
AU OC WIP - Claire

Apr 22nd, 2016
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  1. Name: Claire Annette Townsend
  2. Age: 17
  3. Gender: F
  4. Classification: Human
  5. Occupation: Psychic
  6. Height: 5’0”
  7. Weight: 86 Lbs.
  8. Eyes: Grey
  9. Hair: Purple
  10. Background:
  13. Personality:
  14. -
  16. Powers and Abilities:
  17. - Powerful Mind
  18. Claire is a very talented psychic, with a multitude of mental abilities under her belt. These include:
  19. ~ Teleport – Claire can teleport anywhere within 50 meters of her; when she teleports, a brief illusion of herself is left behind for a turn (the properties of which are explained in the Double Team section, though note this doesn’t count as one of the two illusions allowed). Claire cannot teleport into solid objects, such as people or walls, and when she lands a small concussive blast (going for about 10 meters) appears, and will knock any enemies near her away with light Impact damage. Claire cannot teleport and attack in the same turn, and when used this ability has a one turn cooldown.
  20. ~ Flight – Claire is capable of freely flying using the power of her mind. By touching others, she can temporarily grant them the power of flight as well.
  21. ~ Double Team – Claire can create up to two illusions within a 30 meter radius of herself. These illusions can take the form of anyone and/or anything Claire has seen, though if this is undeclared they will change their appearance to be like her. Claire’s illusions are indistinguishable from whoever’s form they take in terms of visibility, mental strength, spirit, or heat signature. The illusions can be moved & try to recreate abilities whoever & whatever they’re based on would have, though this is based strictly on what Claire knows they’re capable of; if they attack an enemy and hit them, they will always deal light Mind damage, and cause the enemy to become dizzy. Illusions will disappear when struck by any attack, and can only last up to 5 turns; afterwards, they have a 3 turn cooldown.
  22. ~ Telepathy – Claire can form a mental bridge between her mind & the minds of others, allowing her to communicate with them telepathically. Claire cannot force a connection, however, and if she wishes to communicate with someone, she must give them an “invite” they have to “accept”.
  23. ~ Clairvoyance – Although not especially powerful, Claire can sense the future. Normally, this acts much like “spider sense”, with her being able to sense attacks or danger around her before it actually happens, giving her time to react accordingly. Outside of combat, Claire will get this ability passively, but in battle she will only be benefitted by it sometimes. The player must declare they are using clairvoyance in this case, after they perform any other actions; if successful, they will be forewarned of an incoming attack, giving Claire the ability to dodge it. The ability then cannot be used again for three turns afterward.
  24. ~ Mental Strength – As a passive effect of being a psychic, Claire naturally resists mental attacks & effects. She is also capable of perceiving extra-sensory beings that normal humans cannot.
  25. ~ ESP – Claire is capable of perceiving invisible things that others cannot, such as ghosts, and can track others based on their mental strength.
  26. ~ Mindshock – Claire’s main & strongest ability; though it requires her to concentrate for a turn before execution, Claire can attack any enemy in a 50 meter area with strong mental damage, or a group of enemies in the same area for reduced damage (damage is less & less the more & more enemies Claire targets). When struck by one of Claire’s mental strikes, aside from taking large amounts of Mind damage, they can also be struck with one of three status changes: Amnesia (temporarily seals a single skill of Claire’s choice from the opponent’s use for one turn, except racial traits & whatever attack they were performing when hit), Headache (deals light, non-physical Mind damage to the opponent every turn for over 3 turns), and Debilitate (reduces their Strength and Projection stats by one star for two turns). After performing a mental strike, Claire cannot perform another one for a turn.
  27. Also worth noting is that Claire has an especially crippling ability called the Mindmelter. This is an attack that takes two turns of concentration to actually land, and can only be used on one target; however, if Claire successfully pulls it off, the opponent will be hit with severe Mind damage, and alongside having all three status effects placed on them, they will suffer hallucinations of their fears and worries for four turns afterwards. Such an ability as the Mindmelter cannot be used for the rest of the fight, however.
  29. - Telekinetic Force
  30. As a form of telekinesis, Claire is capable of creating and manipulating force. This is used in the following ways:
  31. ~ Claire can create force blasts, which mainly serve as large projectiles that blow enemies back and deal Impact damage; however, she can use it to move light objects as well. She can also create a 10 meter force blast around her, knocking all enemies around her away
  32. ~ Claire can create a force field all around her for one turn, which will prevent any physical abilities & projectiles from touching her whatsoever, being pushed around her. After use, Claire has a two turn cooldown for this ability.
  33. ~ Claire can create an invisible wall anywhere within a 25 meter limit, cutting off an area or purposefully cutting off an opponent’s movement, as well as reflect physical & energy projectiles. This wall will always be treated as though it is a 25x25 meter square, with a meter’s thickness.
  34. ~ By focusing it into a palm or kick, Claire can perform a force-enhanced attack. The attack will send enemies flying much further than her force blasts, and deal light Impact damage.
  36. Stats:
  37. -Strength: *
  38. -Projection: *****
  39. -Toughness: **
  40. -Attack Type: Impact, Mind
  41. -Resistances: Mind (+3)
  42. -Endurance: **
  43. -Stamina: **
  44. -Speed: **
  46. Standard Equipment:
  47. ~ Game Console
  48. Practically Claire’s lifeblood, a silver portable game console which pops open. She often plays on this, though it also doubles as a music player & note-taking device.
  49. Apparently, her favorite genre of game is platformer.
  51. Appearance:
  52. ~
  54. NOTES:
  55. - A turn refers to the time take during a player’s post, which starts when the player posts and lasts until they must post again. As a result, in larger RPs it’s possible for effects based on rounds to last longer, or for cooldowns to take longer.
  56. - If Claire is using a psychic ability based on movement (teleport/flight), she may also use any one of her force abilities in the same turn.
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