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- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Why is the sendto address on my wager wrong?
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> JimRogers which wager is that ?
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> <a href=></a>. 05-03-13 08:30 Yes 97`003 1.00000000 16fUs / 13rnD. Not the "Send To" address I put but the exact amount bet. And the timing is right, so what the fuck? I've placed multiple bets successfully. This one seemed to have gotten fucked up.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> JimRogers now that's a good question. Do you have autocomplete or anything else on the browser side messing up your bets ?
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Nope.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> That would suck.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> A guy earlier had his browser autopick No whether he clicked Yes or No.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> I have placed 9 wagers successfully.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> Is the address wrong as in, not the one you intended to use or wrong as in, never seen it before ?
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Wrong, as in, not the "Send To" address I have used numerous times and intended for this wager and pasted into the box. Are my coins gone?
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> Likely ;/ Kakobrekla's looking into it tho.
- <strong>Chaang-Noi</strong> MP are you conected to that site in anyway other than a user?
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> "That site" ? BitBet you mean ?
- <strong>Chaang-Noi</strong> Yup.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> Owner : Matic "kakobrekla" Kočevar and Mircea "mircea_popescu" Popescu. Says so right on <a href=>teh asset page</a>.
- <strong>Chaang-Noi</strong> I dont use MPEx and no longer BitBet lol.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Has anyone else had their bits go to a random Send To address? I demand my money back.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> JimRogers it's totally a new one.
- <strong>Chaang-Noi</strong> I doubt MP scammed you, fucked up mabe...
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Thats not the address I entered into the Send To. I'm done wit this fucking website scam stealing my bitcoin. Gay ass coding. Unreliable. Other ppl having same problem?
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> You are the only one.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> I only started using BitBet yesterday.
- * JimRogers ([email protected]) has left #bitcoin-assets
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> I guess I could check the send-to address if I were in front of that wallet. But I'm not.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> What he quit ? Wtf is wrong with people ;/
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Emoquit.
- * JimRogers ([email protected]) has joined #bitcoin-assets
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> Incidentally! The address he paid his 1 btc to is 16fUs ((16fUs2yD4xLyxYy6863SMX3PP8Lw1xvZog)). He paid from 1M1Ug ((1M1Ugbk2P2L3ekZPESywAyfF5aeZ3wNi5d)). If you look at if you look at <a href=>taint analysis</a> on that, the address the payout goes to (13rnD ((13rnDnrH8zBAkNpxXFEyphj3EFcvDKd9Ws))) is there : 18.5851316787%.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Huh? Should I send some coin to the address and see if I get it?
- * JimRogers ([email protected]) has left #bitcoin-assets
- * JimRogers ([email protected]) has joined #bitcoin-assets
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> Well, there's relation between the two addresses, it didn't pop out of randomness. Maybe it's yours ?
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> I don't understand the taint analysis. What can I do to see if those funds will end up in one of my accounts?
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> It looks through the blockchain to see if two addresses are related. Send a 0.001 btc or w/e small dust to it see ? It's somewhat improbable the two addies got 8 txs in between themselves and yet they're totally unrelated.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> I don't understand the second sentence. Which two addresses? 13rnD ((13rnDnrH8zBAkNpxXFEyphj3EFcvDKd9Ws)) is the one the gay ass website says "send to".
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> The address you paid from, and the address that's listed as beneficiary are not strangers.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> I sent it from sealswithclubs. The send to is gonna fuck me huh?
- * JimRogers ([email protected]) has left #bitcoin-assets
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> so you don't control the sending address ?
- * JimRogers ([email protected]) has joined #bitcoin-assets
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> Bah how is one ot talk with people that keep leaving.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> he is parting and joining
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> So you don't control the sending address ? <<
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> JimRogers: well, the only thing I can really say is you pasted an address (which you also say you did), BitBet did no further processing as in establishing the return address. What you pasted is in the db. What's in the db is on the site. But I can do one thing - add your payout destination notification at the last step if that would help to prevent any mistakes in the future.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> I am not trying to leave.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> kay.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> I sent a micropayment to that address. Hopefully it ends up in one of my accounts. This fucking website is lacking serious functionality
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> What functionality would that be ? There, .001337 ((tx 1d65ace8daa117bcd97fe7bff9672e8e5c174aba8ab7d0217694f3cf55c4afea.)). Does it show in your wallet ?
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Maybe you clicked on "send to originating address" accidentally and then clicked SUBMIT.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> nope
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> Nah cause it's not listed as the orig addy.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Mmm... It would be nice if the "Send bitcoins to fund the bet" screen showed the chosen payout address.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> This fucking website needs account history. Or something. To track bets. ((Obviously it has that, through the blockchain. A point incidentally proven above. The guy that doesn't understand taint analysis however obviously also doesn't understand other things.))
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> Use your bitcoin addy.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> This website just ate my Bitcoin. I put the correct "Send To" address in and then sent a bitcoin to the supplied addy. Your website registered the bet, but put a different send to. That's functionality that sucks.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> JimRogers the problem here is this : you state what you did, but we have no way of knowing it's true or false.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> I get that.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> 17:47.17 ( kakobrekla ) JimRogers: well, the only thing I can really say is you pasted an address (which you also say you did), BitBet did no further processing as in establishing the return address. What you pasted is in the db. What's in the db is on the site. But I can do one thing - add your payout destination notification at the last step if that would help to prevent any mistakes in the future.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> The two addresses are related, and you just declared you don't control the originating address. This is very difficult to resolve because it's basically no leads.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Gay, gay, gay. Your website put the wrong send to. Why would I put that addy?
- * JimRogers ([email protected]) has left #bitcoin-assets
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Spaz
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> Lol totally.
- <strong>Namworld</strong> How much was the bet for?
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> 1.
- <strong>Namworld</strong> Why don't people check their inputs before submitting?
- * JimRogers ([email protected]) has joined #bitcoin-assets
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Why does it keep kicking me 1AKe ((1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN))
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> I have no idea.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> It's not us, it's you.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> Most likely.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Says you've left the channel.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> JimRogers : run a virus scanner ? You might have a trojan or something.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Stop closing the window or whatever you're doing.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> 1AKeA ((1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN)) was the bitcoin address I sent the money to. Only I would have access to that, right? So give me my coins back or set the send to to the right addy.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Are you sure someone doesn't have remote control of your PC? Idk why your client would randomly leave the channel.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> JimRogers srsly, run a scanner.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Well heres a new wrinkly. It seems the addy 1AKeA ((1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN)) never received it.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> Received what ?!
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> 1AKeA ((1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN)) was the addy bit bet supplied as the bet destination address. Seals with clubs sent 1 bitcoin to 1AKeA ((1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN)). The block chain doesn't recognize the transfer.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> So maybe you're seeing a bet that's not yours, and yours still is not confirmed?
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> That's possible.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> Uhm well then ?!
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Seals claims to have sent last night.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> It took a while for my bets to confirm. (sent from local wallet)
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> This is just ridoinculous.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Take it up w/ Seals. If it's not in the blockchain, they didn't send.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> Seals with Scams.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> In the future, I advise always sending from a local wallet.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> I'm sorry im just sleep deprived.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Showing the payout address on the bet confirmation/funding screen would be nice to have. Would help avoid mistakes.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> I'll add that.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Thx.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> Not that many mistakes were made. Maybe in total 1?
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> I didn't make a mistake.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> That's good. If that can be reduced to 0.1, even better.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> I have records of everything I have done. Either your guys system fucked up or seals is claiming a cash out happened that never happened, coincidentally at the same timing and same amount as what I sent.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> with over 2k bets placed - yeah its preety good
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Your mistake was in thinking the listed bet was yours. 1.0 BTC is not exactly a unique bet amount.
- <strong>mod6</strong> ...
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Good point.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> JimRogers if its not in a blockchain on the correct address what do you expect BitBet to do? Guess?
- * TomServo boggles.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> BitBet aint doing shit, I get it. I get how this bitcoin world works. Dog eat dog.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> Also, if addy is not used in 24hrs is not active anymore. I might remove that now since the last bitcoind upgrade.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Wait wait wait. So you can confirm that 1AKeA ((1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN)) was a bitbet addy?
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> Yes, requested as a bet on betid 283.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Right, that's me.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> Sure.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> And seals claims to have sent it to that addy.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> That address is empty.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> I guess they lie?
- <strong>mod6</strong> Yeah, 0 tx's for that address.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> 2013-03-04 23:31 1 BTC 1AKeA ((1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN)) directly from seals backend.
- <strong>Namworld</strong> Nothing was ever sent to 1AKeA ((1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN))
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Yea I get you. Thanks for the help. I emailed seals. And if I lose the money I won't fault you guys but the site could still use much more functionality. And perhaps binary options, instead of this weird time weighting bullshit.
- * JimRogers ([email protected]) has left #bitcoin-assets
- * JimRogers ([email protected]) has joined #bitcoin-assets
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> Keep getting kicked out.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Srsly, consider a local wallet. You should be using one anyway.
- <strong>JimRogers</strong> That's also a good suggestion. I won't do it this way again.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Colloquy on OS X huh. I use that at home and don't have that issue. I run version 2.3 tho, which I think is a lot different.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> I moved the 24hrs limit to 3 days now. So you have 3 days to send the bet in since the time you requested an address. Once first bet is in - addy is kept active until the bet is over so you can use the same one. ((This is deliberate to ease the internal bookkeeping/coding of anyone running bots for the site.))
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Hm, that's handy.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> It's how it works.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> What happens if I bet .01 BTC, and then days later, after betting is closed, I send another 5 BTC?
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> You made a 5 btc mistake.
- <strong>blu3gr1ffon</strong> You tipped kakobrekla.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> :nom nom nom:
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> Well you tipped mircea. But I will scan the blockchain to findout how much he is getting and take half muahaha.
- <strong>jurov</strong> Lol... at least it should be added to dividends, like MPEx mispayments.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> Yeah, prolly. Would be the smart thing to do.
- <strong>B0g4r7_</strong> Earlier I made a whole new "bet", when I could have just sent more to the same address.
- <strong>kakobrekla</strong> Yes. What a waste of time and resources.
- <strong>mircea_popescu</strong> Totally. And his conclusion, he generously won't blame us guys, but the site could still use much more functionality ? I get it.
- The <a href="">controlling quote</a> is, of course,
- <blockquote>Up until recently it was practically impossible to become embroiled into any sort of dealing with the subgroup, their ownership being strictly assumed and their lives strictly subsumed by the corporations competent at dealing with the human cattle : fastfood providers, supermarkets, the government. Both as employers and providers these specialised bureaucracies have the necessary tools, including cattle prods (or whatever they’re called now, non-lethal something or the other) to correctly handle them. They have the chemicals, they’ve done the research, know the behavioural patterns, have the walls all built to obstruct vision, living arrangements all thought through and everything.
- Bitcoin suddenly opened the gate. It is a poisonous offering. You are grossly unequipped to interact straight with the refuse of Western society.</blockquote>
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