
Screw Loose Story 1

Aug 22nd, 2014
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  1. >Be anon
  2. >Lying in bed
  3. >Feels something crawl into bed
  4. >Look down
  5. >Screw Loose curling up near your feet like a dog
  6. "You have your own bed"
  7. >"Nnm?" she looks at you and tilts her head
  8. "..whatever..."
  9. >Why did she have to follow you home all those nights ago
  10. >Why did you have to fall in love with her
  12. >You wake up
  13. >You can't sit up
  14. >Screw Loose has curled up ontop of you
  15. >It reminds you more of a cat than anything
  16. "Get off please"
  17. >"Mmn!" she growls like a dog
  18. >You sigh and just let her go back to sleep
  19. >You don't have work today anyway
  20. >She squirms around on top of you and makes little murmurs in her sleep
  21. >Her leg kicks driving part of her leg right into your crotch
  22. >The force is too heavy to feel nice
  23. >You cringe in pain
  24. >Her ears perk up and she looks around
  25. >She sees you
  26. >She smiles
  27. >You have to smile back at that gross twisted grin
  28. >She jumps off of you and runs down the hallway
  29. >She probably thinks that since you're awake you have given her food
  30. >She acts so much like a dog you sometimes forget she's a pony with emotions, a personality and has opinions
  31. >Maybe she forgets she's a pony too
  32. >You sit up and rub your eyes
  33. >You hear her in the kitchen
  34. >"Yap!"
  35. >Thats rigth, she calls you "Yap"
  36. >You usually spend at least five minutes a day trying to teach her how to say "anon"
  37. >You get up
  38. >Rub eyes
  39. >Get the fuck out of bed for once
  40. >Go into the kitchen of your tiny home
  41. >Screw is there sitting on the floor waiting for you
  42. >You feed her whatever you eat
  43. >This morning you make her and yourself the stereotypical breakfast of eggs
  44. >She's not too much like a dog
  45. >She'll drink from a cup like you do but she eats off of a plate placed on the floor
  46. >She can say a few words but would rather make weird awkward bark noises
  47. >She was weird
  48. >You love her,but she's still weird
  50. >Screw Loose is chewing on one of your shoes
  51. >You're sitting on the couch watching TV
  52. >Screw suddenly lifts her head
  53. >She darts to the window
  54. >Another pony is walking by
  55. >Screw starts barking at her
  56. >Oh shit
  57. >You get up and run over to her
  58. "Damnit stop it screw!"
  59. >"ARF ARF ARF!!"
  60. >You pick her up
  61. >She fights for a while
  62. >She eventually gives up and whimpers like a injured puppy
  63. >You sigh and put her down
  64. >She happily barks and jumps around a few times
  65. >You hope to god no one noticed
  66. >"WALK!"
  67. >You look down at her
  68. "What?"
  69. >"WALK!"
  70. "...go for a walk?"
  71. >She nods and...pants?
  72. >You took her for a walk a week ago
  73. >You have to carry her like a child to the field in the forest behind your tiny house
  74. >Kids go there to fly kites but near night time there is no chance of anyone being there
  75. >You sigh
  76. "Fine...later when its darker"
  77. >"NOW!"
  78. "No. Later"
  79. >She growls
  80. >Dear god shes so cute though
  81. >You snicker a bit and think of a way to make her happy instead of mad
  82. >You knew she'd bight too
  83. "W-want a treat?"
  84. >Her ears perk up
  85. >She starts barking and jumping up and down again
  86. >You walk to the kitchen
  87. >She follows
  88. >You get a generic candy from the cupboard where she can't reach it
  89. >You throw it in the air
  90. >She catches
  91. >You pet her head to praise her for doing the trick right
  92. >She nuzzles her head against your hand and smiles
  93. >Times like these you wonder how other ponies like her would act
  94. >Would you really rather her any other way?
  96. >She sat in front of the door staring at it
  97. >She must be waiting for the time she can go for a walk
  98. >You check the window
  99. >Yep, sunset
  100. >You get up
  101. "Ok girl, lets go"
  102. >She happily jumped up and down, wiggling her tail, which was really just shaking her butt
  103. >It was cute though
  104. >You walk over and pick her up
  105. >She pretty much jumps into your arms
  106. >She's shaking with exitment
  107. >Christ this pony must like walks
  108. >You take her outside
  109. >No one notices you two as you walk into the woods with her
  110. >The moment you two get to the clearing the jumps out of your arms and starts running in circles
  111. >She keeps making a yip noise like a dog would
  112. >You chuckle and watch her running around
  113. >She looks so happy
  114. >So content
  115. >Her happiness vibes must be rubbing off on you, you feel like running too now
  116. >She makes something as simple as running, look like fun
  117. >She runs near you
  118. "I'm gonna get you!!"
  119. >She yips and runs the other direction
  120. >You chase her
  121. >She's making a noise that sounds more..natural?
  122. >She's not barking, yipping, whimpering
  123. >She's laughing
  124. >Laughing like any pony would
  125. >And y'know what? Its beautiful
  126. >Its so infectious
  127. >You start laughing too
  128. >She is actually running really fast
  129. >You can't keep up
  130. >You start to loose your breath
  131. >You're still running though
  132. >She's an arms length away
  133. >You trip
  134. >Fall flat on your face
  135. >You look up and she's still running until she checks behind herself one more time
  136. >She walks towards you
  137. >Gives you a little sniff
  138. >This is your chance
  139. >You reach up and grab her
  140. >She lets out a girly squeal
  141. >You roll over so she's lying next to you on her back
  142. >She's still laughing like a normal pony
  143. >A normal pony
  144. >Whats normal anyway?
  145. >If you chase any other pony it wouldn't be this fun, it'd probably be terrifying anyway
  146. >This is HER normal
  147. >Its gradually becoming yours too
  149. >You're sitting on the grass watching her run around, chasing small animals and sometimes her tail
  150. >You smile at the adorable sight
  151. >She really does give off a dog like aura
  152. >You wonder for a while what she was like before she was like this
  153. >Was she always like this?
  154. >Does it matter?
  155. >She's here now and this is what she is like
  156. >Part of you knows you wouldn't be able to live with the stuff she's been through
  157. >What if there was no deep edgy reason of why she's like this
  158. >Whatever
  159. >You push the thought away and keep watching her
  160. >Its getting late so you get up
  161. >You walk to her
  162. >She steps back
  163. "Lets go home girl."
  164. >She gives you a stubborn look
  165. >She doesn't want to leave
  166. >You know if you start walking she'll follow you anyway
  167. >You start walking back to your house
  168. >You turn to see if she is there
  169. >She's still at the clearing
  170. >You keeep walking and turn again
  171. >She's still at the clearing
  172. >You sigh, go back, pick her up, bring her home
  173. >She jumps onto the couch when you two return
  174. "Wipe your hoofs first you'll get grass and dirt on the couch"
  175. >"...Arf!"
  176. >What were you expecting
  177. >She wouldn't answer anyway
  178. >You take the opportunity to try and teach her more words before bed
  179. "Say Anon. A-N-O-N"
  180. >"....Arf?"
  181. "No. AAANNOOON"
  182. >You point at yourself
  183. >"...Yap!"
  184. "No its Anon"
  185. >"Yap!"
  186. >You sigh and rub your eyes to try and calm yourself from the annoyance
  187. >You point at her
  188. "What's your name?"
  189. >"S-Scrrrrew!"
  190. "Now whats MY name?"
  191. >"Yap!"
  192. "Oh my god..."
  193. >You quit for the day and go to bed
  195. >Screw Loose is asleep on the couch
  196. >She is curled up, again, looking more like a cat than her usual dog acting stature would let her look
  197. >She twitches her ear at times and you smile wondering what she's dreaming of
  198. >You look out the window thats just above her
  199. >You see two ponies walking with each other, smiling and laughing
  200. >They seem to be shushing each other
  201. >They must of snuck out
  202. >You wonder what thats like, being able to be so open with your relationship
  203. >You wonder what its like to be able to walk down the street with the one you love
  204. >To sneak behind buildings and make out
  205. >To give her a little kiss before work
  206. >To exaggerate how good you to are doing or how bad you two are doing to friends
  207. >Most of all you just wondered what it would be like to just..have a normal relationship with her
  208. >There's that word again
  209. >Normal
  210. "Hm.."
  211. >You reach over and give her a little scratch behind the ear
  212. >She smiles in her sleep when you do it
  213. >You chuckle warmly and stand up to go to bed
  214. >You know she'll be curled up on top of you by the time you wake up
  215. >You are a little excited for it too
  217. >Despite her still barking, shaking her butt when shes happy and occasionally growling, Screw Loose is actually getting better
  218. >She still can only say a few words
  219. >She still calls you "Yap" or all things
  220. >You must confess, you're impressed by her
  221. >Right now she is drinking milk from a cup
  222. >She drops it, making a mess and eats from her bowl
  223. >Just cereal this morning, nothing fancy
  224. >Those two ponies from last night...they can't get out of your head
  225. >You've been with Screw Loose for so long
  226. >You consider her a lover but does she consider you that?
  227. >She licks your face at times to give you dog kisses but you two have never really kissed before
  228. >The closes thing you two have been to actually making love is when she'd be sitting on your lap
  229. >She hasn't told you she loves you per-say
  230. >She just gives you looks
  231. >She'll look up at you with her big magenta eyes and give you a big smile with her head tilting
  232. >A simple kind of look but you get the sense thats her way of saying I love you
  233. >You love her too
  234. >You wish you didn't at times
  235. >Times like this however, you enjoy being in love with her
  236. "...Screw Loose c'mere"
  237. >She looks up at you. face covered in milk and cereal bits
  238. >She goes up closer to you and puts her chin on your knee
  239. "...You wanna go for another walk today?"
  240. >Her smile looks almost insane
  241. >She jumps up and down barking happily
  242. "Yes? No?"
  243. >You're just trying to get her to say something in English
  244. >"Y-..YES!"
  245. "Good girl!"
  246. >You get down and russle her hair
  247. >She smiles and does her laugh
  248. >"N- Nn...Now?!"
  249. >You chuckle and check the time
  250. >Holy christ its early
  251. >6:30 a.m
  252. >You have work at 9
  253. "Sure why not"
  254. >She yips happily and runs to the door and bangs into it
  255. >You lol
  256. >You foolishly don't check to see if anyone is outside before opening the door
  257. >You two step outside, her butt wiggling as usual
  258. >She stops in her tracks, eyes concentrated on something on the other side of the street
  259. >Its some pony with his little filly
  261. >Ohfuckno.png
  262. >You see her shaking her butt even faster as if to wag her tail
  263. >The man and his daughter (?) don't notice her
  264. >You reach down to get her
  265. >She's too fast
  266. >She has four legs to run with and you only have two
  267. >She's barking exitedly
  268. >You see the filly and her dad jump back a little
  269. >The filly is laughing at Screw Loose as she runs towards them
  270. >You're still running after her
  271. >She starts barking at the filly
  272. >The filly laughs even harder as if its cute
  273. >The stallion stands in between the filly and Screw Loose
  274. >"Get away from my daughter you psycho!"
  275. >His kid tries reaching out for Screw Loose to pet her
  276. >The stallion pushes back his kid making her trip up
  277. >Screw Loose pauses
  278. >Her ears go back
  279. >She must of though he pushed his daughter on purpose
  280. >Screw Loose starts to growl and get closer
  281. >You watch in horror
  282. >The stallion goes to push Screw Loose back
  283. >She bites him, growling
  284. >He screams
  286. >Her teeth are still dug deep into his arm
  287. >You snap out of your horror trance and go towards her
  288. >You try to make her stop biting him
  289. "Screw Loose down! Down!"
  290. >You tap her on the head to gently hit her, trying to make her let him go
  292. >She's not letting go
  293. >The daughter starts crying
  294. >You don't notice that Screw's ears perk up hearing the little childs sadness
  295. >You don't notice she starts letting go, noticing it was upsetting the little one
  296. >Instead you keep trying to get her off the stallion
  298. >She instantly stops growling
  299. >Her ears drop
  300. >She lets go
  301. >She then looks towards you
  302. >She looks..heartbroken
  303. >The stallion holds his arm that is now bleeding
  304. >"This isn't the end! You'll be hearing form me in the future!"
  305. "S-sir I'm sorry! Really!"
  306. >"Sorry?! Get your...THING under control! I should call the cops on you!"
  307. "I...I understand I'm sorry...please don't I'm..I'm sorry"
  309. >”Is sorry going to fix my arm? Who knows what infections I have now because of this beast!?”
  310. >You can see how much this is all upsetting Screw Loose
  311. >Your fear of losing her over some mistake like this is taking control of you
  312. >”At least have her apologize!”
  313. >Apologize?
  314. >She can hardly talk!
  315. >You look to her
  316. >Her big eyes are watery
  317. >Her ears are low
  318. >You pray for a miracle
  319. “....Say Sorry Screw Loose”
  320. >You eyes tear up a little
  321. >Screw Loose tilts her head
  322. “...S-O-R-R-Y...c’mon its not that hard”
  323. >”...aauh?”
  325. >A day has passed
  326. >You're awaiting for something bad to happen
  327. >No one just gets attacked then doesn't at least call the police
  328. >Loose Screw is curled up in the corner looking a little somber
  329. >She has been like this every since you told her she wasn't a dog
  330. >Her eyes look around the room
  331. "...Screw Loose?"
  332. >Her eyes dart to you
  333. "...I'm sorry for what I said"
  334. >At least you think so
  335. >Her head rose and she gave you a big smile before trotting over to you
  336. >She puts her chin on your knee and wiggles her bum
  337. >And just like that, she forgives you
  338. >You give her a scratch behind the ears and she smiles wider
  339. >She's so god damn cute
  340. "I wont let anyone take you"
  341. >She smiles back up at you
  342. >"Yap!"
  343. >You chuckle
  344. "No its anon, silly"
  345. >"...nmmYap!!"
  346. "Pfft.. fine whatever you say"
  348. >You two are watching TV
  349. >You're not sure if she can understand whats on tv, but she's watching anyway
  350. >She perks up and runs to the window and starts barking
  351. >You look to the window too
  352. >You walk over and put your hand on her head to calm her
  353. >She whimpers
  354. >You look out the window
  355. >Two large ponies and a pretty mare are walking down your driveway
  356. >Screw Loose turns to the door the second you hear them knocking
  357. >She starts growling
  358. "Down girl down."
  359. >She looks to you and stops growling but keeps her normal angry looking stature
  360. >You walk to the door and open it
  361. "Can I help you?"
  362. >The biggest stallion look to you "Sir, can we speak with you?"
  363. "Is there a problem?"
  364. >"Mind if we come in?"
  365. >You know why they're here
  366. >That stallion must of sent them
  367. "I-I'm afraid I do mind actually."
  368. >The pretty mare gives you a gentle smile
  369. >"We wont be long, we just need to ask you and your friend a few questions and we'll be out of your hair"
  370. "Why are you here?"
  371. >You ask anyway
  372. >The mare keeps talking
  373. >"We received a call that you have somepony who, ahem, attacked a bystander. Can we speak with them please?"
  374. "I-I'm afraid you can't. I'm sorry."
  375. >"Why not?"
  376. >You don't like lying
  377. >So you fucking don't lie
  378. "She..can't really talk"
  379. >"Excuse me?"
  380. "She uh..."
  381. >"ARF!!"
  382. >Holy shit that timing
  383. >You turn to see her still in her attack stance staring at the door
  384. >Her butt wiggling now so she must no longer be angry
  385. >You looking away from the cops and mare must of given them a cue to come in
  386. >Because they do
  387. "Wh- excuse me?!"
  388. >They don't listen
  389. >You try to grab the mare to get her away from Screw Loose
  390. >One of the stallions pulls you back
  391. "Hey! Let me go!"
  392. >"I'm afraid I can't do that sir."
  393. "Don't hurt her!"
  394. >What're you even trying to do now
  395. >The mare looks to you
  396. >"I wont hurt her don't worry I just wanna talk"
  397. >Thats not what you meant
  398. >She turns to Screw, who is still crouched down in attack mode
  400. >Screw isn't growling, in fact she's shaking her tush
  401. "She...she thinks she's a dog"
  402. >"...Excuse me?" the mare asks
  403. >She looks back to Screw Loose
  404. >She rolls her eyes as her head turns
  405. >"Tell me screw, did you or did you not bite a stallion recently?"
  406. >"ARF ARF!!"
  407. >"...Answer me."
  408. >"RrrrArf! Arf!"
  409. >"...I see."
  410. >She pulls out a tiny phone from her saddlebag and mutters something into it
  411. >She stands up and motions to the two stallions to come closer
  412. "Hey what're you doing?!"
  413. >"She needs to come with us" says the mare
  414. "Excuse me?! Isn't this kidnapping?! You can't just take her!"
  415. >"We're placing her under arrest" one of the stallions grunt
  416. "WHAT?!"
  417. >The mare gives you a gentle smile "We just need to talk to her when she becomes competent. We'll give her right back if she's not guilty"
  418. "NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"
  419. >You're panicking
  420. >One stallion holds you back for a while
  421. >You see one trying to pick up Screw Loose
  422. >She's barking so loudly and kicking and screaming
  424. >They're all ignoring you
  425. >Screw Loose has never barked so hard before
  426. >She's almost screaming
  427. >She must not know whats going on
  428. >The stallion starts walking out with her
  429. >You're still being held back
  430. "LET HER GO!!"
  431. >Screw continues to bark
  433. >"Sir, please calm down! We promise nothing will happen to her" The mare says
  434. >The fuck is this bitch saying
  435. >They're making something happen to her right now!
  436. >You can hear Screw barking as they take her down the driveway
  437. >"ARF! ARF! A-ANON! ANON!"
  438. >The stallion finally lets you go when Screw's barks become muffled
  439. >You see some other ponies pull up with a cart and they put her in
  440. >That must be what that previous call was about
  441. >The other ponies climb in and try to keep her held down
  442. >You run down the driveway and they start taking her away
  443. >You take chase
  444. >You can't keep up
  445. >You start to loose your breath
  446. >You're still running though
  447. >She's an arms length away
  448. >You trip
  449. >Fall flat on your face
  450. >You look up and she's still barking for you until she checks behind herself one more time
  451. >You two make eye contact as she's being taken away
  452. >She'll look at you with her big magenta eyes and give you a big smile with her head tilting
  453. >A simple kind of look but you get the sense thats her way of saying I love you
  455. >It took you three days to realize she called you by your actual name
  456. >However, she has been gone for a week now
  457. >No calls from the station, no letters in the mail, nothing
  458. >You've excepted the fact that you'll never see her again
  459. >Why now?
  460. >She finally learned how to say your name
  461. >You could of taught her so many things
  462. >How to say other words, how to act more like a normal pony, how to show love, how to do...anything really
  463. >You try forgetting her but its hard with every shoe you own having her teeth marks in it
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