
Finding Loyalty, ch1.

Aug 12th, 2014
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  1. >You are Anon.
  2. >You moved from your old school to live with your cousins for a while, due to family complications.
  3. >Which included your favourite cousin, Rainbow Dash.
  4. >You and her used to hang around a lot when you were younger.
  5. >You were very close, almost practically brother and sister.
  6. >You were very happy to see her again after all of these years.
  7. >Since you were living in the area, you had to start going to her school while you were staying here.
  8. >It wasn't much of a problem.
  9. >You just hoped it didn't complicate things too much for Rainbow at school.
  10. >You are currently on your way to their house from the airport in taxi.
  11. >You have all of your stuff packed in your luggage.
  12. >Laptop, books, clothes, essentials and even your Xbox 360.
  13. >You were sort of what you would call unpopular at your old school.
  14. >You didn't really have many friends.
  15. >In all honesty, you were even heavily bullied.
  16. >This didn't help since you had anxiety.
  17. >That is why you were happy to be away from home, school and everything else for a very long time.
  18. >And to see your cousin.
  19. >You wonder how much she's changed over these years.
  20. >You haven't spoken to her in about ten years.
  21. >Hopefully she'll still be nice to you like she used to be.
  22. >You will be starting school tomorrow, on Monday.
  23. >Hopefully you will get to hang out with her at school.
  24. >Considering you didn't know anyone else and weren't the best at making friends.
  25. >You didn't want to make it an inconvenience for her, though.
  26. >You're brought out of your thoughts as the car pulls up to the house.
  27. >It's fairly larger, considering they are pretty wealthy.
  28. >Not rich, but, well off.
  29. >Her parents, who are also your cousins were always nice to you too.
  30. >They aren't waiting out the front, so they must be inside.
  31. >You pay the taxi driver and jump out, hauling your luggage with you.
  32. >You slowly pace up to the door and knock...
  33. (PortBrony takes over)
  34. >The door opens
  35. >A guy, maybe twenty years your senior, opens the door.
  36. >He's fit, at least from what you can tell. He's got a bagel in one hand, and is eating it. His dark green shirt reads "EGAF," and his trousers seem pressed
  37. >You're pretty sure he isn't fully coherent.
  38. >He's got a weird coloured hair style; rainbow might be the best way to put it. but it's kept short.
  39. >"Can I help you?" He asks in voice that confirms he isn't coherent; its more impressive that he could form words then anything at this point.
  40. "I'm Anon, here to stay with you for a while?"
  41. >He nods slowly, and pulls a coffee cup from seemingly nowhere.
  42. >He takes a few sips; its pretty strong if the smell is any indication. But it wakes him up.
  43. >"Right! I remember now. Sorry about that, mornings are awful for me."
  44. "I know the feeling," you reply with, smiling a bit.
  45. >"Come on inside, I'll get your stuff."
  46. >You do as he says and walk in.
  47. >The door opens to a large living room. where three people are sitting on a couch; someone whom you rechnogize as your cousin, and another as your second cousin.
  48. >The last person seems to be hypnotized by her cereal. At least, thats what you think; her hair drops down over he face.
  49. >Actually, now that you think about it, she might be asleep.
  50. >The oldest of the three notices you walk in
  51. >"Oh Anon! So good to see you again! Good morning!"
  52. >This women is a morning person.
  53. >You understand now why that coffee could tear paint off the walls.
  54. >You smile and wave.
  55. "Hello" you say simply. "And morning."
  56. >"good mornings are a myth," the cousin you don't rechnozie says.
  57. >he looks about 13, which makes sense that you don't remember him.
  58. >"Oh nonsense, its all about perspective!" she says.
  59. >The kid goes on some mumbled rant; and you're pretty sure you heard him say something about the government being involved in it.
  60. >At least he's amusing?
  61. >Rainbow Blaze walks in carrying several bags in one hand and your suitcases in the other
  62. >"Lord Anon, what did you bring?"
  63. >You laugh sheepishly, and offer to help.
  64. >He almost looks offended, and then moves along to the stairs.
  65. >"Oh don't mind him Anon, he's always out to prove himself."
  66. "Any reason why?"
  67. >"He's in the airforce, Anon. Don't you remember?"
  68. >Right, he's a pilot.
  69. "I, uh, forgot."
  70. >You glance over at Rainbow Dash, who hasn't moved an inch, or a centimetre, since you arrived.
  71. >You're a little worried to be honest.
  72. "Uh, Firefly?"
  73. >"What is it?"
  74. "Is Dash ok? She seems..."
  75. >Catatonic?
  76. >Asleep?
  77. >Partially dead?
  78. >All accurate, but none you can say out loud.
  79. >Firefly laughs a loud and hearty laugh.
  80. >Aside from being unexpected, it seems to startle Jed, who just leaves the couch and goes to a free chair.
  81. >You're inner man tells you that the chair is probably Rainbow Blaze's.
  82. >Dash still hasn't moved.
  83. >"She's fine, just not good with mornings."
  84. >Jed laughs a bit.
  85. >"You could mention the Wonderbolts and I'd be surprised if you got a reaction out of her.
  86. >You swear you see Dash move a fraction of a millimetre, but a fan is blowing.
  87. >"Now Jed, that's not polite to say. You sister is just bad with mornings; like your father."
  88. "Give her coffee then?"
  89. >Firefly glances at you and sighs.
  90. >"Coffee is a supplement, Anon. It is not a morning starter."
  91. >"Praise coffee," Rainbow Blaze says as he walks into the living room. "Praise it."
  92. >Firefly just rolls her eyes, and pokes Dash.
  93. >"We have company, honey."
  94. >The second coming will happen before Dash moves, in your mind.
  95. >"That's not how you wake her," Blaze says with a grin. "You gotta say something better."
  96. >He kneels before his daughter and looks into her face.
  97. >"Dashie, the Wonderbolts have decided to hold trials here in Cloudsdale. And you're eligible."
  98. >She moves a bit, and looks him in what you guess to be dead in the eye.
  99. >"The Wonderbolts hold trials one ever three years and the last trials were exactly two years, three months, six days, four hours and twenty-nine minuets ago."
  100. >That was impressive.
  101. >Something suggests to you she doesn't do well in school.
  102. >Blaze just smiles and ruffles her hair.
  103. >"That's why you're gonna make it next time. Now say hello to your cousin."
  104. >She glances over to you.
  105. >She's rather pretty, you had to admit; purple eyes, rainbow hair, clean skin, and a cute little nose.
  106. >"I feel like I should know you."
  107. >She's also not high on memory.
  108. "Anon." is all you say.
  109. >You can almost hear the gears turn in her head.
  110. >"Doesn't ring a bell."
  111. >You try not to look disappointed.
  112. >"It's been awhile. What? Ten years?
  113. >Firefly nods, but in the direction of Blaze.
  114. >"Tell you what Anon, why don't I show you where your room is?"
  115. >Uh. Sure?
  116. "Sounds good."
  117. >Blaze leads you away and to the stairs, pointing out rooms as you go along.
  118. >"Kitchen, closet, den, bathroom.Upstairs is Fireflys and I's room, as well as Dash and Jed's. You're is down stairs.
  119. >He leads you past the kitchen and to the laundry room.
  120. >"down here," he says, leading you into the basement.
  121. >its a massive basement, and it's set up into four areas, each sectioned off with some cubical looking walling.
  122. >"Thats my fun-office," he says, pointing to a large table with papers all over it. "I've been building an old time train set with Jed."
  123. >That's really nerdy.
  124. "Good father-son bonding," you note.
  125. >"Yeah, work keeps me busy, so Jed does all the research. Then we plan what to do after he's told me all he's found."
  126. >The feels are strong in this moment.
  127. >"That's Dash's study," he says, point to a plain table with a few posters above it. Some Wonderbolt material is onto of the desk, as well as a few books.
  128. >"She doesn't use it often; but she keeps her grades up."
  129. >Well, so long as she passes, right?
  130. >"That'll be your table" he says, pointing to an old desk; its small, but looks sturdy. It's clean and clear.
  131. "It looks great, thank you."
  132. >"Was your grandfathers table, then my dads table, and then mine. And now its yours."
  133. >family history table!
  134. >"I can't thank you enough."
  135. >He smiles, and leads you to the last area; this one is in the corner and has two full cubical walls. For a door, it has a curtain hanging.You can see your stuff by
  136. >Better then 70's beads?
  137. >"The walling was cheap," he admits with a grin. "But you can't see over it from the stairs, so you're privacy is safe."
  138. >He motions you to go it, and you do.
  139. >It's not a huge area, but its got a single bed, a powerbar, a dresser, and a small TV.
  140. >"You like?"
  141. "I love it, thank you so much. Rainbow Blaze."
  142. >He laughs, and like his wives' it's loud and clearly comes from deep part of him.
  143. >"Call me Blaze, Anon. Way simpler. That or Major."
  144. >Right, Airforce guy.
  145. "Can do Blaze" you say with a grin.
  146. >You leave the room to unpack.
  147. >"Hold up for a second Anon, theres something I should mention to you.
  148. >Heres to hoping that he didn't see the fact you only brought one controller.
  149. >"'Bout what?"
  150. >He sighs and sits down on your bed.
  151. >"It's about Dash"
  152. >What?
  153. "I'm listening."
  154. >"She's, she's had an accident."
  155. >Well that wasn't mentioned in any christmas letter.
  156. >"About seven years ago, she suffered some serious head trauma," he explains.
  157. >Another sigh.
  158. >"I should have gone after her, I SHOULD HAVE!"
  159. >Blaze slams his fist into your bed.
  160. >"I'm. I'm sorry."
  161. "Easy, Blaze, no ones blaming you for anything."
  162. >He smiles at you.
  163. >Its an empty smile, a smile that tells you he hasn't healed, or even started to heal.
  164. >Dash wasn't the only person who had trauma it seems.
  165. >"She was goofing off with some friends, a bad crowd that I told her not to get involved with."
  166. >His eyes look bitter, and as he stares at the ground, you doubt he even sees the carpet.
  167. >"It was a rainy day. They were BMXing all over the woods out by the river. They found a jump they had never used before."
  168. >He laughs.
  169. >"God, she was an idiot. They all wanted to jump it, but none of them wanted to go first. A friend of hers, Dust I think her name was, dares her to go first."
  170. >He pauses and takes a few breaths.
  171. >"Dash, my little Dashie. She's 12, of course she's going to jump it. She wants to look cool in front of her friends."
  172. >Blaze looks at you dead in the eye.
  173. >"So she goes back a bit, wanting to pick up speed so she can make it; she knew what she was doing."
  174. >You watch his eyes as they shrink and his head falls to face the ground.
  175. >"She didn't make it. Made it half way and landed on the rocks in the middle of the river. Knocks her unconscious. Her friends tried to help her; but they're 12, and have inflated opinions of themselves."
  176. >So 12 year olds.
  177. >"A few run off to get help, and Dust stays to try and get Dash. She follows her down stream, and is able to pull her out when the waters get calm"
  178. >Jesus, this kid was tough.
  179. >"Docters said it was a damn mystery that she had no permeant damage. One said she shouldn't even be in one piece, but she was; safe for a broken arm and leg, she was physically fine."
  180. >But not mentally?
  181. >"Mentally? A wreck. A few psychologists wanted to call it PTSD, but others gave it different names."
  182. >He sits up and looks over your shoulder. Not looking, but starring as he speaks.
  183. >"It was like she mentally shut off everything that involved people; friends, family, everyone. Didn't have a clue who they were. She wasn't hostile, or friendly, just neutral."
  184. >Like how she was with you earlier.
  185. >"She could walk fine, run, do whatever she could do before, her marks stayed the same, and she didn't shy away from anything. She's healed completely, but she doesn't remember anyone."
  186. "So thats why she didn't know who I was?"
  187. >He nods.
  188. >"Exactly right. I think her memories are still in her brain, but they are just being repressed by everything that happened to her that day. Some of the psychs agreed with me, and we've been working on trying to figure out how to bring them back."
  189. >Dash's has got a really sweet family.
  190. "Her friends stayed?"
  191. >You can almost hear Blaze fall to pieces as you finish the sentence.
  192. >"No, none of them stayed. They all ditched her. She's got a few friends ones, five I think. I can't remember. They don't come over often. They couldn't handle Dash I guess, she was slow to get used to people being around her again, and still doesn't love the concept of others."
  193. >Brutal, to say the least.
  194. >"That's part of the reason why I'm glad your here Anon."
  195. >Airforce guy say what?
  196. >"I want you to help Dash out; these girls she's friends with, they are good people; a little crazy, but good. Can you do that?"
  197. >Help your cousin become closer with her friends, thereby making friends for you as well?
  198. >Where do you sign up?
  199. "I'll do what I can Blaze," you say with a smile.
  200. >He smiles back, a genuine one.
  201. >"That's all I can ask Anon. Now, you get unpacked, and then head back upstairs, Firefly will come down and check on you, because I need to get to work."
  202. >He leaves as he finishes speaking.
  203. >You set to work, getting your stuff into the room and putting it away.
  204. >Clothes in the dresser, Xbox hooked up, phone in the charger and laptop ready.
  205. >You change your password, and set it up on the table.
  206. >As you finish, you see Firefly come down the stairs, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.
  207. >She may be over twenty years older then you, but damn. She has aged well.
  208. >Dat everything.
  209. >He blue hair has a bounce to it as she moves, and you must admit, its pretty cute.
  210. >"Everything going alright, Anon?"
  211. >"Yeah, everything is fine. Just finish."
  212. >Firefly nods slowly.
  213. >"Well done. Just stack your suitcases and stuff beside the wall outside your room,"
  214. >You do so, but feel her gaze upon you as you work.
  215. "Blaze told me, about Dash that is."
  216. >She laughs slightly.
  217. >"He's a tougher guy then I," she says. "I couldn't tell you."
  218. "He didn't break down."
  219. >"Like I said, tougher then I."
  220. >You finish, and stand in front of Firefly.
  221. "He asked me to help her reconnect with her friends.
  222. >Firefly gives you a grin, the kind one the is usually followed by a 'you sly dog.'
  223. >"Did he say anything about them?"
  224. "No, couldn't remember much about them aside from the fact that they're good people."
  225. >She laughs out loud. It's not bitter or hearty, more on the humour side.
  226. >"Blazey isn't home often when the girls are over. They usually have movie nights in the den. But yeah, they're good kids."
  227. "Anything you can tell me about them?
  228. >"Theres five of them, and they all get along pretty well, and they all work. Twilight is an assistant librarian at the local university, but she's in grade 12, Pinkie is another she works at a small cafe, then there is Applejack, her family has a farm, Fluttershy works part time at the local vets, and finally, Rarity is a local designer and seamstress."
  229. >Lot of names, guess you'll meet them soon.
  230. >"Sounds overwhelming but it isn't that bad. They girls are pretty unique so you'll remember them."
  231. "Any boyfriends?" you joked around with.
  232. >Firefly just raises an eye brow at you, but says nothing for a few moments.
  233. >"She crushes on Soarin of the Wonderbolts, but that's all I can think of."
  234. >You're a little surprised she told you that, but you say nothing of it.
  235. >"The girls are coming over in about half an hour to hang out from one last day before summer ends. So you'll meet them soon."
  236. >Half an hour? Didn't you get here at, like, seven?
  237. "Been down here that long?"
  238. >"It's 9:06, Anon. Didn't you read the clock?"
  239. >You look at the clock.
  240. >Firefly was most certainly right; it was 9:06
  241. >Actually, it was 9:07.
  242. "Any advice for being their friend?"
  243. >"Be yourself, these girls can smell you lying ten miles away, and thats when theirs smog."
  244. >Honest. Got it.
  245. >"And if you're being unkind purposely."
  246. >Kindness. Got it.
  247. >"And if you're being selfish."
  248. >Generous. Can do.
  249. >"Not having fun will also cause issues."
  250. >Laughter. Easy as pie.
  251. >"Something supernatural might help as well, it's easy to be lost in the crowd."
  252. >Magic. Not sure how to get that, but you get it somehow.
  253. >Anything else?
  254. >"I should go see how the cookies are doing, come upstairs when ever, alright?"
  255. "Got it, and thank you Firefly, your kindness is most appreciated."
  256. >"Psh, it'll be nice to have an adult male around," she said with a wink, before leaving you to your room.
  257. >She has to be bugging you, right?
  258. >Screw it, you have never gotten anyone to joke around with you like this.
  259. >So damnit, you'll enjoy it for what it is: fun.
  260. >Harmless. Fun.
  261. >You shake your head, and examine your room.
  262. >It's fine for now.
  263. >You leave for the staircase.
  264. >As you make it to the top stair, the door bell rings.
  265. >There be people entering. You make it to see the door as Dash opens the door.
  266. >What happens next, you think, is a blur.
  267. >Before you can get a look at the person at the door, your on your back.
  268. >The first thing you heard
  269. >"OhMyGoshYou'reSomeoneI'veNeverMetBeforeThatMeansIDon'tKnowYourNameWhatIsIt?I'mPinkiePieActuallyI'mPinkamenaDianePieButThatTakesForeverrrToSaySoEveryoneJustCallsMePinkieOrPinkiePieSoWhat'sYourName."
  270. >The second thing that happened was you saw a very beautiful pair of blue eyes.
  271. >Like, really pretty blue. Baby blue to be exact.
  272. >You're pretty sure you forgot to breath as you saw them.
  273. >The third thing was this girls hair was huge. Like she could rent this out, kind of big.
  274. >"Pinkie, please get off my cousin," Firefly said.
  275. >As Pinkie and you stood, you got a better look at the girl.
  276. >She had some pudge to her, but it looked healthy, and seemed to fit her personality.
  277. >She wore a jean skirt and had a pink shirt on it. On the tummy area was three balloons; two blue ones, that matched her eyes, and a yellow one right in the middle above the two blue ones.
  278. >You guessed this was the party girl.
  279. >"So what's your name?"
  280. "Anon," you said simply, extending your hand.
  281. >She stared at it, then just gave you a quick hug.
  282. >"Hand shakes spread germs, hugs spread happiness."
  283. >You swear you heard Louis Pasteur turn over in his grave.
  284. >"Anon, this is Pinkie Pie," Dash says, looking more alive then the last time you saw her, and dressed in a pair of sorts and a blue shirt; which had a thunderbolt of it with a cloud.
  285. "Huh, family crest, right?" you asked her
  286. >"Yeah, I liked the design so I use it as my logo when I fly."
  287. >"Silly Dashie, you can't fly, you need a plane for that!" Pinkie said, giggling a bit.
  288. >This girl, was rather cute.
  289. >"Oh, yeah, right." Dash said, looking around, her voice lose some tone to it.
  290. >"Pinkie Pie tackled someone?" a voice asked from the door.
  291. >You look up and catch the eyes of a blond girl; wearing jeans and an orange shirt with three apples on it. She's also wearing a stetson.
  292. "That's a Stetson," you noted. "Older style, and slightly European if I'm correct."
  293. >The girl looks at you and walks closer. Her eyes narrow as she gets closer to you, but you don't leave her gaze.
  294. >"Ah'm sorry, what did you say about mah hat?"
  295. "It's stetson," you say again.
  296. >"Yes it is," she replied, not taking her eyes off you.
  297. "And I asked if it was European in origin, since judging by the style it dates by over 100 years."
  298. >She looks at you deeper into your eyes, saying nothing for several moments, but it felt longer.
  299. >Much. Longer.
  300. >"Setsons an old company," she noted.
  301. "About 150 years old."
  302. >"And it isn't any 'european' company, now is it?"
  303. "No, based out of Fillydelphia," you say.
  304. >"Then wai would you ask me if it is?"
  305. >Someone is very protective of their hat.
  306. "The style reminds me of troops from an old war who wore it," you explained.
  307. >She backed off at that, but seemed skeptical.
  308. "I'm not trying to make fun of your hat, honest."
  309. >She lightened up at that, and smiled a bit.
  310. >"No harm done, Ah'm Applejack," she held out her hand.
  311. "Anon," you said, shaking her hand.
  312. >The girls said their hellos to Dash as well, who seemed content to watch everything play out.
  313. >"Yeah Anon, AJ here is really touchy about her hat," she mentioned while eating a cookie.
  314. >"It's mah favourite belonging," Applejack said, readjusting it."Best thing Ah ever won."
  315. "Local fair?"
  316. >"Bobbing for apples; I beat the champion in the age group."
  317. >That couldn't be any more country if she tried.
  318. >Still, this girl was cute; when she didn't have your back to a wall questioning you about her accessories.
  319. >"Honestly Rainbow Dash, having your mother answer the door? How unlady like?"
  320. >You turn around, and, well, you're not sure what you see.
  321. >The first thought that runs though your mind is that Dash has a lawyer.
  322. >The second though is that this girl is actually closer in age to you.
  323. >Could this be the one who works in a library at the local university?
  324. >"Hehe, sorry Rarity," Dash says with a small grin.
  325. >The girl named Rarity just rolls her eyes and sits beside you.
  326. >She glances at up and for a moment you think she is checking you out.
  327. >See anything you like?
  328. "Uh. Hello," you say.
  329. >"Hello indeed," she says with a seductive smile. "And you are?"
  330. >Not getting out of this alive.
  331. >Are all of Dash's friends out for your blood?
  332. "Anon, I'm Dash's cousin," you say extending your hand.
  333. >She takes it and shakes it, and good sweet everything is it soft.
  334. >You're scared you might break it, but she seems to be unfazed.
  335. >"Anon is staying with us for a bit, and attending school with you girls tomorrow," Firefly says while taking a cookie. "Damn I'm good."
  336. >She leaves the room, a skip in her step.
  337. >The girls commence chatting and you take a cookie, your first.
  338. >It is, you have to admit, pretty good.
  339. >You just sit there, munching away, while the girls talk.
  340. >You finally get a look at Rarity, and what she is wearing. Her hair style is one of the most intricate things you've ever seen; and you're pretty sure you see wires in it to help it stand.
  341. >She's wearing a white skirt, that reaches just past her knees and a light white blazer. The pockets on the blazer each have one baby blue diamond.
  342. >They look hand stitched in.
  343. >Damn, girl is well dressed.
  344. >"So how goes business Rarity?"
  345. >She giggles.
  346. >"I've already got orders for prom," she says with a grin.
  347. >"It doesn't hurt you model your stuff at school," Applejack notes.
  348. >Oh. She made the clothes you see her wearing.
  349. >Not only is this girl out for your blood.
  350. >But chances are she'll use your veins and arteries to make a scarf.
  351. >Joy.
  352. >"But of course darling, if I can't wear my own work, how can I expect anyone else to?"
  353. >Ethical Bunsiess Practices 101, she teaches the course.
  354. >"Besides, I like the way the fabric feels," she says, looking at you as she finishes.
  355. >Ok, now she's just messing with you.
  356. >"Uh Rarity, might wanna leave the flirting out," Applejack mentions, pointing to Dash who looks rather horrified.
  357. >Thanks, Dash. Thanks for that.
  358. "I ain't even mad," you say, shugging your shoulders.
  359. >"Of course not darling, I'm the most popular girl in school," Rarity says with a smirk.
  360. >Take what you can get, and you'll get something.
  361. >Right?
  362. >"Don't worry Nonnie, I'm sure you'll find someone," Pinkie says as she sits across from you, patting your shoulder.
  363. "Uh, what?"
  364. >The girls just stare at you.
  365. "No, seriously. You may as well hand me an eraser, because I'm drawing a blank,"
  366. >Pinkie almost falls out of her chair laughing, and the others seems to be hinding back a smirk.
  367. >Before anyone can say anything, the door bell rings.
  368. >"I bet its Twilight," Pinkie says looking at the clock.
  369. >"No, it's Fluttershy, Twai said she was gonna be late," Applejack notes.
  370. >"I guess we'll find out," Dash says as she almost glides to the door.
  371. >You hear the door open and Dash welcome them inside.
  372. >"Both right," Dash says, as she leads a girl with navy blue hair in with purple and pink stripes. She's dressed in jeans and a light purple shirt. On the shoulders, she has a pink six pointed star.
  373. >She mets your eyes a moment, and gives you a little wave.
  374. >You return it, breath taken away.
  375. "Anon," you say, extending your hand.
  376. >"Twilight Sparkle," she replies.
  377. >"He's my cousin," Dash mentions. "Oh, and Fluttershy is in the washroom."
  378. >Twilight takes a seat opposing Dash at the end of the table.
  379. >"We should move this into the den." Rarity mentions. "Since there is no room for Fluttershy."
  380. >The girls agree and as they pick up the cookies, a girl in yellow capries with a white shirt apperes.
  381. >The girl, you presume to be Fluttershy, has long pink hair an soft eyes. You meet hers for a moment and realize that they are a cyan.
  382. >She's very pretty, and you guess that she doesn't have to try very hard to do so.
  383. >You wonder if Rarity has any resentment towards the girl.
  384. "I'm Anon," you say extending your hand.
  385. >The girl extends her own and, in barely above a whisper, says her own name,
  386. >You smile back at her, if only to help her relax around you.
  387. >"She's always like that," Dash notes. "Not good around new people."
  388. >Fluttershy looks a little down trodden at this.
  389. >Generic Hero Man, activate!
  390. "We all have things that we're not good at; I'm not particularly good at baking."
  391. >Fluttershy just looks at you with a small smile.
  392. >"I could teach you," she offers.
  393. "I'd like that," you reply with a smile of your own.
  394. >You and the girls settle down and decide on a film.
  395. >It's some indi film you've never heard of, but it doesn't look that bad to be honest.
  396. >Good cast of male and female characters.
  397. >In the very least, there is something for everyone in it.
  398. >"I'll get the popcorn," Dash says. "You mind getting the sodas, Anon?"
  399. "Yeah, sure," You say, standing and following Dash into the kichen.
  400. >"I'm sorry if my friends have been a little, much," she says.
  401. "It's fine, I like you and I like them; so everything is fine."
  402. >Dash looks at you with wide eyes and a light blush.
  403. >"Really?"
  404. "Yeah. Sure Pinkie might be two right of the dial, and Applejack might have tried to beat me with just her eyes. But they're good people."
  405. >Dash just grins.
  406. >"Easy on the eyes, eh?
  407. >Shots. Fired.
  408. "I would be lying if I disagreed with you," you confess.
  409. >Dash just laughs for a few moments.
  410. >"Don't do anything yet, they're always getting male attention. Just get to know them, and have some fun with them. That'll win a heart, or five."
  411. >Rainbow Dash, just evolved into Rainbro Dash!
  412. “What about you?”
  413. >”What do you mean?”
  414. >”Don't you get any attention?”
  415. >Dash says nothing, but looks at the popcorn; a part of you thinks she wants to start eating it.
  416. >”I'm not that kind of person.”
  417. “What kind of person are you?”
  418. >She glances at you; with no readable expression.
  419. >”Not that kind,” she says walking out of the kitchen.
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