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- I had been building up to this for years. My heart was racing and I fucking loved it.
- I remember holding her on my lap when she was just a little Snivy, I’d cradle her in my arms, hand feed her delicious fruits, take her all over with me, on train rides through the scenic countryside, on camping trips through the serene, peaceful forests, to city parks and roadside rest stops, she was like my shadow.
- The time had passed and she had become an elegant, powerful, Serperior, the undisputed monarch of the household, and yet entirely faithful and loyal to me.
- The way she’d coil her body around me and savor my warmth at night, the way she’d hiss with delight when I caressed her sensitive snout. I’d look in her eyes, see deep into her soul and know that she loved me more than anything in the world.
- I started by “forgetting” to feed her one night.
- I was getting ready for bed, and Serperior would slither up to me, holding the bowl in her vines and looking expectantly and innocently into my eyes.
- “No, bad girl!” She dropped the bowl as I smacked her across the face. Her eyes glimmered with tears and before the first tear could fall my arms were wrapped around her.
- “I’m sorry girl... I’d never hurt you.”
- And she wrapped her vines gently around me rested her sobbing head on my chest, allowing me to comfort her.
- I started teasing her next.
- I’d feed her fruits I secretly laced with hormones that made her go into a strong, insatiable state of arousal. I’d peek around the corner whenever she thought she was alone, and the moment she took her vines to her slit as though to relieve herself.
- “Bad girl, that’s a disgusting thing for an innocent Pokémon to do! You little pervert!”
- And the punishments became more severe. The way she’d beg to me, whining and sniveling to be allowed some food once the third day went by.
- I allowed her enough water to keep her alive, but without food I just watched the light slowly fade from her eyes, the effort it took just to slither across the ground or in her wearyness grovel to me for food, which I rewarded with increasingly brutal beatings, first with my hands, then a belt, and now a sturdy broomhandle which I’d been saving for the occasion.
- But when it was over, she’d still let me comfort her, still rest her head on my chest even through all the fear I could see in her eyes.
- “Come here, Serperior! I called.”
- The broken monarch slithered, fearfully, but with the slightest remnants of hope and love in her eyes.
- I knelt down and gentled her ear. She winced, expecting me to yank it cruelly as I had so many times before in this last few weeks since I “turned” on her, but when i instead gave her affection she gave a tired, weary little coo of delight.
- “I love you Serperior.” I whispered to her, stroking her on the head.
- I produced a Pokéball, out came a Furret I had captured for the occasion, and sedated so that he could barely move, though seeing the predator in the room he trembled in terror.
- “This Furret is your dinner Serperior.”
- The tears flowed from my Serperior’s eyes just as they did from the Furret’s.
- She was a domesticated creature, she sure battled with other Pokémon, but she didn’t have the spirit of a hunter, or crave the flesh of weaker Pokémon as her wild kin would have learned to from birth.
- I could see it in her face, hear it in her pathetic mounrful serpentine hisses.
- “Please master... no... not that.... Don’t make me murder him...”
- “Serperior, do it, or I will be cruel to you, and I’ll never feed you again.”
- It only took one good kick to her side to get her into action. She yelped in pain and forced herself over to the helpless Furret, wrapping her body around him.
- In some language I couldn’t understand the furret begged, pleaded for his life, as his voice was silenced by my Serperior’s constricting, asphyxiating coils.
- The sorrow on her face, though it never went away something changed in her eyes, something wild and predatory, some primal, untapped corner of herself that crushed her pampered princess upbringing and turned her into something so much less, as her mouth watered, and her jaws parted...
- Serperior laid on the floor, too ashamed to look at me, as the bulge of her meal settled down into her stomach.
- I took a collar out of my back pocket, and fastened it snugly around my Serperior’s neck. Attached to it was a long lead.
- “Come.” I ordered. And she followed me obediently into the basement, where Serperior almost ever went, where the rough unfinished concrete felt so harsh against her sensitive scales.
- I sat down on the floor, and like old times cradled the great serpent’s head and neck in my arms.
- Serperior felt so received to receive affection from me, and all at once so fearful, wondering if at any moment I might jam a pencil down her ear, or cane her with the broomstick, or just take to relentlessly kicking the crap out of her as I had made such a satisfying habit of.
- “Look at me.” I said. And she did. I savored the shame and fear and the remnants of love deep within her soul that would keep her faithful to me no matter what I did to her.
- “You aren’t my Serperior anymore. You’re a filthy, feral creature. Less than an animal, and you’re so cruel and greedy that you just murdered an innocent Furret just because you were too selfish to go just a few hours longer without another meal to fatten you up.
- Because you took an innocent life, I’m going to lock you down here like the animal you are and punish you every day until you can prove that you’re truly sorry for your actions.”
- I watched the fresh tears welling in her eyes, but couldn’t savor them, not yet.
- I stood up, letting the tired serpent’s head fall to the hard floor with a heavy thump.
- “You stay down here and think about what you’ve done, and if you even try to come back up the stairs, I swear I’ll shove a baseball bat right up your ass until it comes out your mouth.”
- And before she could respond, I marched upstairs and locked the basement door.
- With a big meal like that, she should be alright for at least a week down there, all alone, and I knew when I came downstairs, she’d do everything she could to appease and satisfy me, worshiping me, her master, like a god.
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