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FOE writefag prompt

a guest
Sep 15th, 2014
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  1. Original character donut steele
  2. (Please though, I intend on turning this into a PnP character)
  4. I sat inside the bus-turned-slave transport, absentmindedly poking at the bomb collar clasped around my neck. The metallic 'clacking' noises of my talons drew the annoyed glances of my fellow slaves. None of them said anything, though. I didn't blame them, as despite our predicament I was still physically imposing, so much so the slavers and slaves alike had left me alone in the back corner of the transport. I would have looked out the windows to see where I was, but they'd been boarded up and covered with sheet metal, less as armor and more a way to drain out any hope we had left. Had I been able to see the sky, I might have had aspirations of flying away, outside of the range of my collar's detonator. But I couldn't, as despite being a griffon, I couldn't fly.
  6. * * *
  8. My name is Rosepetal. I'm a griffon, from the clan Firefeather. We're not as big as the better-known clans, but we are among the best mercenaries in the Equestrian wasteland. Or were, I'm not sure. I was born the same way all griffons are, but I was born... different. Even as a newborn, my wings were much smaller than they should have been, and never developed past my third birthday. I heard our doctor call them a 'birth defect,' a result of either generations of limited genetic diversity or simply a radiation-induced mutation.
  10. My mother died working a contract before I could remember. My father was a relatively high-ranking member of our clan, and with a dead wife he was allowed to stay home and raise me. He trained me physically, helping me overcome my flightlessness through building up my body. Since I didn't have to worry about being light enough to fly, I could build up my body in ways others couldn't afford to. In spite of my rough upbringing, I never let it get me down. I felt that being unable to fly only gave me more to prove to my clan, my family. I used the biggest guns I could carry, fought as hard as I could, worked more contracts than the others, always optimistic that I'd be able to prove myself every chance I could get. Now I realize my desire to prove myself is how I ended up in this slave bus on my way to Celestia-knows-where.
  12. * * *
  14. It was a simple job, escort some caravaneers and their families through what was supposed to be a safe area. I was on the ground, naturally, in the middle of the caravan. There were maybe seven other griffons with us, at least two flying overhead at anytime. We were all caught off guard by the sudden explosion at the rear of the caravan. We were in a street surrounded by the blasted ruins or pre-war buildings, and with the rear carriage a smoking husk, our only escape was forward. There was maybe a dozen and a half raiders, which wouldn't have been an issue for professional mercenaries like us, but the buildings they were hiding in gave them cover from overhead, rendering our advantage of flight, well, less then advantageous. I had managed to dispatch four of the raiders with my minigun, but we had lost three of our griffins. The lead carriage had finally broken past the houses and was home free when I was knocked off my feet by a grenade, blasted against a concrete wall. I was bleeding, probably concussed, and lost consciousness within seconds. The last thing I saw before passing out was the last of the carriages escaping, escorted by a griffon that didn't even give me a glance.
  16. * * *
  18. The slave bus had come to a stop while I slept. I was awoken by a rapid banking against the sheet metal window covers, a signal to the slaves and slavers inside that it was time to get out. I was poked and prodded out of the bus with the muzzles of firearms, formed into a line with the rest of the slaves. We were in some kind of fort, it looked like. High walls, guard towers, you know the deal. "I wonder where we're going," I asked aloud. A nearby slaver wearing a mask that made him look vaguely buggish, with a cutie mark that was either covered in a bloodstain, or WAS a bloodstain, pointed something sharp and knife-shaped at me. "Ya're going inta tha pens, then ya'll be put ta work in the mines. Big strong girly like you should do just fine... If'n the boss man dun want yuh for himself that is." He laughed in a way that I supposed was meant to be menacing, but really it didn't scare me. I hadn't felt scared at all, really, not during my childhood, not during the slaver attack, and not during the long bus ride here. I definitely wasn't going to be scared now, I had my fellow slaves to be brave for.
  20. * * *
  22. In the pens I was again separated from the ponies I shared it with. I had told them not to worry, that my clan would come to rescue us. I had left out the part where I saw one of my fellow mercenaries run past me without a glance, like he thought I was dead already. If they thought I was dead, there would likely be no rescue. I didn't want to worry my cellmates, they had enough to worry about already. I stood near the bars, looking at the various cages lining the walls of the rickety barracks. Each was filled with ponies, mostly Earth ponies, a few unicorns with magic inhibitor rings around their horns, and every so often a pegasi pony, their wings broken to prevent escape. My wings didn't need to be broken, they were broken before I was born. Some ponies had starved to death, their bodies dumped into the corners of the cage to prevent them from making the others sick. Had I wanted to I could have compared their corpses to me, segregated out of fear, but I was interrupted by a bunch of slavers escorting in someone who was obviously important. The boss I presumed. They made their way to our cage, stopping in front of the door as it was unlocked.
  24. The boss, a green unicorn with the cutie mark of an upside-down crown, walked around me slowly. I felt his eyes... Eyeing me up and down. I subconsciously wished I had been able to wash the blood out of pink feathers. "Yes, you'd do nicely as my personal... 'Assistant.'" I knew exactly what kind of "assisting" he had in mind, but I still wasn't afraid. He turned and motioned for me to follow him out, not bothering to see if I was, the bomb around my neck was all he needed to ensure compliance. His office, as he liked to call it, was on the opposite end of the compound, as far away from the slaves as possible.
  26. In his room, he ordered me onto his oversized bed, which he slowly walked around as he had in the cage. "I've never met a griffin as... Big as you," he said. He approached me from behind and traced his hoof across my muscled flank. "A tough girl like you is an impressive prize. Your wings leave a... Lot to be desired, but just a well. Wouldn't want you getting ideas in that pretty little head of yours of escape, now would we?" His hoof drew closer to my rear, eliciting a shudder from me that ruffle my feathers. "It excites me, having such power over someone like you, so big and strong. It turns you on too, doesn't it, having your life held in the hooves of a little weakling unicorn like me?" His hoof had reached my genitals. I clamped my beak shut to not make a sound. "That's right, you don't have to say anything, I have my answer already." He withdrew his hoof, only to replace it with his horn.
  28. * * *
  29. I was strong.
  31. I was brave.
  33. This was just another challenge to overcome, like not being able to fly.
  35. I was strong.
  37. I wasn't scared...
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