

Jun 22nd, 2015
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  1. Survivor Series 5-on-5
  2. 5 wishes on the line
  3. [url=""]The Hart Foundation (Owen Hart, Bret Hart, Mick Foley, Jushin Liger, and Shane McMahon)[/url] vs [url=""]The Power Trip (Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Hunter Hearst-Helmsley, and Brian Pillman)[/url]
  5. Liger and Jericho started off with stiff strikes and chain wrestling. Jericho's ruthlessness got him the early advantage, working over Liger in the Power Trip's corner, but Liger's veteran know-how won out, and he was able to whip Jericho into a neutral corner, and hit a stunning rolling Koppo Kick, before tagging in Owen, who hit a beautiful flying knee strike before tagging in Bret, who hit a back elbow before tagging in Foley, who hit a stunning cannonball in the corner, knocking Jericho on his ass before tagging in Shane, who climbed up onto the Hart Foundation's turnbuckle, crossed himself, AND HIT A HUGE MISSILE DROPKICK ACROSS THE RING! Shane dragged Jericho out of the corner as the Hart Foundation cheered him on, and started laying in strikes on Jericho, taking advantage of the Lionheart's staggered condition with a dazzling chain of jabs. Shane pumped himself up, ran the ropes, and went for a running kick, but Jericho saw it coming and hoisted the young McMahon up into the spinning Atlantida backbreaker! Jericho dropped to his knees, but kept the hold locked in tight on the young rookie before throwing him into the corner with a running slam! Jericho tagged out to HBK, who started a train of his own, bounding into the corner with a knee strike to Shane's sternum. HHH and Austin followed up with shoulderblocks that crushed the wind out of the young McMahon, and Pillman wasn't far behind, with a flying clothesline where he put his legs over the second rope on his way in. From this seated position, Pillman kept his arm around Shane's neck, pulled himself up to the top rope, and dropped Shane to the mat with a spectacular flying neckbreaker! Jericho tagged himself back in, springboarding off the ropes with the Lionsault! Jericho hooked the leg, and referee Earl Hebner started the count.
  7. 1...2...2.9, Shane just barely got a fingerhold on the ropes. Jericho redoubled his efforts, driving Shane back into the corner with kicks and chops. As Jericho got a running start for another corner elbow, Shane scrambled between his legs, diving for his corner! HHH was quick to tag himself in, though, and was able to catch Shane's leg just as he was within arm's reach of Owen. HHH whipped Shane right back into the corner, tagged Austin in, and started a two-on-one assault, with both men tagging in and out to skirt the referee's 5-count. Eventually, Shane was able to run out while the tag was being made, and was able to tag in Owen Hart! Owen came in like a house of fire, running roughshod over the Power Trip. Owen ran to the Power Trip's corner, knocked Pillman off the apron with a flying dropkick, sent a charging HHH into the turnbuckles with a drop toehold, and went for an elbow strike on HBK, who was still on the apron. HBK caught it, and tried to pull Owen over the ropes, but Owen was too canny for him, and dropped to the mat, wrenching Heartbreak's arm on the rope. Owen kipped up, and went for an enzuigiri on Jericho, Jericho ducked, but the Lionheart popped back up in time to catch Owen's rebound kick. As Jericho fell to the floor, Owen and Austin locked eyes, Austin in the middle of the ring, the only member of the Power Trip left standing. Austin ran into the corner, driving Owen's head into the turnbuckle with a big boot, before backing up again, bounding into the corner, and leaping into the Thesz Press! Owen ducked, and was able to hoist the flying Austin onto the top turnbuckle! As Pillman started to drag himself back onto the apron, Owen scaled the ropes, eventually reaching an uneasy perch on the top rope as Pillman surreptitiously tagged himself in. Owen bounced off the top rope, DRIVING AUSTIN TO THE MAT WITH AN INVERTED FRANKENSTEINER! Owen kipped himself back up just in time for Pillman to springboard off the ropes for the Air Pillman! Owen caught him, however, and reversed it into position for the K Driller! Owen drove Pillman's head right to the mat before going for the cover!
  9. 1...2...3! [b]Brian Pillman has been eliminated[/b]
  11. Jericho entered the ring, and immediately locked up with Owen, trying to make up for his losing performance two weeks ago against the Rocket. Jericho transitioned into a full nelson, going for a suplex, but Owen blocked it, and reversed into a hammerlock, before hooking his head under Jericho's arm and lifting him up for a backdrop. Jericho blocked as well, freeing himself from the hammerlock and putting Owen into a side headlock, running up the ropes and transitioning into an Ace Crusher on the way down. As Owen tried in vain to get back up, Jericho flipped him over, intertwined their legs, and locked in a double chickenwing before pulling Owen up into the surfboard.
  13. As Owen agonized in the hold, Jericho pulled him in even further, transitioning one of the chickenwings into a half nelson, before Owen started going for headbutts. Jericho was able to dodge them, but they still took a toll on his shoulders. After a few hard headbutts, Owen was able to get his arm free from the chickenwing and start rocking the two of them back and forth. Jericho kept trying to get Owen's arm back into the hold, but soon enough, Owen was able to roll to the ropes, forcing Jericho to break the hold. As soon as Owen was free he tagged Shane back in, and the rookie took the fight to Jericho, overwhelming the Lionheart with a barrage of chops and strikes, before Jericho caught one of Shane's kicks and hit the twisting fisherman backbreaker, leaving Shane in agony on the mat. Jericho tried to apply the Walls, but Shane was able to reverse the hold before it was fully applied, sweeping Jericho to the floor, crossing the legs, and getting Jericho into the Sharpshooter! Shane's back just couldn't hold, though, and Jericho reversed right back into the Walls, before pulling Shane's legs higher, wrenching the rookie's back with the Liontamer. Shane just couldn't bear it, and tapped out.
  15. [b]Shane McMahon has been eliminated[/b]
  17. As Shane rolled out of the ring, Jericho dived into the corner to tag in Shawn, as Bret came after Jericho, irate over the abuse the Lionheart put his protege through. Shawn stopped Bret in mid-stride with a springboard crossbody before transitioning to a crucifix pin.
  19. 1...2, Bret reversed into a fireman's carry, and went into an airplane spin before dropping Shawn into a backbreaker. Bret took the advantage, hitting the second rope axhandle and a couple knee drops before hoisting Shawn to his feet for an atomic drop-German suplex combo, but Shawn flipped through and hit Bret on the external occipital protuberance with a Sweet Chin Music! Shawn went for the cover, and Earl Hebner dropped right down to his knees, making the count at a conspicuous speed.
  21. 1-2-3, [b]Bret Hart has been eliminated[/b]
  23. Bret popped right back to his feet, incensed, and started protesting the pin, this distraction allowing HHH to get a chair at ringside. Owen tried to enter the ring and argue on his brother's behalf, but Hunter ran in and clobbered Owen with a chairshot, discarding the evidence while the ref was still busy forcing Bret to leave the ring under protest. HHH clambered back to his corner as Shawn started tuning up the band, the bloodied and dazed Owen in his sights. Owen started pumping himself back up, but as soon as he got to his feet, he ate a Sweet Chin Music and fell back down to the mat. Shawn planted his foot in Owen's chest and motioned for the count.
  25. 1-OWEN KICKED OUT! Shawn was shocked as Owen staggered back to his feet, and laid back in with a series of kicks to the chest, each one knocking the wind out of the Rocket, but failing to knock him back down. Owen fired back with hard elbows to the face of the Heartbreak Kid, almost knocking Shawn for a loop. They exchanged strikes a little longer, before Shawn followed up a spinning backhand with yet another Sweet Chin Music, dropping Owen right to the canvas.
  27. 1...2...3. [b]Owen Hart has been eliminated.[/b]
  29. Liger and Foley were the only men left on the Hart Foundation's side, with Jericho, HBK, Austin, and HHH remaining for the Power trip. Liger charged in against Shawn, and started out strong, taking Michaels by surprise with a flurry of Shotei palm strikes and hard kicks, but a Koppo Kick attempt went foul, and Shawn was able to take the advantage by reversing it into an Electric Chair drop before dragging Liger into the Power Trip's corner and tagging in Jericho. Shawn and Jericho kept tagging each other in and out, wearing down Liger with stomps and knee drops, until Liger had a knee drop scouted, and reversed Jericho into an inside cradle!
  31. 1...2...3! [b]Chris Jericho has been eliminated![/b]
  33. Austin bounded in, and used his height advantage to capitalize on Liger's beleaguered state, dropping him to the mat with a bodyslam before hitting the ropes for his middle finger elbow drop. As Liger dragged himself to his feet, Austin egged him on, berating him loudly. Liger got to his feet, and Austin went for the kick to lead into the Stunner, but Liger had it scouted, and dropped Austin with a Dragon Screw leg whip! Liger went up to the top for the Shooting Star Press, but the fatigue from Jericho and HBK's beatdown caught up to him, and he took just a bit too much time up top, which allowed Austin to run up the ropes and get Liger up for a Superplex! Austin crawled onto Liger's carcass and made the cover.
  35. 1...2...3. [b] Jushin Liger has been elminated![/b]
  37. Foley entered the ring, and made a beeline for Austin, staggering Stone Cold with a barrage of hard elbows, before winding up for a spinning elbow, and getting whipped into the Power Trip's corner for his trouble. Austin ran in with a lariat, followed by HHH who hit a running knee, followed by HBK, who hit a stunning running dropkick that left Foley dazed and stumbling out of the corner. HBK tagged in HHH before running up the turnbuckles and dropping Foley with a crossbody. As HBK slid out of the ring, HHH took advantage of Foley's prone state to lock on an Indian Deathlock. Foley writhed in agony before throwing a hard elbow that sent HHH to the mat, Hunter's head resting on the bottom rope and forcing the ref to make him break the hold. Foley and HHH both got to their feet, Foley's gait a little uneasy due to the damage done by the leg lock but still solid enough to stand. Foley wound up for his spinning elbow strike, and connected! Hunter was knocked silly, and collapsed right into Foley's hands for the Double Arm DDT.
  39. 1...2...3. [b]HHH has been eliminated.[/b]
  41. HBK was incensed, and ran right in, going for a Sweet Chin Music right out of the gate. Foley dodged the kick, sending HBK right into the corner, and wound up for the spinning elbow strike, aiming right at the external occipital protuberance of the Heartbreak Kid. Shawn ducked, however, and as Foley followed through, Heartbreak pushed him into the Hart corner as Austin got into position in the Power Trip corner. HBK whipped Foley across the ring as Austin got a running start before driving Foley to the mat with the Thesz Press. Austin dragged Foley into the Power Trip's corner, and the two remaining Power Trip members just went to town on him. Austin and HBK hit strike after strike in the corner, just grinding Foley down, but Foley powered through, and as HBK wound up for a massive flying dropkick, Foley stormed out of the corner, bashed Shawn's head right into the turnbuckle with a flying spinning elbow, and pulled Heartbreak to the top turnbuckle for a sheer drop Double Arm DDT right onto the turnbuckle pad! Foley went for the cover, and the ref took his sweet time counting. It was no use, however, as Shawn was out like a light after that turnbuckle DDT.
  43. 1... ... 2... ... 3! [b]Shawn Michaels has been elminated![/b]
  45. Austin rushed into the ring, surprising Foley with an elbow strike of his own, but Foley showed his resilience, screaming as he retaliated in kind with an elbow strike that drew a little trickle of blood from Austin's head. Austin and Foley traded elbows and punches, the audience shouting "YAY" and "BOO" as appropriate, until Austin ducked under a spinning elbow smash, picked Foley up for a spinebuster, and transitioned into the Sharpshooter! Foley dragged himself to the ropes, and was almost there when--
  47. [url=""]VINCE MCMAHON RAN DOWN TO RINGSIDE AS THE REF CALLED FOR THE BELL![/url] Foley was confused until the Chairman started yelling at the timekeeper. "RING THE DAMN BELL!" Vince grabbed a mic of his own. [b]"MICK FOLEY HAS BEEN ELIMINATED! YOUR WINNERS, THE POWER TRIP!"[/b]
  49. As Vince got into the ring and raised Austin's hand high, the camera focused on Mick Foley and Shane McMahon, who were absolutely heartbroken as Steve Austin, Vince McMahon, and the rest of the Power Trip stood tall to end Survivor Series.
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