
Sadist Redheart

Jun 10th, 2013
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  1. >Day broken bones in Equestria
  2. >You are Anonymous, and the last thing you remember before waking up in a hospital is the ground racing up to meet your face.
  3. >Or maybe it was your face racing towards the ground.
  4. >Whatever
  5. >The hospital must be full and they put you in the Children's Ward, cause this bed is small as hell.
  6. >The handle turns, and you can only assume it's either your doctor or nurse. Did you mention you had a nurse fetish?
  7. >Stick with the classics cause you're a classy man.
  8. >The small door swings open, and in walks what you can only guess to be a tiny horse. Or a p0ny. Something like that. It's coat is white, with pink hair done up in a bun, with light blue eyes. Very huge light blue eyes that somehow didn't look weird at all despite the ridiculous size of them.
  9. >"I see you're finally awake. You've been unconscious for a week, and we were starting to fear the worst. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Nurse Redheart, and you'll be in my charge during your stay here."
  10. >By her voice you can assume she's female. She's not human, but she's still pretty enough so fuck the small stuff.
  11. "Mmmmhmh....hmmmm?!"
  12. >She continues on, seeming to ignore you mumbling through the bandages covering your mouth.
  13. >"I've never dealt with anything like you before, so it's mostly guess work and going by the anatomy of similar creatures. It seems you have four broken ribs, you broke your right arm, dislocated your left, broke both legs in a combined total of seven places, cracked your hip, suffered a mild head injury, a broken jaw, and massive bruising over a large portion of your body. Luckily, as far as I can tell, nothing life threatening." It's extremely faint, but there is the slight glint in her eyes and her lip curls only the slightest fraction as she lists off all your problems.
  14. >You only now bother to look down at yourself in numerous slings, casts, and wrappings. It's as if the acknowledgment of you condition is the greenlight for your brain to tell you how much you hurt. And you scream. It isn't a very manly scream, either.
  15. >Redheart doesn't even seem to flinch from it. In fact, she... she seems to be enjoying it.
  16. >"Now then, I had a bath scheduled for you a bit later, but since you're awake I think we can do it now." She leaves, a slight spring to her step, or at least you think, you weren't exactly sure what was a normal walk for p0nies.
  17. >Some time passes before she returns with a bucket of water, closing the door behind her.
  18. >"I'll need to change those head bandages soon, so let's just go ahead and remove them now, and we'll apply fresh ones after the bath."
  19. >She rests her hooves on the side of the bed near your head, leaning over you to remove the bandages with her mouth. You can't resist, and take a light sniff, hoping she doesn't notice.
  20. >She smells amazing. So focused on her scent, you don't hear or see her reposition one of her hooves, just above your dislocated shoulder. At least, you don't till it comes down.
  21. >The pain is sharp and immediate, but her hoof is slow to remove itself. "I'm sorry, you're different from my average patients, so I had to reposition to get to your head. I'll 'try' and be more careful." Her voice caries a bit of glee to it, and you're not too convinced on how hard she's going to 'try' and not hurt you more.
  22. >She goes back to trying to remove your head bandages, her chest in your face again. And again you can't resist. Damn she smelled wonderful.
  23. >There's a sudden tug on your bandages, causing your head to feel like what you imagine a watermelon feels at a Gallagher show, and you scream through the bandages. "Woops, the bandage caught."
  24. >Was she doing this on purpose? Or was she just a clumsy nurse? Had to be the second, no hospital would hire someone who enjoyed hurting others, right?
  25. >You decide not to tempt it and refrain from smelling her again, and the bandages come off without any further incident.
  26. >"Now that the bandages are off, we'll start by wiping your head off." She sounds disappointed, her smile gone as she turns around to fetch the sponge.
  27. >As she turns, her tail runs across your face lightly like a silk sheet and lays there. The sensation sends shivers down your spine, and causes Anon Jr. to rise a bit.
  28. >Redheart doesn't miss it, and though you can't see her face, her devious smile returns.
  29. >She turns back to you without warning with the soaked sponge in hoof, her tail again running across you face reinvigorating the sensation down your back and up your dick.
  30. >But then the fun stops as soapy water pours right into your open eyes. The burning itself doesn't hurt that bad, but the scream of surprise from it causes the pain from your jaw to kick in.
  31. >"Ooops, I forgot to tell you to close your eyes. Sorry, just endure it for a minute while we finish here, then we'll rinse the soap out." She isn't sorry at all. She's not even trying to hide the pleasure in her voice. You're convinced now that every time you enjoy something, she punishes you for it.
  32. >It takes her five minutes what should have been done in one, but she finally finished and washed the soap out. "Now, doesn't that feel better? Oh, I think I missed a spot!" She turns back, and you can see that evil, seductive tail make it's way back to you. The fear of what she'll do to you is overwhelmed by the anticipation of her touch.
  33. >But it never comes, stopping just short of you, wavering just shy of your face. "I noticed I kept hitting you with my tail, don't worry, that won't happen again." This fucking horse is denying you. "Now then, let's get that last spot and and I'll clean a bit...lower."
  34. >Reaction kicks in before reason as you bite your lip, which brings about a small dose of pain with it. Redheart giggles, and turns back to you with a small damp cotton ball in her mouth. She begins to ever so slowly bring her face to yours, as the cotton ball lightly grazes your skins as she dabs it just above your covered mouth. It takes all your willpower to not get a rise out of this, sure in the thought she'll make you suffer for it. But then she blows your will away. Literally.
  35. >Her nose rubs against yours, and you can feel her breathing ever so gently on you. You can't help but change you rhythm of breathing to inhale when she exhales, her smell intoxicating you. Her half-lidded eyes looking straight into yours. And even though you can't see it you can feel her grin that knows she has you.
  36. >She takes a deep breath and holds it. You know it's coming, and there's nothing you can do about it. Not that you would even if you could.
  37. >She releases her breath in one long, slow motion, and the act floods your senses. You become erect with enough force to shatter concrete. Once the breath is fully released, she slowly backs away from you, your eyes locked onto hers. There will be a reckoning for this, and it will be terrible.
  38. >She finally breaks eye contact with you as she turns back the the wash bucket. She lifts her tail and ass just enough to be noticeable. Her tail swishes back and forth, stopping just short of revealing her nethers on each pass. The pain of denial is worse than the physical pain you've endured so far.
  39. >What has this horse made you become?
  40. >Sponge in hoof, she looks at your erection. She says nothing as she moves down beside the bed, giving her tail one quick, long, swish to the side before turning to face the bed.
  41. >Your breath stops as you catch a momentary glimpse of her marehood. At this moment you could endure all the ills of the world for it.
  42. >But you'll have to settle for the ungodly pain as your leg is dropped from its sling onto the bed, your screams loud enough to wake the dead. You think you taste blood in your throat from the constant hard screaming you've been doing, your throat unaccustomed to the effort.
  43. >Redheart only keeps that evil, beautiful grin on her face as she moves under your sheet. Her entire front half hidden beneath the sheets, her hindquarters swaying back and forth seductively, her tail moving far enough to each side to completely reveal herself.
  44. >Just not to you since you're looking at her from the side, sending waves of frustration through your body.
  45. >You feel your hospital gown moved to the side, and the wet sponge presses against.
  46. >She moves the sponge up and down slowly, lightly touching you going up, and applying more pressure on the way down. It is pure torture, always stopping just before you can climax. The added feeling of her breath on you, knowing her face must be close but unable to see her only increases your excitement.
  47. >You squirm every time she stops, hoping to find some way to release, but there is no such salvation. And you can hear her giggling at your futile attempts.
  48. >After ten minutes of this and begging through your bandages, she then begins stroking hard and fast, seeming to finally give you the release you so desperately need.
  49. >But you know its a deception. She isn't going to give it to you. But with each stroke your rationale crumbles into the false hope that she will.
  50. >You're almost there. Just a few more strokes. Just a couple more strokes. Just one mo-.
  51. >She stops.
  52. >"There. All clean." She removes herself from beneath the sheets. You are screaming, anger, frustration, and desperation all mix into a jumble of 'mmmmmmm's'. This is too cruel.
  53. >"You seem frustrated. Is there something I can help you with?" That look on her face tells you she knows damn well what you want. What you need. She's grinning ear to ear, enjoying your suffering.
  54. >Enjoying her power over you.
  55. >The anger and frustration die out, there is only begging left in your mumbles. You eyes shift back and forth between Redheart and your raging boner.
  56. >She feigns shock, poorly. "Sir! I do not do that kind of thing! I'm a nurse, not some whorse!" If it were possible for her smile to grow any larger, it would cut her head in half. "However, you do seem to be suffering, and it is a nurse's duty to ease the suffering of others...." And now she's acting demure, poorly.
  57. > You don't know if you're going to love this or hate it, but you need it. If she actually gives it to you, you can endure whatever pain she inflicts on you. Hopefully.
  58. >"Very well, it's for the patient." She grabs a small pair of scissors from a drawer, and cuts the bandages away from your mouth. "Now then, what's my name?" Her eyes are full of mischievous joy, like a child playing his favorite game he knows he always wins at.
  59. "Nurse Redheart" It hurts to say just that much, your jaw still very sore and every movement was painful.
  60. >Instant regret. Her hoof presses into your shoulder as she brings herself up on the bed, looks down at you, her legs on both sides of you. The pain is so intense no sound leaves you throat.
  61. >"Wrong. Try again." She presses harder. All the fun is gone from her voice and eyes, replaced by sheer dominance. You've seen enough porn to know the answer, at least you hope to God it's the same answer here as it is back home.
  62. "M-mistress" You stammer after several large gasps, the pain is still monstrous.
  63. >"Good boy." She removes the hoof from your shoulder slowly. "But to get, you must give. I gave and gave and gave, but what have I received?"
  64. >You think about being a smartass, but that can only end badly.
  65. "N-nothing, Mistress."
  66. >"So very true. But I'm a loving and forgiving mistress. I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself." She turns around, and drops herself onto your body. And all four broken ribs.
  67. >You begin to scream as she thrusts her moist marehood over your mouth. The pain is too much to just stop as you continue to scream into her. She coos and moans, more from the pain of your scream than the physical stimulus on her nethers. Before you finish, she has already covered your face in her juices and howls in ecstasy.
  68. >Her breathing is ragged as she regains composure, "That make's up for what I've already given you, now give me more and I'll give you what you desire." She move her head for and takes you into her mouth, but makes no motion beyond that.
  69. >Her intentions clear, you get to work. Her weight already sending searing pain through your mind, you try to keep your jaw still as much as possible. This result is less than sub-par, and your Mistress makes that known to you. >She lifts a foreleg above your leg, and brings it down hard. The new pain coupled with the one you were already experiencing nearly blacks you out, and you wish it did. But it doesn't. And again you yell into her as she nearly drowns you in her as the torrent of fluids covers your nose and mouth. The gurgling and sputtering of you struggling for air only excites her more as she goes to work on you. Her head is moving quickly up and down your shaft, her tongue working its way all around you as. You nearing your limit already. The constant teasing, and God help you, the pain have increased your pleasure and excited you in ways you never imagined. She notices you're near, stops to focus on your head, her tongue circling like it was prey, and then digging the tip into your urethra.
  70. >And that does it. You cum in her mouth as she takes it all in. Your body convulses from the pleasure, which sends back a fresh wave of pain from your injuries.
  71. >Redheart gently and slowly gets off you, and comes face to face with you, looking into your eyes briefly before covering your mouth with hers.
  72. >You only briefly enjoy the kiss before you feel something enter your mouth, and its apparent what it is. You try to to spit it out or back into her mouth, but she clamps your lips closed with her teeth, and pinches your nose shut.
  73. >You try forcing your mouth open, but your jaw simply refuses to suffer the pain that would cause. With air running out, you do the only thing you can do, you swallow your own seed.
  74. >The taste is bitter, and you nearly gag. Once she sees it's down, she releases you and turns away.
  75. >"You did fairly well for a first time, and seem to be in good condition, all things considered. I'll see you tomorrow for your next checkup." Her tone and expression become entirely neutral, as if she just walked in for the first time.
  76. >Now that it all seems to be over, the obvious hits you.
  77. "Wait, how the hell did no one hear all this!? Why did no one come to see what all the fucking screaming was!? The hell kind of hospital is this?!"
  78. >That wicked grin returns.
  79. >"Whoever said you were in a hospital?"
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