
ScriptFodder Drama

Oct 18th, 2014
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  1. Phoenixf129: There's really no 'us' when it comes to a company account, because for one I have no control over anything, nor any access since it got removed -prior to xavier.
  2. Jamie: Security precautions I guess since you fucked up, you're still making the game, but like you've got little to do with scriptfodder so it's unnessacary risk you having code access after last time
  3. Phoenixf129: I did say prior.
  4. Jamie: The only think I'm aware of is you being made a mod?
  5. Jamie: and I don't know why that happened, I presume just because me and matt manage the site, i dunno.
  6. Jamie: when are you back from work btw?
  7. Phoenixf129: Yeah but still, domain was my idea, the name too- and I do hold ownership rights on the domain, could at least give me a proper reason for it instead of hopping around the subject, I don't think I'll be online much til Monday
  8. Jamie: Proper reason? I'm deadly serious, it's site security, and company security and you might have come up with the name but that was under DiscordStudios, and so is the game. The "proper reason" is as mentioned above so we have universal accounts and everything is secure under the company. I don't know why you are making a massive fuss about this? it's not even like it's that hard.
  9. Jamie: like, i can probably guide you through it
  10. Phoenixf129 is now Online.
  11. Phoenixf129: I'm not making a fuss, I'm just telling you my thoughts on this, I'm not the one making a fuss about wanting to move the domain, it's my legal property and technically a share.
  12. Phoenixf129: I'm not going to just give that away Jamie. Even if you keep screaming about security, nobody's going to get the login for it as much as they would your cloudflare
  13. Jamie: Right -_-
  14. Phoenixf129: I'm not being an asshole about it, I'm just stating how the system works
  15. Phoenixf129 is now Online.
  16. Phoenixf129: After all, all I'm doing is protecting my interests
  17. Phoenixf129 is now Away.
  18. Jamie: I've just spoken to Matt, He pretty much said give us the domain or he'll completely cut you out, he doesn't feel comfortable about you representing the site anymore, you completely fucked up last time, and when he asked you to stop harrasing Xavier you didn't stop at all, if you don't give us the domain, we'll just rebrand and will tell everyone what happened exactly with you, the harrasing, the ddosing and the other shit
  19. Phoenixf129 is now Online.
  20. Phoenixf129: I was already cut out Jamie. And you can blackmail me all you like, I'm tired of being left out of everything. You have no idea how pissed off I was with him stealing my shit by stalking me. So don't even go there. You know for a fact I'm not doing anything with what I have and that I'm tired of being left out all the time.
  21. Jamie: You weren't being left out, you didn't have the skill set to even develop ScriptFodder, we didn't deliberately cut you out, you fucked up and annoyed us, you made the mistake of giving Xavier our source, then we told you not too and you carried on also Matt knows full well what being stalked like after the DerpTrolling incident so don't give that bullshit.
  22. Phoenixf129: I didn't give him the source, he decided to take it for himself after downloading the zip I had saved for myself. So is this how business works? Blackmail now?
  23. Phoenixf129: I've been cut out for a long time. And you know it. It has nothing to do with xavier, it's been since long before.
  24. Jamie: This isn't Blackmail. You aren't involved with ScriptFodder, Matt was gonna buy the domain. You are just being a pain and making our lives much harder then they need to be.
  25. Phoenixf129: I'm not the one that's being unreasonable here.
  26. Jamie: Right, Guess I'll get ready to rebrand then.
  27. Phoenixf129: Blackmail as always, why can't you be mature about this?
  28. Phoenixf129: you really want to cut me out that much?
  29. Phoenixf129: I will talk to you later.
  30. Phoenixf129 is now Online.
  31. Phoenixf129: Oh and, in future if you want to talk mature, I'll wait for Matt to talk to me about it.
  32. Jamie: I was relaying Matt.
  33. Phoenixf129 is now Online.
  34. Phoenixf129: I'm sure Matt can talk to me himself about this instead of through you.
  35. Phoenixf129 is now Online.
  36. Jamie: I think it's pretty clear you've been dropped.
  37. Phoenixf129: Yes, there's no need to be a malicious child about it though. Remember it's a business, legally speaking the name ScriptFodder is mine
  38. Jamie: It's not actually, and I'm not being malicious about this, if anyone is, it's you. Could have just given us the name.
  39. Jamie: domain name that is. no body owns the name.
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