
The Ponyville Diaries: The Flower Buds (Rose Part 1)

Jul 22nd, 2013
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  1. ROSE
  3. >The detention hall is half-empty when you casually walk in.
  4. >A few questioning stares come your way, but you ignore them and scan the room.
  5. >Daisy and Rose wave to you and beckon you over.
  6. >You take a seat next to Daisy.
  7. >”Glad you made it, Dodge,” Rose says, jokingly. “Detention's a real drag if you don't have somep0ny to pass the time with.”
  8. >Daisy glances at the door.
  9. >”You think she managed to get detention, too, sis?” she inquires.
  10. >”Who? Lil? Doubt it. She would have been here by now.” Rose turns to you “If there's one thing she doesn't miss, it's a chance to have ponies see her in trouble. She's a real rebel.” You catch the subtle annoyance in her voice.
  11. She kind of seemed that way.
  12. >”I figured you'd met. She's not the type to pass up welcoming the new kid. Hope she didn't lay into you too bad.”
  13. Nothing I couldn't take. She seemed more interested in Redheart, anyway.
  14. >Daisy groans.
  15. >”Rosie, you're gonna scare him off if you keep talking like that.” She rolls her eyes at Rose's frown. “Well, maybe not scare him off, but you might bore him to death.”
  16. >You hear the door slam shut. When you look up, you see Principal Slate glaring at you.
  17. >”Alright, welcome to detention. You're here for two hours, so I suggest you make the most of this time and get a start on your homework. I'll be here at the front if you need to be let out for whatever reason, but you'd better not think you can just leave. I'll have Chalk go with you. And no talking. You're here to be punished, not to socialize.”
  18. >He stares at the three of you as he finishes speaking.
  19. 1/
  21. >Rose rolls her eyes and makes a show of taking her notebooks out of her bag.
  22. >She whispers to you. “Did you get homework from Rasa, too?”
  23. >You look down at the canvas bag Silk gave you.
  24. Yeah, he wants us to write a paragraph on why we think trig is important to our lives.
  25. >Slate clears his throat loudly and glares.
  26. >You reach down and pick up your notebook.
  27. >Behind you, someone coughs.
  28. >A second later, they cough again, louder.
  29. >After the third cough, Slate clacks his pen against his desk.
  30. >”Would you like a lozenge, Mr. Burl? Perhaps a drink of water would clear your throat?” he asks, voice dripping with sarcasm.
  31. >You turn to see a large brown unicorn sitting at the back of the room.
  32. >”Sorry, Mr. S.” he says, snickering with the two stallions flanking him. “I think I might be allergic to something.”
  33. >Burl stares at you while he says this. You feel your skin crawl.
  34. >Rose taps your shoulder and slips a note onto your desk.
  35. >”Redwood Burl. School brawler. Watch yourself,” it reads.
  36. >”You hookin' up with the northerner, Prickly?” Burl suddenly calls out.
  37. >Rose bristles.
  38. That any way to talk to a lady...Woody?
  39. >”That's enough!” Slate shouts. “Anonymous, just go. I'm letting you off with a warning. Do not make me regret it. Burl, take your friends and follow Mr. Chalk to the other detention room.”
  40. >You grumble and rise from your seat. Once you get to the hall, you hang back and wait for Chalk to be out of sight. Rose and Daisy remain in the room with Slate.
  41. >”First day and you're already in trouble, Rose? Daisy? I'm sorely disappointed.” Slate's voice is softer. The sisters sit in silence. “And bringing the transfer student into it? Getting him in trouble too? You know better than that. I've come to expect this sort of behavior from your sister, but not from the two of you.”
  42. 2/
  44. >”This isn't about Lily,” Rose returns.
  45. >Slate keeps talking.
  46. >”Rose, please. I just want you to turn yourselves around. You three were so enthusiastic when you first got here. You made honor roll, all of you. Don't you remember that?”
  47. >The two sisters fall silent, but you can tell they're bristling again.
  48. >”You barely passed last year, I don't think I need to remind you.” Slate's tone hardens again. “It's bad enough you've turned into such slackers. I don't want to see you become delinquents like Burl or your sister. What would your mother thi--”
  49. >”Don't you dare,” Rose seethes, cutting him off. “Come on, Daisy. We're leaving.”
  50. >You lean against the lockers put your hands in your pockets. Rose storms out of the room. Daisy follows her, looking sullen.
  51. >They both stop when they spot you.
  52. >”You, uh, you heard that?” Rose asks softly.
  53. >You nod.
  54. Are you two alright? It got a little intense in there.
  55. >”We're fine,” Rose answers abruptly. “Let's just get out of here. The rest of my stuff is in my locker and I want to get home. You coming with? We can hang out if you want.”
  56. Beats doing nothing, like I planned. Lead on.
  57. >Daisy looks back at the room as the three of you walk down the hall.
  58. >After a little while you come up to Rose's locker.
  59. So what did you need to get? Books or something?
  60. >Rose smirks and works the lock.
  61. >”Little more important,” she giggles. The small door swings open and you see a boom box taking up most of the space.
  62. >You reach out and grab the handle.
  63. >”Careful with it, Dodge! That thing's my baby, you know.”
  64. How do you even carry something like this?
  65. >”Mouth, like everything else.”
  66. Huh. Got any tapes for it?
  67. >”Do I? You hear that, Daise? Do I have tapes...”
  68. >Daisy grins slyly and opens her own locker.
  69. >A tower of cassettes sits inside.
  70. Wow.
  71. 3/
  73. >After a moment taking in the sight, you suddenly reach down and start digging around in your bag.
  74. >You finally stand back up, holding Lara's mix tape up high.
  75. Found it! Think your boom box can play this thing?
  76. >Rose eyes the tape.
  77. It's a mix tape I made for someone special back home.
  78. >”What's on it?” she asks.
  79. Oh, some Zeppelin, little classic Sabbath, couple Van Halen tracks...I think I even got some Twisted Sister on there.
  80. >The sisters stare at you blankly.
  81. Uh, Rock? It's Rock and Roll.
  82. >Rose smirks teasingly.
  83. Hey, she liked it, alright?
  84. >”She waiting for you back home?” Daisy asks, half-joking. Your face falls and you turn the tape sentimentally.
  85. >”Why in Tartarus do you think he has it, Daise? Use your head, ponies' sake!” Rose whispers to her sister chidingly.
  86. >Daisy looks up at you slowly. “I'm uh, sorry. I shouldn't have asked.”
  87. It's alright. Just still getting over it is all. I'll be fine.
  88. >You hand the tape to Rose.
  89. Think it'll play?
  90. >Rose examines the tape and compares it to the player.
  91. >”Yeah, it should. Looks fine to me. You want me to try it?”
  92. Sure.
  93. >The cream-colored mare pops the boombox open and puts the tape inside.
  94. >Just as Alex Van Halen's furious drums come blasting through the speakers, Chalk rounds the corner and spots your group.
  95. >”Hey, that's pretty goo--” Rose cuts off abruptly.
  96. >Daisy slams the lockers shut.
  97. >”Book it!”
  98. >She and Rose both bolt down the hall. You grab the boom box and sprint after them, Van Halen providing the soundtrack to your escape.
  99. >When the three of you make it off of school grounds, you stop, turn down the volume, and catch your breath.
  100. Well that was fun.
  101. >Daisy laughs between gasps for air. “You're alright, Anonymous.” She turns to her sister. “He's alright, doncha think?”
  102. >”Course I do. I found him, didn't I?” Rose shoots back, grinning. “Say, Anon, why don't you chill with us after school? Our club starts back up next week. Room 308.”
  103. I'm there.
  104. 4/
  106. >”You're where!?”
  107. >Three weeks later.
  108. >Silk is yelling again.
  109. >She's pacing around Redheart's living room. The white mare watches her nervously. Spitfire hovers off to the side.
  110. >”What did I tell you, Anon? You have to keep a low profile!”
  111. I'm keeping one! Mostly. Jeez, it's just club meetings! It's not like we're setting fires!
  112. >”It's not what you're doing that I'm worried about--”
  113. >”--Even if it's a little weird that you're doing flower arranging after school...” Spitfire butts in.
  114. >”Quiet, Spitsie,” Silk scolds. She looks back at you. “...It's who you're doing it with. I don't want you getting wrapped up with the wrong crowd.”
  115. >You roll your eyes at her.
  116. Give me a break. They're good mares, you know that?
  117. >”They're consistently at the bottom of the class,” Silk replies judgmentally.
  118. How does that matter? Berry's barely passing and you don't complain when I go out to hang with her and Cheerilee.
  119. >”That's...that's different! They're friends!”
  120. So're Rose and Daisy! You'd like them if you'd just give them a chance!
  121. >”This isn't about them!”
  122. You're right. It's about Lily. Isn't it.
  123. >Silk scowls. Redheart's face visibly falls at the mention of Lily's name.
  124. I know she gives those two a bad reputation, but you gotta cut them some sla--
  125. >You stop yourself.
  126. >”What, Anon?” Silk asks, narrowing her eyes.
  127. ...Nothing. Just let me do my own thing, alright?
  128. >Silk sighs and walks off towards the kitchen.
  129. >”Do whatever you want. Girls, you take over here. I can't deal with him right now.”
  130. >Spitfire comes over and stands next to Redheart.
  131. >”Don't mind Emmie. She's a worrier.”
  132. You say that, but you still don't sound like you're on my side here.
  133. >Redheart looks at the floor.
  134. >”Well, it's a little hard when you're hanging out with them more than us lately. We haven't seen you at lunch in days.”
  135. I eat up in the club room. It's quiet there.
  136. >”Yeah, but we're supposed to be friends. You know how those mares are.”
  137. Everyone keeps telling me.
  138. 5/
  140. >”They're hostile to us all the time!”
  141. They're hostile because you're hostile to them! You ponies let their sister's crap spill over onto them and they have to deal with that! Of course they're going to push back!
  142. >Spitfire looks away.
  143. >”Alright, alright. I get it. I just don't want to see anyp0ny getting' hurt because of this.”
  144. Red, you've been pretty quiet. What are you thinking?
  145. >”...Does she know?” Redheart asks timidly.
  146. Know what?
  147. >””
  148. Oh. No. She still thinks I'm from Pinguin or wherever Silk said I was from.
  149. >”You gonna tell her?” Spitfire asks, sounding aggressive now.
  150. I mi--
  151. >”...Is that a good idea?”
  152. >”Does it sound like a good idea?” the yellow pegasus volleys back. “You're gonna get yourself found out, Monkey Boy.”
  153. >You grit your teeth.
  154. You're right. Someone'd call the cops and I'd get carted off, right?
  155. >”And get experimented on, probably,” Spitfire says, only partially kidding. “Those research ponies at Canterlot University would kill for an alien to research. It's risky enough you started working at that bakery.”
  156. Hey, that's a good gig. Unless you want to keep giving me money...”
  157. >The mention of the bakery reminds you of something.
  158. >You check your watch.
  159. Oh shit, I'm late!
  160. >Spitfire raises an eyebrow.
  161. >”For what?”
  162. Don't worry about it. I'll see you guys later.
  163. >Before any of them can say anything, you dash out the door and run down the street towards Sugar Cube Corner.
  164. 6/
  166. >Rose is sitting at one of the booths when you get to the bakery.
  167. >She's sipping on a milkshake and staring out the window.
  168. >Mrs. Cake waves to you from the counter.
  169. >You walk up and tap her shoulder.
  170. Hey. Sorry I'm late. My friends held me up for interrogation after school.
  171. >The mare punches your side and motions for you to sit down.
  172. >”They don't like you hanging out with us? That it?” she smirks, hiding her rather obvious discomfort.
  173. About sums it up.
  174. >”Well, buck 'em.”
  175. Hey, they're still my friends.
  176. >”Then what are we?”
  177. >You grin, flip her straw towards yourself, and take a sip.
  178. For now? Movie-buddies. You wanna go?
  179. >Rose brushes her mane back and gets up.
  180. >”Let's. And you're paying, since you were late and made me sit all by my self.”
  181. I told you you could bring Daisy along.
  182. >”That would sort of defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?”
  183. Fair enough.
  184. >The two of you head out into the streets leading to Ponyville Theater.
  185. >As you walk, Rose's permed red mane bounces and bobs.
  186. >It's still so bizarre, how similar this world is to yours.
  187. >Save for the talking horses.
  188. >And the magic.
  189. >The distinct lack of boneitis is a definite plus, though.
  190. >”Hey, Dodge.” Rose breaks you out of your thoughts.
  191. Hmm? What's up?
  192. >”We're almost there. You spaced out. What're you thinking about?”
  193. >You look up and see the theater marquee, lit up in the oncoming evening.
  194. Ah, you know, north stuff.
  195. >”Feeling homesick?”
  196. Little bit, you could say.
  197. >You decide to change the subject.
  198. What movie are we seeing, anyway?
  199. >”Coltergeist Two, remember? It was your idea. Did you see the first one?”
  200. They didn't play it where I'm from.
  201. >”Well, you're in for a treat.”
  202. You sound nervous. Scared, are you?
  203. >The mare's eyes dart around.
  204. >”No, I'm not.”
  205. You're scared! We're not even watching it yet!
  206. >”I'm not scared!” she cries, a note of laughter in her voice.
  207. We'll see.
  208. 7/
  210. >She circles in front of you and stops, staring you dead in the eye.
  211. >”I'm not. Scared.”
  212. >You weave around her and come to the ticket booth.
  213. Two for Coltergeist.
  214. >You walk out of the theater, looking around every so often.
  215. >A twig snaps in the street and you whip around.
  216. >Rose walks next to you with a wide, smug grin.
  217. >”You scared, Dodge?”
  218. Nope.
  219. >”You are! It was just a movie, you know. Wasn't even that scary.” She circles around you for a second before leaping at you and yelling, “Boo!”
  220. >You jump. She falls to the ground laughing.
  221. That's not funny...
  222. >”Hehe, it's pretty funny,” the mare replies. She composes herself and stands up. “What do you want to do now? It's still nice out and I don't want to call it a night just yet, do you?”
  223. >You crouch so you're at eye level.
  224. And go back to the house where I can't hang out with you? Not a chance.
  225. >”How about ice cream, then?”
  226. Didn't you have a milkshake like, two hours ago?
  227. >”That's awfully judgey coming from someone who says he wants ice cream. Come on. I know a place.”
  228. >Rose slinks around the side of you and nudges you down a side street.
  229. >”This way, this way!” she giggles.
  230. Alright, I'm going, I'm going!
  231. >You hear a noise from up ahead.
  232. Hey, stop a second. I heard something.
  233. >Rose looks skeptical.
  234. >”Do I look like a filly to you?”
  235. I'm serious.
  236. >You look ahead. About a block up the road, hidden from Rose's view by a market stall, is Burl and his two cronies.
  237. Shit. Burl's here.
  238. >”Wha--”
  239. >You quickly push Rose behind a cart and take a few steps forward just as Burl turns and sees you.
  240. >”Well well, lookie what we've got here,” Burl says, approaching you. “You lost or somethin'?”
  241. Nah, just taking a walk, you know? It's a nice night. What about you? You on a date with your boys here?
  242. >”Why you--” One of Burl's companions tries to lunge at you, but Burl stops him with his hoof.
  243. 8/
  245. >”That's funny. You're a funny guy. Must be why Thorny's been spendin' so much time with ya.”
  246. >He walks slowly towards you. You stride out to meet him, stopping within a yard of each other. You grin as you tower over the stallion.
  247. Funny how that happens, huh?
  248. >Burl's smile has disappeared. He glares at you from about the same height as your waist. Though short, he's still stocky. You stare the stallion down, but he keeps glancing behind you.
  249. >”Real hilarious.” Burl looks back over his shoulder before addressing his cronies. “Let's go.”
  250. >He turns back to you, suddenly looking tenser than before.
  251. >”Any other time, I'd show you who's in charge around here. I'll see you 'round, monkey.”
  252. Come back anytime. Hope group therapy goes well for you!
  253. >You walk back to the cart as the group heads off.
  254. >Before you can call out to Rose, you notice a silhouette standing there.
  255. >”Still making friends, I see, Anonymous,” comes the dry, humorless voice of Chalk.
  256. >Rose leans against a nearby building, looking wholly uncomfortable with Chalk's presence.
  257. Uh, yeah, hey, Mr. Chalk. Nice evening we've got here, huh?
  258. >”Since this is outside of school business, I really don't want to know your reasons for keeping your present company or for antagonizing ponies in public. Just don't bring it to school with you and we won't have a problem.”
  259. >He turns to walk off, but glares at you one last time.
  260. >”I've got my eye on you, Anonymous.”
  261. >Rose rolls her eyes as he walks away.
  262. >”He's such a butt-in. What was all that with Burl? He sounded like he was about to kick your flank.”
  263. I could take him. Probably.
  264. >”You know I'd have your back.” She hops onto her back hoofs and lets fly a couple of jabs at the air.
  265. You still want to get that ice cream?
  266. >Rose drops to all fours again and brushes her mane against your leg.
  267. >”I'm getting a double-chocolate sundae. Extra caramel.”
  268. ...Is that because I'm paying?
  269. >”Duh.”
  270. 9/
  272. >The two of you head down the street towards the ice cream shop.
  273. >”How's Sugar Cube Corner, anyway? Daisy and I've been missing you,” Rose asks, making a sharp turn down another side street.
  274. It's been good. I get free food, too.
  275. >Rose nods, but looks slightly confused.
  276. >”What does a transfer student need with a part time job, though?”
  277. Uh...
  278. >You search for a good answer.
  279. >What would Berry or Silk say?
  280. Pinguin doesn't send money to me. I have to pay my own way.
  281. >Rose knots her brow, but seems to buy it.
  282. Besides, it's a good opportunity to learn about how things work in Equestria. Beats school. Half that stuff is useless anyway, right?
  283. >The mare breaks into a smile.
  284. >”I hear that. Honestly, I'm just coasting until graduation. I dunno what I'm going to do after, but I just want out of there, you know?” she muses. “
  285. >”But that's boring talk. What about you? What are you gonna do after this year? Go back home?”
  286. >You feel your stomach knot up a little.
  287. I- I don't really know.
  288. >Rose cocks an eyebrow.
  289. >”Well, anyway, here we are. You know what you want to get, Anon?”
  290. 10/
  292. >On the way out of the ice cream parlor, you look up at the moon.
  293. Huh.
  294. >”What is it?” Rose responds, sounding confused.
  295. You have a face in the moon, too.
  296. >”What do you mean? Of course. We've all got the same moon. What do they call the Mare in the Moon in Pinguin?”
  297. We call it...
  298. >You stare up at the outline and wrack your brain.
  299. the Moon.
  300. >Rose squints, peering at the bright orb.
  301. >”What's a man? Is it supposed to look like that?”
  302. Short for human. Some old dudes way back must've seen a similarity.
  303. >”Fair enough. You wanna go to the park? We can watch the stars really well there,” she asks excitedly.
  304. Alright.
  305. >You follow the mare once more through the streets.
  306. >The park is even darker. Rose flops down on a grassy knoll and points up.
  307. >You lie down next to her and follow her hoof with your eyes.
  308. >Outside of town, the stars above Equestria are even more brilliant. They dot the sky in patches and huge bands.
  309. That's really something...
  310. >”This is my favorite place to come and relax.”
  311. You come out here often? Late at night?
  312. >”Yeah. Helps me take my mind off of...” she trails off.
  313. Off what?
  314. >”Nothing.”
  315. >Now it's your turn to knot your brow.
  316. C'mon. Something's bothering you. What's up?
  317. >She looks away from you.
  318. Is it about Lily?
  319. >”It's not about that.”
  320. Really? She's been getting on Chalk and Slate's bad side a lot recently. I don't know her that--
  321. >”No, you don't know her, Anon,” Rose suddenly shoots back. You recoil at her rapid shift of tone.
  322. Alright, alright. Sorry. I just want to know what's wrong, Rosie. If it's something I can help with--
  323. >”Please.” Rose puts her hoof in your hand and stares into your eyes. “Just...”
  324. >You stop her by squeezing the hoof.
  325. Will you tell me when you're ready?
  326. >”I promise.”
  327. Okay.
  328. >Rose looks back at the town.
  329. >”It's getting late. I should go. Thanks for taking me out, Anon,” she says, the brightness coming back to her voice.
  330. Wha--
  331. >She cuts you off with a quick peck on the cheek before running off giggling.
  332. 11/
  334. >The next day.
  335. >You walk to school with Redheart, Silk, and Cheerilee.
  336. >Silk stays several paces ahead of you and refuses to make eye contact.
  337. >Redheart keeps quiet. Eventually she seems to find her nerve and ask you.
  338. >”Why did you come home so late last night? You just ran out and then I didn't see you until ages later.”
  339. >Cheerilee's eyes light up.
  340. >”Ooh! Were you out partying? Did I miss a good one? You should have invited me!” she yells.
  341. No, I wasn't partying. I just went out to see a movie.
  342. >A knowing smile crawls over Cheerilee's face.
  343. What?
  344. >”Don't 'what' me. Who'd you go with?” she pries.
  345. No one.
  346. >”Horsefeathers. Spitsie said you bolted and said you were late. You had somep0ny waiting for you, didn't you?”
  347. Dammit, Cheerilee...
  348. >”C'mon! Just tell me! I'll die if I don't know!”
  349. Fine. Jesus. Come here.
  350. >You motion to her to come closer and whisper in her ear.
  351. >Her ear flicks in surprise and she nearly leaps in the air.
  352. >”Rose!?” she cries. Silk comes to a dead stop and whips around.
  353. >”What!?” the tan pony shouts. “Did I hear that right? You went out with bucking Rose last night? After what we talked about?”
  354. What of it? Just because you've got something against her means I have to too?
  355. >”I'd expect you to take your friends' feelings into account!”
  356. I did! They're my friends, too, and I like hanging out with Rose!
  357. >”Uh, girls? Anon?” Redheart chimes in meekly.
  358. What?
  359. >”The school...” she points ahead. You see a column of smoke rising from just over the ridge.
  360. Oh shit.
  361. >The four of you run towards the smoke to see a swelling crowd of ponies in front of the grounds.
  362. >”What in Tartarus happened?” Silk yells over the noise of the gathered ponies.
  363. >”Somep0ny started a fire in the chemistry lab!” a student yells back.
  364. >”Anon!” You hear Daisy call to you. You look back at Silk and scowl before heading towards the sisters.
  365. What's up?
  366. 12/
  368. >Daisy is standing at the back of the crowd. Rose is off to the side, apparently engaged in a heated debate with one of the teachers. Eventually she comes back, her expression softening when she sees you.
  369. >”Fire. They think Lily's the one who started it.”
  370. Why would they-- Where is Lily, anyway?
  371. >Daisy and Rose exchange pained glances.
  372. >”We don't know,” Rose answers.
  373. End
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