
What's in a heart (Cady x Anon)

May 27th, 2015
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  1. >You are Anon and you hate rainy days.
  2. >They reminded you of the adoption shelter you lived in as a kid.
  3. >The roofs would leak and and the hole filled walls did fuck all to stop the blistering wind.
  4. >The only warmth you had was huddling up to the few friends you made.
  5. >Even next to the fireplace, the warmth was no match.
  6. >While the other pony's praised the fire like it was the sun, you helped get firewood.
  7. >It wasn't all bad you remember a small orange pegasus with purple hair you grew fond of.
  8. >She was always fun to hang out with, particularly when she brought the other two ponies.
  9. >You can't recall their names.
  10. >You chuckled to your self a little too loudly and got some strange looks.
  11. >The looks never bothered you though, you were use to them being the only human in equestria.
  12. >They were always staring daggers at you as if you were some monster.
  13. >Like you were some bomb ready to explode
  14. >The looks never bothered you though, you were used to them being the only human in equestria.
  15. >You pick up the pace to your crappy little apartment in the run down part of manehattan.
  16. >The apartment itself wasn't that shitty but your landlord was an asshole, and you lacked the wherewithal to clean the place up.
  19. >You made sure you never had change on you due to the fact you lived by what you referred to as beggars boulevard.
  20. >It was a segment of the sidewalk where all the homeless ponies begged.
  21. >Its not that you wouldn't love to help.
  22. >You've been in their shoes but you barely made it with the money you earn and couldn't spare the change if you tried.
  23. >You almost made it through them all.
  24. >Dodging around the donation cups and the stubborn ones, But there at the end.
  25. >There was someone new, a unfamiliar mare facing away from the street.
  26. >You could only see a glimpse of her face.
  27. >She seemed too pretty to be homeless.
  28. >But she was definitely dirty enough.
  29. >Between the clumps of mud you could make out these beautiful strands of of purple, pink and..
  30. >What color even is that, its looks white but also tan or is it yellow..pale gold maybe.
  31. >She seemed disinterested in begging.
  32. >She didn't seem above it, just like it would abdicate her of her pride.
  33. >Must be new to being homeless.
  34. >The hunger eventually gets to you.
  35. >It eats away at you till you'd do anything for money.
  36. >What are you gonna do Anon leave this pretty mare out here with these broken stallions with no shame and nothing to lose.
  37. >Or give her somewhere warm to get back on her feet.
  38. >How would you do that you can barely support yourself.
  39. >better give it a shot
  41. >Your thoughts are interrupted by a sweet but soft spoken voice
  42. >"Umm.. excuse me mister b-but could you spare me s-so-some.."
  43. >Her voice trailed off as she stared back at her wall with sadness in her eyes.
  44. >Fuck man, you always thought of yourself as a tough guy.
  45. >But seeing a mare in a shit situation like this broke your heart
  46. "I'm really sorry but I don't have any money...I really am sorry."
  47. >"Oh..That's ok sir... s-sorry for wasting your time."
  48. >If she wasn't sad earlier she was closed to bawling now.
  49. >A few tears escaped her watery eyes as she walked shamefully back to her spot.
  50. >It felt like someone tore your heart in two.
  51. "Look I don't have much but i have a warm place just two buildings down."
  52. >Anon what are you doing you can’t support another body.
  53. >Hell you couldn't support a hamster if you wanted to.
  54. "If you don't want to stay, you could at least come with me till the rain stops."
  55. "Does that sound good?"
  56. >She nods her head and almost stumbles over.
  57. >You continue the walk to your house in silence as she quietly cries tears of joy.
  58. >You didn't mind, you liked the quiet.
  60. >You are Cadenza Mi Amore alicorn princess of love
  61. >Or you use to be.
  62. >You left that all behind after what your husband did to you.
  63. >The thought of it made your bruises ache and was too much to bear.
  64. >He was so peaceful before.
  65. >Now he was a....
  66. >You don’t know what to call him.
  67. >It was probably your fault, it had to have been.
  68. >Your growling stomach clears your head.
  69. >You hadn't eaten in a week.
  70. >The alley you lived in wasn't the best but at least you had some kind of shelter.
  71. >It was begging time since all the other homeless ponies went to the sidewalk with their cups and dishes
  72. >A practice you still hadn't yet mastered.
  73. >You were a princess dammit.
  74. >The word ‘were’ rings in your head
  75. >A weird creature that stood on two legs walked down the walkway you were on.
  76. >He passes everyone but you.
  77. >You're terrified as the strange creature looks you up and down.
  78. "Umm.. excuse me mister b-but could you spare me s-so-some..
  79. >You hated doing this but you needed to live.
  80. >Speak Cadence Speak!
  81. >"I'm really sorry but I don't have any money...I really am sorry."
  82. >Figures, no one in this town does.
  83. >The corners of your eyes start to burn and you feel a lump in your throat
  84. >You apologize for wasting his time
  85. >But then something miraculous happens.
  86. >He offers a place to at least dry off.
  87. >You accept the only act generosity you've been offered in a while.
  90. >You are Anon again
  91. >You fumble around in your raincoat for your keys.
  92. >Damn coat is too big but it was cheap.
  93. >You finally unlock the door and turn on the lights.
  94. "Sorry about the mess I don't exactly get visitors"
  95. >"Oh no it's fine. Who would I be to judge."
  96. >she looked a little sad at that remark but you decide to let it pass.
  97. "So what would you like first a shower or some food"
  98. >You could see her ears perk up at the mention of food.
  99. "Guess that answers that. Go ahead and sit anywhere I don't exactly have an eating area"
  100. >She sits on the couch without a word.
  101. >You like the peace and quiet but this is just awkward.
  102. >A few minutes of silence pass.
  103. >Alright Anon time to break the silence.
  104. "You got a name sweetheart?"
  105. >She shifts around before responding.
  106. >"You can..You can call me Cady."
  107. "That's a pretty name."
  108. >You mull the name over in your head
  109. >Cady
  110. > It really was a nice name.
  111. "Your food is done by the way."
  112. >She gets up and somberly walks over to the table.
  113. >You notice a small limp to her gait.
  114. >Better to not press the issue, everyone's got scars they don't want to reopen.
  116. >"What did you make mister...?"
  117. "Anon, but I'm no master chef so this is what I got."
  118. >You place down two plates of pancakes each stacked about four flapjacks high.
  119. >She seemed to inhale them they were gone so quick.
  120. >You weren't about to tell her to slow down. You used to do the same thing.
  121. "So it was that good huh? Maybe I am the next Bobby Filléy."
  122. >A little chuckle escapes and you get one in return.
  123. "Nice to see you're feeling better, would you like a shower."
  124. >She looks up and and you get a good look at those beautiful purple eyes.
  125. >You could get lost in those big eyes of hers.
  126. >They looked like they longed for love and carried their fair share of hurt.
  127. >"Yes please, Mr.Anon."
  128. "The shower is just down the hall, first door on the left."
  129. "Also just call me Anon I never cared for being called mister."
  130. >She heads off down the hall her limp almost giving you pain.
  131. "Hey mind if i take your jacket it looks like it needs to be washed.
  132. >"NO! but let me get in the bathroom first, I'll put it outside the door."
  134. >You are Cadence.
  135. >And you almost blew your cover.
  136. >You take off your hoodie and observe you bruises and scars.
  137. >the ones around your ribs hurt the most.
  138. >You poke at one of the bruises and almost scream in pain but you hold it in.
  139. >The feathers on your wings are tattered and torn like they were caught in a tornado
  140. >Needless to say you weren't flying anytime soon.
  141. >It almost killed you to put weight on your back left leg.
  142. >You looked at the broken former princess in front of you and you were disgusted.
  143. >You hated your own pitiful reflection, look at you.
  144. >Once a beautiful princess in a land of love.
  145. >Now a lowly beggar taking a shower in a nice strangers house.
  146. >Oh, how far you've fallen.
  147. >You entered the warm shower and the tears fell but were lost among the warm stress melting torrent.
  148. >You finished your shower as quickly as your tender hide would let you.
  149. >You peaked out of the shower door to see Anon relaxing on the couch with your hoodie cleaned and folded.
  150. "Um, Anon excuse me, but could you toss me my hoodie."
  151. >Anon gets up and tosses it to you.
  152. >You quickly slip it on and move to the couch next to Anon.
  153. >He really is a great guy. He did take you in without a second thought.
  154. >He reminded you of your husband before he was a bastard.
  155. >you wince at the thought of him.
  157. >You are Anon
  158. >And you're sitting a foot away from a beautiful mare you know nothing about.
  159. >You didn't want to pry, you knew from experience that was the last thing a homeless person wants.
  160. >Cadence was the first to break the silence
  161. >"You're probably wondering why I'm out on the streets aren't you?"
  162. "Cady look you don't have to.."
  163. >" took me in you should at least know why I was out there."
  164. >I won't tell you the whole story but..."
  165. >She trailed off again. Tears lined up to fall just waiting for that little push of emotion.
  166. >"I'm...running from my husband."
  167. >Her sentences were cut up into segments, like she was forcing herself to not cry.
  168. >"He used to be so nice and peaceful and then suddenly he..he just."
  169. >And there it was, the little push she needed to let her little emotional storm cloud pour.
  170. >You did the only thing you knew how to do.
  171. >You pulled her fragile frame against you.
  172. >And you held her till the reservoir of tears ran empty.
  173. >When it was all over you didn't care about the stains on your shirt, you only care about the sleeping, hurt mare in your arms.
  174. >You pick her up noticing she squirmed as if in pain if you touched anywhere on her ribs.
  175. >And lay her on a pile of blankets whilst you pull out the bed in the couch.
  176. >You swear to Celestia you have no idea how anything short of celestia's magic itself could open that damned bed.
  177. >It finally comes out after fifteen minutes of sweat and silent cursing.
  178. >You pick up the sleeping mare and gently place her down on the only bed you own. Careful to not touch around her ribcage
  179. >You cover her in your softest blanket and leave for the other room.
  180. >Sleeping on the floor was your only option.
  181. >Not that you minded the floor you slept on it for most of your adolescent life.
  182. >And if you were lucky you would have some sweet dreams about your time at the orphanage.
  183. >Or any dreams at all
  185. >You wake up the next morning and you notice two things.
  186. >1.Your only good T-shirt is stained all to hell.
  187. >2.There are pancakes being made in your house.
  188. >Number two isn't that bad except you live alone.
  189. >You get up and head to the kitchen to see the story behind the heavenly smell that permeated in the air.
  190. >"Good morning Anon."
  191. >Oh yeah you pulled in a homeless unicorn last night.
  192. "Good morning Cady."
  193. "You didn't have to make breakfast I could have done it."
  194. >No Anon it's ok consider this my thank you before I....leave"
  195. >There goes the delicious pancake that was in your mouth.
  196. "Leaving, im sorry but why?"
  197. >"I feel I overstayed my welcome."
  198. "How do you figure that?"
  199. >You put a firm tone to your voice not realizing it.
  200. >"I figured that when I made you sleep on the floor, I apologize for that and I don't want to disturb you any farther."
  201. >She gets up and limps toward the door.
  203. >Something in you breaks and you feel something you haven't felt in a awhile.
  204. >It's almost a sense of abandonment.
  205. >It's something you haven't felt since your orphanage days.
  206. >As soon as you got close with any of them they were ripped away from you.
  207. >You were the last one at the orphanage no pony even considered you.
  208. >What is your major malfunction Anon.
  209. >Why the sudden explosion of emotion over a mare you barely knew.
  210. >But being alone.
  211. >It was a hell that ate away at you.
  212. >A hell that made it difficult to look at yourself in the mirror.
  213. >It made you WANT to disappear, become a relic of the past you wanted to forget.
  214. >When you're alone and unwanted, a darkness takes over you and makes you hate not just yourself but everyone around you.
  215. >You become someone else.
  216. >Something in you choked up.
  217. >You don't know what possessed you.
  218. "Cady..please."
  219. >What is this sudden urge of emotion.
  220. >You've only known her for 8 hours.
  221. >And you've never felt closer to anyone.
  222. "Cady, you can stay as long as you want."
  223. >"But Anon you can barely support yourself. How do you expect to care for you and me?"
  224. >"I would just be a burden to I was to him."
  225. >Guess you were both a little more broken than you thought huh?
  226. "Cady just stay please, plus with your injuries more ponies in this town would take advantage of you rather than help you."
  227. >She closes the door and faces you.
  228. >"Fine but only till my injuries heal I don't want to stay longer than I'm welcome."
  229. >Anon what did you just do, you can barely support yourself and now you have a fully grown mare to take care of too.
  230. >You didn't care, all that mattered was she was safe with you and not taking her chances with the shady characters of this town.
  232. >It's been two weeks since you practically begged Cady to stay.
  233. >And in those two weeks you had more fun than you've had in your entire life.
  234. >You both were giggling like school fillies.
  235. >"Anon stop it."
  236. >She was reaching for her ribs and flinched in pain.
  237. "Oh, sorry Cady! Are you ok, should we go to the hospital?"
  238. >You ask with sincere concern.
  239. >"NO! No hospitals please."
  240. >You were worried about her.
  241. "Cady, we have to do something about those ribs."
  242. >"I'll be fine, I just could something to ease the pain."
  243. "They don't exactly sell vicodin over the counter around here."
  244. >"Then what am i supposed to do? I-I don't like hospitals..."
  245. >You didn't buy it.
  246. >If it was true, it had to be a pathological fear of doctors or something.
  247. "Alright, if you don't want to go to the hospital then there's only one option."
  248. >You get off the couch and grab a warm jacket.
  249. >"Anon, what are you-"
  250. "I'll be back soon don't open the door for anyone no matter who they say they are."
  251. >"Ok."
  252. >She breathed as she closed her eyes.
  253. >On that note you head out to see an old friend.
  254. >Some pony you wished you would never see again.
  255. >Your old dealer, his name was Crooked Smiles.
  256. >He had the ability to get everything you could possibly want.
  257. >He and you used to be close friends till you kicked your habit.
  258. >You never did the hard stuff, the crap that got you addicted in one sniff, puff or needle.
  259. >That wasn't you.
  261. >You head down an alleyway about two and a half blocks from your house.
  262. >It was Crook's territory and his usual sell spot.
  263. >He had a password he always used to know there was no cops.
  264. >Thankfully you remember it after all these years.
  265. "I sure wish the pharmacy was cheaper."
  266. >As expected, the ash grey unicorn pops up.
  267. >Ragged hair, a black beanie with a hole crudely cut out for a horn and a coat with a fur filled hood.
  268. >His eyes were sharp but dead, he was the same as always.
  269. >"Well well well, look who came crawling back."
  270. >He was circling you now, looking you up and down.
  271. >"You hear for the real stuff or are ya here for more of that pussy shit."
  272. "Crook just give me what I used to get and i'll be out of your hair."
  273. >"Oh Anon you think it's that simple."
  274. "I'm not here for your games, just give me the damned painkillers so i can leave."
  275. >"You see Anon.. You were my main customer and you leaving, left me in some, financial troubles."
  276. >You feel two presences enter the alley behind you.
  277. "I didn't come here looking for trouble."
  278. >"Yeah, maybe not."
  279. >One of the presences behind you says.
  280. >The other one speaks up too.
  281. >"But it sure as hell found you."
  283. >Crooked pulls out a switchblade with his magic.
  284. "Why are you doing this? We used to be bros."
  285. >"Used to be is the right way to say it."
  286. >A flash of silver passes your face and you feel a warm sensation on your cheek.
  287. >You move a hand up to your face and look at your hand.
  288. >blood.
  289. >"Your life ends here Anon. sorry it has to be like this. Bro."
  290. >The way he said bro so mockingly set you off.
  291. >you weren't normally violent but you had your limits.
  292. >And unfortunately for him death threats were one of them.
  293. >You lunge hands first for the raggedy unicorn, catching his throat.
  294. >A sharp pain buzzes in your shoulder.
  295. >He actually stabbed you.
  296. >The fucker actually stabbed you.
  297. >You grip tighter around his throat watching life leave him.
  298. >This warrants the other two unicorns to join in.
  299. >One short, fat and grey.
  300. >The other tall, lankey and orange.
  301. >While the grey one comes at you with a baseball bat, the other just his bare hooves.
  302. >There was a reason you didn't fight.
  303. >You learned pretty quick that you were stronger than them.
  304. >All it took was a grade school fight, and you accidentally sending some colt to the hospital.
  305. >After that you secluded yourself from the other colts and fillies.
  306. >You vowed to never let that side of you out again.
  307. >Because the truth was you loved to fight.
  308. >Almost nothing felt better.
  310. >The grey one swings yelling as loud as he can like he's trying to intimidate you.
  311. >You catch the bat but not without something in your hand cracking first.
  312. >You don't feel it though, you're too busy enjoying the rush of adrenaline.
  313. >The bat rips out of the magical aura with ease.
  314. >You savor the look in his eyes before being interrupted by the other one.
  315. >You bring the baseball bat down hard on his back leaving him in too much pain to continue.
  316. >You turn back to the grey one trying to sneak away and pull the knife out of your shoulder.
  317. "Where are you going fatty."
  318. >He tries to run but you catch him by his bobbed tail.
  319. >Sobbing now fearing for his life.
  320. >You go to pull him by his tail toward you but are stopped by a familiar voice.
  321. >"ANON!What are you doing?!"
  322. >The anger flows out of you quicker than it filled you.
  323. >You let go of the stallion’s tail and look up to see a pink mare in a hoodie.
  324. "Cady, i can explain.
  326. >"Go ahead I'm waiting."
  327. >She had a sternness to her voice.
  328. "I came here to get painkillers from my old dealer and he wasn't to happy with me quitting my old addiction."
  329. "I unintentionally made him lose profit and he wanted to kill me."
  330. "Go ahead and say it."
  331. >"Say what?"
  332. "Go ahead call me a monster, run away and scream... Just like they all did back at the shelter."
  333. >You choke up again and stare at the floor
  334. >"Anon I.."
  335. >You get up and rummage through Crooked's jacket and secure a small bottle painkillers.
  336. >You roll them to Cady and start to head back home.
  337. >To your surprise she follows you.
  338. "Why?"
  339. >"Why what?"
  340. "Why are you following me? You saw what I did. You're not scared?"
  341. >"While I may not want to approve of what you did...I can't believe you risked yourself for me and I don't know how to return the favor"
  342. "You can start be getting better with the help of those."
  343. >you point to the pocket she put the bottle in.
  344. >"Your hurt pretty bad too, Anon don't you think you should take some of these."
  345. "No..not again..never again."
  346. >When you finally get home you open the door and head straight for the shower.
  347. >As the adrenaline wears off the pain is almost unbearable but you grin and bear it.
  348. >Anything to keep that pretty mare smiling.
  350. >You finish up the shower and dress your wounds with gauze.
  351. >You begin to retire to bed or floor rather but you're stopped.
  352. >"No Anon you take the bed tonight I can survive a night on the floor."
  353. "It's fine I'll be..."
  354. >She pushes you backwards onto the bed.
  355. >"Anon just sleep on the bed I'll be fine i promise."
  356. >You would argue but everything hurt to much too even try.
  357. >You had possibly the best sleep you've ever had that night.
  358. >You even had a dream.
  359. >It was nothing special but you enjoyed every minute of it.
  361. >The next morning isn't as sweet as your dream.
  362. >You have almost no function in your right arm without extreme pain.
  363. >Even moving your fingers causes an inferno of pain to race up your arm.
  364. >"Good morning Anon."
  365. "Hey Cady. What day is it."
  366. >"Monday. Why?"
  367. "No no no, I have work today."
  368. "How am I supposed to work in this condition?"
  369. >"Calm down Anon, I'm sure you could call off if they saw your condition."
  370. "I don't have a phone so we'll have to walk down there."
  371. >She seemed nervous at the thought of leaving the house.
  372. "You can stay here if you want it's not that far anyway."
  373. >You grab the essentials, a coat, the keys, a warm hat and head out.
  374. >The newspaper printing press you worked at was only a mile away.
  375. >You normally could walk that in your sleep but your condition and the cold weather made it like climbing a mountain.
  376. >The walk took you 30 minutes longer than normal.
  377. >You walk up to the secretary.
  378. "Hey Ticket, is the boss in."
  379. >The short, slender mare looks up from her papers.
  380. >"Anonymous, are you ok? You look terrible."
  381. >Cute girl but she doesn't have a filter on her words.
  382. "Yeah I'm fine, but is the boss here?"
  383. >"Yes he's in his office."
  384. "Alright thanks."
  385. >You head towards the only pony you've ever hated.
  387. >You knock on a huge mahogany door with the name Quick Bits emblazoned on it in gold.
  388. >"Yes come in."
  389. >You open the door and are met with a cloud of cigar smoke.
  390. >In front of you sits a short, fat, tan colored stallion with a buzzed mane.
  391. >"You're late to work again Anonymous, I told you what would happen if you were late again."
  392. >The only things that stopped you from jumping over that table was your current condition and you needed the money.
  393. "Sir, I came to request the week off."
  394. >"For what reason?"
  395. >You take a deep breath trying to not knock him out with your good arm.
  396. "I was attacked in an alley sir. Can you not see my injuries?"
  397. >"Well whose fault is it for being in an alley in this part of town anyway?"
  398. >Your blood was boiling now.
  399. "Look here you.."
  400. >"No anonymous you look, I keep giving you chances and you always have excuses."
  401. >"Oh look at me I can't come in I'm sick, somepony broke into my house, I haven't eaten so I don't have the strength to work."
  402. >You were pissed.
  403. >You slam your good fist into the table.
  404. "You look here you piece of shit I've worked here for 8 years!"
  405. "I have came in here and worked while on death’s doorstep, I have even stayed through two pay cuts so you could buy that stupid ass wooden door!"
  406. "So just give me one week, one week to heal and I'll be back here working two times harder than I ever have."
  407. >He looks at you with his cold apathetic black eyes.
  408. >He puts out his cigar and puts his hooves together.
  409. >"Alright Anonymous you can have the week off."
  410. "Thank you."
  411. >"In fact you can have forever off, because you're fired."
  412. >Your heart drops.
  413. >You stand up and head for the door.
  415. >Even with your injuries the door comes off the hinges pretty easily.
  416. >You leave with your head in shame but not without swiping a newspaper first.
  417. >Cady is asleep on the couch when you return.
  418. >You huddle up to the heater in the corner trying to process everything that’s happened.
  419. >In three weeks you have had the best and and worst time of your life.
  420. >You decide to open the newspaper to take your mind off things.
  421. >The opening headline "Princess Of Crystal Kingdom Still Missing."
  422. >You skim over the story wondering how you lose a princess.
  423. >You get to the end and see a reward of six hundred thousand bits for any information leading to her rescue.
  424. >If only you could be so lucky.
  425. >A sudden noise snaps you out of your thoughts.
  426. >You look up and just see Cady moving around in her sleep.
  427. >You look back to your paper and see a picture of the princess.
  428. >That's interesting she looks alot like....
  430. >No, that's not possible.
  431. >There's no way.
  432. >But you have to be sure.
  433. >You slowly walk over to the peacefully sleeping mare.
  434. >You have to be sure, You can't have any doubts in your mind.
  435. >Your hand gently lifts the bottom of her jacket making sure you don't wake her.
  436. >Under her jacket is a mangled mess of feathers that must have once resembled wings.
  437. >What happened to her?
  438. >You remember what she said about her husband.
  439. >Was she lying?
  440. >No, she couldn't have been. you could see the pain in her lavender eyes.
  441. >You decide not to wake her, this was an issue you needed to address but it can wait.
  442. >A 30 minute walk later you come back to the house to see Cady looking through your bookshelf.
  443. >She looks back at you with a smile you could look at forever.
  444. >You could get lost in her gentle smile.
  445. >"Hello Anon, how did the talk with your boss go?"
  446. "I got fired."
  447. >You head to the fridge and look for anything to eat.
  448. >"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. what are you gonna do now?"
  449. "Don't know."
  450. >You hold back the venom in your voice.
  451. "Have you heard about that runaway princess?"
  453. >You caught her off guard.
  454. >"Uuh n-n-no I hadn't."
  455. "Yeah she was very pretty, she reminded me a lot of you."
  456. >""
  457. "Look Cady if there's anything you want to tell me."
  458. >"No there's not anything I would.."
  459. >You turn around to face her.
  460. "Cut it Cadence, I know who you are don't try to pull any shit with me."
  461. >You started walking toward her as she backed away.
  462. "You've caused me a lot of trouble."
  463. >She was up against the wall now.
  464. "So give me one reason not to drag you down to the police office and claim that reward."
  465. >She was curled up against the wall with you standing over her.
  466. >"I-I can't if that's...if that’s what you wish...then fine turn me in.
  467. "Before I do, take off the hoodie."
  468. >She reluctantly removes the dark colored hoodie and looks away from you.
  469. >You finally get to see the scars and bruises along her chest and down her sides.
  470. >Her wings are crooked and the feathers look like she was attacked with shears.
  471. >How could anypony do this?
  472. >Why would anypony do this?
  473. >You decide in that moment she was worth more to you than any reward.
  474. >You put a hand under her chin and move her face back toward yours.
  475. >You wipe the tears out of her eyes and choke back your own.
  476. "Cady what happened to you?"
  478. >"I've already told you, my husband."
  479. >The tears start back up from both of you this time.
  480. "Why?"
  481. >"I wish I could tell you, I wish I knew."
  482. >She was full on crying now and your tears matched hers.
  483. "You can put your jacket back on, I'm not letting any pony get their hooves on you if that’s what you have to go back to."
  484. >"Really? Thank you Anon thank you, thank you, thank you."
  485. >In seconds she was over top of you with her forelegs around your back.
  486. >You wrap your arms around her.
  487. >Her heart beat was a sweet melody you never wanted to leave your ears.
  488. >She was so beautiful, you never wanted your embrace to end.
  489. >She lets go of you and stares into your eyes
  490. >You stared back into hers.
  491. >And what happens next is a moment you never thought you were worth to experience.
  492. >She planted her lips on yours.
  493. >The moment lasted for only a few second but it felt like an eternity.
  494. >An eternity you never wanted to end but, you had bigger problems to deal with.
  498. >There's a knock at the door interrupting your few minutes of heaven.
  499. >You get up and look through the view hole in the door.
  500. >Shit, two royal guards.
  501. >You motion Cady to move to the next room.
  502. >You open the door.
  503. "Hello gentlecolts, is there something I can help you with?"
  504. >The taller of the two moves forward.
  505. >"Yes, we have received reports of a mare living here that fits the description of the princess."
  506. "Wait, you two think the princess is here?"
  507. "Why would she come to the worst part of Manehattan and live with a dirt poor human."
  508. >You knew the last part was true but damn it hurt to say out loud.
  509. >"I know it's a little far fetched, but as the royal guard of the Crystal Empire we must check all leads."
  510. >The smaller one steps forward.
  511. >"Look, just humor us and let us poke around."
  512. >"And don't worry we'll only look for the princess anything else will be dismissed."
  513. "Can't you guys just trust me when I say there’s no princess?"
  514. "There's barely enough room for me in this house, you honest think i could fit an adult mare in here too."
  515. >"Sir just let us in."
  516. "Why I've already told you there's no room in this house for her."
  517. >"Step aside or we'll use force."
  518. >They're slightly bigger than most stallions but you figure you could take them if you had too.
  519. >"One last chance to move or we'll move you."
  520. >Dammit you can't stall them anymore.
  521. >Like an idiot you throw the first punch.
  522. >The smaller one drops like a sack of rocks.
  523. >The larger on knock you flat on your ass.
  524. >"You just had to do this the hard way"
  525. >You look back to see Cady peeking out from the corner.
  526. >There's only one thing left to do.
  527. "CADY RUN!"
  529. >She takes off toward the door.
  530. >The stallion on top of you stomps down hard.
  531. >You lose your breath and your vision darkens.
  532. >The last thing you see is her being tackled to the ground before your vision completely leaves you.
  533. >From the hazy black you hear a voice crying out.
  534. >"Anon why, why didn't you save me?"
  535. >Your eyes open to see Cadence.
  536. >But something's wrong.
  537. >She has deep gashes around her neck and chest.
  538. >"I trusted you and failed me."
  539. >Your mouth was open but no words would come out.
  540. >"You let me suffer Anon."
  541. >No, no it wasn't true.
  542. >You did everything you could for her.
  543. >You tried harder to help her than you've ever tried to help yourself.
  544. >"Now I'm going to show you the pain I've been through because of you.
  545. >She was walking toward you with a knife.
  546. >You tried to run but you were strapped down and unable to scream.
  547. >The knife was coming straight for you and all you could do was count down the seconds.
  548. >Five
  549. >Four
  550. >Three
  551. >Two
  552. >One
  554. >You spring awake.
  555. >Your ribs were killing you and she was gone.
  556. >In and out of your life just like that.
  557. >You get up and look for you wallet.
  558. >You grab a few bits and head to the local market.
  559. >Normally long walks were nice.
  560. >They cleared your head but not this time.
  561. >You head to the back of the store and grab a pack of cigarettes.
  562. >You quit these things long ago but you needed something, anything to take off the edge.
  563. >When you get home you light your cigarette and sit in the same spot the guard the guard pinned you on earlier.
  564. >You didn't move, you didn't think.
  565. >Both hurt to much to try.
  566. >So you sat.
  567. >You sat there till the cigarette was nothing more than a butt and the morning sun came through your windows.
  568. >There's a knock at the door.
  569. >Great they probably came back for you.
  570. >You get up and head to the door anyway.
  571. >You look down to see you landlord.
  572. >"Where's the rent Anon?"
  573. >You flick the cigarette butt off into the distance behind him.
  574. "Don't have it."
  575. >"What do you mean don't have it?
  577. >"I've told you again and again what would happen if you didn't have your rent."
  578. "Yeah I don't care I've already lost everything, my job and the only pony that treated me like I'm one of you."
  579. "So go ahead do your worst it's not like anypony will miss me when I'm gone."
  580. >"Damn right they won't."
  581. >Not the right thing to say to you right now.
  582. >You grab his mane and bring him up to eye level.
  583. "You don't know when to quit do you, haven't you heard of the saying don't mess with a pony who has nothing to lose."
  584. >You can see the fear on his face.
  585. >"O-ok y-you can have a few more days."
  586. >You let him go, he drops to the floor faster than his hooves can catch him.
  587. >You slam the door shut and return to your spot.
  588. >As you're sitting there letting your universe crash around you, you get an idea.
  589. >Maybe you could get help in your home town.
  590. >You grab a jacket, a few bits and head for the train station.
  591. >The walk there let you think.
  592. >Why go through all this trouble?
  593. >Is it for love?
  594. >Or the want to be important for once in your life?
  595. >Was this for her or you?
  596. >So many questions but like all great mysteries there was no answer.
  597. >Only time would erode the answers hidden in the maze you call a brain.
  598. >You arrive in time for the last train.
  599. >You take a deep breath and buy a ticket.
  600. >A ticket back to your hometown ponyville.
  602. >The train ride was quiet.
  603. >You were the only one in the train car.
  604. >The train ride is 12 hours so you decide to get a good nap.
  606. >No dreams as usual.
  607. >Good to know something in your life is static.
  608. >The screeching of the brakes pulls you out of your slumber.
  609. >The doors open and flood you with memories.
  610. >You drink in the busy ponies around you.
  611. >It's funny to see everypony so grown up.
  612. >You head to the only food spot you remember.
  613. >Sugar cube corner.
  614. >You wonder if that cute but annoying pink mare worked there still.
  615. >"ANONYMOUS!"
  616. >Thats weird you didn't think anyone remembered you.
  617. >The pink blob removing you from your chair snaps you out of any thoughts you were having.
  618. >Ow.
  619. >Your vision returns from the blurry mess it was after hitting your head
  620. >Standing above you is a pretty pink mare with a mess of a mane.
  621. "Pinkie!"
  622. >"Hey Nonnie how have you been?
  623. >Huh, she really mellowed out in the 8 years you were gone.
  624. >By now she would have talked both of your ears off.
  625. "I've seen better days."
  626. >You stand up dusting yourself off.
  627. >"I'm sorry to hear that Anon, but what brings you back to ponyville?"
  628. "I need some help."
  629. >"Help with what?"
  630. "I don't think we should talk about it out here."
  631. >"Okie dokie lokie, We can head upstairs.
  632. "That would be nice."
  633. >The two of you head upstairs to pinkie's bedroom.
  634. >Never been in a girls room before.
  635. >You for some reason feel nervous but pass over the thought.
  636. >"So what did you want to talk about."
  637. "I um.. how do i put this."
  638. "I don't think you'll believe me but... when princess Cadence ran away, she ran to Manehattan."
  639. "She was outside begging by my house and I couldn't stand to see a mare so down on her luck so I invited her in."
  640. "She was all battered and bruised, and when I asked her what happened she said her husband did it."
  641. "I took care of her for a few weeks and lost my job."
  642. "Then yesterday two royal guards came to my house looking for her, I told her to hide till they left."
  643. "They decided to force their way in and take her by force, I was knocked out and she was dragged away yelling for me to save her."
  645. >The pink mare sat there digesting everything that was said.
  646. >"You promise you're telling the truth."
  647. "Pinkie promise."
  648. >Okie dokie lokie, lets go see Twilight.
  649. >She got up and practically dragged you to the giant castle in the middle of town.
  650. "Wait we're going in there?"
  651. >"Yes silly billy, where else would we go to see princess Twilight."
  652. >The giant doors open and Pinkie takes a seat on a throne next to six near identical ones.
  653. >Each one with a marking on top, Pinkie's matched her cutie mark so you imagined the rest did too.
  654. >She yells down a corridor marked with the word research.
  655. >Even after all these years she can't sit still.
  656. >After a few minutes a purple mare similar to Cadence appears.
  657. >Wings and a horn must mean royalty.
  658. >You stash that nugget of info for later use.
  659. >TS: "Pinkie you know I'm doing important research what could you possibly need?"
  660. >PP: "Anon has some important information that you should hear."
  661. >You bow to not be rude in the face of royalty.
  662. >TS: "Mr.Anon was it, you don't need to bow we're all friends in here."
  663. >TS: "Now what's this important info you have."
  664. >You tell her everything from beginning to end.
  665. >TS: "That's impossible, my brother wouldn't hurt her, and plus she would have come to me first if anything was happening."
  666. >TS: "Pinkie is this some sort of prank because I don't find this humorous."
  667. >PP: "No twilight I would never."
  669. >TS: "Excuse me Mr.Anon but I think you should leave. I Don't know what you're trying to pull but my brother and sister in law love each other more than anypony else."
  670. "With all do respect princess if you don't believe me fine but I have risked life, limb, and my own job for her."
  671. "So just humor me and check in on her, and if you still don't believe me, I'll rescue her my damned self."
  672. >She stares into you with her piercing purple eyes.
  673. >TS: "You have wasted my time and patience, Spike see him out.
  674. >A purple and green dragon about your size walks out from a hallway.
  675. "Yeah, yeah I get it I'm leaving."
  676. >You leave the castle cursing her under your breath.
  677. >What now the only hope you had of help just escorted you out of her castle.
  678. >This wasn't a job you could face alone.
  679. >"Anon,"
  680. >You turn around to the pink mare behind you.
  681. "Hey Pinkie."
  682. >You give a loud sigh.
  683. "What's up."
  684. >"Anon, sorry about twilight."
  685. "It's fine."
  686. >It wasn't, that pretty mare you promised to save was hundreds of miles away.
  687. >And there's nothing you could do.
  688. >The tears started back up.
  689. >You didn't care who saw.
  690. >No way to save her.
  691. >You are utterly powerless without help.
  692. >Pinkie wrapped her hooves around you.
  693. >That only made the tears come harder.
  694. >Why, Why didn't you think this through.
  695. >What visions of grandeur let you think you could save her.
  696. >Pinkie pulls you out of the hug.
  697. >"Don't worry about her Anon, she can be a bit hard headed."
  698. >"If it makes you feel any better I believe you."
  699. >She wipes the tears out of your eyes.
  700. "Wait you do?"
  701. >"Well of course silly billy, no one would get this worked up over a lie."
  702. "Thanks Pinkie for everything."
  703. "From all the smiles you brought me at the shelter, to you telling me to keep my head up when I left Ponyville."
  704. >She giggles her signature giggle.
  705. >"No problem Anon, It's what I do."
  706. >You give her one more hug and stand up.
  707. >"Where are you going Anon?"
  708. "To find away to save my damsel in distress."
  710. >You are Cadence.
  711. >And you could only pray he does kill you.
  712. >You think back to your few weeks with Anon.
  713. >He was so kind when no one else was.
  714. >He reminded you of how Shining once was.
  715. >And now he was probably gonna pay for your mistake.
  716. >You force back the tears.
  717. >You can't cry not now.
  718. >Anon wouldn't have let you cry.
  719. >He would've keep your chin up.
  720. >So you look up with a smile not for yourself but for him.
  721. >The crystal tower you once called home now loomed over your chariot, eclipsing the sun.
  722. >The chariot pulls into the loading bay and stops.
  723. >The door creaks open to him.
  724. >The reason you left in the first place.
  725. >Shining Armor.
  726. >"Hello love."
  728. >You keep your eyes off of him awaiting your punishment.
  729. >"So how was your...little vacation?"
  730. >You stay quiet, careful not to anger him.
  731. >"That good huh? Well you don't know the hell you've caused me."
  732. >"Do you know what it's like trying to keep the peasants calm while a princess is missing?"
  733. >He stepped into your field of view.
  734. >"No of course you can't you were to busy out partying in manehattan."
  735. >"Oh and what about that precious human you were with?
  736. >"What was his name? Ah yes Anonymous."
  737. >Your eyes widen and your mind races. How did he know?
  738. >"Ah...I see that name is familiar to you. Well he'll be punished soon enough, but first.
  739. >He waves over two guards.
  740. >"Take her to the special room I had prepared earlier."
  741. >The guards usher you to a large room in the underground parts of the castle where criminals were normally kept.
  742. >You come up to a large cell with no padding or commodities.
  743. >The guards push you in, lock the door and leave without a word.
  744. >You are alone again, no Anon to save you this time.
  745. >At least you have time to think.
  746. >How did you come to this, once princess now a prisoner in a place you called home.
  747. >A faint sound of hoof steps wakes you from your thoughts.
  748. >A shape resembling a tall charcoal colored mare with a dark cerulean mane fills your vision.
  750. >You are Anon.
  751. >And you are determined to save your mare.
  752. >But first you need some support or equipment.
  753. >But it's not like you could go around asking people if they want to save the princes of the Crystal Empire.
  754. "Hey, Pinkie would you be willing to help me save Cadence?"
  755. >"Sorry Nonnie but I’m not a fighter, you know that."
  756. >"I wish I could help though."
  757. "I understand, thanks again Pinkie."
  758. >You pat pinkie on the head and look for somewhere to stay for the night.
  759. >You can't save a princess while tired.
  760. >You stumble around ponyville for about an hour trying to remember your way around.
  761. >A voice calls out from behind you.
  762. >"Hey yo Anon, is that you."
  763. >Another familiar voice surprises you.
  764. >You could have swore no one would have remembered you but you turn around anyway.
  765. >You turn around and are met by a tall slender mare with an orange coat and a short purple mane.
  766. "Scoots?"
  767. >She lets out a small giggle.
  768. >"Good, I thought you had forgotten me.
  769. >She had a hint of bravado to her voice.
  770. >One that reminded you of a certain blue pegasus she hung out with back in the day.
  771. "How could forget about you, one of my only childhood friends.
  772. >"Yeah, so what brings you back to ponyville?
  773. "Well long story short somepony important to me was um..taken away from me.
  774. >"Was she your special somepony or something?"
  775. "Yeah you could say that."
  776. >There's a short awkward pause between you both.
  777. " do you know if there's any place I can stay for the night?"
  778. >"Sorry there's no hotels or anything around but you could come crash at my place for a little bit."
  779. "Really? Like no joke?"
  780. >"Yeah of course, we've got some catching up to do."
  781. >You head back toward her house.
  782. >The walk back was awkwardly quiet so you decided to break the silence.
  783. "So back to the subject of special someponies did you ever find one."
  784. >She looks back her face was now a rosy shade of red.
  785. >"Uuuh...yeah..uuum."
  786. "If you don't want to talk about it that's fine."
  787. >"No no no it's fine. My uhh..special somepony is."
  789. >She unlocks the door to her house and you are met with a familiar face.
  790. >"Howdy scoots and..."
  791. >You look into the house to see who the familiar voice is.
  792. >It's another mare slightly shorter than Scootaloo but with more toned muscle.
  793. >She has a strawberry red mane, yellow coat and a big pink bow in her tail.
  794. >You try but you can remember her name to save your life.
  795. >Something to do with apples.
  796. >"Anon is that you?"
  797. "Yeah hey Apple..."
  798. >AB:"Bloom, it's Apple Bloom.
  799. >AB: "Don't cha remember me?"
  800. "Yeah I do, sorry it's been a long day.
  801. "Hey Scoots can we talk for a sec?"
  802. >You motion to the other room.
  803. "Yeah sure, excuse us AB.
  804. >The two of you walk to the next room and close the door.
  805. "Is she what I think she is."
  806. >" yeah."
  807. "Huh really I never took you for the do I put this?"
  808. >"Yeah I get what you're saying."
  809. "Not that I care, glad you found somepony but how long have you two, y'know."
  810. >"I'll just say there was a reason I never returned your looks at the shelter."
  811. >The two of you leave the room and return to the living room.
  812. >Scoots goes and sits at the table and you take a seat next to Apple Bloom on the couch.
  813. "So, I remember there being three of you. If i may, what happened to the last one?
  814. >AB: "She's upstairs bucking her coltfriend."
  815. >S: "Bloom!"
  816. >AB: "What? She is and y’all know it."
  817. >Yeesh it's like you stepped in a landmine.
  818. >A few minutes later you see a white mare with a pink and purple mane stumble down the steps with a larger grey stallion.
  820. >They walk to the front door kiss and he leaves.
  821. >She turns around and looks straight at you.
  822. >SB: "Umm Bloom, Scoots you see him too right.
  823. >S: "Yes Sweetie it's Anon."
  824. >And off the couch you go.
  825. >What's with mares and tackle hugs in this town.
  826. "Hey Sweetie..It's nice to see you again too."
  827. >S: "So Nonnie, let's go to my room I've got something to show you."
  828. >AB and S: "Sweetie!"
  829. >SB: "What?"
  830. S: "Really? Your coltfriend left not even 5 minutes ago and you're already all over Anon."
  831. "Hate to interrupt, but can I get up now?
  832. >Sweetie Belle stands back up and takes her place on a bean bag in the corner
  833. >You all sat quiet and watched tv for about an hour.
  834. >Why did you never get one of these.
  835. >TV was awesome it was like reading but without the reading.
  836. >After some sappy movie where some mare was looking for her long lost sister the three of you dried your tears and got ready for bed.
  837. "So where should I sleep? I can just take the couch."
  838. >AB: "Now Anon you are a guest, you can take my room."
  839. "No it's fine, besides where would you sleep?
  840. >AB: "Ah can sleep with Scoots, I'm sure she wouldn't mind"
  841. >You look over to see Scootaloo blushing brighter AB's hair.
  842. >S: "Yeah she can sleep with me it's fine."
  843. >AB: "It's upstairs the last room on the right."
  844. "Night girls."
  845. >They all say good night in unison in return.
  846. >You walk over and put you head on the large white pillow.
  847. >And before you can think you're out like a light.
  849. >You wake up in a room different to the one you fell asleep in.
  850. >It's a some what plain room, white sheets, a big brown armoire and a dresser with a huge mirror.
  851. >On the dresser is assorted personal hygiene items some for colts and others for mares.
  852. >You get up and head down stairs to the smell of pancakes.
  853. >In the kitchen is a pink mare with a purple, white and pale gold mane.
  854. >Outside the window playing in was a small filly and colt.
  855. >The filly was a light pink with a tousled white mane and the colt had a light green coat.
  856. >You sit down at the table and the mare brings over a big stack of pancakes.
  857. >She sits them down and you get a good look at her face.
  858. >No
  859. >Why?
  860. >The world around you turns shatters leaving only you and her.
  861. >The tall pink mare gives you an huge smile stretched over bruised and bloodied features.
  862. >"I'm sorry Nonnie."
  863. "No it's..."
  864. >"I'm sorry Nonnie."
  865. "Stop it."
  866. >"I'm sorry Nonnie."
  867. >You break and the tears flow.
  868. "I'm sorry Cady, I really am."
  869. >"I'm sorry Nonnie."
  870. "Why wont you stop?"
  871. >"I'm sorry."
  872. >You scream.
  873. >Something, anything to stop this.
  874. >You wake up with a start to the feel of a hoof on your shoulder.
  875. >You observe the room around you and spot three sets of eyes.
  876. >You words are choked but you get them out.
  877. "I'm..I'm sorry girls."
  878. >AB:"Must've been a hell of a dream to make you scream like that."
  879. >SB:"Yeah you've never been one to do something like this."
  880. "Sorry girls, I'm fine.
  881. >you wipe the tears from your eyes and choke back new ones.
  882. >S:" Are you sure Anon?
  883. >The flood gates are let loose.
  884. "N-no, no I'm not.
  885. >Scootaloo climbs onto the bed and puts your head onto her chest.
  886. >She was so soft and warm.
  887. >You clung onto her like a scared filly clings to its mother.
  889. >You are Scootaloo.
  890. >And right now a dear friend crying into your chest.
  891. >You wave Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle out of the room.
  892. "Hey Nonnie."
  893. >You spoke quietly and calmly like Dashie used to when the world was too much for you.
  894. >He looks up to you with tear stains down his face.
  895. >You take a wing and carefully wipe the tears from his eyes.
  896. "What happened to you?"
  897. >"I don't want to talk about it."
  898. "Well you're gonna have to."
  899. >"Why...why does it matter?"
  900. "Because I care about you."
  901. >"Scoots it's just.."
  902. "I just want to know so I can help you, ok."
  903. >Anon sits up and wipes his eyes.
  904. >Both of you sit on the bed in silence for a moment.
  905. "I'm not going to sit by and let whatever this problem is torture you."
  906. >"I'm sorry Scoots."
  907. "It's ok, so what's all this about?"
  908. >He draws in a long breath.
  909. >"I don't think you'll believe me, even Twilight didn't believe me."
  910. "Try me."
  911. >He tells you this long fantastical story about how he found this mare who turned out to be princess Cadence.
  912. >He told you how he took her into his house and cared for her and how she was taken back by the guard.
  913. >You take a moment to soak in everything you've been told.
  914. >You didn't know whether or not to believe him at first."
  915. >But Anon wasn't the lying type.
  916. >He never had a reason to, so why would he start now.
  917. "Alright I believe you."
  918. >"Really, thank you, but.. I-I don’t know what to do. I feel so helpless."
  919. "Can we talk about this in the morning? I think the girls should hear this too."
  920. >"Alright sure, thanks again Scoots."
  921. >You get up and head for the door but are stopped by Anons voice.
  922. >"Hey um.. look, I know that this is a weird request but can you stay in here with me?"
  923. >It finally happened, something you've wanted to hear since you were a filly.
  924. >If only it was over better circumstances.
  925. >You walk back over and climb into the bed.
  926. >You scoot close and put a wing over him to keep both of you warm.
  927. >You are both out in seconds.
  929. >You are Anon.
  930. >And you slept like a rock.
  931. >No more dreams but you're starting to think life's better that way.
  932. >Scootaloo was so warm and soft.
  933. >You wished you would never have to get up but you had important things to do.
  934. >You reach over and rub scootaloo's cheek.
  935. "Hey Scoots, wake up we got stuff to do."
  936. >You talk to her through your gruff morning voice.
  937. >"Hey Nonnie."
  938. >This small interaction with Scootaloo spark a small fire in you.
  939. >You hoped.
  940. >No, knew one day you would have more of these mornings but with Cadence instead.
  941. >You get up and head downstairs to see Sweetie in the kitchen and AB on the couch.
  942. >SB:"Hey Anon, sleep well?"
  943. >AB: "Where's Scoots?"
  944. "She's still getting up, So what's for breakfast?"
  945. >She turns around holding a stack of golden, mouth watering pancakes.
  946. >She places them on the table and goes over to the stairs.
  947. >SB:"Scoots get your flank down here your boyfriend is drooling on the table!"
  948. >You didn't notice at first but you were and wipe your mouth.
  949. >S:"Shut up Sweetie I'm coming, just give me a minute!"
  950. >She finally comes down and you all eat.
  951. "So..Um I need to talk to you girls about something."
  952. >They all look over and you tell them the same long story you've been telling.
  953. >The girls all sit back and debate the information.
  954. >AB:"Sounds like a load of horse manure, but ah believe you."
  955. >SB:"If little miss honesty junior believes you then I guess I do too."
  956. >You look over to Scootaloo.
  957. >S:"You already know my stance on this."
  958. "Thanks but I don't know what to do, How am I supposed to save her.
  959. >Scootaloo looks to Apple Bloom and then Sweetie.
  960. >S:" Alright girls, we already have our cutie marks but lets do this one more time."
  961. >What happened next turned that fire you felt earlier turn into an inferno.
  962. >And in unison they all shout out.
  963. >"Cutie mark damsel rescue squad!!!"
  964. >You all sit back down with a giggle.
  965. "Thanks girls this means a lot, but how are we gonna do this?"
  966. >Sweetie gets up and grabs a sweater.
  967. >SB:"Come on Anon I got tons of favors to call in, I'll get you help in no time."
  968. >You grab your jacket and head out to town.
  970. >You are Cadence.
  971. >The creature in front of you steps out of the shadows.
  972. >It's clear that she isn't the every\day mare.
  973. >She has a crooked horn, insect wings, a crown, and her legs are full of holes.
  974. "Chrysalis!"
  975. >"That's Queen Chrysalis to you."
  976. "How did you find your way back in? We blasted you out of the kingdom.
  977. >C:"Ah yes the Oh So powerful love spell you tried to pull."
  978. >"Well you see you did blast most most of us out but 'most' is not all."
  979. >You see the light from an opening door in the background.
  980. >The light disappears and is replaced with Shining flanked by two guards.
  981. >C:"Ah hello beautiful."
  982. >He rubs his muzzle against Chrysalis' neck.
  983. "Shining, Shinning snap out of this you're under her control!"
  984. >SA:"Oh no I'm not under anyponies control."
  985. "Then why are you doing this, guards why don't stop him."
  986. "As Princess I command you detain both of them."
  987. >The guards are replaced with bright flashes of green flame.
  988. >When the flames died down, where two guards once stood there were now two small changelings.
  989. "Shining why? I thought you loved me, I thought our love was eternal."
  990. >SA:"Yes well Chryssi here offered me a much better package."
  991. "How? I offered you my love, me and my kingdom."
  992. >SA:"Well I get to keep all that and I can now have any mare of my choosing."
  993. "I thought you loved me, I gave you my everything!"
  994. >The tears in your eyes were more full of fury than sadness.
  995. "What would Twilight think?"
  996. >You should have picked your words more carefully.
  998. >You feel your body hit the far side of the cell.
  999. >SA:"You leave her out of this. None of this is her concern."
  1000. >Your body hurt like hell but you had no reason to stop him.
  1001. >Maybe if you made him angry enough he would end it all.
  1002. >You had nothing to lose, so you continue.
  1003. "Imagine how Twily would react to finding out her noble brother is nothing more than an abusive tail chaser."
  1004. SA:"I told you to shut up."
  1005. >His breath was shaky and uneven.
  1006. "What's wrong Shining, you can dish it, so why can't you take it?"
  1007. >He unlocks the cell and opens the door.
  1008. "Come on Shining, go ahead end it, end it all right here."
  1009. >You puff out your chest and prepare for the worst.
  1010. >For a moment you really did want him to end it, the pain and the constant worrying.
  1011. >And then you remember Anon.
  1012. >What would Anon do without you.
  1013. >He fought so hard for you and you would let it end like this.
  1014. >No, you wouldn't you couldn't.
  1015. >It's time to stand your ground and fight as hard for yourself as he did for you.
  1016. >You close your eyes, muster all the strength you could into one hoof and propel it forward.
  1017. >It connects with a loud crack.
  1018. >You open one eye to see the great Shining Armor sitting flat on his ass.
  1019. >He's beyond fury now.
  1020. SA:"I'm going to kill you!"
  1021. >You brace for impact but it never comes.
  1022. >You look up to see Shining engulfed in a green glow.
  1023. >C:"Now now darling you can't kill her. Her magic is far too valuable to me and my army."
  1024. >C:"You can always come back and have fun with her later."
  1025. >A guard comes and whispers into Shinings ear.
  1026. >SA:"Ah Chrysalis the reporters are here, lets go put on a show."
  1027. >Chrysalis flashes green and takes a bruised version of your likeness.
  1028. >They both leave blowing out the last torch in the cell room leaving you in complete darkness.
  1030. >You are Anon.
  1031. >And the cold air did you some good.
  1032. >Walking around and seeing the old sights really cleared your head.
  1033. >SB:"Anooon helloooo."
  1034. >Sweeties voice snaps you out of your trance.
  1035. >SB:"Did you get lost in that big head of yours."
  1036. "Oh hehe, yeah sorry."
  1037. >SB:"What were you staring at anyway."
  1038. >You look back up at the old decrepit school building.
  1039. >It looked like a demolition team started on it but quit half way through.
  1040. "Hey Sweetie."
  1041. >SB:"What now?"
  1042. "When did they close down the our school?"
  1043. >SB:"The day after you left some colts set it on fire."
  1044. "I was only gone for a day and the town fell apart that quick."
  1045. >SB:"Cute but no, come on we have stuff to do."
  1046. >You and Sweetie walk around town visiting stalls and vendors for about twenty minutes.
  1047. >It's clear either she forgot why you were out here or she had her own agenda.
  1048. " how exactly are fruits and vegetables help me save a princess?"
  1049. >SB:"Just hold on, you're not the only one with a huge shopping list."
  1050. >You crouch down to eye level with her.
  1051. "Alright look, I understand that you need food and stuff but don't you think a princess is just a tiny bit more important than having an empty stomach?"
  1052. >SB:"If you would just be patient you would know these ingredients aren't for food."
  1053. "What the hell else could they be for?"
  1054. >SB:"Well do you remember Zecora?"
  1055. "Oh yeah the crazy old zebra right?"
  1056. >SB:"Yeah well back when CMC was just the three of us we tried everything, including potion making."
  1058. "So, what kind of potion will it be?"
  1059. >SB:"You'd have to ask Apple Bloom that, she just asked for the ingredients."
  1060. "Wait, how does Bloom know how to make potions?"
  1061. >SB:"Yeah it's kinda in her cutie mark."
  1062. "Oh yeah, you girls finally got those."
  1063. "So what are they?"
  1064. >She rolls her eyes
  1065. >SB:"I got mine first in fashion like my big sis, next Bloom got hers in botany and chemistry."
  1066. "How about Scoots, its probably in showing off or doing tricks or something, right?"
  1067. >SB:"Actually she was the last to get one and she only got it two years ago."
  1068. "Oh, what's it in that she got it so late."
  1069. >SB:"Well since she was still a blank flank she started to work at the new orphanage since she understood how they felt."
  1070. "So what is she a psychiatrist or something?"
  1071. >SB:"Not quite but that's pretty close."
  1072. "Huh, did she ever learn to fly?"
  1073. >SB:"Nope, we found out she had some sort of rare deformity where the muscles in her wings never formed correctly so she couldn't."
  1074. >You take a seat in the grass.
  1075. "When did you find all this out?"
  1076. >SB:"The same month you left."
  1077. "I'm guessing she didn't take that news too well, huh?"
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