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Ebony Kingdom Session 5

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Mar 22nd, 2014
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  1. [3/19/2014 7:01:54 PM] TheWanderingZebra: We last left our heroes(?) when most of them had just learned something about their companion Aark, who may consider leaving the group with Darlin. If this division occurs, what will happen to our heroes?
  3. **Session 5: Begin**
  5. Marjani was escorting Dirge out to meet with the hunters to try and find an animal to feast on while he saw most of the group (Valiant excluded due to taking a nap right now in a hut) discussing with one another. Jengo appeared worried for Aark, but kept her distance, not exactly knowing what the old pony could do. Meanwhile, Sprocket had finally (by some mircle) reached over to Rough Ryder on for Darlin.
  6. [3/19/2014 7:03:38 PM] Dusk: "Ach...let's hurry this up, Marjani. Night isn't too far off, and I need some sleep before the raid." The griffon was swishing his tail impatiently as he follows the zebra tribal.
  7. [3/19/2014 7:06:46 PM] Punished Snake: "Tell ya what, gorgeous.. I'll let ya take cara me, ifn' I can take cara you." He offers a sharp smile to Amber.
  8. [3/19/2014 7:07:35 PM] Punished Snake: Darlin, a few feet away hops around Sprocket. "ROUGH RYDER! ROUGH RYDER!!"
  9. [3/19/2014 7:08:09 PM] Fordregha: Kivuli glances at the filly. "I think everyone heard you..."
  10. [3/19/2014 7:10:18 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: Amber just openly gapped at that comment. "...E-excuse me?!"
  11. [3/19/2014 7:10:48 PM] Schorcht: Cherry is dancing excidedly, waiting to do something with her new friends.
  12. [3/19/2014 7:10:49 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Marjani lead the griffin to a hut for him to rest in, simuliar to the one that Valiant was let into.
  13. [3/19/2014 7:11:49 PM] Schorcht: Cherry now sits down to listen to Rough Ryder herself.
  14. [3/19/2014 7:12:02 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Sprocket continued to broadcast the Rough Ryder radio show as Darlin listened, with a few zebras who were outside right now giving an odd look at the spritebot and whatever it was saying (as they do not understand Equestrian).
  15. [3/19/2014 7:13:03 PM] Punished Snake: Aark adjusts his hat. "Y'seem on edge. Jus' sayin'."
  16. [3/19/2014 7:14:25 PM] Dusk: Dirge was about to slip into the hut, but...oh, Egg. It was Aark, again, drawing attention. He still wasn't sure what was up with this pony, but he might as well head over. In case guns start going off.
  17. [3/19/2014 7:14:29 PM] Punished Snake: Darlin' spins about, and attends to her Raido show, vibrating with excitement.
  18. [3/19/2014 7:17:28 PM] Fordregha: "I suppose subtly or tact isn't something you've had a lot of practice with in your life?"
  19. [3/19/2014 7:17:35 PM | Edited 7:17:45 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "Th-that is hardly an appropriate thing to say to lady, especially with a foal present!" her right eye was developing a bit of a twitch. "Honestly, you stallions always have ONE thing on your minds."
  20. [3/19/2014 7:18:01 PM] Punished Snake: RR Show: 'Attend children of the wastes! for todays adventures of... ROUGH RYDER! In todays episode, we find out if Rough Ryder can get out of the haunted caves!'
  21. [3/19/2014 7:18:47 PM] Punished Snake: RR Show: 'I wonder if we can get out of these haunted caves..' A grizzled voice says. Darlin is starry eyed.
  22. [3/19/2014 7:19:27 PM] Dusk: "Damn it, is the dusty old coot making a pass, already?" Dirge grumbles as he finally comes within listening distance of the ponies. "That didn't last very long..."
  23. [3/19/2014 7:20:09 PM] Punished Snake: Aark scoffs. "Pfft. subtly is somethin foals with silly crushes do.. Tact is for combat."
  24. [3/19/2014 7:20:27 PM] Fordregha: "That's about the answer I expected."
  25. [3/19/2014 7:22:17 PM] TheWanderingZebra: "Um no, everything is fine ... I think." Jengo said to Dirge. "I think they just need some time speaking to one another." She then turns to Amber. "There isn't too many others that need to be tended right now, not serious injuries. I'll catch you later when you've finished speaking." She said as she walked over into a hut.
  26. [3/19/2014 7:22:54 PM | Edited 7:23:02 PM] Punished Snake: "I ain't here t' play games, or play cutsey shit.. Ya wanna ease tension, or have yerself a no strings attached fuck. come fin' me. Other th'n tha'. Don't chew mah ear about booze, smokes or chems..." Aark spits on the floor.
  27. [3/19/2014 7:25:44 PM | Edited 7:27:19 PM] Dusk: "Nah, you're here to bitch, gripe and complain; it's already getting on my nerves." Dirge clicks his beak in agitation. "If this is going to be the norm, then we the hell did we even bring you? The last thing we need is a liability, and from what I see that you're already going to become one, if you haven't already."
  28. [3/19/2014 7:25:50 PM] Punished Snake: RR Show: A soft-voice mare speaks, she sounds like a typical damsel in distress. 'But Rough, this place is spooky, and, as a mare, I'm so scared~ You'll have to keep me safe..'
  30. Rough Ryder speaks. 'Keep your wits about you, Humble! Anything could be about.. Now, lets see that map!'
  31. [3/19/2014 7:26:42 PM] Schorcht: Cherry listens intensly as the show goes on.
  32. [3/19/2014 7:26:51 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Most of the other tribe decided to ignore the group for now, wanting to get by their lives and what not.
  33. [3/19/2014 7:28:33 PM] Punished Snake: Aark faces Dirge. "You again? Listen here, egg-layer.. I'm REMOVING me an' Darlin' from liability.. gits like YOU!"
  34. [3/19/2014 7:28:49 PM] Punished Snake: Aark shoved Dirge with a hoove on 'YOU'
  35. [3/19/2014 7:29:37 PM] Fordregha: "Yes, I'm sure an ailing stallion and a little filly will have a much better chance in the middle of an unfamiliar jungle then with a group of people chosen for their skills."
  36. [3/19/2014 7:30:39 PM | Edited 7:31:03 PM] Dusk: Dirge lets out a menacing growl, clenching his talon as his tail stiffens up. "The zebra is right. We're not the problems, no matter what you think." He makes a couple of cracking noises with each claw.
  37. [3/19/2014 7:31:07 PM] Fordregha: Kivuli notes that he's still 'the zebra' in a village full of zebras.
  38. [3/19/2014 7:31:49 PM] Punished Snake: Aark adjusts his hat, and looks at the one-armed bird. "You gonna bark all day, little doggie? Or are you gonna bite?" He asks very casually.
  39. [3/19/2014 7:31:57 PM] Punished Snake: He then sips from a flask.
  40. [3/19/2014 7:33:11 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "Alright, enough!" she says going between the two. "Fighting isn't gonna help anything, and we're in a village as guests you can't just start a brawl in the middle of the village."
  41. [3/19/2014 7:34:08 PM] Punished Snake: Thr raido show goes on, with the hero and his timid mare frind seeking their way out of a cave, after solving a ghosts riddles. They leave the cave. 'Who'd have thought the answer to that riddle was 'Earwax' How'd you guess, Rough?'
  42. [3/19/2014 7:34:59 PM] TheWanderingZebra: "ENOUGH!" Marjani yelled to the group, frignten a few other zebras in the village as they hid from hearing Marjani yell. "Is this how you ponies deal with being together? Constantly fighting one another?" He said.
  43. [3/19/2014 7:36:19 PM] Fordregha: "You'd be surprised."
  44. [3/19/2014 7:36:50 PM | Edited 7:36:57 PM] Punished Snake: Aark just glances at Marjani, then back to Dirge.
  45. [3/19/2014 7:37:36 PM] Dusk: Dirge growls as he keeps on glaring at Aark. "If it weren't for this damned contract, you'd be lying in a ditch, with radscorpions to keep you company." He then turns to Amber, his menace fading just a bit. "Right...we'll deal with this crap, later. Just saying that we're going to be in for a rough trip."
  46. [3/19/2014 7:38:44 PM | Edited 7:39:00 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "Forgive us, we were simply trying to resolve something in the group, there won't be any more disturbances from us." she said turning to Marjani with an apologetic look on her face.
  47. [3/19/2014 7:39:13 PM] Punished Snake: Aark snickers. "Tha's what th' sheriff of Rustside said t' me....An' they foun' half of his body a week later..."
  48. [3/19/2014 7:40:41 PM] Dusk: Dirge smirks back at Aark, an odd grin on his face. "I'll be ready, then. I hope you like being picked clean by the wildlife."
  49. [3/19/2014 7:41:01 PM | Edited 7:41:21 PM] Punished Snake: "Right here, right now, lil' Doggie." Aark smiles, almost a friendly smile.
  50. [3/19/2014 7:41:07 PM] TheWanderingZebra: "... It's like the Hunter and the Shamaness when the first were together. Hope that it improves later, or else will you all be lunch to a wild pack of hyenas." Marjani said. "I'm going to prepare for the assault on the slavers. When the time comes, meet me near the village enterance. And if you don't want to help, don't bother staying here for too long." Marjani said as he went into a hut.
  51. [3/19/2014 7:43:06 PM] Schorcht: Cherry's ears perked for a moment, then she went back to listening to the radio.
  52. [3/19/2014 7:49:58 PM] Punished Snake: RRS: 'Of COURSE, Humble! I'd solve any riddle, we have to get back to Copper City, and save it!'
  54. 'Now that we know that the mayor is up to no good!'
  55. [3/19/2014 7:51:45 PM] Punished Snake: Darlin' perks up. "Aark! Have you ever been to Copper City?"
  57. Aark looks at the young mare. "I, uh.. Copper City? Why?"
  58. [3/19/2014 7:52:24 PM] Punished Snake: Darling pops up. "That's where Rough Ryder lives! Can we go there after this, and maybe meet him?"
  60. Aark just blinks, unsure how to respond.
  61. [3/19/2014 7:52:37 PM] Schorcht: Cherry gasps. "The mayor did it!?"
  62. [3/19/2014 7:53:21 PM] Punished Snake: Darling looks at Chrry, wide eyed. "The maryor is a bad ol' stallion! He wants to puts stuff in the water!"
  63. [3/19/2014 7:53:57 PM] Fordregha: Kivuli is tempted to ask who is writing this crap.
  64. [3/19/2014 7:54:59 PM] Dusk: Dirge lets out a snort. He couldn't believe this old pony, using the filly to divert the heat. "Fine...are you coming with us, or not? Because if you're not, then you might as well go back to Equestria."
  65. [3/19/2014 7:57:24 PM | Edited 7:57:54 PM] Punished Snake: Aark takes his hat off, and looks at Dirge, using his hat so Darling cant read his lips. "Don't think ah'm done with you. I'd shatter yer wings if'n not fer th' kid.."
  66. [3/19/2014 7:58:03 PM] Schorcht: Cherry gasps again. "Why?! That's just mean!" She asks Darlin
  67. [3/19/2014 7:58:55 PM] Punished Snake: Darlin nods. "He wants to create a PROBLEM that he can FIX! So he can be some kind of ruler to the city!"
  68. [3/19/2014 7:59:17 PM] Dusk: Dirge lets a predatory grin creep across his beak. "I'm counting on you trying, old fart. At least I can watch you hobble back to the ship, kid or not."
  69. [3/19/2014 7:59:44 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "Oh good grief." she mutters rolling her eyes.
  70. [3/19/2014 8:00:24 PM] Schorcht: Cherry raises a hoof to chin and slowly nods. "Ah... I see... hmmm.. intersting."
  71. [3/19/2014 8:01:38 PM] Punished Snake: "Listen to me, you piece of SHIT-- I ain't goin' back to Equestria! I CAN'T go back!"
  72. [3/19/2014 8:02:21 PM] Fordregha: "Then stop trying to die in the jungle. Or at least stop trying to drag the filly with you."
  73. [3/19/2014 8:02:40 PM] Punished Snake: "Watch yer fuckin' tone.."
  74. [3/19/2014 8:02:51 PM] Dusk: "Let me guess. You did some things that pissed off a LOT of poor ponies. Like what you're doing to us, now. Only it was worse."
  75. [3/19/2014 8:03:50 PM] Punished Snake: "Darlin' and I are a team." He ignores Dirge's comment. "We stick together, she's been FINE with me fer the last few years......"
  76. [3/19/2014 8:04:32 PM] Fordregha: "That was in Equestria when you knew what things were. This is Zebrica. Things are different. Deal with it."
  77. [3/19/2014 8:07:12 PM] Punished Snake: "Things are th' same fer me an' th' kid. And you leave her outta sight, and outta mind.. Unnerstan? Darlin' is OFF LIMITS."
  78. [3/19/2014 8:08:45 PM] Fordregha: "I'll try not to think about her corpse lying half eaten next to yours."
  79. [3/19/2014 8:11:17 PM] Punished Snake: Hearing that, Aark suddenly tackles Kivuli.
  80. [3/19/2014 8:11:31 PM] Punished Snake: "Yousonova--!"
  81. [3/19/2014 8:15:28 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "Enough Already!" she says grabbing Aark in her Telekinesis and holds him a few feet away from Kivuli. "This is getting ridiculous, you're grown ponies and zebras act like it! Aark, no one is trying to take Darlin' from you, as long as you're genuinely taking care of her then that's comfort enough; Kivuli, I understand where you're coming from but that was uncalled for; Dirge, PLEASE let it be for now so we can atleast focus on the task at hand."
  82. [3/19/2014 8:16:02 PM] Punished Snake: Aark is catching his breath.
  83. [3/19/2014 8:16:40 PM] Fordregha: Kivuli groans a bit, rolling back onto his stomach.
  84. [3/19/2014 8:16:41 PM] Dusk: Dirge grumbles as he turns away from Aark. At least it wasn't him that had the stallion went after, first.
  85. [3/19/2014 8:19:40 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "Look, we don't HAVE to be friends but we need to atleast cooperate so we can finish this job, fix the ship and go home." "If that means, helping out a few random citizens here and there to make our lives and this job a bit easier than so be it; besides as long as the ship is in ruins, we're not going anywhere."
  86. [3/19/2014 8:21:04 PM] Dusk: "Then it's your ass if he messes everything up for us, Amber." At that, Dirge pads back over to his hut. "Wake me up when you want to leave, I'm getting tired of this, anyways."
  87. [3/19/2014 8:21:49 PM] Punished Snake: "..." Aark gives pause.
  88. [3/19/2014 8:22:00 PM] Fordregha: Kivuli gets to his feet, brushing some dirt off his cloak.
  89. [3/19/2014 8:22:10 PM] Punished Snake: "Slavers, was it?"
  90. [3/19/2014 8:22:25 PM] Punished Snake: Just like that, Aarks temper seems balanced out.
  91. [3/19/2014 8:24:20 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "Yes, and we'll be leaving soon to deal with them." she says canceling her spell and letting Aark down. "Do you think you'll have everything you need ready by then?"
  92. [3/19/2014 8:25:04 PM | Edited 8:25:09 PM] Punished Snake: "How many?" He quickly asks.
  93. [3/19/2014 8:28:22 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "That's actually a good question." she says looking towards the others. "Did they tell you how many during the meeting with the elder?"
  94. [3/19/2014 8:28:45 PM] Punished Snake: "And where are they?"
  95. [3/19/2014 8:33:09 PM] Dusk: The griffon yawns as he starts to go to sleep on the rough sleeping pad. It wasn't the best thing he's slept on, but better than the dirt.
  96. [3/19/2014 8:33:54 PM] Fordregha: Kivuli stretches, starting to head somewhere he can wait for them to move.
  97. [3/19/2014 8:34:13 PM] Punished Snake: "Do we know where they are?"
  98. [3/19/2014 8:35:36 PM | Edited 8:36:05 PM] TheWanderingZebra: "There were seven of them before." A zebra colt who had been eavesdropping on the group behind a hut for a while in curiosity. "But, I think we took two of them down. Are you all actually going to get rid of them?"
  99. [3/19/2014 8:36:58 PM | Edited 8:37:40 PM] Punished Snake: Aark spits on the ground. "Reckon so."
  100. [3/19/2014 8:38:31 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "So, only five of them?" she pondered. "I wonder why they've had a hard time with so little a group?"
  101. [3/19/2014 8:40:00 PM] Punished Snake: "..."
  102. [3/19/2014 8:40:13 PM] Punished Snake: Aark looks at Amber. "Could be a cell."
  103. [3/19/2014 8:40:44 PM] Punished Snake: "As in, they may be a smaller d'vision of Slavers, working from a bigger gang.... Trust me. Ah know slavers."
  104. [3/19/2014 8:43:38 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "Hmm, that does sound like something that they'd do." she has a hoof on her chin. "We should probably just focus on terminating them as soon as possible then, maybe they'll have some good loot in their camp that we can make use of." "Or even better, some clues to the Ebony Kingdom if we're lucky."
  105. [3/19/2014 8:44:18 PM] Schorcht: Pays no attention due to Rough Ryder being such an awesome radio show.
  106. [3/19/2014 8:44:44 PM] TheWanderingZebra: "Bado! Stay away from them dear." A zebra mare said to the young zebra colt, dragging him away as he protested.
  107. [3/19/2014 8:45:05 PM] Punished Snake: Darling too listens to the Raido program too.
  108. [3/19/2014 8:47:33 PM] Punished Snake: Aark watches the young zebra get dragged away, as he places tobbaco chew in his mouth,
  109. [3/19/2014 8:49:39 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Kivuli eventually finds a place for him to wait nearby at larger hut where he could see a few dead animals kept in there for feeding the tribe. He could notice a blood stain that appeared to have dried off awhile ago, perhaps from the fight from the slavers?
  111. The sun seems to begin coming down if anyone were to watch the sky, seeing the sky turn a bit darker now.
  112. [3/19/2014 8:53:14 PM] Punished Snake: "We should strike tonight. Wastin' no time..."
  113. [3/19/2014 8:54:11 PM] Dusk: Dirge snores loudly, the griffon taking advantage of a stable place to sleep, after the few days of that bed in the ship.
  114. [3/19/2014 8:56:51 PM] Schorcht: Cherry gets up and rubs her eyes from her quick nap. "Right. Lets all get ready to go"
  115. [3/19/2014 8:57:09 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Eventually does Rough Ryder end on a cliff hanger, whatever could happen on the next episode? Sprocket simply hovers for now, beaping to Cherry.
  116. [3/19/2014 9:00:09 PM] Punished Snake: Darling vibrates. "Ohhhh- but I cant wait to see what happens to Rough Ryder!"
  117. [3/19/2014 9:01:43 PM] Fordregha: Kivuli eyes the corpses, but thinks nothing of it, sitting down near the hut to wait.
  118. [3/19/2014 9:01:54 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "Alright let's head to the town center, glad I did my maintanence work on my rifle today."
  119. [3/19/2014 9:02:30 PM] Punished Snake: Aark is laying on his back, hat over his eyes, chewing tobbaco slowly
  120. [3/19/2014 9:03:07 PM] Schorcht: Cherry flies overhead waiting for that other zebra to lead us somewhere.
  121. [3/19/2014 9:03:36 PM] Dusk: Dirge finally gets up from this little mat, stretching out his wings before checking his gear. "Good night for a hunt." He heads out the hut, finding the gathering group.
  122. [3/19/2014 9:04:52 PM] TheWanderingZebra: About two hours have passed waiting, when eventually the entire sky is covered in Luna's night. Dirge could find Kivuli near the hut he was near. Marjani could be seen waiting out of the village enterance.
  123. [3/19/2014 9:07:10 PM | Edited 9:07:13 PM] Punished Snake: Aark is waiting nearby with Darling.
  124. [3/19/2014 9:08:02 PM] Dusk: Dirge smirks as he heads for the entrance. This should be fun, taking out a few slavers.
  125. [3/19/2014 9:08:26 PM] Fordregha: Kivuli sees Dirge and gets up, following him.
  126. [3/19/2014 9:08:27 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: Amber Sun awaits at the enterance with her rifle slung over her back and ready to fight.
  127. [3/19/2014 9:09:04 PM] Schorcht: Cherry goes to find 'Prince' Valliant and lands on her. "Hey you! Geeet up!"
  128. [3/19/2014 9:09:20 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Sprocket follows Cherry, making little beaps as it hovers close to Valiant's face.
  129. [3/19/2014 9:10:20 PM] The Custodian: The alicorn whines and curls up trying to ignore the zebrasus
  130. [3/19/2014 9:10:59 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Sprocket keeps beaping close to Valiant, attempting to act as her ... his ... it's alarm clock.
  131. [3/19/2014 9:11:33 PM] Punished Snake: Aark pulls himself up.
  132. [3/19/2014 9:11:35 PM] Schorcht: Cherry stands on top the alicorn and blinks. "Time to go! Don't you hear the alarm!? It's slaver butt kicking time!" She smiles.
  133. [3/19/2014 9:11:37 PM] The Custodian: "Five more miinnuuuuteeesss" she keeps whining, no trace of the haughty 'noble' accent
  134. [3/19/2014 9:12:31 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Marjani greets those whom came towards him at the village enterance. "Good. So you are going to help. I'm waiting for everyze ... everyone else to make it here before we go."
  135. [3/19/2014 9:12:35 PM] Schorcht: Cherry dramatically falls over on the larger pony. "Hurryup!!" She just lays on Valliant now.
  136. [3/19/2014 9:12:38 PM] Punished Snake: Aark and Darling are talking quietly, privatly.
  137. [3/19/2014 9:13:30 PM] The Custodian: The alicorn suddenly tenses up followed by a bit of mumbling before Cherry is picked up by a telekinetic field and dropped nearby "Thank you for awakening me. I assume its time to go?"
  138. [3/19/2014 9:14:24 PM] Schorcht: "Yesh!" Cherry says as she takes a pose with a hoof risen. "Lets get goin' shall we?" She trots off slowly towards the entrance of the camp.
  139. [3/19/2014 9:14:36 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Sprocket beaps as it follows Cherry.
  140. [3/19/2014 9:14:44 PM] Dusk: Dirge grins as he flexes his talon, looking out into the jungle. " about we start, soon?"
  141. [3/19/2014 9:15:20 PM] The Custodian: THe alicorn gives her a nod although she seems somewhat distracted as she rejoins the group
  142. [3/19/2014 9:16:14 PM] TheWanderingZebra: "That's the plan." Marjani said as he took notice of Cherry, Sprocket, and Valiant joining. "Good, you've all made it." He then turned over to Aark and Darlin. "And are you bringing her with us for this? Rather dangerous for a filly her age."
  143. [3/19/2014 9:17:14 PM] Punished Snake: Aark looks at Marjani. "Can't leave her b'hind. Ain't safe doin' that either..."
  144. [3/19/2014 9:19:08 PM] TheWanderingZebra: "If that's what you insist. But know that she can be in danger. Let's go." Marjani said as he placed a spear to his back as he led the group to the slavers. "Their encampment was found awhile ago by one of our scouts. My suggesting would be to sneak as far as we could to their shelter and launch a surprise attack. If they happen to all be sleeping, then this would make our job more easy."
  145. [3/19/2014 9:19:35 PM] Fordregha: "Sounds like a good plan. Fast and quiet."
  146. [3/19/2014 9:19:54 PM] Schorcht: Cherry scrunches her face. "Kill sleeping ponies?"
  147. [3/19/2014 9:20:04 PM] Punished Snake: "Done that before."
  148. [3/19/2014 9:20:27 PM] Dusk: Dirge shrugs. "They tend to fight the hardest when they just woke up."
  149. [3/19/2014 9:20:34 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "Not much of a stealth pony, but i'll do my best."
  150. [3/19/2014 9:21:24 PM] The Custodian: "Not the most honorable thing, but then again, these are slavers. THey dont deserve the courtesy of a fair fight"
  151. [3/19/2014 9:22:31 PM] Fordregha: "That, and they won't be shooting at us."
  152. [3/19/2014 9:22:41 PM] Schorcht: "But they deserve a chance. Can't just go shooting ponies in their sleep. That's wrong." Cherry shakes her head.
  153. [3/19/2014 9:23:03 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Marjani leads the team through the vast jungle, occasonally looking down on the floor or tree for something. "The jungle here can mostly assist in hiding, especially at night."
  154. [3/19/2014 9:25:30 PM] Punished Snake: "We're doin' this fast, co-ordinated, and quiet. In pairs. Dirge, yer with Amber, I'll go with Valliant."
  155. [3/19/2014 9:26:50 PM] The Custodian: Valliant regards the stallion for a moment "VEry well"
  156. [3/19/2014 9:27:26 PM] Fordregha: Kivuli looks at Cherry. "I suppose you're with me."
  157. [3/19/2014 9:28:17 PM] The Custodian: "Provided you can be professional then im fine with it. However I fight up close and its not a place for you and the filly"
  158. [3/19/2014 9:29:00 PM] Punished Snake: "You pay Darlin' no minmd. She knows what to do. She's been in worse places with me."
  159. [3/19/2014 9:29:13 PM | Edited 9:29:21 PM] Dusk: "Right...go in, take them all down quickly, and make sure it's quiet."
  160. [3/19/2014 9:29:24 PM] Schorcht: Cherry blinks. "Yeah! What Aark said!" She nods slowly.
  161. [3/19/2014 9:30:12 PM] Schorcht: "Take them down? Ah! To the center right? Then we can talk them out of slavin' and to give us their stuff and we all leave without blood shed" Cherry jumps a little.
  162. [3/19/2014 9:30:21 PM] Punished Snake: It can be noted, Darling hasn't said a word so far.
  163. [3/19/2014 9:31:09 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "...Cherry, do you know what "Take Them Down" means?"
  164. [3/19/2014 9:31:35 PM] Schorcht: "To funky town?..." She asks truly.
  165. [3/19/2014 9:31:44 PM] TheWanderingZebra: "I'll be with Cherry then." Marjani says. "We're getting close."
  166. [3/19/2014 9:31:48 PM] The Custodian: Valliant regards their guide "How much further are they?"
  167. [3/19/2014 9:31:59 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: Amber facehooves.
  168. [3/19/2014 9:32:13 PM] Punished Snake: "Voices low." Aark advises
  169. [3/19/2014 9:32:41 PM] Fordregha: Kivuli is apparently on his own. "I can scout out the camp if you'd like."
  170. [3/19/2014 9:33:13 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Marjani nods and speaks quietly to Kivuli. "Go ahead."
  171. [3/19/2014 9:33:16 PM] The Custodian: Valliant frowns and ducks behind a tree before pulling out her blade and touching it with her horn as she casts a spell
  172. [3/19/2014 9:34:00 PM] Punished Snake: Aark looks at Kivuli. "No, change of plan. Kivuli, you're with Cherry, Marjani, you hang back and spot targets with Darling."
  173. [3/19/2014 9:34:38 PM] Fordregha: Kivuli now has a partner. "If you say so."
  174. [3/19/2014 9:35:08 PM] The Custodian: She then casts another spell on her armor before returning to the others
  175. [3/19/2014 9:37:08 PM] The Custodian: "These spells have a time limit, lets move now" she hisses
  176. [3/19/2014 9:37:28 PM] Dusk: Dirge slinks slightly. Sneaking wasn't his thing, but he was going to try, anyways. "Amber...let's go..."
  177. [3/19/2014 9:38:01 PM] The Custodian: The alicorn wont even bother trying to sneak... Come and get her!
  178. [3/19/2014 9:38:06 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Marjani nods. "Alright, we'll keep an eye out." He says as he follows Cherry and Kivuli, with Sprocket following Darling to keep her safe.
  179. [3/19/2014 9:39:06 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: "Right behind you." she follows behind the griffon.
  180. [3/19/2014 9:39:09 PM] Schorcht: Cherry is uneasy. "We aint shooting them in their sleep right guys?" She whishpers.
  181. [3/19/2014 9:39:20 PM | Edited 9:39:25 PM] Punished Snake: "Sure we are." Aark says.
  182. [3/19/2014 9:39:21 PM] Schorcht: "Cause... that's fucked..." She grimaces.
  183. [3/19/2014 9:39:33 PM] Fordregha: Kivuli looks at her. "No. We'll stab them if possible. Save the bullets."
  184. [3/19/2014 9:39:42 PM] Punished Snake: "Even better."
  185. [3/19/2014 9:40:09 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Eventually you find the jungle clearing a bit as everyone can notice a campfire smoke coming outside. Upon looking around the place could they notice that there were only two tents made with a cooking pot sitting on the campfire they made.
  187. So far there were three zebras, one equiped with a spear while the other two were equiped with pipe rifles. They appeared to be speaking to one another.
  188. [3/19/2014 9:40:43 PM] TheWanderingZebra: The camp is surrounded in the jungle that the group was hiding in (if they wanted to hide).
  189. [3/19/2014 9:40:47 PM] Punished Snake: Aark pauses.
  190. [3/19/2014 9:41:00 PM | Edited 9:41:02 PM] Punished Snake: "We can get a diversion going."
  191. [3/19/2014 9:41:03 PM | Edited 9:41:11 PM] Schorcht: Cherry stops in her tracks and shakes her head, not following.
  192. [3/19/2014 9:41:12 PM] Fordregha: "Attack from multiple sides?"
  193. [3/19/2014 9:41:44 PM] The Custodian: "I got one, be prepared to come in"
  194. [3/19/2014 9:42:06 PM] Punished Snake: "I got one too."
  195. [3/19/2014 9:43:06 PM | Edited 9:43:29 PM] Punished Snake: "Papa, what about non-fighters?"
  196. [3/19/2014 9:43:26 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Marjani keeps on the look for anything suspicious around the group.
  197. [3/19/2014 9:43:41 PM] The Custodian: "Let me correct my statement. I am a distraction. NOthing they have appears capable of harming me" she says and arrogantly steps out and drops her shield "Come at me you mongrels!" she yells, sword held out in challenge
  198. [3/19/2014 9:44:35 PM] Punished Snake: "Idiot!!" Aark yells at Valliant. "And /I'M/ the liability!?"
  199. [3/19/2014 9:44:47 PM] TheWanderingZebra: !
  200. [3/19/2014 9:44:47 PM] TheWanderingZebra: !
  201. [3/19/2014 9:44:51 PM] TheWanderingZebra: !
  202. [3/19/2014 9:44:52 PM] TheWanderingZebra: !
  203. [3/19/2014 9:45:01 PM] Fordregha: "Well there goes the whole 'kill them sleeping' plan."
  204. [3/19/2014 9:45:38 PM] Schorcht: "This is much better!" Cherry smiles. "Now we can figure out who is bad or not"
  205. [3/19/2014 9:48:55 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: Amber hears Valiant's voice shouting out from her and Dirge's position. "So much for stealth."
  206. [3/19/2014 9:49:49 PM] Dusk: "Well, shit...time to go in hard."
  207. [3/19/2014 9:50:01 PM] Punished Snake: "Just b'cause they gotta gun, don't mean they're bad." Aark corrects Cherry.
  208. [3/19/2014 9:50:30 PM] Schorcht: Cherry smirks. "Exactly"
  209. [3/19/2014 9:51:16 PM] Punished Snake: "Take it from a bad guy."
  210. [3/19/2014 10:02:07 PM] TheWanderingZebra: The three slavers stop whatever discussion they have among each other and are on the high alert. As Valiant charges like the brave hero/idiot that she is does her right forehoof get caught in bear trap, getting stuck before she could even finish getting to the slavers. And mind you, it's extremly sharp enough to pierce armor.
  211. [3/19/2014 10:05:54 PM] The Custodian: The alicorn gives an annoyed yell but remains stoic.
  212. [3/19/2014 10:12:43 PM] HoloDiskJockey F.: Amber, spotting three slavers within eyesight, had readied her rifle and began aiming for the closest one available. She silently curses as two of her shots missed but was glad at least one had hit home.
  213. [3/19/2014 10:16:53 PM] TheWanderingZebra: The closest slaver that Amber could spot managed to avoid the two shots from the recharger rifle, spooked out for a moment at what he was just attacked by, and while he thought this did he not pay head to the third bolt that struck him. He managed to survive, but not without cursing under the burning pain he received.
  214. [3/19/2014 10:28:19 PM] The Custodian: The alicorn will remain there trying to get unstuck, her hornshining as she tried to telport out of it somehow
  215. [3/19/2014 10:29:05 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Yet sadly the sheering pain on the alicorn's hoof prevents her from concentrating for now. She can feel her blood pouring out.
  216. [3/19/2014 10:42:53 PM] Schorcht: Cherry's eye twitches momentarily as she breaks from her quick conversation with Aark, and her smile is replaced with a scowl as she takes to the air. She takes aim at the two unwounded ponies and tries to shoot at both of them twice.
  217. [3/19/2014 10:43:52 PM] TheWanderingZebra: However, Cherry's handy dandy gun Zaps glitches out on her as she could see sparks momentarily on her gun before they disappear, without firing a single shot.
  218. [3/19/2014 10:46:56 PM] Schorcht: Cherry growls throught her gritted teeth and hits the top of her gun, unglitching it.
  219. [3/19/2014 10:52:03 PM] TheWanderingZebra: Will our heroes manage to defeat the slaver threat? I guess we'll find out next time.
  220. [3/19/2014 10:52:10 PM] TheWanderingZebra: **Session 5: Complete**
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