
GreentextSavant - Harpy Dash the Happy Harpy

Jul 3rd, 2016
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  1. >You're running as fast as you can through the dark meadow.
  2. >Look to the skies as often as you can, making sure you don't see her swooping down in your direction.
  3. >There's nothing so far.
  4. >Good; you're getting tired.
  5. >You take shelter behind a large old oak tree.
  6. >It's when your heavy footfalls die down when you can hear the distant flapping of her wings.
  7. >Oh fuck.
  8. >They draw closer.
  9. >"Where did you go?" Harpy Dash howls into the wind. "Get back here!"
  10. >You honestly don't know how everything went so wrong.
  11. >All you did was go zip-lining that one time.
  12. >And she just came out of nowhere.
  13. >You actually thought those wings growing off of her shoulders weren't real.
  14. >That they were a costume of some sort.
  15. >"Where are you?" Her voice now sounds in a less comfortable direction.
  16. >She's circling the area, more than likely scanning the landscape with her sharp vision.
  17. >You try to move around the tree at a better angle, one that puts the trunk between you and Dash just enough for you to stay hidden from her line of sight.
  18. >Her voice is even closer this time.
  19. >"I know you're here somewhere! I saw you!"
  20. >You duck under a bush at the base of the tree, hoping that the leaves and twigs are thick enough to submerge you from view.
  21. >And so you wait, but to no avail.
  22. >"There you are!"
  23. >Right as you hear this, you take off running.
  24. "Nooo! God damn it, no! Go away!"
  25. >She can be heard swooping in, minimizing the distance between you and her.
  26. >"Come here you little dreamboat." She speaks as her talons extend in your direction.
  27. >You duck at just the right moment; the talons almost scrape the top of your head.
  28. >And now you see her soar right over you, surging ahead into the misty environment.
  29. >She isn't visible for long, disappearing into the mist as she makes yet another upward turn to be able to dive in.
  30. >But you're still visible to her.
  31. >Take a look to the sky, hoping that you might get at least some sort of clue about her presence before she gets close enough for it to be too late for your escape.
  32. >You're so out of breath, you can't take it anymore.
  33. >The best option is to hide, but the bush she saw you hiding in is the lushest and largest bush you can find.
  34. >There's literally nowhere else to go.
  35. >"Come on, dude! Just come chill with me for a bit!"
  36. "No! No, fuck off! I saw what your friend Rarity did to my friend!"
  37. >"Will you relax? She said she'd promise not to eat anyone!"
  38. >You hide behind another tree from the direction you heard Dash's voice from.
  39. >Hyperventilating with you back against the solid bark of the trunk,
  40. "I saw him!"
  41. >Silence, aside the occasional gust of wind.
  42. "I saw what was left of him! Nobody else wears an OBEY cap!"
  43. >"Oh, that's not true! There are so many people around here who wear those! And most of them are hoodrats anyway! She probably ate one of those!"
  44. >Her voice is more distant now... and stationary.
  45. >She's perched up on top of something, isn't she?
  46. "DAAAASH!" You blare. "I'm not going with you!"
  47. >"Yes you are!"
  48. >Her voice is... closer?
  49. >You start to hear light footsteps... thought they sound different than normal footsteps.
  50. >It's her talons pressing against the ground as she runs; you take off.
  51. >She must have figured you were looking at the sky.
  52. "Go away!"
  53. >She doesn't answer this time, only drawing closer as you're too exhausted to keep running.
  54. >The harpy girl has been flying all this time... getting you to tire yourself out without having to break much of a sweat.
  55. >If anything, she knew that it would have to come to this... her running towards you and you not being fast enough to get away.
  56. >"Come here!" Her voice is literally a few feet behind you now.
  57. >Before you know it, you're tackled to the ground with light blue feathers getting in the way of your view of where to desperately run to.
  58. >You're even too tired to struggle.
  59. "NO!" You scream. "No! No! Nooooo! I saw what Rarity did! I saw it!"
  60. >Harpy Dash's talons clasp onto your shoulders and she starts to flap her wings.
  61. >You put up a little bit of a fight, weakly swinging loose fists in her direction.
  62. >Her toned body easily takes the soft blows. It's hopeless.
  63. >Harpy Dash picks you up and starts to lift you to a height where you become more concerned about not falling than breaking free of the tight grip.
  64. "God... DAMMIT!"
  65. >"Just chill, dude. It'll be fine!"
  66. >She drags you in the air all the way back to... wherever her lair is.
  67. >Kicking and screaming.
  68. >Now the fear is what's causing you to become out of breath.
  69. >You're even more exhausted than before as you feel yourself get dropped onto a somewhat soft surface.
  70. >There are countless twigs and tufts of hay beneath you, cushioning your shote fall.
  71. >But there are still gray clouds above you -- you're still outside.
  72. >"Alright, dude. Listen." Harpy Dash promptly appears in your field of view, looming over you with her wings on her hips as though they were the arms of a moody person.
  73. "No! Let me go!"
  74. >"Just chill! Alright? Nothing happened to your friend!"
  75. >You stand up, expecting to have to put up a fight with a Harpy Dash who wants you to stay down.
  76. >She does nothing.
  77. >As you stumble on your feet in the middle of this bedroom sized nest, you make your way over to the edge and look over it.
  78. >You already knew something was off when you didn't see any trees or hills from where you were standing.
  79. >And you don't see any at all until you look over the edge and fix your gaze onto the land REALLY far below.
  80. >There is no way any living being will survive a drop that massive.
  81. "Shit..."
  82. >"Yeah, I wouldn't jump if I were you."
  83. "Might as well." You internally say 'fuck it' and decide that leaping to your death is a much better alternative to getting eaten alive.
  84. >Right as you try to go over, Harpy Dash's talons catch you once more and pull you back over the edge with a few strong flaps of those light blue feathered wings.
  85. >"What are you so scared of?" Dash watches you stumble down to your ass and look up at her still standing if front of you.
  86. >You're shaking uncontrollably, realizing that it's impossible to even choose your own death.
  87. >"I'm not gonna eat you or anything, dude." Dash reveals.
  88. >It takes you a few seconds to register this, and a few more seconds to start to believe it.
  89. "You... what?" Your breathing slows for the first time in probably a half an hour.
  90. >"I'm not gonna fucking eat you, you dumbass!"
  91. "I..." You're still visibly shaking.
  92. >She steps closer to you as you lower your shoulders.
  93. >You're getting a better look at Harpy Dash now, subconsciously admiring her curved abdomen and glistening skin.
  94. >"Dude... I just want to hang out with you."
  95. "I... I don't like heights." You bring up. "S-sorry."
  96. She scoffs. "Oh, please! That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard. You're safe up here!"
  97. "Yeah... well." You mentally grasp at straws for an excuse for her to let you back down.
  98. >"Well what?"
  99. "I still know what Rarity did to my friend."
  100. >"She didn't so shit!"
  101. "She's a fucking giant spider! She'd eat people if given the chance!"
  102. >"But she knows you and your friends. So do the rest of my friends!"
  103. >You try to stand up again, but Harpy Dash doesn't stand by this time and tackles you back down to the ground.
  104. >"Dude... chill! I'm not gonna hurt you!"
  105. >You start screaming anyway, unable to maintain your composure.
  106. >"CHILL, DUDE!"
  107. >Harpy Dash wrestles you into lying still on your back. She presses you against herself, forcing you to feel her breasts press onto your neck and chin.
  108. >You look up to her, and she gives you an annoyed look back down in return.
  109. >She sees the intense fear in your eyes.
  110. >"What are you so scared of?"
  111. >You try to break free from her grasp, but she's stronger than you and still with a lot more stamina.
  112. >"You gotta calm down, man."
  113. "I... I...."
  114. >"Shhhhh.... just chill. Okay?"
  115. >You can't help but look down at the nave blue tank top she's wearing, tightly hugging her busty chest and womanly torso.
  116. >But you do even less to stop your panicking.
  117. >And Dash doesn't exactly have hands to hold your arms still from flailing like those of a damn maniac.
  118. >Then again, you kind of turned into one at the moment.
  119. >"Hey..." She obviously noticed you looking down at her body. "You gotta stop being scared, alright?"
  120. >Your breathing picks up again after your hormones force your feeling to not know what they're doing anymore again.
  121. "I t-told you... I don't like heights."
  122. >You really should have at least told her this when she first picked you up.
  123. >Maybe she would have let you down out of pity before you were too high up to care about being let go.
  124. >"You're such a pussy, holy shit. It's totally safe up here."
  125. "How do you know?"
  126. >"Because I just do! I built this damn thing, didn't I?"
  127. >You're still shaking, reminded of how high up from the ground you are.
  128. "I don't know what you know!" You're too freaked out to keep yourself from staring at her breasts being held under her tank top. "So I can't be as sure as you are and you know that! I don't want to stay up here!"
  129. >"Why would you want to leave because of something you are afraid of that you know isn't even true, then?"
  130. "B-because..."
  131. >"You don't trust me?"
  132. "Why the fuck would I trust you? You pretty much kidnapped me! How can you expect me not to be shaken up?"
  133. >Dash groans. "Ugh, just shut up, okay? You're staying up here with me... little dreamboat." She calls you that name again.
  134. >Her rainbow hair flows gloriously in the sky winds.
  135. >"Dude..." She leans into you, now. "You're going to be fine."
  136. "I sure as hell don't feel fine." You forgot what you were going to say right before this.
  137. >She still doesn't have hands to hold your arms still, and you find yourself nervously pushing on her shoulders to get off of you.
  138. >One of the straps of her tank top breaks.
  139. >"Oh, fuck. God dammit, dude! This was my last good shirt!"
  140. "It's not my fault I'm so shaken up, you know! You're the one who brought me up here! And I told you I don't like heights."
  141. >"You're afraid of heights." She corrects you.
  142. >Normally, you'd just revert it to not liking heights, but the element of fear actually works in favor of your argument to be let back down to the ground.
  143. "Yeah... yeah, okay. I'm afraid of heights. Happy?"
  144. >You can't tell that she's staring at you for a few seconds, because your eyes are focused on her body instead of her face again.
  145. >"Dude, you're checking me out, aren't you?"
  146. "Fine, yes! I am, whatever! I can't control myself right now! Because I'm afraid of heights and it throws my brain out the fucking window when I'm up high, okay?"
  147. >"Well stop being scared!"
  148. "Are you serious? I can't just stop being scared!"
  149. >"Yeah, you can. Just get horny or something instead." She deliberately breaks the other strap of her tank top, turning it into a makeshift tube top.
  150. "What are you doing?" You start shaking even more from anxiety. "I already told you I'm afraid of heights and can't control it? Can't that be enough for you?"
  151. >"Dude, come here." Dash leans into you again.
  152. >You struggle a little bit more, but not as hard this time.
  153. "What are you doing?"
  154. >"Stop being scared." Her mouth is next to your ear.
  155. "Fine. I'm not scared. I'm horny. Happy?"
  156. >"Yes, I'm a happy harpy. Now shut up." She doesn't believe you.
  157. "Just let me do-" You're cut off by a sneaky kiss that ambushes your lips.
  158. >"Just shut up, dreamboat." Harpy Dash repeats after she breaks the kiss.
  159. >Your shaking stops as you lean back down onto your back with Dash pressing her body against your from above.
  160. >She kisses you more and more furiously... and your fear of height fades for the moment at least.
  161. >You watch the harpy girl rip the tank top from the middle in the front. The thing was already starting to slide down and reveal her nipples.
  162. >"Welp, looks like this thing is ruined." Dash proclaims.
  163. "Well, I-"
  164. >"Quiet."
  165. >She kisses you again, whispering something during the kiss about you being a crybaby or something.
  166. >You're already getting a boner from her legs on each side of your pelvic area.
  167. >She completely tears the tank top away from herself and throws it to the side.
  168. >Instinctively, you reach out and grab on to her breasts.
  169. >"Ha! What happened to you being scared of heights?"
  170. >She interrupts you before you have a chance to answer.
  171. >"Just get your dick out, for fuck's sake. I don't have time for chitchat."
  172. "What? Why?"
  173. >"Because you're scared of heights."
  174. "Uh..."
  175. >"Unless you don't want to."
  176. >You lie there on your back, silent.
  177. >Staring up at her.
  178. >Those nipples are poking out further each second from the cold wind.
  179. >You watch her lower back down onto you as your nod answers for your nervous mouth.
  180. >And she kisses you again, hugging you with her wings and letting you pull she short shorts down.
  181. >It's not clear how it happened, but Harpy Dash managed to get your dick out on her own.
  182. >"You're a big guy." She compliments.
  183. "Okay."
  184. >Before you know it, your member is slid into her as your shivering starts up again, but this time from sexual arousal.
  185. >Maybe the corpse with the OBEY cap wasn't your friend after all.
  186. >You're only considering this now because sex.
  187. >Harpy Dash hops on you more and more until you heat up and feel yourself start to involuntarily undulate.
  188. >Thrusting you hips up into where her legs clamp onto your waist.
  189. >And she clamps harder, making it more of a challenge for you to move.
  190. >But you move harder, forcing yourself to ejaculate a little early.
  191. >You throw your head back and let out a deep sigh.
  192. "Ugh..."
  193. >As you focus on the Harpy again, questioning why she teased you with sex so quickly, you notice her raising one of her talons to her side.
  194. >Your dick slips out of her pussy, letting the huge load of cum spill out with a soft popping noise.
  195. "Wh-wha..."
  196. >"You're so gullible, dude. Why do you think a bird would bring a squirrel up to its nest?" She swiftly swings her talon across your throat.
  197. >You make a desperate gurgling sound.
  198. >Hopeless.
  199. >"Nighty night, dreamboat. I'm sure you'll be delicious."
  200. >You continue to make the noises you were making.
  201. >"Oh stop it, at least I'm not going to eat you alive!"
  202. >As you gradually bleed out and die, you can only think one thing.
  203. >You were right about the OBEY cap all along. You should have never gone zip-lining.
  204. FIN
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