
Dori aint do shit

Nov 29th, 2017
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  1. Smokeless: [wb[
  2. Covet: [god damn IMVU]
  3. Smokeless: [punch it in its face kiki]
  4. Tsaaq: Bliss went to put her hand over Eli's free hand. "Something the matter honey?" She asked him softly before offering a comforting smile. "You appear to be vexed?"
  5. Covet: "Yeah. I'm sorry. Dad and I have been messaging back and forth." Eli said looking over at her as he flipped his hand over to give it a squeeze. "I guess Tae got home late the night of Thanksgiving."
  6. Smokeless: Dori walked down the street holding her bag on her shoulder. She seemed a little lost from the experssion upon her face. she pushed the door of the cafe open and let the warm air tickle her skin. she sighed some and went to the counter"Just hot chocolate please" she paid for it and took her cup once it was made. She scooted her boots against the floor nd slid into a booth by herself. she set her hot chocolate down and pressed her palms to her forehead her elbows holding hr hands up. Her hair fell like a curtian hiding her face. She just sat there for a moment with her eyes closed and just had to collect her thoughts.
  7. Tsaaq: "She was out too late after dinner? But what about her Friendsgiving?" Bliss began to look concerned as well. "What do you suppose she was doing out so late then?" She inquired softly. She saw Dori pass but once it seemed like she was very distracted she looked away and went to glance at Eli again.
  8. Covet: "Yeah. She was supposed to be home by midnight, but she got in later than that." Eli said then shrugged, "I don't know, Dad said she didn't smell like alchohol or anything though. Just that they'd been playing a card game and it took longer than anticipated to finish." He watched Dori come in and sit down, then cut another bite of pancake off for himself.
  9. Smokeless: Dori drew in a deep breath and cupped her hands around her hot chocolate taking a sip. she smiled as it filled her mouth with chocoaltely goodness. She opened her eyes and saw Eli and Bliss and just waved to him with her fingers. She pulled her laptop out of her bag and set it up. She waited for it to start up and leaned back in her seat.
  10. Tsaaq: Bliss furrowed her eyebrows and began to ponder. "I'd hate to be skeptical. But I am a little worried." She murmured. She sputtered her lips. "I suppose everything is fine. If she didn't come back looking a mess or looking inebriated."
  11. Covet: "I know. Thinking about it.. it just doesn't settle well with me. As far as we know she came back fine, but she'd made it to her room and was changing before my Dad knocked to talk to her." Eli said letting out another heavy sigh. "I don't want to say thanksgiving was well rehearsed persay, but Tae's never been that adamant about doing something with her friends before."
  12. Smokeless: Dori logged into her laptop and she pulled up the schol website and started to tap her fingers on the keys. she sipped her hot chocolate and focused on her screen.
  13. Tsaaq: "Do you think she was doing something else?" She asked him. "No, she couldn't. She left and got into an uber. Gram said so when we got back to the dining room. Remember?"
  14. Covet: "Yeah. I know. We saw her setting it up before we left to go get desserts." Eli said scrunching his brow. "I dunno. Maybe...we're just trying to fault her for something because of how's she's acted in the past? But after what Adam said...It's hard to believe there's nothing going on." Pushing his plate away, he looked at Bliss. "I'm not really that hungry anymore. Would you like to head home? I feel like cuddling will help make me feel better."
  15. Tsaaq: She nodded her head at him and put a good amount of bills on the counter for a tip. "I'm sorry this has gotten you so worried... Should we have Hayley talk with her?" She suggested and went to hold his hand. "Come on. I'll give you a back rub."
  16. Covet: "It's not your fault. If it was anyone else she was involved with I probably wouldn't be so concerned." He told her then tipped his head, "Maybe. If she wants to. I don't want her feeling like we're getting her involved in all this crazy Tae drama." Eli said then held onto Bliss's hand. "I'd like that." He nodded as they walked out to his Rover, where Eli opened Bliss' door for her.
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