:36] <@StackOverflow> ACCEPT IT
  411. [18:36] <@tGM> we need to pastebin this and post it somewhere
  412. 01[18:36] <@StackOverflow> you're father was a pancake, and your mother a crepe
  413. [18:36] <@Lythrynyx> Stack is a totalitarian
  414. [18:36] <@tGM> just too good to leave in a log folder to rot
  415. [18:36] <+That_Guy> Lol
  416. [18:37] <@Lythrynyx> Waffles fight for freedom and liberation
  417. [18:37] <+That_Guy> Pancakes are freedom!
  418. [18:37] <@Lythrynyx> Waffles cause freedom
  419. 01[18:37] <@StackOverflow> if waffles are so pro-freedom, why do the restrict the syrup flows
  420. [18:37] <@Lythrynyx> We give choices
  421. [18:37] <+That_Guy> Pancakes taste good with alot of things
  422. 01[18:37] <@StackOverflow> no you don't
  423. [18:37] <+That_Guy> But waffles...
  424. [18:37] <@Lythrynyx> People like you can choose to poor more syrup than needed
  425. 01[18:38] <@StackOverflow> you choose to be selfish with the limited syrup supply
  426. [18:38] <@tGM> makes it easier to share with others actually
  427. [18:38] <+Tank->
  428. 01[18:38] <@StackOverflow> going to war with third-world countries for their syrup
  429. 01[18:38] <@StackOverflow> the kids...think of the kids
  430. 01[18:38] <@StackOverflow> they die...for your greed
  431. [18:38] <@tGM> can supply someone with one square's worth
  432. [18:39] <@Lythrynyx> Because we all love squares
  433. [18:39] <@Lythrynyx> Except pancake eaters
  434. [18:39] <@Lythrynyx> They prefer a flatness
  435. [18:39] <@tGM> i'd prefer limited syrup to having sticky hands
  436. 01[18:39] <@StackOverflow> you're grids are prisons. prisons for the innocent who die for your lust for syrup
  437. [18:39] <+That_Guy> Pancakes can solve the world
  438. [18:39] <+That_Guy> Unlike waffles who make problems
  439. [18:40] <@tGM> ambiguity..pah
  440. [18:40] <@Lythrynyx> Waffles make problems which we solve ourselves, and that makes us stronger
  441. [18:40] <@Lythrynyx> Unlike a weak, flappy pancake
  442. 01[18:40] <@StackOverflow> stronger in the war for syrup?
  443. [18:40] <@Lythrynyx> Syrup flows all over a pancake
  444. 01[18:41] <@StackOverflow> killing the innocent to acquire syrup isn't strong. it's weak and cowardly
  445. [18:41] <@Lythrynyx> And even maybe onto the plate
  446. 01[18:41] <@StackOverflow> because we are freedom lovers
  447. [18:41] <+That_Guy> Our syrup shall stop you getting to our pancake land
  448. [18:41] <+That_Guy> As you drown in it
  449. [18:41] <@Lythrynyx> Waffles don't resort to war
  450. [18:41] <@Lythrynyx> Unlike pancakes
  451. 01[18:41] <@StackOverflow> you sure embrace it
  452. [18:41] <@Lythrynyx> We resort to diplomacy
  453. [18:42] <@Lythrynyx> Which you sure reject
  454. 01[18:42] <@StackOverflow> you know what we do accept though?
  455. 01[18:42] <@StackOverflow> powdered sugar
  456. [18:42] <@Lythrynyx> Selfish eaters?
  457. [18:42] <@Lythrynyx> Nobody likes sugar
  458. 01[18:42] <@StackOverflow> everyone loves sugar
  459. [18:42] <+That_Guy> PIRATES LIKE SUGAR!
  460. [18:42] <@Lythrynyx> Go ahead and enjoy your sugar
  461. 01[18:42] <@StackOverflow> it's like the first snow of the season
  462. 01[18:43] <@StackOverflow> you should try it sometime, maybe it would cover some of your obvious flaws
  463. [18:43] <+That_Guy>
  464. [18:43] <+That_Guy> As we can see
  465. [18:43] <@Lythrynyx> No no, you first, I insist
  466. 03[18:43] * Retrieving #AoS.debate modes...
  467. [18:43] <+That_Guy> Pancakes are winning!
  468. [18:43] <@Lythrynyx> Maybe it'll break into your teeth
  469. 01[18:44] <@StackOverflow> you mean like how the overly-crunchy waffles can?
  470. 01[18:44] <@StackOverflow> I perfer the soft, angelic-like fluffiness pancakes provide
  471. [18:44] <+That_Guy> Pancakes also think of people without any teath.
  472. [18:44] <@Lythrynyx> It doesn't chemically harm what goes inside your mouse
  473. [18:44] <@Lythrynyx> mouth*
  474. [18:44] <+That_Guy> Unlike you waffles
  475. 01[18:44] <@StackOverflow> i don't have a mouse
  476. 01[18:44] <@StackOverflow> but mice like pancakes as well
  477. [18:45] <@Lythrynyx> No, waffles
  478. 03[18:45] * artificialbox ( has joined #AoS.debate
  479. [18:45] <+That_Guy> Pancakes!
  480. [18:45] <artificialbox> WAFFLES
  481. [18:45] <@Lythrynyx> WAFFLES
  482. [18:45] <+That_Guy> PANCAKES!
  483. [18:45] <artificialbox> WAFFLES
  484. [18:45] <artificialbox> I EAT PANCAKES WAY TOO MUCH
  485. [18:45] <+That_Guy> WHERES BEN
  486. [18:45] <+That_Guy> WE NEED HIS CHOICE!
  487. 03[18:45] * StackOverflow changes topic to 'panckes'
  488. 03[18:45] * Lythrynyx changes topic to 'panicakes'
  489. 03[18:45] * StackOverflow changes topic to 'PANCAKES'
  490. 06[18:45] * @tGM scones :)
  491. 03[18:46] * Lythrynyx changes topic to 'PANICAKES'
  492. [18:46] <+That_Guy> Scones and tea are still good
  493. 03[18:46] * Lythrynyx changes topic to 'PANICACHES'
  494. [18:46] <+That_Guy> :D
  495. 03[18:46] * StackOverflow changes topic to 'SHAM LIES'
  496. [18:46] <+Sham> :(
  497. 03[18:46] * tGM changes topic to '#AoS.debate poor sham'
  498. [18:46] <@tGM> oops
  499. 03[18:47] * StackOverflow changes topic to 'tGM, you didn't do it right. Also, PANCAKES'
  500. 03[18:47] * Lythrynyx changes topic to 'SHAM AND TANK LIE'
  501. 03[18:48] * tGM changes topic to 'scones :)'
  502. 03[18:48] * StackOverflow changes topic to 'keep that commie stuff out of here'
  503. [18:48] <+That_Guy> Pancakes bask in the glory of being the best!
  504. 03[18:48] * tGM changes topic to 'scones :)'
  505. [18:48] <+That_Guy> And on my thread
  506. [18:48] <+That_Guy> Pancakes are winning
  507. 03[18:49] * Lythrynyx changes topic to 'Stack of lies Overflow ing with failure'
  508. 03[18:49] * StackOverflow changes topic to 'Lyth...rynx...uhh....PANCAKES'
  509. 06[18:49] * @tGM i'm going to sleep now
  510. [18:49] <+That_Guy> Night
  511. [18:49] <+That_Guy> May pancakes be with you
  512. [18:49] <+That_Guy> :)
  513. 01[18:50] <@StackOverflow> goodnight tGM
  514. 01[18:50] <@StackOverflow> enjoy some nice pancakes when you wake up
  515. [18:50] <@Lythrynyx> Bye
  516. [18:50] <@Lythrynyx> You spelled waffles wrong
  517. [18:50] <@tGM> I eat cereals actually
  518. 01[18:50] <@StackOverflow> You spelled "My name is Lythrynyx and I'm wrong in every way, pancakes rule" wrong
  519. [18:51] <@tGM> you guys.. :L
  520. 03[18:51] * @tGM (~tGM@ has left #AoS.debate (scones forever!)
  521. [18:51] <+That_Guy> Pancake assassins will be everywhere...
  522. 03[18:51] * Lythrynyx changes topic to 'Decency with waffles'
  523. 03[18:52] * StackOverflow changes topic to 'Vomit with waffles'
  524. [18:52] <+That_Guy> We need bens opinion
  525. 01[18:52] <@StackOverflow> perhaps we should call a truce
  526. 01[18:52] <@StackOverflow> and let Ben have a say
  527. [18:53] <artificialbox> i prayed to jesus
  528. [18:53] <@Lythrynyx> I agree
  529. [18:53] <artificialbox> he says he likes waffles
  530. [18:53] <@Lythrynyx> Let bcoolface decide
  531. [18:53] <+That_Guy> If ben says waffles, im going to cry...
  532. 01[18:53] <@StackOverflow> if Ben says waffles, he's obviously sham
  533. [18:53] <+Sham> ...
  534. [18:53] <+That_Guy> Lol
  535. [18:53] <@Lythrynyx> If Ben says pancakes, he's a tank
  536. 03[18:55] * Obama ( has joined #AoS.debate
  537. [18:55] <Obama> I am Barack Obama, and I like waffles
  538. 03[18:55] * Obama ( has left #AoS.debate (waffles)
  539. [18:55] <+That_Guy> GTFO
  540. [18:55] <+That_Guy> Pancakes FTW
  541. [18:56] <@Lythrynyx> The president likes waffles
  542. [18:56] <@Lythrynyx> Case closed
  543. [18:56] <+That_Guy> Nope
  544. [18:56] <+That_Guy> Ben is more than him
  545. [18:56] <+That_Guy> So we need ben
  546. 01[18:56] <@StackOverflow> I don't like Obama
  547. 01[18:56] <@StackOverflow> he's opinion is invalid
  548. [18:56] <+That_Guy> idc im british :D
  549. 01[18:57] <@StackOverflow> so what do you say Lythrynyx?
  550. 01[18:57] <@StackOverflow> truce? at least until Ben interjects?
  551. [18:57] <@Lythrynyx> I say Sham is a monkey
  552. [18:57] <+Sham> ninja*
  553. 01[18:57] <@StackOverflow> liar*
  554. [18:57] <+That_Guy> What about dan?
  555. [18:57] <@Lythrynyx> You must agree that Sham is a monkey and Tank is a liar.
  556. [18:57] <@Lythrynyx> Then I'll agree with the truce
  557. 01[18:58] <@StackOverflow> idk where dan is. we'll have to get dan and izzy on this
  558. 01[18:58] <@StackOverflow> idk about Tank
  559. 01[18:58] <@StackOverflow> but I do know sham is a liar
  560. [18:58] <@Lythrynyx> They're busy doing practical stuff
  561. 01[18:58] <@StackOverflow> I think everyone knows that
  562. [18:58] <@Lythrynyx> Sham is a liar and a monkey. How's that?
  563. [18:58] <+Sham> Impossible
  564. 01[18:58] <@StackOverflow> ok
  565. 01[18:58] <@StackOverflow> I agree
  566. [18:58] <@Lythrynyx> Truce til Ben decides
  567. 01[18:58] <@StackOverflow> sham, shh. you're a monkey
  568. [18:58] <+That_Guy> Lol
  569. [18:58] <@Lythrynyx> Yea, get the monkey out of here
  570. 01[18:59] <@StackOverflow> monkey's can't speak english
  571. 01[18:59] <@StackOverflow> they speak spanish
  572. [19:01] <+Tank-> Is this still ongoing?
  573. 01[19:01] <@StackOverflow> there is currently a truce in place
  574. [19:02] <+That_Guy> What about ace?
  575. [19:03] <+Tank-> Haha
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