
The story of the cloak

Apr 16th, 2014
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  1. Its a late winters night. its snowing slightly outside. we pan into a tight shot of a log cabin in the middle of a clearing in the woods. through the window we see mama an papa rose are enjoying a book together by the fire. coming closer in we see little ruby is laying down in front of them on the floor drawing on some parchment.
  3. a dull bang echoes inside the cabin. followed by a bright red light that slowly fizzles out. its a distress flare from a village near by.
  5. mama an papa rose get up simultaneously and reach for their weapons on the wall. papa reaches for his serrated shield with the family crest shining brightly upon its dull gray surface. before he can even remove it from its holds, mama rose places a hand on his shoulder and urges him to stay and watch ruby. how she made it across the room with that giant gray hunk of metal she calls a great sword he will never know. the large fully bloomed red crystal rose catches his eye for a moment, a recent addition to her favorite weapon.
  7. with a great deal of effort and complaints, mama rose persuades papa to stay behind. as mama rose reaches the front door a pair of small arms wrap themselves around her legs.
  9. "mama dont go, you still have to read me a story before bed."
  11. "dont worry sweetie, ill be back home soon." with a gentle smile she picks up the little ruby, gives her a tight hug, and hands her to papa. "mama will see you again very soon so be good for papa ok?"
  13. with that mama rose takes off into the snow covered field and is quickly lost from sight. little ruby and papa still waving her goodbye
  15. sadly its the last time either of them see mama rose again.
  17. mama rose reaches the village in near record time. her massive weapon not slowing her down in the least.
  19. its worse than she feared. the village is damn near overrun with more grim then she can count. the black twisted figures of every variety of forest creature flood the area. quickly accessing the battle field she gets to work with what she can.
  21. with a flash of gray the white cloaked tornado cuts a huge divide through the mass of grim before her. body parts and chunks of grim falling every which way evaporating into the smoky blackness from which they came.
  23. things are going better then expected. mama rose manages to find a few survivors in the midst of her grim slaughtering and manage to get them to a fortified position in the center of the village.
  25. a high pitched scream catches mamas ears while she is settling those she rescued into safety. two of the local hunters hear it as well and take off towards its location, not as fast as mama rose though who is already leaping from roof to roof far ahead of them.
  27. reaching where she thought she heard the scream mama rose spots a small pack of grim surrounding a petite girl with wavy golden hair. the child is doing her best to protect a man who looks to be her father given they both have the same lilac eyes. the man is badly wounded and lieing on the ground clutching his chest with one hand and trying to reach for his daughter with the other.
  29. the little girl infront of him is doing her best to fend off the pack of grim, but the damn beasts are just toying with her. knowing full well they could end this quickly and feast on them both with how shaky and unraveled their small opponent is. each of the pack taking turns bumping into and pushing around the blond.
  31. the grim are done toying with their food and go in for the final charge. mama rose makes it just in time and quickly dispatches the small hoard of monsters.
  33. the small girl drops to her knees thanking her rescuer and pleading she help her father.
  35. mama rose rushes over and tries to quickly stop the bleeding of the man. in such a hurry she didnt bring many supplies and uses the only thing she can to plug the gaping hole in the mans chest, her cloak.
  37. trying to secure the makeshift wrapping mama rose notices the man is still reaching desperately for his daughter. which was strange because she was sitting right next to her holding the mans head in her lap. she looks up at the girl and smiles saying "everything thing will be alright", when she sees the look of sheer horror on the girl. when the realization of what is going on hits her, its too late.
  39. mama rose is pierced from behind by a massive claw and slumps over onto the father and daughter below her. the spark from her eyes she had just moments before slowly fades as her blood drains onto the pair.
  41. as the great beast of a grim readies its next attack a hail of bullets and knives come flying out of the darkness. the two hunters from before have finally found where the scream originated from.
  44. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  45. little ruby looks out the cabin window longingly.
  47. "its ok my little rose bud, mama will be home soon. come here and ill read where mama left off."
  49. rubys melancholy face is replaced with glee as she bounds through the room and lands on papas lap.
  51. just as the story is getting underway, a loud thud comes from the front door. little ruby bolts off of papas lap and heads to the door and a break neck speed.
  53. Something is off though, papa notices. the low thud happens again, this time it sounds like something is scratching at the wall on the other side too. papa quickly comes to his senses and grabs his shield that was resting at the side of the couch. papas laziness to put it back will have paid off this time.
  55. ruby swings the door open wide without a second thought expecting to see her wonderful mama their with wide stretched arms.
  59. just as the door is fully open papas shield makes a gray blur across the room and plants itself firmly into the offending grim.
  61. ruby falls backwards onto her rear and papa rushes over to her side. quickly extracting his shield from the defeated grim he picks up ruby and prepares for the fight to come.
  63. grim begin to flood into the cozy cabin. coming in from all windows, doors, and even through the fireplace.
  65. papa knows the cabin is lost and turns around to retreat to safety with ruby held tightly in his arms.
  67. instead of seeing the open snowy field as normal however, papa is greeted with nothing but black fur and white armor plates. they are trapped.
  69. papa quickly maneuvers himself into a defensible nook in the corner of the cabin and puts ruby behind him.
  71. as the fight goes on it quickly begins certain that it is a losing battle. the grim keep flooding in without an end in sight. to make matters worse papas shield is starting to crack.
  73. one overly large grim manages to break its way into the house from where the door frame used to be. the other grim in the house slowly back off from their meal and give the new comer some room.
  75. with one swift blow the grim shatters papas shield. as it reaches back for the next attack papa dives backwards and curls up into a ball with ruby at its center.
  77. still smiling papa rose tells ruby "everything will be alright" over and over. suddenly his low soothing tones are silenced. ruby lets out one final horrified cry, then everything goes quite.
  80. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  81. the sun is starting to rise on the father daughter pair as they near the lone cabin in the middle of the clearing in the woods. wishing to pay respect to the family whos wife gave her life to save theirs just hours ago.
  83. as the cabin comes into eyesight its nothing like what they expected. the door is torn clean off. windows are all broken. nothing has been left undamaged.
  85. the two of them cautiously end the cabin. the sight they find is something neither expected to see. a single little girl is standing in the middle of the room with grim corpses completely surrounding her. cloths ripped to shreds, human blood spattered accros her face and body, standing perfectly still with a shard of her deceased papas shield in her hand.
  87. ruby sees the human pair, closes her eyes, and collapses in exhaustion.
  89. clutching the completely red cloak tightly the man speaks.
  91. "yang, we will take her with us. from now on shell be part of the family."
  93. with a sad smile, the little blond nods.
  95. "you hear that little sis? we are going to be a family now. you wont be alone any longer."
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