
Who ya' Gonna Call? Part 3: The Ghostbuster Who Deslimmed Me

Nov 8th, 2012
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  1. >You can hear the crowd's confusion as you make it past the threshold.
  2. >Usually you loved the attention of a cheering crowd, but not when it involved you being naked. You hated being naked in public. Especially after Atlanta...
  3. >You set the trap down on the small table, steam billowing from the yellow and black doors sitting atop the ingenious device. Frantically you search for something to cover yourself with. Where are those blankets?
  4. >Bingo! You take hold of the fleecy covers and sit next to the table.
  5. >Your teeth begin to chatter again, the adrenaline wearing off, as the icy fingers of mild hypothermia grasp at your flesh.
  6. >Well, on the positive side, you did manage to catch a ghost stark ass naked! That has gotta be worth a “Ghost Capture of the Week” award.
  7. >On the negative side, a p0ny got ghost bukakke'd because you weren't fast enough, and probably about half the town saw your naked. Also, you ran like a little girl.
  8. >A...Little...Girl.
  9. >Oh boy, Lisa is gonna laugh when she hears this one.
  10. >You turn your head to the door as Twilight and the slimmed p0ny walk in. The yellow pegasus is sniffling, as tears roll down her cheeks.
  11. >Getting slimmed is a terrible experience. Every negative emotion you have overwhelms you, and that vile ectoplasm feels like its violating your very soul.
  12. >You've been slimmed so many times in your career that you've lost count, but you'll always remember your first. And it'll always send a chill down your spine.
  13. >”Okay Anonymous. I need an explanation, now!” Twilight demands, her eyes wide with fear... Or maybe that was excitement?
  14. “Right. Explanation is coming... First, lets take care of your friend.”
  15. >You point to the yellow pegasus, then back to Twilight.
  16. “Please get a bucket and a towel.”
  17. >”Wouldn't it make more sense if she took a bath?”
  18. “Only if you want all that ectoplasm to clog the drain. Trust the expert here, Twilight Sparkle, you don't want that.”
  19. >Twilight releases an exasperated sigh as she walked into a different room.
  20. >You turn your attentions to the yellow pegasus, whose still shivering and sniffling.
  21. >Luckily, you had plenty of experience talking to people who've been slimmed. Lisa was abit too brash, Jethro was too scary, and Frank... Frank hated talking to strangers.
  22. >Just keep your voice low and calm.
  23. “Hey there, are you okay? That ghost got you pretty good.”
  24. >No sudden movements, just a calm, happy looking face and some soothing words.
  25. >She nods her head at you, her eyes still shut, and a whine escaping her throat.
  26. >Wow, must have really shook her up bad. You can't help but feel sorry for her.
  27. “I've been slimmed plenty of times, and it feels terrible. Come a bit closer and I'll start getting that nasty gunk off.”
  28. >She sniffled and whined again, slowly approaching you, her head still hanging low.
  29. “I know it sucks. We'll get you all cleaned up. I'm going to start wiping off the ectoplasm, is that okay?”
  30. >You can see her debate it in her head a moment, but she meekly nods, her body still trembling after the spectral assault.
  31. >You reach over and very slowly begin to wipe some of the sticky orange goo from her pink mane, flicking it on the floor.
  32. “I'm Anonymous, whats your name?”
  33. >”Fl-fl-fluttershy.”
  34. >You scrape off a sizable glob of the stuff off her nose.
  35. “Fluttershy? What a beautiful name. Your being really brave right now. Most people I know are hysterical wrecks after they've been covered head to toe in the ghost goo.”
  36. >Not necessarily true, but she's not the worse one you've seen. That award belongs to that one guy who was rolling around in a pile of spaghetti after he got splorged by that chef ghost.
  37. >She cracks the faintest of smiles as you continue to remove more of the sticky substance... Soon, you hear Twilight trotting down the stairs, and you glance at her from the corner of your eye.
  38. >Bucket and towel! Awesome.
  39. >”Alright, Anonymous. I got a bucket and a towel... Now what?”
  40. “Simple, wipe off the goo with the towel and flick it into the bucket.”
  41. >Twilight rolled her eyes, and begun to mumble something.
  42. >For the next fifteen minutes or so you two manage to get off most of the spirit jizism.
  43. “And done. Alright, why don't you get a bath? You'll feel so much better afterward. If you see anymore specters trying to get you, we're right here.”
  44. >Fluttershy nodded her head, and gave you the faintest of smiles. She was kinda like a little kid, cute in a way. You still noticed she was a bit apprehensive about leaving though. Time for the big guns.
  45. “.. You want a hug?”
  46. >You ask, and she nods her head enthusiastically. You glance over to Twilight.
  47. “Alright, group hug time.”
  48. >Twilight blinks, but smiles and comes in as you both give the traumatized pegasus a warm embrace... Which illicit a chorus of 'Awwwws' from the crowd of p0nies that was staring in from outside.
  49. >Twilight gives them a look, as her horn lights up and the curtains that decorated the windows shut.
  50. “Feel a little better now?”
  51. >Flutters nods her head, “Y-y-yes.”
  52. “Awesome. As soon as you're done getting cleaned up, you can tell me all about how you met that nasty little specter.”
  53. >And with that, she trots off to what you assume to be the bathroom.
  54. >You shiver again, wrapping the blankets tighter around your body. You can feel Twilight just staring at you expectantly.
  55. “Alright. I'm ready. Ask away.”
  56. >You expect an avalanche of questions. And Twilight does not disappoint.
  57. >”What was that thing? And what did it do to Fluttershy? And how did you capture it!?”
  58. >Alright... Might as well answer them in order.
  59. “First off... That thing was a class five wandering specter. A concentrated mass of raw emotion that forced itself into existence using psychokinetic energy... In a more broad sense of the term, it was a spirit. Or a ghost, if you like.”
  60. >Twilight was giving you the 'Bullshit' look. There is something amusing about a unicorn looking like she's about to call 'Bullshit' on ghost being real.
  61. >Before she could say anything you continued on.
  62. “Secondly, that thing covered your friend in negatively charged, psycho-reactive, ectoplasm. We call the stuff slime. When your covered in that gunk it causes your negative emotions, like fear and anger, to become much more intense. If you thought that thing was scary before, once you get drenched in slime your fear becomes so concentrated that your heart could very well stop. If your angry when you get covered, you get so pissed off that you start grinding your teeth into dust while shouting curses in languages that you didn't even know you knew! Its scary stuff, Twilight.”
  63. >Twilight's 'Bullshit' face has turned into the 'Well, I don't know if...' look. You continue on.
  64. “Thirdly. This.”
  65. >You reach over, taking hold of your proton pack.
  66. “Is a proton pack. We use these to weaken ghost and other spirits so they can be captured using these...”
  67. >You point to the still steaming ghost trap.
  68. “This is a ghost trap. That nasty little spirit that was floating around and terrorizing everyone is trapped in it, and it can't get out.”
  69. >...Now that you mentioned it, you now had a different problem. The ghost trap was designed to be a temporary containment and transport device. Sure, in theory, it could hold a phantom in it's confines indefinitely. But what if another ghost showed up? Maybe the locals had a way of dealing with these types of things?
  70. >Suddenly, another thought crosses your mind. You never asked where you were.
  71. “Hey... Where am I anyway?”
  72. >Twilight blinks, “Oh.. Well, your in P0nyville.”
  73. >...P0nyville. Yeah, they would name it that wouldn't they?
  74. “P0nyville's the country? Or just the local area?”
  75. >”Oh no no no.. P0nyville is the town. The country is known as Equestria!”
  76. >Makes a sense, in a weird sort of way.
  77. >You bet they even have a city names Manehattan.
  78. “Hey Twilight, random question... Is there a city called Manehattan by chance?”
  79. >She blinks and looks surprised, “Ye-yeah! How did you know?”
  80. “Gut feeling.”
  81. >About this time, you can hear a door close as the pegasus known as Fluttershy comes out, probably feeling a lot better now.
  82. >”You were right, Mister Anonymous. That bath made me feel sooo much better.”
  83. “Thats great... Now, how did you end up getting chased by that thing?”
  84. >”Well, I was about to go to bed when I heard something strange coming from behind the house. I thought it was an animal who needed help. Thats w-w-when I saw it.” She said softly, hiding half of her face behind her light pink mane.
  85. >So the spirit materialized behind her house, huh?
  86. “Have you ever experienced any other super-natural phenomena at your house?”
  87. >”I-uh-I-I don't think so... Do you think my house is...” She squeaks, “H-h-h-haunted?”
  88. >Uh oh. She looked like she was about to cry again.
  89. “No no no.. Probably just a randomly occurrence. But, if it makes you feel any better I could come by tomorrow and do a full check.”
  90. >You reach over and grab your PKE meter from off the the table, and turn it on... It beeps slowly.
  91. “You see, this allows me to track down ghost and other spirits. If there are anymore hanging around, this will help me find them.”
  92. >You wave it around the room, and it beeps louder when you wave it over Twilight. Wasn't as intense as when you first stumbled into town, but she's way above the baseline. For the sake of curiosity, you also wave it over Fluttershy, and she's also has more PK power than a normal human would. You'd have to do some adjustments later to account for this.
  93. >”Well, in that case I think we should get some sleep. After that excitement I'm exhausted.” Twilight says with a yawn, and begins to levitate the bucket full of ghost spunk while the towel scoops up the drippings off the wooden floor.
  94. >Ooooh, PKE spike! Her 'magic' must be causing it.
  95. >Fluttershy, who was eying your PKE meter, yawns as well “Me too. I feel like I've been running for hours... But, I can I stay here for the night? If thats okay with you, Twilight?”
  96. >Twilight looks over at Fluttershy and nods, “Of course you can.” And soon she finds herself getting a hug from the pegasus, “And your more than welcome to stay here for as long as you need to Mister Anonymous.”
  97. >Well, that is one question you didn't need to ask! Hooray!
  98. “Thank you, Miss Twilight... Also, don't throw out that bucket of slime just yet. We might need it tomorrow.”
  99. >Both Twilight and Fluttershy look like your talking crazy.
  100. >”...Why?”
  101. “This is gonna sound crazy, but I'm gonna have to sleep with it.”
  102. >...You know, the look on their faces was almost worth the flurry of questions...
  103. >But the prospect of positively charged slime was an opportunity that you couldn't pass up.
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