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nuked wonderland

a guest
Aug 30th, 2012
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  1. 18:41 <~Pleeb> Chess turned it into a teddybear thing, and put it in her room, to remind me that intrusive thoughts are just that: intrusive thoughts, and they're not goign to kill everyone.
  2. 18:41 <~Pleeb> That day was a mess...
  3. 18:43 <+Lauren> Chess, I'm with Luna. Let's all bow before the mighty Chess.
  4. 18:43 <%Purlox> Pleeb, so intruseve thought is just annoying thought from tulpa's pov?
  5. 18:43 <+Lauren> Purlox, we can see it, and early on it can be confusing, but it's not dangerous.
  6. 18:43 <%Purlox> good
  7. 18:43 <~Pleeb> Like, I go to the dance hall, and I think I see Chess, she's just standing there. I'm trying to get her to dance, nothing happens, aside from, I think the intrusive thought tried to bite me or something. . I'm like, "What has happened to Chess????" Suddenly Chess comes in, she's like, "lolwut?"
  8. 18:44 <~Pleeb> And she's all like, really active, talking and stuff, being all, "Yeah, that's not me, it's an intrusive thought."
  9. 18:44 <+Lauren> Honeslty I don't think much is really dangerous aside from being ignored. I've never felt any real danger exploring dreams or the subconscious.
  10. 18:44 <~Pleeb> And I'm like, "But how do I know that you're not just my imagination wanting Chess to be active?"
  11. 18:44 <+Lauren> Pleeb: *facepalm*
  12. 18:44 <~Pleeb> "And it created you real quick, to compensate? What if i end up with two Chess's, one that's real and one that's fake? How do I know which is the -real- Chess?"
  13. 18:45 <~Pleeb> So then Chess is like, "Leave wonderland, and summon me in the black void. Then that will prove I'm the real chess."
  14. 18:45 <~Pleeb> So I do that.
  15. 18:45 <~Pleeb> And then I'm like, "But what of the other 'Chess'? What if you're the intrusive thought, trying to take over? What if dispelling that intrusive thought will be letting Chess down, dispelling -her-?"
  16. 18:45 <~Pleeb> And Chess was like, "That thought in there in bound to the wonderland, it's just like any other wonderland object. It's not even sentient."
  17. 18:46 <~Pleeb> And I was like, "But how can we prove this? How do we know?"
  18. 18:46 <~Pleeb> And Chess is like, "I can prove it. You, me, and fake-Chess will sit in wonderland, and you can nuke the ENTIRE wonderland. Everything will be vaporized, including the wonderland bodies,
  19. 18:47 <~Pleeb> "And the -fake- chess will be gone, and since you can't kill a wonderland body, the -real- Chess will still be there..."
  20. 18:47 <~Pleeb> So I was like, "...Okay, I'm scared, but I can live with this."
  21. 18:47 <%__roflmao__> sure is confusing
  22. 18:47 <~Pleeb> [He actually resorted to destroying the entire wonderland just so I can prove I was not an intrusive thought...]
  23. 18:47 <~Pleeb> So we go to the dance hall,
  24. 18:48 <+Lauren> Chess, your resourcefulness really does amaze me, but how did he have doubts after all that? I can understand your frustration.
  25. 18:48 <~Pleeb> I nuke the entire wonderland, and all three of hug each other (well, fake-chess sat there, I hugged it), as the wave came.
  26. 18:48 <~Pleeb> And vaporized everything....
  27. 18:48 <~Pleeb> Then Chess was like, "Happy now?"
  28. 18:48 <~Pleeb> And I'm like, "..I need to clear my head, let's take a narration walk ;_;"
  29. 18:49 <+Lauren> Wow.
  30. 18:49 <~Pleeb> Then Chess lectured me on intrusive thoughts, how they work, and how I'm freaking out too much during this process.
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