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Dec 20th, 2016
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  1. # SuperVanish v5.8.3 - Configuration
  2. #
  3. Configuration:
  4. ##################################################
  5. ################ MESSAGE OPTIONS #################
  6. ##################################################
  7. Messages:
  8. ####### Fake Join-/LeaveMessages #######
  9. VanishReappearMessages: true
  10. # Should this plugin broadcast a message when a player vanishs?
  11. # You can change that message in the messages.yml file.
  12. BroadcastMessageOnVanish: true
  13. # Should this plugin broadcast a message when a player reappears?
  14. # You can change that message in the messages.yml file.
  15. BroadcastMessageOnReappear: false
  16. # Should players with the permission 'sv.see' get an other message when a player vanishs/reappears?
  17. # You can change that message in the messages.yml file.
  18. SendDifferentMessages: true
  19. # Should only players with the permission 'sv.see' receive 'fake' Join-/LeaveMessages?
  20. SendMessageOnlyToAdmins: false
  21. # Should only players without the permission 'sv.see' receive 'fake' Join-/LeaveMessages?
  22. SendMessageOnlyToUsers: false
  23. ########################################
  24. # Should this plugin hide the 'normal' Join- and LeaveMessages of invisible players?
  25. HideNormalJoinAndLeaveMessagesWhileInvisible: true
  26. # Should this plugin remind players who join the server invisible?
  27. # You can change that message in the messages.yml file.
  28. RemindInvisiblePlayersOnJoin: true
  29. # Should invisible players have action bars that tell them that they're invisible?
  30. # You can change the actionbar msg in the messages.yml file.
  31. DisplayActionBarsToInvisiblePlayers: true
  32. ##################################################
  33. ################ PLAYER OPTIONS ##################
  34. ##################################################
  35. Players:
  36. # Should invisible players be able to pick up items?
  37. DisableItemPickUpsByDefault: true
  38. # Should invisible players have the night vision effect?
  39. AddNightVision: true
  40. # Should this plugin disable hunger of invisible players?
  41. DisableHungerForInvisiblePlayers: true
  42. ################## FLY #################
  43. Fly:
  44. # Should invisible players be able to fly even if they aren't in creative mode?
  45. Enable: true
  46. # Should invisible players WITHOUT the permission '' lose the ability to fly on reappear?
  47. DisableOnReappear: true
  48. ########################################
  49. # Should invisible players not be able to trigger pressure plates and tripwire?
  50. # If this feature is enabled invisible players can't trigger pressure plates and tripwire.
  51. DisablePressurePlatesForInvisiblePlayers: true
  52. # Should players with the permission 'sv.see' be able to see invisible players?
  53. EnableSeePermission: true
  54. # Should invisible players not be able to break blocks?
  55. PreventBlockBreaking: false
  56. # Should invisible players not be able to place blocks?
  57. PreventBlockPlacing: false
  58. # Should invisible players not be able to damage players or mobs?
  59. PreventHittingEntities: false
  60. # Should invisible players open chests without the chest animation and sounds? Requires ProtocolLib.
  61. SilentOpenChest: true
  62. # Should invisible players automatically reappear when they change their world?
  63. ReappearOnWorldChange: false
  64. # Should invisible players automatically reappear when they quit the server?
  65. ReappearOnQuit: false
  66. # Should SV still handle leave messages if 'ReappearOnQuit' is turned on?
  67. ReappearOnQuitHandleLeaveMsg: true
  68. # Should invisible players not be able to push other players or be able to be pushed?
  69. # Uses the scoreboard and may conflict with other plugins; Ignored in 1.8 or below
  70. DisablePush: true
  71. ##################################################
  72. ################ TABLIST OPTIONS #################
  73. ##################################################
  74. Tablist:
  75. # Should invisible players have a prefix in the tablist and on their nametag?
  76. # (shows up for players with the permission 'sv.see' if it is enabled)
  77. # You can use color codes here; please make sure that the prefix isn't longer than 16 characters
  78. # Uses the scoreboard and may conflict with other plugins
  79. TabPrefix: ""
  80. # Should invisible players have a suffix in the tablist and on their nametag?
  81. # (shows up for players with the permission 'sv.see' if it is enabled)
  82. # You can use color codes here; please make sure that the suffix isn't longer than 16 characters
  83. # Uses the scoreboard and may conflict with other plugins
  84. TabSuffix: " &a[HIDDEN]"
  85. ##################################################
  86. ############## SERVERLIST OPTIONS ################
  87. ##################################################
  88. Serverlist:
  90. # The server list features require the plugin ProtocolLib and don't support BungeeCord!
  91. # Should this plugin adjust the amount of players in the server list?
  92. AdjustAmountOfOnlinePlayers: true
  93. # Should this plugin hide invisible players in the list of logged-in players?
  94. # You can view this list when your mouse hovers over the amount of online players.
  95. AdjustListOfLoggedInPlayers: true
  96. ##################################################
  97. ################## HOOK OPTIONS ##################
  98. ##################################################
  99. Hooks:
  100. # Should SV hide invisible players in /who, /list, /online
  101. # and all other commands of Essentials?
  102. # Note: Players with a specific Essentials permission can still see invisible players in those commands
  103. # Important: You have to reload both Essentials and SuperVanish if you change this setting.
  104. EnableEssentialsHook: true
  105. # Should SV hide invisible players on your dynamic map and broadcast join/leave messages if you use Dynmap?
  106. EnableDynmapHook: true
  107. # Should SV prevent players from being invisible and disguised at the same time? (LibsDisguises commands)
  108. # It's recommended to keep this turned on to prevent incompatibility.
  109. EnableLibsDisguisesHook: true
  110. # Should SV prevent players from being invisible and disguised at the same time? (DisguiseCraft commands)
  111. # It's recommended to keep this turned on to prevent incompatibility.
  112. EnableDisguiseCraftHook: true
  113. # Should SV hook into TraiGUI and disable trails for vanished players?
  114. EnableTrailGUIHook: true
  115. # Should SV hook into SuperTrails and disable trails for vanished players?
  116. EnableSuperTrailsHook: true
  117. # Should SV stop NPCs from greeting or talking about hidden players?
  118. EnableCitizensHook: true
  119. # Should SV hide invisible players on Enjin's website?
  120. EnableEnjinMinecraftPluginHook: true
  121. ##################################################
  122. ############# COMPATIBILITY OPTIONS ##############
  123. ##################################################
  124. CompatibilityOptions:
  125. # The event priority which supervanish should use for the specific event.
  126. # If another plugin overrides supervanish's join/leave settings, setting the priorities to MONITOR can help.
  127. # Allowed values: LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, HIGHEST, MONITOR
  128. PlayerJoinEventPriority: HIGH # <- Set this to "HIGH" if you use Essentials to modify join messages
  129. PlayerQuitEventPriority: HIGHEST
  130. #################################################
  131. ################# DO NOT TOUCH ##################
  132. #################################################
  133. ConfigVersion: 5.8.3
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